38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Hello all! I initially posted this in the wrong spot - I hope it's okay if I come over here and join you all!

I am 38 and my OH is 39 and we're TTC #1! We're both finally ready to take that plunge and it happened quite by chance - we weren't TTC in January but when I was four days late we both got really excited and started dwelling on baby names and strolling the baby aisles in stores. I am very fortunate to have regular 28 day cycles so when I was late last month I really thought I would get that BFP. AF arrived yesterday so it looks like we're ready to TTC for the first time this month.

I'm currently on CD2. I wish everyone here the best of luck in their efforts and look forward to getting to know everyone and seeing all of you post your fabulous BFPs. Other than my age the only challenge that I anticipate facing is that my OH doesn't always "finish" for reasons that are outside of his control. Anyone else facing a similar challenge?
Ahhhh typed this up and then The site kicked me out and erased it all. Hate when that happens.

Happy Friday! Sounds like there is going to be a lot of BD this weekend!

Sha welcome! I agree with Wish all these ladies are really great and supportative. I haven't done clomid (yet), or acu (terrified of needles). Sorry for your ttc troubles, but sounds like you are staying positive. Out of curiosity what supplements are you taking if you don't mind sharing? I am always curious. I also tried mucinex this cycle. Mostly because of this annoying little cough, but also that it would not hurt. Tmi, definitely got much more watery/Ewcm this month.

KPME, damn that witch. Hopefully this month and the next nine we will all be signing 'ding dong the wicked witch is dead'. Bad wizard of oz reference, but now I cannot get the song out of my head!

Kiley, good luck on keeping the BD marathon going. I try to keep it from DH to but I am not so successful on day 2 he catches on. Catch that little eggie!

Star, thanks for the SMEP pep talk. Just the other day my dad asked me if I was pregnant yet to keep up with my sis (6 month old baby now). I want to say' it is not like we are not trying!!!' But that is weird since it was my dad gross! I will never ask that question now to anyone because you never know what is going on with other people's journey.

Left and anyone else I missed hi!

As for me, who is excited for Mittelschmerz? I am...I am. I felt a little crampy last night before we went to dinner, and thought I was going nuts. Then it was like my body heard me and said you think you are symptoms spotting...I will show you symptom spotting. Bam! Some big twinges on the right side. I told DH since he was such a champ this week and we BD 4 times that Friday would be a reprieve, but he corrected me 5 times if you counted last Fri. Guess he was keeping better track. Ha! Just out of curiosity I did another opk this morning and it was positive. Say what? A four day LH surge. Needless to say I shameless tried to crawl back into bed, but no go. Cannot say I blame the guy, I just need to RELAX! I did look on ine and o is usually 12-36 (up to 48) hours after LH surge starts, but still weird since I initially thought I would o on Sun. Might try to sneak in some sexy time tonight or sat, but shhh....don't tell the husband. Probably will catch on though.

Baby dust to all!
Ours. Welcome! I think we are all guilty of the first time we are a little late to jump off into baby land, and it sucks when AF shows up. Fingers crossed that this is a lucky month for us all!

I will share that the first time we really BD the pressure really got to DH and needless to say it did not work. The BD sessions that he catches on to (usually day two back to back sessions) are more pressure on him and I know it is not as easy as other times in the month. If this is not our month I might just try the just have sexy time 3-4 times per week on all weeks. Luckily for us ladies it is easier for us to uhhh...fake it. Not that we ever do ;)

Feel free not to answer, but is it something that he has gone to a doc to see if there is something going on, or is it more of it he gets in his head?
Thanks for the welcome Mdc! He hasn't seen a doc about it. He definitely does it to himself; it's entirely in his head. He's having issues at work and he feels that's the biggest contributing factor to the "problem". And now that we thought we were pregnant and actually are not he blames himself and that just makes things worse as far as I'm concerned. I just want him to relax! I wish I knew what to do to take the pressure off him and allow him to just breathe and go with the flow. I thought I was the one who was supposed to be stressing while TTC but he's doing enough stressing for both of us!
mdc - you're hysterical! definitely try to BD tonight. A couple of the ladies on here who are now preggo said that they continued to BD after they feel they O'ed and they think that was the trick! So tonight, maybe tomorrow night....;)

welcome ours! good luck to you too and I hope that your OH can get out of his own head soon and just enjoy his adoring partner wanting to get down more often! :)
Hi everyone :) welcome ours :) mdc you made me laugh out loud .... The image of you sneeking back into bed lol.... Looking all so demure ;) good luck tonight

