38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Star, I am so happy that you got to see the HB and that is the first big step! Left is right spotting can be from anything. However it is scarier that poop. Take it easy and keep saying I am pregnant with a heartbeat!

So Opk was positive yesterday afternoon although temp is still a tad low, but should jump tomorrow. So far getting to step one on the baby train Sugar and Dandi are the long time conductors, Star is the newbie, and Pothole and Ellie next . All aboard. :haha:
Thanks Left and Mdc. I am taking it easy declaring that am pregnant with a heartbeat:)

Mdc- you are getting close. I sure do hope you do not get delayed. Do you have an idea of what protocol the clinic will have you do? When you start the stims, everything will go fast.

Chipie- How are you doing? I am sorry DF do not want to pay. He may change his mind later. I am glad you have the wedding to occupy your time now.

Ellie- I hope you are almost getting close to O then you will be done with doxy. All the best this.
I had positive opk today, so am off the doxy!!! BD schedule gone well, woke DH up at 6am today for a quickie since his stepmum is staying with us from tonight for a few days. I had a temp rise today but I think it was a false one and I reckon today was o day, maybe even tomorrow.

Star, I'm so happy for you about scan and heartbeat :)

Mdc, I'm crossing my fingers that you get on the train super soon.

Pothole, I hope you are all recovered from the FET now. Stick little one(s), stick!
Happy Friday girls. Hope you have good weekends.

Ellie, glad you've finished the horrible doxy and it sounds like you're on track. Crossing my fingers for you!

MDC yes get on that baby train!

Star, congrats on the little heart beat. It must be all so nerve wracking. I'm sure that little one is doing great. Wishing you both well, keep us updated.

Hi Wish.

Pothole, how ru feeling? Hope you've recovered well and are looking after yourself.

I've been busying myself with wedding prep which has taken my mind off things. I'm not thinking at all about ttc at the mo which is a nice break. Having the worst period pains tho, am in agony. But at least she came this week rather than next when I'm on my hen do- behaving herself for once.
Chipie, sorry about the cramps, but glad she is cooperating. The least she can do if has to come.

Ellie, hope all the BDing is going well!

Star, hoping the rest helped and the damn spotting is staying away.

Hi to everyone else!

So O I am hoping will get confirmed on Sunday if my temps keep rising. I am fairly certain I did O but ahhhhh the agony of waiting!
Yea, thank goodness is Friday.

Ellie- Glad no more doxy:) keep on with that bd schedule. Fx this is it!

Mdc- waiting is the hardest part. Sunday will be here before you know it!

Chipie- l am sorry about the cramps. You have about 2.5 months before your big say. I am so happy that you have something occupying your mind. Do you have the dress already?

Afm, l did spot again this morning but trying so hard to take it easy. Just taking one day at time.

I hope you all have a good weekend.
Star, this is me yelling at the spotting source 'damn spotting leave her alone!' You are right one day at a time, but seeing the HB is a huge first step. Sending positive vibes to you and LO.
Yes it's not long is it Star!! July 9th :). Will be here before I know it. Just been finishing off the last of the evening invites this morning. When I get back from my hen do the week after next, I'm going up to Manchester to see my parents and pick up my wedding dress from a shop up there where I bought it. I'll try it on on the Thursday and then they'll do some alterations then I'll be able to bring it home on the Saturday. EEEEEK. SO excited.

And this is also me shouting at the spotting to stop. Enough now pls!!! Hope you're having a nice relaxing weekend anyway
Hi, all! Hope you're well. Just wanted to join your "small company". I'm 40 yo with a long fertility journey. After years of trying, failed cycle and one ended in early miscarriage got devastating news last year. (Our next step had to be egg donation). March has ended for us with 1st app in Ukrainian Biotexcom clinic, where we've booked the program of 5 shots. A very attractive offer for a very reasonable price. So this is our cycle#1 with donor eggs.
Love our donor's profile - they've fulfilled all our requirements. Our donor has 3 healthy children herself - this is the case of absolutely proven fertility - lol.
The process is going smoothly for us. We like the staff very much - really caring and understanding people. I'm taking meds, have adequate rest, preparing for better - fingers crossed!! Wish you all a nice weekend, lovelies xx
Welcome Regin. It sounds like you are starting a positive step and I hope it all goes well. Things are often very quiet on this thread at weekends so don't worry if you don't get many replies for a couple of days.

Hi to the rest of you. I got my crosshairs today, so a week until testing!!!
Regin Welcome. You joined a great group. So encouraging and supportive group of ladies. I commend you on going the next step in egg donation. I pray for a successful journey in this new step in your life. When do you think you will be transferring?

Ellie- Yay! I am hoping and praying for good news in a few days. Am so excited for you.

