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38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

I'm sorry it wasn't better news Mdc! I know it wasn't what you were hoping for, but there are still two in the fight. Don't forget that there's still a chance that at least one of them is your baby. I'm holding out hope for the dynamic duo. Sorry you and DH had a bad night. It's such an emotional struggle to go through and the occasional friction and disconnect is bound to happen, but it doesn't make it less frustrating. Hang in there and keep the faith!

Mdc- boo for af but come on lucky letrozole baby!!!

Good luck tomorrow Ellie! Looking forward to the update.
Wish, I think we cross posted. Damn witch! If she truly does show let's get this letrozole party started!

Ellie, best of luck tomorrow!

Huge thank you to everyone else!
ouch for the headache, ellie!! that's not good! hopefully some mint tea or something could help?

mdc - so you wouldn't want to maybe try one more cycle with a switched up protocol? I understand what you mean, though - you can't respond too much better than you did, so why continue on. I definitely get your logic, esp from the money standpoint. Is your insurance covering any of this? Ugh, it's a lot to keep going through for sure.
i'm sorry about your night with DH. I want to have another conversation with DH about adoption and our thoughts on age but he just gets so defensive. How do both of us get our wishes across to each other and feel heard and considered if the other one is pretty staunchly against it? I think we both feel our feelings are not being prioritized. I firmly believe that we should go for a newborn while he firmly believes we should go with an older child, potentially siblings. WAY off from each other on this. However, I did just watch a video of an adorable 7 yr old boy who is up for adoption from foster care in MA. So maybe...
Wish, I was also going to ask the doc if they think changing up the protocol would help, but worried she is not going to be firm one way or another. Our insurance was likely maxed out (and rx coverage is certainly maxed) with this cycle so on to our own cash now. Wow you both are on different sides of the fence on adoption. Sounds like our DHs are a lot alike. Sometimes we just need them to take a breath and listen without judgement to hear our side...although they probably say the same thing about us :winkwink:
It is almost like you need a neutral third party to officiate. I am sure it will work out, but sending you luck!
Hi all :)

Mdc sorry the magnificent 7 are down to 2 . Please don't give up hope yet , two is great ... Two is one more than you need for a baby :) I'm praying that they both make it through testing and your good to go :) re egg quality have you ever tried cq10 ? I swear it made a difference for me . Your so right about men processing things differently at a different speed and like they are on a different planet !!!

Wish sorry you didn't get your miricle this time round :( hope AF is kind , its the least she can do !!! Hope your having a wallow night with something naughty ;) like wine and chocolate !! Next step is medicated iui right ? Ill have the fairy dust ready xx

Ellie ... One more sleep till it all kicks off :) good luck with the scan . Fingers crossed here for no polop . Keep us posted . Hope you get some sleep !!

I've a trip to the in laws tommrow ..... This means hours sitting on hard chairs in a kitchen !! Really country . My poor bum !

Everyone else hope everyone is doing ok :) love ya all xx
So I'm 2 injections down and getting like a pro at this. I've had really bad headaches for 3 days now and I don't know if it's the lack of caffeine or the suprefact taking proper effect. Today, I was hit with intense tiredness and went to bed from midday until 3! I hope I don't keep feeling like this when I'm at work. I'd rather not have to take any time off until EC and ET. I'm planning on having a few days after transfer, because my work can be really stressful and I'm not going to risk that messing up implantation.

It's odd being apart from DH who is at Donington Festival with male friends today/tonight watching Black Sabbath!

I'm at my brother, SIL and kids' house and it's so lovely here. They have a vet practice in massive grounds in the middle of nowhere in Devon. They built a house on the grounds 2 years ago.

As my SIL is a vet nurse, she's been so reassuring being with me for first 2 injections. My 5yo niece watched me today and said "what's that, auntie Ellie?" I told her it was a special medicine.

I hope everyone's weekend is going well.
Just checking in on everyone.

Ellie, have the headaches gone away?

Wish, when do you start the miracle drug?
The headaches are still there - they do get easier with lots of water, but my neck/shoulders are agony from lunchtime onwards.

I had a horrible time earlier. In briefing, the Headteacher was announcing promotion opportunities and said "I'm sure you all know that (Head of Year 9) will be going on maternity leave in October. No, I didn't know. I had to spend 10 minutes trying not to cry and wanting to run out the room. It was hard because she is a friend and she hasn't told me yet. She knows I'm doing IVF and I know it would be hard and she'd be scared I'd be upset, but I think I'd much rather have found out from her, quietly, rather than like that. The fact that everyone else knows shows people have been hiding it from me and that hurts too.

If I could, I'd take this week off, but I need to make sure I can take time when I need it, after retrieval and I'm also planning on getting signed off after the transfer. I can't cope with the stress hormones and I think they'd potentially stop implantation.

Mdc, how are you feeling about Thursday? Excited? Nervous? Both? Once they clear them, how long until they can pop them back? Presumably you need to be at a point in the cycle. I really want to share this time with you. I'd love us to have a really similar EDD.

How's everyone else?
Hello eveyone,

It has been a busy weekend of working and the fatigue kicked in again.