Every IM SICK WAITING !!! To try that is ..... Errrrr I'm having a bad day .... :( I know the 9th of March will be here soon but I am concerned I will be told to wait some more ... I don't have time to waste waiting lol...... Sorry for going on lol...
Welcome Ours! My husband gets that way too when he is stressed. He owns a construction business and is very busy with it (continues to work even when he gets home at night). That is why I try to keep all the technical stuff such as temping, opk testing and what part of my cycle I am in out of it. I do not bring up TTC at all. That's why I am thankful to have all of you to talk to about this stuff with! My sis-in-law knows we are trying but she has never had a baby either and is one of those people who say "just relax! Make it fun". So I can't really talk to her about any of this either since she really does not understand.

Mdc- I think its funny we try to hid it from our husbands!! Since its the weekend, I do not think mine will catch on until Sunday night haha!
Happy Friday ladies,
A lot to catch up on. It seems like I have been gone for long. Guess this is Bding weekend for most ladies here. Have fun.

Welcome ShaRock and Ours. You joined the right group of women here. All the best in our TTC Journey.

Ours- I also have fibroids but they are small and outside my uterus. I have an appoint for my annual pap with my ob and will request an US to see where I stand with them as per now.

Shar-Hope you add all of us to your prayer list:)

MDC- hahahaha you crank me up with your post of crawling back in bed. Its good your DH is keeping a better track of BD. Make something happen this weekend with that positive opk. Am counting on you :)

Kiley- I hear you on keeping the technical terms of ttc from DH. Sometimes its hard breaking down the terms to them. When I try to explain to my DH about the terms he goes like: “ Relax baby don’t our time will come”. Just like the way your sister in law is saying it. I cant relax until I get a BFP. Hows the temping Vaginally going on?

Left- March will be here before you know it. I hope they don’t tell you to wait. Did you figure out the CBFM?

Wish- Wow, that’s quiet some follicles there! That’s good news sister! FX crossed for those follicles so they can bring forth a well waited baby.

Kpme-Sorry about AF but remember; new cycle new beginnings. Are you still going to be using the CBFM this month? If so, all the best, I know this time around you got it sister!

Dandi-How are you doing?

What happened to Deedee? Are you still around?

As for me: I have been having a cold but trying so much so it doesn’t keep me from my progress of SMEP. I am CD12 today. Havent O yet. I temp but mostly using OPK to check if i O. But will BD today. Didn’t BD on Wed and Thur coz of the cold and body aches but definitely have to do it today….will seduce DH after am done with this post. He doesnt know it.

Hope I have said hi to all and if I missed any of your….i still pray and wish you all the best and may we all have babies by end of this year or something!
Nope !! Lol could t find where I put the damm sticks so missed my window! Did find the instructions on line ( thanks for suggesting that ) so all ready to go next month . I wanted to be ahead of the game and have my cycles all figured out before I'm given the green light lol optimise my time ;)

When I'm ttc again I'm not telling OH ( he knows were trying lol ) but the details and " ok now its time we have to bd " puts way too much pressure on . He told be to " be SNEEKY " about it so this time I will ;) lol...mmm how SNEEKY can you be about b'ding 3-5 nights in a row when its not the norm ;) lol...
So this month I'm gonna try temp vaginally and Opk to see where things are at with my cycle .

Good luck to all you ladies on the bd train this week may all those eggs meet the spermies :) and we will have some lovely valentine BFP :)
Mac - I'm taking Thera Natal Core by Theralogix. It's a prenatal my doctor recommended. Very easy on the stomach. I also take 400 mg of CoQ10 a day. He also told me to take 75 mg of DHEA but I haven't followed that because of the testosterone in it.

