38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Hey Ladies,

Dandi- nice to hear back from you. May that baby stick!

Wish- I know lots of decisions, lots of decisions. The shot is important and i know you dont want to waste time too. Thats what i feel too about wasting time. This year is our 4th wedding anniversary( 12/29) and we feel like time is running away from us. Praying for you.

Kpme: Yes, try SMEP this month. I started on CD9 with the plan, i missed Thur coz of a bad cold that i had and continued the other days. Ill let you know my progress.

Kiley- I know that positive OPK is on the way coming. Hopefully your DH feels better so that you can be on track with SMEP. Am also CD 15 and 1 dpo today. Was able to BD this am before DH left for work. Fx for you.

Have a wonderful day ladies. May this year be our year!
Star, sounds like you times everything perfectly! The 4th day is always a little harder on DH and I.

Kpme, glad you had a busy weekend, and enjoyed some well deserved wine!

Wish, I get what you are saying because really how many people get the cp antibodies checked? If you were pregnant they would just wait until after delivery to give the shot, bc you can still bf without a problem. Is it maybe possible just to get one shot and then re-check the antibodies? Might be enough to get them up enough? Good luck talking to the RE maybe they will let it slide. The risk to the baby if you get cp is pretty small, but does risk some congenital defects. Bigger risk is that 10-20% women get pneumonia :(

Dandi, glad you are doing well and thinking of you this week! I was just thinking getting pg is the stressful part, but I guess one stress is just replaced with another. The numbers are very much in your favor!

Kiley, good luck with Smep, hopefully you will get the peak soon. What cd have you O'd in the past?

Ours, head games are not fun. I will say it got better for DH and I as it goes on. Still sometimes are more difficult than others.

Sha, still fx'd for you today.

Afm, just dpo4 and not much to report, but thanks all for the support. I think Thursday is the best bet for success, and hoping some stellar swimmers from the earlier bd sessions decided to hang around. Lol!
thank you, mdc - good info. I called the RE's nurse hotline and she said that, depending on which path the doc recommends to us on 2/19, we may not lose much time at all. So if she recommends IVF, it's a 6-week process so if i got the first shot this week and then a month after that, there wouldn't be much difference between the timeframe we'd have to wait and implanting. I am just not sure if I want to make the appointment for the shots for this week, ahead of talking to the RE, or wait. I can ask about the one shot too.

star - get OUT! OUR 4th anniversary is this year on 12/29 too!! <3

dandi - glad everything is going well so far! when is your appointment to confirm the bean?
Good morning my good Ladies,
Just got in from work and about to sleep but thought I should say hi first:) that&#8217;s how much I think of you Ladies and praying for each and one of us. I know how hard it but one of these days we all going to PG. Its interesting how hard it is us but to others its nothing like that woman in Florida who delivered a 14lbs baby and didn&#8217;t even know she is pregnant until the 3rd trimester! Sorry about some pep talk from me &#61514;
Wish- are you for real? About our anniversary being the same day! Yes, it will be 4 yrs for us on 12/29/15! Now back to the shot, I agree with Mdc on checking with your RE and at the same time; maybe maybe&#8230;..just BD when you Oed. I know time is sensitive for us all.
Mdc- You are in my thoughts concerning that famous &#8220;Thursday&#8221;. You really never know when it comes conceiving. Yes, I was so exhausted after BD on day 4 but I just kept on going lol
Kpme- Hope your plans for SMEP are still on. May you O soon.
Kiley- Hows your DH back? Fx that you Oed soon too.
Dandi- Thanks for the update.
Left- quiet on your end? All good?
Shar- How did the IUI go? You were in my thoughts yesterday.
Ours- Anything going on with you?
Baby dust to all of us&#8230;.I believe we will soon holding our bundles of joy. Going to sleep- Goodnight.
Mdc- I have O'd at different times. First cycle of temping O confirmed at CD13, last cycle CD18, and this cycle CD12! Yep, fertility friend confirmed O on may chart at CD12 which was Saturday making today 3dpo. So I am right there with ya in hoping Thursday was the magic day. We also BD'd on my confirmed O day, so maybe that upped my chances this cycle. However, I never received a positive OPK and CBFM is still reading High, no peak yet. So frustrating! So I guess I will just keep trying to BD every other day for a while and see what my temps and CBFM do. I am beginning to wonder if I actually ovulate. I have read that you can still get LH surge but not ovulate. Only time will tell I guess. Now on to the boring two week wait! I'm thinking next weeks ob/gyn appointment will be timely. Hopefully I can get some answers.

