38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

HAHAHA! the food talk is cracking me up! orange rice cakes?? no no for me. I throw out orange flavored stuff if it's in a multi-pack. Like skittles - right out the window!

mdc - ;) you're T-R-O-U-B-L-E. any news from the RN? they need to make you a priority now, dammit. :grr:

Good luck tomorrow chipie!!! COME ON, FOLLIES!!! WE NEED YOU!

Star, I agree with Dandi - your beta is going to be through the roof.

ellie - I love reading that you've now strapped yourself with some solid research and you feel good about next steps. We're with you all the way! Get rid of those mini-Woody Harrelsons and Juliette Lewises!!

omg, has anyone seen Trainwreck with Amy Schumer yet? holy cow, it was funny. There's mention of Tarantino in it and I cracked up when I read it.

dandi - you need to find us on FB too! And Sugar, if you're lurking!

ok, yes - I totally recall my boobs hurting me on the BFP round but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. My left one was hurting when I was stimming so I'm trying to count that out. But my right one seems to be catching up. When I took my bra off to shower this afternoon (lazy, no good, work-from-home...), they both hurt when they hit gravity (and i'm not a big'un).

Also, just got a call this evening from my brother-in-law, who literally just PHYSICALLY met his now-fiance last month (she's in the Philippines, he's in Vegas and they've been online dating), to tell us she's preg. I am really happy for him but he doesn't understand that the pee is LITERALLY (yep, being redundant) not dry on the stick yet and he's making announcements. So much can happen. But I'm happy for him right now.
In other news, I think I've told you all that my FIL has seen a medium before, to cope with his loss of my MIL? Well....she has told him numerous times that there will be 2 grandchildren, very close together - like boom 1, boom 2. And the October/November-ish timeframe is going to be a very happy one, all related to children. So either he's having twins OR....maybe we're up to bat. Oh, or the 3rd option and maybe she's a complete fraud that should be in jail. :shrug:

This is the stupid stuff that gets in my brain!
Five follicles now. One more each time I go! The original four are 17, 15, 11 and 9. And I've got a totally new one on my good side at 11. They've written off the 9 but they're hoping to get the two at 11 up to a good size leaving me with 4 good ones. I reckon I'll end up with 3 good ones all on my left side because the two on my bad side just aren't growing. Egg collection on Monday. EEK. They said it's a really good response for someone with my AMH so I've gotta be pleased.

Any news Star?

What's the deal with your brother in law Wish?!? That sounds interesting. My Uncle met a lady from the Philippines just before he died and she took all his money and had him cremated without telling anyone. Not to say that has anything to do with your situation!
Am hungry after reading all these food posts!

Heading home from the clinic. They will call me later today with results.
I will update after. Gnight all. So sleepy.
Chipie I forgot to congratulate you the good scan. The follies did listen to us! Hoping the rest catch up.

Will do personals when I wake up. Can't think right when am sleepy.
good morning!

star - can't wait for the update!

chipie - my BIL has a slight learning disability, or that's what he was 'diagnosed' with in his childhood. DH and I think he might be on the autistic scale in today's world, though very slight. He's totally independent and such. However, he doesn't necessarily pick up on interpersonal cues and certainly has no earthly idea about allllll of this conception stuff, to the extent that we do (hell, I'm sure most people don't). But he's got a heart of gold but is very naive and that is always taken advantage of by the girls he meets - he's just a target. So one of the ladies that he works with set him up with her niece, who is a Filipino girl working in Jordan, has her own career/money/is independent. They seem to have hit it off, have been talking via skype/phone for well over a year and seem to have fell in love. He just went out to the Philippines to meet her and her family for the first time and everyone seemed to love him and he them. He proposed and he's submitting the paperwork to get her over to the States hopefully by the end of the year. Meanwhile, he's going to move back home to NH, so that's where they'll live. He dated another Filipino girl before this one and she was DEF out for his money and a quick ticket to the US, but we (the family, on FB and such) were all over that and warning him and telling him to beware. So he was a bit wiser going into this one. We hope, anyway!

mdc - how was acupuncture? I hope it made you melty. I'm heading to mine in 15 mins. Can't wait. Our cat has had us up every night in the middle of the night for about a week now. I need a good, solid nap!