So today is CD12. I had an ultrasound and the follies on the left look really good. I trigger shot tonight at 9 and we are changing to IUI instead of timed intercourse. So IUI is scheduled for Monday morning. I opted to do this because they clean the sperm. Since we are older and I only have my left tube, I have to maximize my chances.
Mac - I'm taking Thera Natal Core by Thera
Ovid. It's a prenatal my doctor recommended. Very easy on the stomach. I also take 400 mg of CoQ10 a day. He also told me to take 75 mg of DHEA but I haven't followed that because of the testosterone in it.

So today is CD12. I had an ultrasound and the follies on the left look really good. I trigger shot tonight at 9 and we are changing to IUI instead of timed intercourse. So IUI is scheduled for Monday morning. I opted to do this because they clean the sperm. Since we are older and I only have my left tube, I have to maximize my chances.

Mdc, my autocorrect changed your name to Mac :wacko:
Happy Sunday everyone, and glad I can make everyone smile. :) :) :).

Left, sorry you are frustrated. I can only imagine, but good luck with being sneaky. I suck at that obviously ;).

Sha, thanks for the list! Good luck with the iui tomorrow!!! Stupid question but do you go in for the trigger shot, or is it self administered?

Hope everyone is doing great and having some BD fun!

Well if I ever hashtagged anything this weekend would be #EPICFAIL. Friday night was going amazing. I was brushing me teeth and getting ready to put on something a little sexy, and I hear from the bedroom 'What is that....SERIOUSLY!!!' So I came out and one of our lovely fur babies PEED on the new duvet that we had on the bed!!!! Really! Might I mention the new $500 set. AHHHHH! Trust me libido washed down the drain as I rushed to wash it in the tub. Sat morning still upset and it does not help that we had to use an old bedspread that he had from long before I met him. Oh yeah, forgot lovely DH did say...watch the beadspread the last time it was on the bed I was probably still living with my ex. Can you say I did almost lost it there. Definitely out of principal not going to have any BD until that crap is off our bed. To his benefit he did apologize, but still. Bleck!!! Now that I think of it, probably time to get rid of the old mattress too. LOL! Any hoo, salvaged the duvet and the cover after two hours, and it is back on our comfy bed. Last night was a no go, because hubby left on a 6am flight. So lessons learned, still feel like there is a good shot this month and being positive (had a little o spotting fri morning, and last BD thrus before the o pain), time to put foil on the bed for a while (how romantic) so we will not come home to another 'accident', oh yeah....throw away any old comforters that I see laying around. Ha!

Wishing baby dust to all!!!!!
The trigger shot is self administered. It has to be taken at the exact time the doctor tells you. So last night at 9PM, I was out at dinner celebrating my moms birthday. I had to go in the restroom and administer the shot in a stall. Not nice. But all for a great cause.

Sorry to hear about your night. Hopefully Thursdays action did the trick ;)
Oh man, mdc, I'm sorry for the comedy or errors that took over your weekend. It only takes once, though!! FXed still.
I don't think we can try this month, I'm bummed. Got a note from the doc that my bloodwork showed inconclusive for chicken pox antibodies so now I need to get some shots for that and it's not good to TTC while that's in my system. :( guess we are on to March.
Oh Wish, that sucks, but glad you are getting it taken care of. My ob said I could get my measles level tested, but I did not do it and kind of kicking myself now. I am probably going to ask her to at least check on my next appt, just to make sure withh measles outbreak. I might bring up chicken pox also since they are both live vaccines. Man, I really hate shots though, but with the Measles outbreak going on probably better safe than sorry.

Sha, I think I would not be able to give myself a shot because I hate needles. But I guess you got to do what you have to do.

So I am kind of bummed. TMI, so be prepared ;). I had a big glob of EWCM today. So confused! Never had that before and since I was surprised that I O'd so early this month I think I may have O'd later?!?!?! I did read it is not unusual, but who knows. So confused, but looking on the bright side if it is not this month I am going to my ob to get some tests done, and if I have to get vaccinated then I might have a chance to get them all out of the way. Nothing like being poked and prodded.
Good morning Ladies,

I hope you all had a good weekend and ready to start the week.

Wish- Am sorry about your lab results in regards to chicken pox but good news is that that will be taken care of and you will be back to the ttc journey again.

Left- Sorry about missing your window with the CFBM...hope you can still step in the game with it, right? Good luck in temping Vaginally. It has worked for some mony people, am just a wimp when it comes to that.

