38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Sorry! Didn't mean to leave you girls hanging! Yesterday was stressful and icky at work plus we got another foot of snow!

Still no AF! But, I decided to hold off on testing for another day or two. My phantom symptoms have disappeared, so I'd rather see if AF just shows up in the next few days. But now I've remembered why I have to do a better job of managing my own expectations! I was so excited to test on Sunday and then I was so sad all day. We are now about 4 cycles since the m/c, so I know it's too early to be panicked, but I'm definitely feeling like I'm in the slog of the monthly routine and it sucks. I'm 38, so I plan to reconnect with my OB at the six month point.

BUT, here's something interesting for you all to play with: So do you remember that this is my first month with the CBFM, an that it jumped from low to peak on ca. day 9? Also, this did not align neatly with my BBT chart this month (I will put it in my sig if someone can tell me how to do it?) so I was never entirely SURE that the CBFM had it right. Right around that time I had played with taking those readings off, or tweaking the settings on my FF as to how they factor them in. My temps at the very beginning of this month were all over the place, partly because I was waking up at all these weird times, etc.

On Sunday, it occurred to me to see what FF made of my chart this month w/o the peak readings at all. With the benefit of so many more days recorded this month, FF predicted my O as having happened an entire week later than the CBFM. So that would put me at about 9-10 dpo today. I have spent so much of my life on bc, that it's a bit hard for me to know what my natural cycles are, but I have always thought of myself as a longer cycle gal, so this would actually fit. I'll get my period about a week from now, at around cd 33 or so. I think I had a 33 day cycle last month.

If this theory all holds, then there is basically no way that we could be pg this month, because we were not even close to timing anything right vis-a-vis the later O date. When I explained all this to DH, I basically just told him that next month we are going to BD every other day. Lesson learned that I should not have taken the CBFM at its word and just kept at it. I am not always good about tracking CM, so I'll try to get better about that, too.

I should add that although I was encouraged that my temp continued to climb yesterday (Monday) this morning it has started to fall.

I suppose it's also possible that the symptoms really were something and it was a cp. All this is conjecture, but at least all these crazy theories keep my mind busy while I wait for AF to show up! You all might think I'm nuts, but I really think I'm going to just wait it out at this point. If I am right about the CBFM being entirely wrong, then she should arrive this weekend. I suppose if I get to the middle of next week I could take another test.

so that's the update from snowy snowy Maine. Welcome any thoughts on these theories. Any sense of whether I could be onto something that the CBFM just got it entirely wrong this month? It's my first month of using it. I'd like to think it's foolproof, but I did kind of find the stick inserting a bit wonky at first and might have done it "wrong." My sense is that the machine needs to get used to you, and from what I've read people have the problem in the opposite direction (it takes a few months for you to get a peak).

Hope those of you in these snowy states are holding up ok. The snowbanks are getting to be insane. We can barely get out of our driveway safely. We have to pull out backwards onto a very busy street and it's a nightmare! Thankfully I only drive about once a weeek because I waalk to work.
Good morning Ladies,

Deedee- Welcome, when are you testing? All the best.

Dandi- Congratulations! Happy for you. Please keep us updated on how you are doing.

Kpme- Am sorry you are feeling confused about CBFM and your cycle. I wish i could help. I have never used CBFM and all i can do is pray for the best and hang in there, you may be the next BFP. Try and keep warm too:) Its been snowy here too but not like Maine. We only got 10-12 inches of snow yesterday.

Wish- How was your docs appointment?

Mdc, Kiley- I think we all have appt on Feb 17? How are you guys doing?

Left- Thank you for those encouraging stats. I am 38 yrs ttc my first and those stats gave me hope.

As for me i have been working 7 nights in a row so its been busy at the hospital and not having time to catch up here. Nothing new on my side. Am CD9, started using opks today and hopefully will start SMEP today too. DH is more than happy with the plan. We will see....

Baby dust to all.
KPME, that really sucks if your cbfm was totally off. Sometimes I think all this new technology can throw us for a loop. Stay safe it all that snow! Brrrr! Not sure if I can help interpret your readings either, but maybe Kiley can since she is using it too. Seems like it does take a while to get your cycle from the things I read.