Looks like I am heading back out to CA next week for 2 days. Unfortunately midweek and no time to meet up but hey, I get the CA sunshine for a couple of days!! WOO!
Wish, I cannot believe your bil and fiancé are preggo. I hope it works out for them since he seems like such a nice guy. I am totally calling you are the other baby!!! Any other symptoms today? Acu was great as always. She is glad that I got the IVF approval and said she is really going to 'work' on me to get everything ready for ER whenever the heck it happens. Sorry I will miss you this time and I will be in RI so we can wave in the air :haha:

Chipie, I hope all the follies continue to plump for Monday's ER. Yippee! Are you transferring a fresh or doing frozen?

Star, cannot wait to hear the news! I totally spaced....how many embies did you put back?

Hi everyone else!

So no news from my RN so she is on my call list today. I know someone that just went through IVF with my doc and they recommend bed rest for 2 days! Does anyone else have that? Don't get me wrong a day of Netflix sounds awesome, but sounds a little old school. However, I will do what ever they say to get me preggo. So it is a short week for DH and I. Instead of a big vacation we decided to do a bunch of short ones starting this week. We are headed up north to a sleepy little town. They have wine tasting (of course you know me :winkwink: ) and we are going kayaking/hiking on Thursday. I have never kayaked so it should be fun. I am ready for some R&R just to reset with everything going on.
your weekend sounds amazing, mdc!! enjoy it as much as possible. Kayaking is fun, good workout. River, lake or...? We've kayaked in a lake and ocean - the ocean is really hard! And please, PLEASE, drink some wine for me!

right? can you imagine if this medium ends up correct?? I hope. My boobs are starting to kill, I love it. They feel a bit swollen too. Also, and total TMI but whatevs - when digging out the crinone (sorry, chipie!!), it's a little tough to get in there. Things are pretty swollen, which happened before too. But if I'm being honest, it's happened on BFN cycles too so I'm not sure what I'm reading into here. And my cervix is WAY up there. But I know that that can change by tomorrow.
I guess all symptom spotting boycotting is out the window, eh?

I haven't heard of 2 days of bedrest. I have heard of one, then back to work the next day. But even that is considered old school now as well. BUT, that's what I did this time around, for the first time. I took off the day of ER and the day of ET.

my acu was wonderful too. We talked about what's next as well - I'll continue with her weekly if I'm preg but if I'm not, I'll stop unless we're doing another cycle. Which I don't believe we will be doing. So I guess it would just be a 'treat' like a massage, and only happen every so often.

OMG, I didn't even talk about chipie's follies!!! I'm so sorry!! I'm SO HAPPY that they plumped up for you!! By Monday, you'll have some really good ones, for sure. 5 days for those little ones to get in the game. If they grow 1-2mm/day, that's definitely enough time! Keep hydrating!!
When are we supposed to be bed resting MDC? No one has ever mentioned that to me and I've had initial consultations at three clinics. Although to be fair, I love a good bed rest so I might take all of next week off!

Ah Wish thank you. Yes am hydrating away like mad! It doesn't sound at all like your BIL is getting scammed so that's good. Must be love then for sure. Hope it works out for them and their baby is healthy. And yours is number two obvs. Great symptom spotting. Can I ask pls how many days between ER and et for you? And how long after is your beta? Yes TMI on the crinone :) but I guess I've got to do that soon?! (FX we get that far)

I've just been to acupuncture too and he said we should have a session the day before and the day of ET which improves chances apparently. I'll try anything
you might, if you have to do progesterone. I think there are at least 3 ways to do it - crinone, which is an injectable gel, PIO shots that go in the butt, or a suppository. I am happy with Crinone!