FX'd and baby dust to the rest of you!
I am so grateful I found this forum! You ladies are all so positive, knowledgeable and supportive of each other. I have my fingers firmly crossed for each of you!

I'm currently on CD6 and the plan right now is to BD every second day. My OH was asking me questions about when I ovulate and I'm very grateful that he's invested in this and not freaked out by the process (yet!). If he can just get his work stresses under control I think it would help even more. Because he doesn't always "finish" the chances of conceiving are diminished further but we just need one good swimmer :thumbup:

Magic Baby Dust to each of you!
So glad I found this thread. :) TTC since Jan last year. Last year was not a great year, dont think we ever BD'd at the right time. My dad was not well and had to keep travelling. He finally passed away Oct last year :(

It has been a couple of erratic cycles and now the last two cycles we have finally started TTC properly.

I finally got a BFP yesterday (although the test line was fainter and showed up only partway). This morning I got a really faint line on an IC..... evap line most likely. Gutted.
star - I would not tell a lie! that's our 4th too! :)
kiley - sounds like you timed it all right! can't wait to hear if you're feeling anything next week - FX'ed
ours - that sounds like a great plan
welcome brissie - my, it sounds like you've had a rollercoaster of a year, I'm so sorry for your loss. On the flip side, congrats on the BFP! a line is a line, no matter how faint, as they say!
dandi - good luck tomorrow! I hope your numbers are looking all good!
mdc, left, kpme and anyone else I might have missed - :wave:

nothing going on here - since I can't BD, and O is right around the corner, I'm just trying to ignore it. Got some ewcm last night and was all bummed. I need to make that appt for the shot and just get it over with.
Hello lovely BD'ing ladies.

Star, do not worry about venting we all need a place to do it, and this is the place. Glad you kept at it both you and DH are rock stars. :)

Kiley, sounds like you got your timing right around O. Too bad OPK and cbfm are playing nicely.

Ours, great news he is asking when you ovulate. You are so right 1 little sperm + 1 egg = 1 happy baby on the way. BD away!

Brissie- hang in there trust me we all know how hard this journey can be, but it will be worth it. What day DPO are you?

Wish, sorry about not BDing this time. Hopefully you will get the shot quick, and get to move on. I am sure the 19th cannot get here soon enough, and I bet you are so excited. You deserve this so much, and cannot wait to hear when your get your BFP!!!!

Kpme, left, everyone else hope all is well.

Not much for me on dpo 6. I was a little cranky last night with the DH after he got back from a business trip for really no reason, and my nose was stuffy and red, but nothing unusual. TMI warning... Since I am on cervix watch feb 2015 (ha ha ha) , I noticed yesterday a small bump on my cervix. WTH!?!?!? After a lot of googling it is hopefully (likely) just a small cyst. Yikes! Good thing I have my ob appt next week, but still kind of freaked out. I have not felt it before and it just seemed to pop up, but seems smaller today. I hate when I get myself all worked up!

Baby dust to all!
Star- I forgot to answer your question... hubby's back is much better. Thank goodness it did not get in the way too much with BDing.

Ours- That is great that your DH is involved in the process. My hubby asked questions as well. Its funny how curious they are and how clueless they are about how this all actually works! :) Sound like you have a good plan! FX'd that it goes smoothly!

Brissie- Welcome to the group! And I agree with Wish, a line is a line no matter how faint. How many dpo were you when you tested?

Wish- go get that shot so you can get back in the game! ;)

Well, I think I have to agree with FF on O date. Temp went up even higher this morning. Thank goodness for FF.com because I would not be able to interpret my chart on my own! Nothing too new with me. I had an awful workout this morning. I could not keep my heart rate up for the life of me! I just felt off. Was super tired last night so maybe that is why I felt sluggish this morning.
Hi Mdc I missed your post! We must have posted at the same time. I would be freaked out as well! Hopefully it is nothing and is only something you noticed due to being on cervix watch (which I am on too)! Sounds like your appointment will be timely as well.
Holy moly, I need to check in more often! So many new ladies and a ton to catch up on!

First, welcome to our new (to me) ladies. I know some of you have been around for a couple weeks already! This is a great spot for venting, support and following everyone's journey to a BFP's.