Star, I am just starting SMEP also this month. I saw people talking about it, but had to look it up. Seems like a good plan, and gives DH a little break ;) We have pretty close cycles I am cd 12 of a 31-32 day cycle.

Hello to everyone else!!!

Afm, I started ops on Sunday withh the advanced cb. Nothing on Sunday, but flashy smiley on Monday, which kind of threw we off. I think maybe my timings have been off a little, so maybe by holding back earlier in my cycle I may have been missing some chances. Although I did hear the advanced test can show a lot of flashing smiley faces before getting the LH surge. I though I should get my surge on Sat, and DH travels on Sunday through tues. :( So we might be out this month but we will give it the good ole college try. LOL! Maybe all this technology is working against me. Thinking about SMEP may just be best. Good luck and baby dust all around!
Mdc- We sure are close in cycels. Hopefully the SMEP works. My sister in law just had a baby and my MIL just txted me to let me know she is now waiting for us. I am also waiting for us...fx to all.
KPME- That is so frustrating about the CBFM! Still crossing my fingers for you this month though, because you never really know. Mdc is right that all this technology can throw you for a loop.

Thanks for the congrats Star! So far, just some light cramping that's freaking me out. Spotting has stopped, boobs aren't as sore, and no nausea yet. I'm anxious for nausea to start since they say it's a good sign. I'm excited but terrified. I have my first appt next week, but since I'll only be 6 weeks, I won't get an ultrasound yet. I feel like I can't be truly excited until I hear a heartbeat. I think that's a side effect of trying for so long, when it happens it still feels too good to be true, so you kind of reign in your feelings until you know it's real.

Mdc brings up a point that I wanted to share in case it effects some other ladies who may read this. I started using a digital OPK when we first started trying and I never once got a smiley face (neither blinking nor solid). I was devastated, but I read somewhere that not all women will get a result on OPKs, but that doesn't mean you aren't ovulating. So I had faith and after a few months of nothing, I went by my temps only (which did indicate ovulation) and apparently it proved to be true. Just something that I found interesting.

Babydust to you all! Hoping to read some good news in the coming months! :dust:
Hi all,

I am so full of questions after reading all your posts? What does SMEP stand for?

How interesting that so many of you have appointments coincidentally. You know how when women start living together their periods all sync up? (this happened to my roommates and me in college) -- can the same thing happen on TTC boards? Are you all just getting started with those appointments? I don't know a thing about "next steps" so just trying to learn what happens when you decide it's time to talk to your doctors...

Thanks for all the encouragement. I decided to test again this morning and got another BFN. I've also been scouring a bit of the blogosphere about my CBFM theory and I think I'm definitely onto something. Likely that I got too much urine on the stick or something. Also possiblity that I tried to O early, which sets the monitor into peak mode, but then didn't until a week later. All the info can muddy the waters, but I'm trying to take the tack of more information is better than less so long as I can avoid it making me insane.

So needless to say, I will NOT be the poster child for this puppy. I am trying to not be too irritated about it -- will chalk up my lessons learned here and try again next month. I suspect that I will get AF late this weekend/early next week, and if so, I think it'll mean my theory was right.

Dandi, glad to hear that you are feeling well. Hang in there through these early weeks. One day at a time!
Hi girls! Lots of great conversation going on!! I'm on my phone in a hotel room it Pittsburgh right now so can't write too much.
Kpme - so interesting about the monitor. I bet you're on to something too. Trust your gut - this technology doesnt have all of the ifs, ands, or buts of our bodies figured out. I usually get some ewcm around cd8 but don't ovulate until cd16 or so. Not sure what the cd8 flash is but it would definitely fool a tool!
Dandi - I am so glad to hear you're doing well!! Enjoy not having nausea and sore boobs!! You could be one of the lucky ones that flies thru her pregnancy with ease! I totally get you on the connection, though. Jessiecat, another lady on here, felt the same way and I think I will too. Need to see it stick before I start getting super emotional!
Ladies with upcoming appointments - so exciting!!! My next is on 2/19, a follow up consult after we had our additional tests done. So speaking of, my appt went well! 6 vials of blood and an u/s that showed 11 follicles total (both ovaries). The doc said I did great! :) so this next appt will be to get the plan in place and start, hopefully, in my March cycle.
Kpme - SMEP is a BD'ing method where you BD every other day for about a week, then 3 days in a row around O time, then I think skip a day and one more time. I forget what the acronym stands for, but easy to google!
Quick question , I've borrowed a cbfm from a friend . I'm cd 4 can I start poas or do youha e to start on cd1 ?
Dandi, so glad you are doing well, and cherish this moment because all those fun preggo signs will be in full force before you know it!