So I transferred 2 days after my retrieval b/c I only had one. I was on a '2/3/5 flex' schedule where they figure out how many embies there are and how strong they are and make last minute decisions on when to transfer. We did a 2-day b/c I only had one so they want it back in it's natural habitat ASAP. More commonly, if you have multiple embies, they try to have them make it to day 5 b/c if they can survive outside of your body that long, they are typically very viable.
Then beta is 12 days after that, or 14 days from the retrieval. AKA 14dpo. So in IVF-speak, today I'm 6dp2dt, which is 6 days post 2-day transfer.

agreed on the acu before and after! Mine said the same so that's what we did. And bed rest the day of the transfer.
And eat/drink all warm things or nothing colder than room temp, to keep the abdomen warm.
And....eat pineapple core around implantation days.
And wear socks to keep your feet warm.
and keep taking your prenatals!
:rofl: I'm doing all of it this time!
My clinic instructions are to minimize activities for the next 48 hrs after ET. They also want us to resume normal activities after those 48 hrs to increase blood flow to the uterus. Complete bedrest is not necessary or recommend. I only rested for that one day of ET because the valium they gave me was still making me drowsy.

My beta results are back. 370. I am so happy!
Heading to work now. I will catch up later. Have a good evening everyone.
That's really good info thanks Wish and Star.

And Star, I don't know good levels at beta but I'm going to assume that's amazing! So massive congrats, super pleased for you!!!
Star that is a wonderful beta number! You must be so thrilled!!!
hooray, star!!! that's a great number!! do you go in for another one in 2 days?

chipie - are you starting to feel those little follies plumping up yet? don't fret if you don't - my last sonographer and I were talking about it and she said it really just depends on how the woman is built. Oh, and meant to say too (and they'll tell you this) - have a couple buckets of gatorade ready for after the retrieval. The follicles immediately want to fill back up with fluid and I think the electrolytes help with the bloat. And I've heard it's the one time it's ok to have McD's fries! :)

dandi - is it V day??
Wish, my ovaries hurt all the time now. I can't believe I wished for this at the beginning. It doesn't help that I'm sat at my desk all day in jeans that are now too small for me. Can't wait to get home and put comfy clothes on. Next few days is definitely Project Plump those Follies time
Thank you all ladies. Am cautiously optimistic. But for now am enjoying the good feeling. I do not want to think much on tomorrow. Just taking one day at a time.

Wish, yes my next beta is in 2 days. Yours is coming up too? Sending "bfp vibes" your way.

Hello everyone else.
chipie - oh GOOD! glad you're feeling them! It's comforting, i think. But yes, if I couldn't work from home in my yogas, I'd be very uncomfortable. I'm so excited for your ER!

star - lovely - enjoy the good feelings!
yep, beta is Monday. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to test early this weekend or not. It'll be 10/11dp2dt by then, plenty of time to know about a BFP, I would think.
Chipie, have you tried the hair tie trick for jeans? I remember Kiley (a graduate from this thread) basically you tie it around the button and loop it threw the hole (my description is horrible but google it :haha: ) and it extends your waistband a bit. So glad you can feel your follies though.

Wish, I am so excited for Monday or earlier...not that I am encouraging early testing...ok maybe I am :winkwink: Do what is best for you, but I really think this is your baby!!!! Kayaking is on a river and we should be going with the tide so it should be easier. Although I want some exercise.

Star, you are such a force of calmness and optimism. You got this and I am still so over the moon for you!

So I am still bleeding a bit on CD5. Wow that is a record for me, and hopefully it means my lining grew a lot this month! Maybe acu is helping :wohoo: Not sure if I typed this before. So my acu person asked if I was going to try this month naturally and I am a bit on the fence. I am leaning toward no. My fear is that if I do get preggo and something happened I am back to square one and have wasted time to get some young frosties. Man, how morbid is that thinking now that I see my thought process. Oh well, DH is maybe out of town during O so it may make the decision for us. Off to the gym early so I can get it in before we head out, but I will be stalking!

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