Wish - I was in your shoes in the fall of 2013. I was showing zero immunity to measles so I got boosted. No big deal. Then just to be sure, they did it again. DH wasn't happy that we were out of the game for two months. In reality, we had just moved and I was starting a new job and he didn't have one so we were pretty stressed and having a baby was not high up on my list. I can imagine that for you and TTC, this is not great timing. If you're about to O, go get that booster so you'll be out of the 4 week window by the time it's time to try again next month.

Kiley - your chart looks good to me! It's my understanding that if you do not ovulate, your temp will not rise, even if you get a + opk. FF detected the rise so not to worry! Speaking of opk's, I'm skeptical of their reliability. I use CB digital advanced and I had two monitors available. The one I've used for the past couple months told me LH was low, but when I looked at the stick, that line as pretty dark! The next day the same monitor told me I was at peak fertility with a line that was only slightly darker than the day before. On peak day I took another test with the newer monitor and it told me fertility was low with a line equally as dark as the one that told me I was at peak. I don't put too much weight into those things, but I let them give me an idea of where we're at. So don't get discouraged that you didn't get a peak reading. It's all good!

Also, my O days are within a 5 day range too. I ovulate anywhere from day 15 to day 20 and that normal! It's your LP you want to keep an eye on...mine is most often 12 days with a very rare 11 or 13 day. The LP should stay fairly consistent, but O day can do whatever it wants. That's why we play the fun game of "catch the egg" each month.
Good to know Maui about the O range! My LP is has always been 13 or 14 days so I am good there. I guess what threw me off was the slow temp rise after O. My concern right now is how rocky my temps have been in my LP in past cycles. I need to just stop worrying about it and see what this cycle brings. I am beginning to question the OPKs and monitors as well. But as you said it does at least give you an idea of where you are at. My CBFM has been good with giving me an idea of when I enter my fertile phase. Looking back at my charts, I always seem to ovulate after the 3rd or 4th day of high readings. At least I am starting to see a clear pattern in that respect.
mdc - it could just be a polyp. I hope so anyway - I had one blocking the dang cervix hole! and it's super easy to have removed, painless.

maui - welcome back! this will be a 2-month wait for us too, I figured out. So first shot, then 2nd shot a month later, then wait a month for that to be out of my system before TTC again. I called today to get the appt set up, hopefully it will be soon!

kiley, i'm digging your chart too! nice temps! wooo!
Hi everyone :) its hard to keep up lol....
Wish I feel your pain this month !! Lots n lots of EWCM for me the last two days, more than ever so hoping its a good sign my thyroid is settling down that along with a longer AF . If it is means fertility is back :) just to torture myself did a Opk and blaring positive uck .
Frustrating Left but good news about the fertility coming back. Sounds promising!! Glad you got that appointment set up Wish! Here is to a speedy couple of months for you two!
Kiley- I think it's less about what the temps are individually and more about being able to detect the shift to show a biphasic chart. You're one of those ladies who has a "Rocky Mountain" chart as they say. :) FF is still able to determine O for you each month. Have you ever used the "charts like mine" feature on FF? It'll put your mind your mind at ease when you see so many other charts with a pattern like yours.

I also had a cycle where my temp rose slowly after O. I browsed through other charts on FF and saw plenty just like it that resulted in a BFP even though it was not to be for us. I saw charts with high temps all the way to BFP, I saw charts with high temps that ended in AF showing up and I saw charts with a huge dip like AF was gonna show that ended up in a BFP...there's just no telling! We put a lot of weight into temps when all we really need them for is detecting that biphasic shift.

My temps were pretty flat again until O approached, then they started bouncing around before shooting up this morning. DH has worked a weeks worth of hours in the past three days and still BD'ing on top of that. He's exhausted and I'm calling a halt to the BD marathon. This morning's temp must be accurate because my right boob feels like somebody punched me! My charts are different each month so it'll be fun to see how this one pans out.

Anyone win the Powerball? We didn't, dang it. :/
I'll have to look at those other charts... FF changed my O date to CD14 which actually makes me feel a bit better about it now. Chart looks a little better too. So Instead of being 5dpo today I am now 3dpo. I'm glad we kept BDing! Timing is still pretty good. Two days before and day of. :)

FX'd your timing is good as well! Your hubby's a trooper. I would be exhausted too!
Good morning ladies,

Update: I had the IUI on Monday and BD the next morning for safe measure. My TWW has begun. I'm still taking my temp every morning. Today is CD17 for me or 3DPO.

I'll be traveling on business next week so that should help keep my mind busy and make the TWW go by quickly. I will be looking for implantation signs.

I'm keeping all of you ladies in my prayers. Thank you for the continued encouragement.

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