Wish, how very exciting! Not sure but 11 follicles sounds like you are an over achiever! Lol!

KPME, is sperm meets egg plan. Too cute huh? Not sure what to expect from my first appt with my ob, but guessing getting the blood work started maybe an us???

Left, sorry I do not know about the cbfm, but I think you can google the directions that come in the box from their site and it might tell you. I know you can start it late, but don't remember for sure what cd is the latest.

Well, I am thinking the cb advance monitors are a bunch of bs or I have been testing too late other months! I had peak today only on cd 13 after two estrogen high peaks, seems really early for me. Anyways had to ask hubby to crawl back in bed for BD, so much for Smep, still going to be 4 days in a row. So either it might explain the bfn, because previous months it was usually like the Sahara in the bedroom. ;) still weird because those months still got a peak on CD16. Not sure what to do? I did have a theory that all the bd in a row was making the swimmer factory uhhh...a little tired, so considering skipping maybe fri. Ahhhhh! Technology be damned!!! Ok, rant officially over.

Good news we will get a better chance this month since I am early. Fingers crossed for all!!!
Left, you can start the monitor up until day 5. But you have to make sure to set it at the right time of the day relative to when you will start peeing on stiks, which is day 6. Def google the instructions because I know there is a pdf out there that explains how to do it. Basically you just hold down the m button and let it cycle through until the right day. If you do it tomorrow morning, I think you'll want to cycle through to day 5 bc you said you are day 4?

But who am I to give advice on the CBFM? CLEARLY I do not know how to use the damn thing.
Wow so much to catch up on! I feel like I have been out of the loop this week! First off CONGRATS Dandi!! Praying that this one sticks!

Kpme - I totally understand the frustration with CBFM. This is my 3rd cycle using it and I think it has FINALLY gotten used to my crazy hormones. I read that it can take a couple months before it figures you out. And you are right its possible your body was TRYING to O so it detected a surge. Did it ask for any more tests after that? My first cycle on it I swear I had to pee on a stick almost every day up until AF! Since we all have different levels of hormones the monitor just needs to figure out what is actually high for you or not. Just try to be patient with it but keep at it.

Left- Good luck to you on your first cycle using CBFM. Make sure you reset it though before you start using it. Just google how to reset. And yes, you have up to CD6. You just hold down the M button until the number on the display changes to the correct day. Also, make sure you start it at the time you will be testing every morning. CBFM calls for FMU. Last cycle I used OPK's as a back up since my machine was still trying to get used to me.

deedee - Welcome to the group! How are you feeling? Any symptoms yet?

Star- SMEP sounds good. I may try that next cycle if nothing happens this cycle.

Wish- Good to hear things went well with your appointment.

Mdc- FX'd for you and timing!

I am CD10 today. CBFM gave me a high yesterday and today so I am hoping my hubby will be in the mood to BD for the next 3 or 4 (or more) days in a row starting tonight. :) Timing should not be an issue this cycle since he seems to be a weekend BDer (he is pretty busy with work during the week and gets tired). The last two cycles using CBFM I got three or four highs and then I O the next day. So if my analysis is correct, I will most likely O on Sunday or Monday. I still have yet to get a peak on the dang thing so I am using dig. OPKs as a back up. Today OPK said negative. Last cycle I got a positive OPK and O'd the day after.

My appointment this month is just for my yearly pap, but I plan on talking to my doc about whats been going on with TTC and my crazy temps to get his take on it. Speaking of temps, I started temping vaginally. Call me crazy, but I actually prefer it to temping orally. It does not take as long and the beeping no longer wakes my husband. I can barely hear it now! Still early in the game, but my temps seem to be a little better this time around.

