38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

I LOVE it Vera and Ruby it is for your twin girls !!!! I love the name Ruby its kinda popular now , heard alot of them lately .

Star I'm certain one day IT WILL BE your hubby's time to announce , its only a matter of time , PMA is my new motto ... POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITIUDE . It makes this journey all,st bearable and at its worst brings hope :)

So what secret names have ye ladies liked ?? I always had more boy names than girl names my top boy name: Darragh ( dara) and girl Ellen- Mary aka (Ellie -May ) after both grannies :) I also love Claragh and kayla :)

Progesterone blood work 1 week after IUI is standard for my doctors office. In October after my IVF, they started me on crinone suppositories; that's progesterone. I'm not on any now bc when you naturally ovulate, the follicle produces the needed progesterone. I needed it after IVF bc I didn't ovulate naturally. They aspirated each follicle so that natural process didn't happen.

I'm out of town on business so I had to find a lab here in Illinois. Hopefully they process the labs and get the results back to my doctor quickly. I fly home on Friday and should be taking a HPT on Sunday or Monday. I'm sure my doc will have me come in for a BPT.

Kiley - how did you add that banner at the bottom of your posts that tell about you and your hubby?
Star, well pooooo on the busted pipe!!! That must be so frustrating, but maybe you will not have to make the appt for next steps. This thread is good luck for that. Hang in there. I know it is hard when people are falling pregnant all around, it just plain sucks. I love everyone positive attitude on this site though. We get the best of both worlds a place to vent and then all these lovely ladies to cheer us on.

Sha, GL! You never know when symptoms will pop up, or even better no symptoms and then a big fat surprise.

Wish, sounds like you doctor is really great. Cannot wait to hear about the appt and Fx'd that you can due IUI in March! I feel you on the twins part. I would like to get two birds with one stone. Secretly of course, because I think DH would have a heart attack! Btw, my mouth is drooling now from your food.

Left, I love those names! Every once in a while I hear a name and think aww...that would be a great kids name, but silly me I cannot ever remember what they are. I should keep a secret list. The only think we really talked about is William for a boy's middle name. It is DH's dad's first name and my dad's middle. We just won't tell them which one we named him after and they can both take credit. LOL!

I did get my appt today, and got my annual pap. Good news my ummm...little friend is indeed a nabothian cyst. Whew! Thank you Dr. Google and some how I was able to keep my crazy mind in check that it was not a tumor or something dreadful. I am a little hypochondriac and being in healthcare was probably not a smart profession for me to choose. My doc said my cervix looks great, but I did spot a little during the pap. Boo! Might be AF, but still trying to be positive. Got my schedule for blood work (FSH, AMH, estradiol, progesterone, TSH) and an HSG (EEEK)! I heard they can be awful and I am a big wuss, but guess you got to do what you do. I asked DH to call for a SA when I made my appt, and of course he procrastinated. Finally called today, and the said March 31st. Say what! Just for an appt ummm....to do his business. I think he thought he got off easy, but my ob gave a referral slip to another place and she said it will be much sooner. Ha! Still no symptoms for me a little backache and a headache. Did not eat to much today so probably why the headache. Do have to say I love my doc! She said we should take this at our own pace, and put positive intention into the universe. I can dig that!

Baby dust to all, and Fx'd for a but load of BFP this month and in the next couple.
Sha, guess we were posting at the same time. God luck with testing on Sat/sun.

I have been curious about the sig too! Tried to add my FF chart once and failed. Ha!
Good Morning,

Has anyone noticed changes in their CM during this TWW? This morning I noticed school glue; thicker than egg white. Sorry if this is TMI.

Dandi - did you notice any changes before you got your BFP?
I didn't, but I don't really have a lot of cm so it's never really a readable factor for me. Fingers crossed that that's a good sign for you!
Hello ladies! (signature directions as the end of this post :) )

Star- So sorry to hear about your cancelled appointment! That must have been frustrating! Lets hope you wont even need it! I will be waiting patiently to hear how your test goes on Saturday!. I am debating if I will test early.

Left- Thanks for the positive post. I hope you are right and we all will get BFPs one of these days!

Sha- We are the same dpo. Good to hear your temp is staying up and hopefully the change in CM is a good sign.

Wish- My fingers are crossed for you and you get to do IUI next month!

Mdc- Thats great that you have all your blood work scheduled. What dpo are you today?

I am 9dpo today. No symptoms, temps staying up. The sides of my boobs are still tender but I am assuming that is from my workouts. My pap yesterday went well. Doc said everything looks great and he was pleased I am in such good health. He even noticed I had more muscle tone! He did not schedule any blood work for me. Wants me to get a couple more cycles of trying with good timing in. Technically this cycle is our first cycle with ideal timing. I spotted after my pap yesterday afternoon as well but it was brown in color. I'm sill having a little brown spotting this morning. I assuming the spotting is due to him scraping my cervix for my pap though? I wish I could say it was implantation bleeding...

