38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Hi left!

Krasa, holy follies batman!!!! No wonder you are feeling run over by a Mac truck. But it will be over very soon and you will have so many. What size do they consider harvesting? I would love to have that bike. My sis bought a Peloton stationary bike which sounds similar and loves it.

Pothole, I can only imagine how last night's news hit you hard since you and DH work with those with special needs. It is all so awful.

Wish, white lion!!!!! Such a hard decision I am not sure what I would do either. However you symptoms sounds still so amazing!

Hi to everyone one else and happy Friday!

So.......seriously my first period since June had FINALLY arrived!!!!! :wohoo: I spotted last night and even DH was excited. Lol! Perfecto timing to get CD3 labs before my plane on sun, clomid while I am traveling for work (I cannot get too snippy with DH over the phone), and then the IUI the week after. I am so excited and PMA this will work and will be a sticky bean.

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend. We are getting our Christmas tree today so time to kick of Christmas.
I say test tomorrow! If it's not the news you want, it won't ruin your birthday, if it is the news you want you'll have time for it sink in and get that bonus prize of the beta results on your birthday. Plus, I'm just dying to find out! :)

Yay for AF Mdc!!! Hopping on the baby express that's about to run through here, choo choo!!
Test tomorrow, defo!
Mdc, yay for AF finally! I'm so glad for the timings :)

Afm, I'm cd11 and bored of waiting to ovulate. I did an opk just now and it's totally white. I've also not had any fertile cm yet and that usually starts a few days before. I'd hoped for Sunday, but could be as late as Tuesday. Part of me wants it to be later because it means my cycle length will be back to 28 days, which seems better somehow. Then again, the quicker I ovulate, the quicker I get to have a bfp... We're seeing the consultant next Thursday, so finally get to start things going on the assisted conception route, if necessary, in the new year.
Quick update-I don't have full follie specifics yet, I'll post those when I get the report back. We are triggering tonight, retrieval sometime Sunday morning. They measured 21 or 22 today, 36 total now. Several over 20mm. They didn't do the E2 since they decided to go ahead with the trigger.

Trying to get work ready to be gone next week-I'll update more fully later.

Hugs to all my ttc sisters!
I am so excited its Friday and i have a 4 day weekend. Its been a busy week at work but gladly i got a chance to catch up with you ladies today.

Mdc- Yay AF came at the right time! Now we are back in business. I hope this is the first and last time you will use clomid. You are on your way to your BFP.

Wish- mmmh i dont know what i would do on testing if i were in your shoe. We are here to celebrate your BFP and your birthday though. I just have massive faith this is it!

Holly molly Krasa- you are the mama of follicles. I am so excited for you. Things are working out. Sending continued positive thoughts the rest of the journey.

Pothole- seems like you have a mini chemist at your place. But for the right reason. Happy stimming.... Dont know if theres anything like that. I pray for good results.

Ellie, i also had a stark white opk. Am CD 14. I will test again tonight. Cycle buddies and hopefully bump buddies.

Left, Sugar, Dandi- Hows the going?

Well, nothing much happening with me. Just going to take it easy this weekend and continue with my bd schedule, making sure i enjoy it too.

Enjoy your weekend ladies.
so much going on, I love it! stimming, welcomed AFs, preggos galore! Except for those just patiently waiting...;) I love that you girls all have the same level of patience as I do. DH thinks I'm completely insane when it comes to waiting for things. I am, I can't hide it.

mdc - where are you heading next week? I have to go back to Cleveland since this week was such a sh*tshow, but only overnight thankfully.