I actually am feeling really good this cycle. Hoping that means my hormones are back in check. I also have been doing great with keeping my water intake up. I try to drink at least 80 ounces of water per day. I read that water is key to increasing fertile-quality CM and ensures a healthy uterus. I have been a nut about doing everything to increase my chances!
Hi Ladies,

My husband and I have been TTC for about 18 months. After about 9 months, we visited with a fertility doctor and I had some fibroids and polyps to clean up. I also had to have my rt. tube removed, blah blah blah... So with all of that out the way, this past October we had out first IVF, which failed. Since then I've been trying to eat right, exercise, take supplements, etc. this is our first cycle trying timed intercourse with clomid and ovadrel trigger shot. Today is CD10. My clomid was CD 3-7. I have a sonogram scheduled for Sat to see what my follicles look like. I'm feeling really positive this cycle.. I started taking Robitussin to help with my CM and I do OPK. It was negative today. I usually peak around CD13-14. With a 39 birthday approaching and my husband being 48, the pressure is on.

If anyone has experience with timed intercourse and clomid/ovadrel, please share.
Hi Sha welcome to the group! Sorry to hear about all your troubles TTC. Hopefully you are good to go now! Sound like we are cycle buddies, today is CD10 for me as well. I do not have any experience with clomid, but a guy I work with, his wife just started clomid this cycle. She just had her sonogram and they were happy with how big her follicles were looking. I will keep you posted on her experience. I have heard of a lot of women having success with clomid. Fingers crossed for you!

Thank you for the welcome. We are cycle buddies. I will add you to my prayer list. I have so many friends TTC #1 right now.
Quick update from me: AF showed yesterday. Not a surprise and glad to not have to wait it out for several more days. Though I realize (comically) that because it came when it did, I'll never know if my theory about the CBFM and when I O'd is right. Had AF showed this past weekend I'd know the monitor was right and if it showed early next week I'd know the monitor was wrong. Makes me think something's wonky with my LP, but too many variables to think about. Onward!

Welcome, Sha.

Kiley, thanks for the CBFM pep talk. I'm off to reset it now! It did make me pee on a lot of sticks last month. Here's to being more confident this month.

Work is absolutely insane this week and I have to work this weekend, too. I'm feeling pretty exhausted to be honest. Almost glad to be in AF so I don't have to worry too much about any BD right now!

I hope you all have a good weekend.
Hi all!

Sha - welcome! I'm sorry for your troubles so far, it sounds so familiar ;) you've come to the right spot for some support - the ladies on this site are wonderful.

I'm also sorry to all of the girls having such trouble with the CBFMs!! They sound like a headache, but I hope they get figured out and end up helping out with your cycle knowledge. :)

Kiley, I'm so glad to hear that you are preferring the temping the 'other' way! I prefer it too, it's not as big of a pain. And yes, the main reason is b/c it's so much quieter down there! ha! DH has no idea what's going down... And good luck with your weekend BD marathon! February came up quickly! The water intake you noted is interesting too - I started drinking WAY more tea and water than coffee at the beginning of January and my Jan cycle had SO MUCH more EWCM. I figured that was the reason why - I'll be noting if this month is the same. It has to be the reason.

kpme - I'm sorry AF came!! And let me address something else you posted - you WALK to work in this weather?!?! girl, you're NUTS!! I can barely make it out to the mailbox! Good luck with your busy weekend. I'm glad you don't have to worry about BD'ing too! ;)

cd9 here, booooorrrrinnnnnggggg! :) Good luck to those trying to catch that egg this weekend! Go git 'em! :sex::spermy:
Kpme- Sorry to hear about AF! I was really hoping you would be our BFP! Yes, keep up with CBFM. The second cycle for me on it was a little better. Didn't have to pee on as many sticks that time around. And it also was correct with my late ovulation last month. It gave me a bunch of lows at first and during when I normally O. Since it is matching up with my temping, it leads me to believe that it is somewhat accurate. I just hate being patient with it!

Operation seduce my husband was a success last night haha! I try to keep him out of the loop with all this technical stuff. I want to keep it as normal and natural as possible for him. Don't need him stressing about it too! He wouldn't understand most of it anyway. I tried explaining and he just said to tell him when he needs to do his part :)

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