Mdc- I am counting the days for you:)Tomorrow is Sunday...... We are getting close. Cant wait for you to begin Ivf journey.

Chipie- l am happy for you. Your wedding is becoming real. You sound happy too. Keep us updated. And yes, looking forward to seeing the wedding pics:)

Yay, no spotting for me today!

Enjoy your weekend ladies.
Welcome Regin! Best of luck on your journey. You've found a great group here.

Star, when is your next ultrasound? Has your RE told you at what point you may be released to your regular ob?
Star, hope you had a relaxing spot free weekend. Whe is your next us?

Chipie, ohhh so exciting you have your dress! Cannot wait to see pictures.

Reign, :hi:, this is a great group of ladies. So sorry for your mc, unfortunately I know how hard it is in part bc of my own experience. Best of luck on your DE and your clinic sounds amazing.

Ellie, looks like you O'd one day before me. Since I sat out this cycle I am giving my good baby vibes to you this month!

Big hello to everyone else. So finally got solid crosshairs...first time ever. So just chilling out for AF. She should be early in May which should work out. My saline sono timing is stressing me out a bit because I am gone he whole week of the 9th, but hoping there will be options. #1 Initially my doc said we would not have to do it since we did it and a hysteroscopy...not sure what changed other than they get more $$$ for doing the procedure. #2 have it on a weekend maybe with another doctor #3 do it next month because I am not doing a fresh cycle. So just keeping zen!
Hi girls,

I wrote a post and accidently deleted it. Lets try this again.

Mdc- l did my Procedure on Saturday too. Maybe if they can squeeze you on a wkd if your travel plans will be on the way. I know work is important too!

Pothole and Ellie- sending positive thoughts during this tww.

Chipie- How are you doing?

Hi everybody else.

Not much happening here other than l had a spot free weekend thank goodness. Next US is next week. Next week l will know when l will be released to my Ob.

Hoping for the best for everybody.
Star, that's great that you didn't spot all weekend :) Fingers crossed for next us.

Mdc, I hope the timings work for you. What is the saline thing for? Didn't you already have one of those?

Afm, just waiting. Nothing to report as yet. Not sure whether to wait until May to test (my fave month: birthday and wedding anniversary) or to test at 9dpo on Friday. I'm meant to start progesterone pessaries as soon as I get a bfp, so I feel I should test early... But I want to find out in May. I think I'll try to wait until Sunday.
hi girls! huge :hugs: I've missed you! But I haven't missed obsessing about TTC like I was. Hooey! We're leaving for our vacation tomorrow so I wanted to hop on and wish you all well with everything you're doing.

regin - :wave: hi! welcome to the group! I'm so sorry for your loss. You are in good company here - these girls are my saviors. Which means...are you my DE angel sent from above? :) I'm about to embark on the DE trail, I think. We have an appt with our RE next Wed to find out more about the clinic's process, cost, etc.

mdc - hooray for O'ing! I hope everything times itself out perfectly for you. Do you have to start BFP soon for the start of IVF?

chipie - so excited for upcoming wedding pics! I need to go find that website for your venue. What shape gown did you get? What are your colors?

star - I'm so happy that you saw a HB!! Did they give you the bpm or just really say 'there's a heartbeat!'? I can't wait for your next u/s. Yay! I'm so glad your spotting has stopped as well, at least for now. My, how long can we hold our breath throughout this whole process?

ellie - how are you doing? your temps are holding strong!! I say wait until May too - happy things happen for you in that month, apparently. It's also one of my busiest months but only b/c I have so many friends/family with bdays in it. Apparently I'm drawn to Tauruses and Geminis ;)

pothole - how are you feeling? I'm sure your breath is held too. When is your beta?

dandi - 3rd tri yet? I can't believe how quickly it's going!

left - ullo love! :flower:

sugar - I hope you're lurking and doing well!

afm - not too much going on here, TTC-wise, but lots of other stuff. I am out of the depths of last week, working out but not losing any weight (just hobbling around b/c I'm so sore). I got a promotion last week which came with a decent 10% raise, so I'm pretty stoked about that. And we leave for AZ tomorrow as I mentioned, so I'm ready for some Southeast adventures! i'm feeling less 'lost' about things. I'm realizing and accepting things about my friendships - I think DH and I both are. I've been out to dinner with some 'core' friends of mine in the past week and it's REALLY helped. The people that know YOU and want to know about YOU, share with YOU and to whom YOU relate and are aligned with in life. It's been a very good feeling to get that balance back.
Wish, so glad you're out the depths and doing somethings that make you happy and bring you some balance! Have fun on you vacation. Anything big planned for the trip or mostly relaxing? Cant' wait to hear what kind of info you get at your appt next week. Even more to learn about! (Third tri tomorrow for me! How is that even possible?! It feels like I just went to the RE for testing a couple of months ago. I guess it really flies by, especially for people like us who've waited so long for it.)