Happy Trigger Day, Krasa!!! Good luck on Sunday - you'll do so great! Are they putting you completely under? I'd think so, esp with that many. Enjoy your glorious 20 min nap. :sleep: Please don't fret about quality and all that - it is what it is right now.
Here's my 'prep' talk for you - You'll hopefully get an egg from each follie but most likely some will be empty - prepare for that.
Then some of those will not fertilize.
And some of those that fertilize won't develop well or will fragment.
This is all OK and expected and that's why it's so awesome that you have 36 going strong!! Your chances of a handful or more of awesome embies is SO HIGH!!! You'll be able to transfer however many you're planning on plus freeze some for future use (if that's what you're electing to do) and to use those, you don't have to stim again! So this one cycle is setting you up for quite a few, if needed.

star - enjoy your BD-full (sounds like 'beautiful') 4-day weekend! I get one of those next weekend, I can't wait.

so any sort of symptom is gone - the pulling must have been gas or coffee or something earlier! so annoying. Anyway, going to pick up my tests for tomorrow. I'm actually so tempted to test tonight just to see. If it's a BFN, I always have tomorrow. If it's a BFP, then I got it a day earlier! SEE! no patience...

Have a great weekend everyone! I wish you all were going to be at my party tomorrow night!
Wish, I am full on in the test now camp.
Krasa, I look forward to the report, and the post on how you feel post retrieval. Our current projected retrieval date is 12.13, so you'll probably have your betas back before I have my transfer. I'm cheering for you girl!
Ellie, I am so glad you are so close to your appointment. I hope you and DH are really comfortable with the doctor and staff. That helps so much.
Star, happy BD!
Mdc, you too!!!
AFM, the headache and stomach issues from yesterday have mostly abated. Today's issue is that I want to eat ALL OF THE THINGS. I ate all flipping day. This is going to be a very munchy protocol.
hahaha pothole, all the things. I've had days like that recently. My straining seams are starting to show the results.

welp - i picked up my box o' FRERs. one digi and one liner. Dying to use them right now.
sucks b/c my hopes are built up again and it could just be a wah wah wahhhhhhh... trying to keep both the positivism and realism in check. Dandi - i'm pulling a 'you'. ;)
Ellie's O....come on now get with the program...mama doesn't want to wait much more :haha: I am excited to hear how you appt goes next Thursday!

Krasa, holy crap that is a lot of follies. Not sure I have heard 36 before...you are going to be set for a whole brood of kids!

Star, yeah enjoyable bd schedule! Cannot wait until you are in your TWW!

Wish, test test test! Not that I am pressuring you though. :haha: I am still totally convinced it will be a sticky BFP! I am so going to be staking this weekend. I am headed to lovely Newark on Monday and then Providence until Thursday. So excited bc I get to fly on the private jet from NJ to RI, bc the big wigs are at this meeting. I have never done that. Too bad the trip is like a whole 23 minutes, and not a long haul. [Insert me pointing at myself here] Geez, spoiled much.

Pothole, so glad you are feeling better. I am also ravenous today, I am eating everything in sight. Ugh!
Wow things are heating up in here! I'm so excited for everyone.

I went to my infertility church group and announced yesterday. I hadn't been in 2 months and it turns out 2 others are preggo too now.

Ladies I really think the solidarity and likemindedness of groups like that one creates positive outcomes. I know we will all be preggos very soon b/c we are just as close as they are if not more so b/c we talk daily.
Hope everyone has a good weekend. I have a Special Olympics bowling tourney to coach Sat. Morning but then I get to relax.
Negatory. I'm ok. We are Prob going to try one more time and call it.
I'm out picking up breakfast, I'll write more later.

Krasa - forgot to tell you (the docs will too) - drink lots of Gatorade after the retrieval. And I heard McD fries are good for the bloat too! Good luck!!!
Boo, but it might still be too early. Maybe just wait for the beta on Monday now.
I'm really sorry xxx

Afm, ovulation should be tomorrow or Monday, but no sign. Nothing. No ewcm and the opks are as white as they ever are for me, just a barely perceptible line. I'm trying not to get too worried, but it would be my first anovulatory cycle since I started charting and would clearly be a problem. Just glad I'm finally seeing the consultant next week. She might order day 21 bloods to confirm...
Boo! Still holding out hope for the beta test though! If not, I have complete faith in the next round. It's worked before, it's going to work again. :hugs:
Ellie, you're going to feel so much better after seeing the consultant and getting some answers. Hang in there!
There's still a chance Wish. Hang in there.