Shar- Prayers for you today with your IUI. I commend you on giving yourself the shot. I dont mind giving people shots because that is part of my job description but i can never see myself doing it on me. Hey you got to do what you got to. Good luck and keep us updated.

Mdc- Am sorry about your weekend adventures....Thursday may have done the trick. Lets hope for the best. Did you get rid of the old mattress and the bedspread? :)

How are the rest doing? Kiley all good? Kpme hows the going? Ours? And anybody that i didnt mention here thinking of you all.

As for me; i got a solid smiley on opk yesterday morning. I BD Fri- sun. Will BD today too hopefully before DH goes to work. Have to work tonight and tomorrow night. DH works 8 -5p and i work 6.30p to 7.30p so sometimes its hard to get us in the same schedule to BD unless am off. We will try our best to make it work.

Baby dust to us all!
Morning all! So much to catch up on! MDC! What an insane episode with your bedspread. Our cats are typically well behaved, but occasionally one will puke on the bed, which always reminds me why in buy everything at IKEA!!! It looks cute but it's practicalls disposable. We got some lovely stuff that we registered for for our wedding last summer and I decided to return it all!

I always learn so much from those of you who are a few months ahead of me with your vaccination stuff and shots!

Uneventful baby making weekend here...wrapping up AF and on cd 5. Am going to give the CBFM a good try again and I'm sure it will have me peeing on sticks again soon. Timing of the weekend "off" was sort of perfect. I had to work a ton this weekend for my job, so it was nice not to have to wake up so early to temp and to be able to drink wine at the end of the day! ;)

Going to give the SMEP thing a try!
Thanks for the encouragement on my vaccinations. I think I'm going to ask if it's something I can wait on until after I have a baby? Though I guess then I'd have to wait until after I was done breastfeeding (if that's the way I go)... I just think about 2 things: what would have happened if I had gotten pregnant already? I don't know that I would have known this about my antibodies (unless this is routine bloodwork they also do when you're preg?); and DH had shingles a few years back and I didn't catch it, sooooo how vulnerable am I really? Ugh, I just feel like every moment is precious right now. Though I guess we're not supposed to visit with the RE until 2/19, which is after I O. So this month would be natural and probably a failure again anyway, so I may as well just take advantage of the timing and get the dang shots.
Sorry - total stream of consciousness there!!!

star - sounds like you have great timing this month!! I can't wait for the symptom spotting to begin!

kpme - I hope you get that monitor figured out this month and it's less of a guessing game for you. I really hope SMEP works for you too!

shar - good luck today! we're all behind you!! :dust:

mdc - I think it's good that you're seeing ewcm! I usually see some around cd8, and then not again until around O. I think it can come at anytime, really, in the middle of the month but that doesn't necessarily mean you're O'ing right then and there, so you're probably still good. Keep the faith!! So you're about 3dpo now then? :dust:

:dust: to all!! Happy freaking snowy Monday again! we're getting yet another foot+ up here in New England. Kpme - I hope you're not walking to work today!!
Sorry for the delay in responding Left, but I'm doing well so far. Thanks so much for asking! I'm anxiously awaiting my appt this week to confirm that there really is a baby in there.

Still keeping track of this thread and hoping to see some BFPs from you lovely ladies very soon!
Happy Monday ladies! Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Mdc- sorry to hear about your misfortunes this weekend! Never a dull moment with pets huh? My three certainly keep me busy! Hopefully Thursday was good enough to catch that egg!

Sha- Good luck today!

Wish- Sorry you have to wait until March! So frustrating!

Star- Sounds like perfect timing for you this cycle!! FX'd and sending baby dust your way!!

Kpme- Hopefully CBFM works better for you this cycle. Turns out I may be doing the SMEP this cycle as well!

CD14 for me today. No O confirmed yet, although I did have some O cramping over the weekend. BD weekend went okay for me. Got Thursday (CD10) and Saturday (CD12) in. Hubby hurt his back and wasn't feeling it Friday. CBFM is still reading high and I have yet to get a positive OPK so I am going to try to keep the every other day BDing up until I get a peak on CBFM or a positive OPK and then will try for a couple BD sessions in a row.

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