Ellie- l am sorry you found out about your co worker pregnancy that way. Its hurt. A friend of mine also had a baby begining of this year in the middle of my ivf cycle and didnt tell me but was able to tell facebook. She knew l didnt have a fb account thought l wont find out. She also knew l was ttc. A friend of a friend who had fb told me the news. It did hurt but l tried to put my all in the ivf cycle and block all hurt and negative feelings. It will happen to you too. I pray that all goes well and you will be the next one taking a maternity leave. On a side note, l am happy you got to start your injections. You are getting close to your baby.

Mdc- how is the waiting? This is the hardest part but it goes quick. I waited for about 4 wkd for my FET. Thinking about your embies.

Wish- l am sorry about af. Did you start femara already? Sending prayers for this cycle.

Afm, l am doing good. I started having metallic taste in my mouth this week and fatigue is still there. I am not complaining. Just one day at a time.

Hello to all.
Ellie, I know I said it earlier to you but that just plain sucks. I am glad though you are well on your way to maternity leave yourself. As for Thurs it is all of the above and more. We are just trying to go with positivity and get them back in ASAP. I am already in my lining prep Estrace (hello EWCM) so when the embies are ready I am good to go. Next ultrasound is early next week and then hopefully starting the dreaded pio and we are off. We totally have this!

Star, that had to have been difficult to go through, but look who is pregnant now :winkwink: The waiting is the hardest for sure. If all goes to plan I will also be 4 weekends before my FET. So far it has flown by with all the drama.

DH and I did talk some more and he is pretty set on one more IVF if the unthinkable happens this time and the doc things a different protocol will be better. He really wants our DNA baby. I get that, but I do believe in epigentics and nature vs nurture and I tried to explain to him it would still be our baby if we did DE. I think if we get to that point he would get it. He also brought up adoption, but thanks to others here I know that is not an easy answer either. You always hear there are so many children up for adoption, but it is not so easy.
Gosh just read an article about DE . It said that a women's chance of a successful pregnancy if she uses the eggs of a 20-30 year old are very high . They said that even if a women is in menopause she has a 60-65 % chance of a successful pregnancy . Amazing !
dang. Now I'm rethinking DE. I'm still so all over the place. I want to carry a baby so badly and I get so sad thinking it's most likely not possible. Just trying to be realistic.

mdc - I'm glad that DH is on board with trying another round of IVF. BUT you won't need it! :)

ellie - ugh, i'm sorry for your headaches and shoulder aches and neck aches. Ouch! How was it at work this week with your Head?

dandi - not long now, girl!!

star - oh I hope the 2nd tri is enjoyable for you!

afm - unless I get approved by the insurance company by tomorrow, I can't start the miracle drug this cycle. And we may have to skip next cycle if we can't do this one b/c we'll be away, I think, during when the IUI would take place. So I'm a little bummed.
Folks just left for the airport so I'm a little bummed about that too. We had a good week, though it's also slightly stressful hosting, so I'm a bit more relaxed at the same time.
Wish, damn insurance. Since letrozole is so cheap could you start the rx and then hold off on the monitoring appts later? I think I only had one monitoring appt when I had a positive opk. Hope your day is going better. I will say the DE thing is intriguing and I also looked at frozen because the eggs are frozen and you just pick thaw and go (no syncing with the donor more supply to choose from) also less expensive by a little.

Yes, pgs results tomorrow at noon EST. So nervous!
Hi girls,

Mdc- Fx for good news today. You are getting close.

Ellie- How are the monitoring going? You are also getting close.

Wish- the hurdles of insurance! There is always a bump on the road but with your determination l see you getting there. I hope you dont have to wait for long. I was reading some over 40 pregnant threads from another website and found out some of the ladies got their babies with iui after 2-3 failed Ivf. Hoping this happen to you too.

Afm, l have nothing new to report. This week has gone by quick because my favorite cousin is in town visiting us. He was here for some conference and decided to spend 3 days with us. He had his first when he was 42 after 5 yrs ttc with his wife. He is always encouraging and am glad l am spending time with him.

Have a good day everybody. Sending positive thoughts to you all.
AHHH today!! in 2 hrs!!! keep us posted, and GOOD LUCK!! my fingers are so crossed for you!

star - that's wonderful that you get to see your fave cousin. I adore mine, he's the one fighting cancer right now (not sure if I posted about that a month or so ago when the sh*t hit the fan with my sister). I hope you have a wonderful time with him!

I got approved by the insurance and I started the letrozole last night. I can't tell if I had a headache yesterday b/c of no caffeine (on that kick again) and/or if the letrozole worsened it but I woke up with a slight one. So I had to get a coffee that was mostly decaf and about 1/5 caf. Seems to be helping a little...

star - I'm really hoping to be one of those as well, with IUI working after IVF didn't.

DH is such a sh*t sometimes - I told him that the meds only came to about $52 total ($2 for the letrozol and $49 for the ovidrel) and he was like 'that's what they should cost b/c they aren't going to work.' Glad I'm holding up the optimism on this end...
Wish, ugh, men! They can be so insensitive.

Mdc, I'm so excited to hear your results :)

So I've got my first monitoring scan tomorrow, so excited! More niggle pains in ovaries (mainly right one) and back today.

DH and I are going to my school's drama production tonight. I go every year because it's a really positive thing. He went with me last year too.
Can't wait for an update Mdc! Fingers crossed!

Wish- Now more than ever, I want this to work for you. Not only so you can be pregnant, but so you can shove it in DH's pessimistic face! :smug: Men, ugh!

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