Ellie it's good you see the consultant soon. Also it could just be a late ovulation.
Wish, oh I am so so sorry! I agree there is still hope but I know you must be frustrated seeing that today. Biggest :hugs:

Ellie, cycle can be wonky every once in a while. Hopefully O is right around the corner and I am sure your appt will go great.
Aw, Wish. Sending you a huge :hugs:. How disappointing for you-I'm still hoping for a surprise for you at beta. I agree with Dandi though-you knocked it out of the park once, you can do it again. You still have one in cryo, if I'm remembering correctly? You got this-just keep your spirits up, and I know how tough that can be. And thank you for your prep/pep talk and all the advice you've given since I arrived in IVF-land. DH ran to costco yesterday and picked up a case of gatorade, so I should be good there. That may be the only time anyone has ever said anything about McDonald's fries being GOOD for bloating! I think it is the sodium. Supposed to go heavy on both sodium and protein afterward, I read. So here's a guilty confession. I love beef jerky. There is a little place not far from where I live that makes their own, and it is awesome. I stocked up on that this morning too. That should take care of the sodium requirement!

Pothole, too funny about the cat!! I know just what you mean, my furbaby that passed away this summer was a diabetic as well. Good for you for taking such good care of him/her. Hope you are still feeling well and doing fine with the stims. You'll transfer a month or more before me if you're doing a fresh cycle-we're doing a freeze-all for PGS so won't transfer till late January, probably. If we have anything that comes back normal.

Mdc, Yeah! for AF cooperating for once in her miserable life. Glad your scheduling worked out!

Ellie, for some reason my O right before I started seeing my RE was later than normal too! I am glad that you are going to see the consultant, it will set your mind at ease a bit, I think. You will start to see a plan come together, and that always helps. You won't feel so at the mercy of fate.

Star, woohoo for a four day weekend filled with BDing!! Sounds like a great way to spend the time, especially if O is right around the corner.:thumbup:

Sugar, Left, Dandi, anyone else I may have missed-Hi! Hope you are having a great weekend so far.

afm, I STILL have not gotten an ultrasound report back yet from yesterday's scan. It probably doesn't matter much at this point, meh. Triggered successfully last night. The clinic has you POAS the morning after trigger to make sure it was absorbed ok. It was. It kind of made me sad, because that was the only time in my life that I've ever seen a stick with two lines. Oh well. I'll do my best to pop on tomorrow afterwards and give an update.

Love and hugs to all you wonderful girls.
Pothole, I forgot to mention the cat inj thing was hilarious. My cat used to have DM also. Oddly enough we switched to all wet food and pulled up the dried and it went away. So weird I guess it can go away for cats.

Krasa, best of luck tomorrow and I am hoping for lots and lots of big eggs! I also love beef jerky. There is someone that makes it here locally also and they sell it at the farmers market. We even got some to add to our welcome gift bags for our wedding guests. Ummm, I should get some more today.
ellie - dang it!! I hope O gets here soon for you!! waiting and waiting and waiting. It's like a full time job during TTC. If only we got paid for it!

thanks for all of the love, ladies, it means sooooo much. But I'm pretty sure it's still going to be negative on Monday. That would be 16dpo. I don't think today at 14dpo is too early. It wasn't even a squinter and I went back to check it 3 times after.
They would have called me in to test today if it wasn't on a weekend, and if it was a negative, they wouldn't have me come in 2 days later, yanno?
I went out shopping for new outfit for tonight and ended up with 3! :) a little retail therapy never hurt anyone. Now to pick which one to wear!

mmmm beef jerrrrrkyyyyyy

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