Ellie- I agree, wait until May! May day is lucky anyway and if May is your month that's a double whammy of good juju! Fingers crossed!

Pothole- other fingers crossed for you! Can wait for beta day!

Star- I'm so glad the spotting stopped. I'm anxious for your next ultrasound. I hope you're finding a balance between the natural nervousness and the joy that you deserve to be feeling right now! How are things going with symptoms? Feeling ok?

Mdc- If you're not doing a fresh cycle that means egg retrieval late May/early June? Then will it be the next month for transfer? Is that right? I'm not sure I've got the ivf timeline down yet, lol. So excited for you to be moving forward soon though!

Hi to everyone else I missed! Hope you're all well.
Hi girls!!!! How is everyone?

Star, I am SO pleased your spotting has stopped. It must be really hard but I hope you are enjoying it at the moment and not stressing too much. You are my ray of hope and I can't wait to hear from your next us.

Ellie, test when your heart wants you to test and that sounds like May. I'll be back then so it'll be some news for me to look forward to. Meanwhile I am sending pos vibes your way.

Regin, welcome to our little crew. These girls are the best if you want some real personal support. I must admit I thought the same as you Wish when I read Regins post - someone to share info with for you! And we can all learn from both your experiences for sure.

Dandi, congrats. So pleased for you!!

MDC, sounds like everything is on track...:)

Pothole, any news? Will catch up with you on fb

Everyone else hi!

Well, I'm off on my hen do tomorrow so this will be the last time you hear from me for probably about a week. I get back on Monday but I feel ill need a few days to lick my wounds and regroup before I'm able to post anything of interest. I'm SO EXCITED. And I've not thought about TTC at all so it's been a nice little break for me. When I get back I'm going up North to pick up my wedding dress so will fill you in on more wedding goss then. Then it'll be back to TTC after that.

Love to all you ladies, speak soon
Star, good luck with your us! Do you do your own pio? The RN looked at me like I had three heads when I said I was going to give them to myself.

Ellie, yes I did a saline in Oct and also had the hysteroscopy in Nov. so with the IUIs they have mapped my cervix plenty :winkwink: Maybe they just want to check for polyps. Good luck with testing when ever you think the time is right.

Dandi, 3rd try! No way. You just got your BFP a couple months ago. Yes we are hoping for retrieval this cycle and hopefully ET in June. Not sure how the timing works myself. Star, maybe you can help to let us know how long your pgs results took. :winkwink:

Wish, welcome back! Yes bcp for 10-14 days. Good thing too because it gives me some wiggle room for travel. Enjoy AZ, and I cannot wait to here all about your adventures!!!

Chipie, have an amazing time. You so deserve it and get some battle wounds!

We did our IVF class yesterday and it was not so bad. I did mention above to star the RN looked at me crazy for saying I want to do my own pio. I also emailed about the saline sono so just waiting to here back. On non TTC we are trying to refinance the house, and the appraiser is coming today. I better get hopping to tidy up...every little bit helps. And DH is sick, so I am washing my hands like a mad women not to catch it.
Hi Wish. I'm glad to see a post from you :)

Mdc, good luck with house valuation. Is refinancing like remortgaging? I never really understood how that worked... are you borrowing money based on house value having gone up? I'm glad you will be moving ahead with IVF soon xx

Chipie, have a great hen weekend. I only did one day/evening for mine and I had a great time. Since I don't drink, I didn't even have a hangover to deal with! I hope you have lots of fun.

Dandi, 3rd tri, wow! I hope all goes well from now! :)

Pothole, any symptoms yet? Fingers crossed for you xx

Afm, I had 2 dizzy spells today and some ovary twinges. It's 7dpo so probably too early to have felt anything, but I do like to symptom spot and thought you'd like me to share! I'm definitely going to try to hold off until Sunday to test. May is going to be awesome.
I had a terrible day at work today... 3 incidents to deal with of children being utterly vile. I work in a deprived area and the parenting skills a are mainly weak, so we commonly have to deal with major behaviour incidents. Still, 3 in one morning was a bit much. I'm feeling disillusioned with my job at the moment and am only staying put for the maternity package. I'd change schools to a nice local country one in a flash if it didn't mean I'd end up with rubbish maternity leave allowance from behind somewhere new. The 45 minute drive to work is a pain too.
Anyway, sorry for lengthy moan. It's Thursday tomorrow and this weekend is Bank Holiday, so 3 days, yay!

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