Signature Instructions :)

1)Click on USER CP (top left just above this thread)
2)Click Edit Signature (listed down along the left side)
In the My Signature box type what you want it to say. If you want to add your chart you need to paste the code from Fertility Friend in this box.
3) To get your fertilityfriend.com chart code:
Go to fertilityfriend.com
click on My Chart (listed along the left side)
Scroll to bottom of chart and click Share
The code you need to copy is listed under bbCode Code (about half way down in bold)
copy the code listed under Chart Thumbnail and paste into your babyandbump signature box and then hit save.
I need your thoughts.... I know at this point my temps wont change the outcome of anything since FF.com already confirmed O, but this morning I took my temp and it read way low at 98.18 so I thought maybe I did not put it in all the way and I immediately took it again without getting up. My second temp was 98.92. HUGE difference. I used my second temp but do you think I should have used the first one? I just want an accurate chart for comparison purposes in future cycles if I don't get a BFP this time around..
Left, thanks for the positive vibes and advice! Always makes me feel better!

Sha, I haven't had a bfp but I have noticed a little more watery this month for me. I think any change in cm could be a good sign if you haven't seen it before since the amount/consistency is driven by hormones. Hopefully a good sign. :thumbup:

Kileyjean, I am DPO13 today. All thanks to the early O. I forgot to say I asked my ob again about my super short light period (2 days light + a little spotting) and she said again :winkwink: that it was fine and she thought with my LP length (13-15 days) with a short light period was fine. You have lighter periods too right? Not sure if you asked, but if so did your doc saying anything different? I did spot a little too after the pap (brown). Your timing is better for implantation bleed then me. So you never know.

No real symptoms for me, but starting to get mild AF pains, but trying to stay positive. Since I am using ff instead of counting my own LP I see that 13dpo is the most frequent LP before AF. SO, if no flo then testing tomorrow morning. Yikes! I am starting a little chat in my head 'heck no we don't want no stinkin flo'!!! Ha ha ha!

Fingers crossed, toes crossed, and every other appendage for everyone. Sounds like this weekend and early next week has a lot of BFP potentials!

I have to say, I just love you girls - you make me laugh and smile every time I check in! :)

hahaha left - thanks for buying into my weirdness of the names! One name of mine that I've thought of recently is 'Raena' or 'Rayna' - my deceased MIL's name was Rachel and my mother's name is Donna, so I thought Raena would be a nice combo of the two! Not sure about a total name, though or if that would be first or middle. I haven't told DH either! haha And for a boy, I'm digging Timothy or Benjamin these days, but we know Tims and Bens so might be a tough sell to DH. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. :)

mdc - I had an HSG and it was a BREEZE! I was super nervous about it too but the tech explained every little step before we started, the radiologist showed me what was happening while he was doing it and then it was over. Lickity split and no pain! The only pain, I've heard, really comes if you have a blockage. I didn't even cramp. but I think you might already have worse than normal cramps if you have a blockage, so you'd have a suspicion? I could be making that up...

mdc/kiley - I hope the spotting stops and you get some positive tests in the next few days! :dust: :dust:

sha - I always look for differences in my cm but it doesn't really work for me. Though I've never had a BFP either so I have nothing different to compare it to! I think it can also be impacted by what you're eating/drinking or not eating/drinking - like more water should increase ewcm, etc.

you know what's funny - I should be about 4dpo today, assuming I O'ed on or around cd16, and I don't have ONE symptom. I'd be driving myself nuts right now if I was hoping for a BFP! kinda makes you evaluate what your body does on a typical non-TTC cycle vs a regular cycle.
Hello Everyone,

Dandi- Hope you are doing well.

Mau- Just checking on you:)

Kpme- hows the going:)

Ours- long time no post from you:)

Mdc- Glad your appt went well and you came back with good news. Good luck with the blood work results and the other tests too. Are you going to take your DH for the SA appointment? My DH is always shy of such things but I tell him if you want this baby we gotta do all that it takes…no shyness. May those spotting bring good news, like your positive attitude. Am also in healthcare by the way and that’s sometimes makes me overanalyzed things. William is a good name too. That name will make both your Dads happy:)

Wish- If I didn’t know the full meaning of the names Vera and Ruby I would say go for it…..but now that I know the full meaning…..i ll just leave it like that:). I like both namea Raena and Rayna, unique names. Sometimes it feels good not driving yourself nuts with these symptoms when you are not actively ttc. But i cant wait when for you to be in the tww again. All the best.

Left- PMA is my new motto too. I have always secretly liked the names Jonam for a boy and Juanita for a girl but I may change my mind. Left Darragh sounds unique, what does it mean? I also like Claragh and Kayla.

Kiley- Wish I could answer your question on the temp. I temp on and off because I don’t have a regular sleep schedule. Those who temp on a regular bases may help you with that temp issue. On a side note, I am glad your ob appt went well. May those spotting bring good news soon. Postive thoughts positive thoughts always! I tell myself that too now:)

Shar- Thanks for the info on your tests. Hope the changes you noticed on your CM will bring forth a BFP. Safe trip back home. I am also testing on Sat with you.

10 dpo here, yesterday we had a dinner function at my job and I didn’t really enjoy it much because I kept on feeling some on and off sharp cramping like AF ones. They were more on my lower abdomen. I am keeping a positive attitude and just taking one day at a time and hoping for the best. I am still holding myself off from testing until sat which will be 13dpo. I still don’t have any other symptoms. I did call my ob office and they stated they will resume operation next week. They wanted to see if I wanted to go to another ob in another office but I declined. The one I see kinda know me and I don’t want to start telling my life history and my ttc journey to another ob. The one I always see also knew I was going to come for assistance if I hadn't conceived by beginning of this year. I will wait until Monday and call them again and schedule another appointment. In the meantime, i am getting ready to go to work now and you Ladies have a wonderful evening.

Baby dust!

I have always secretly liked the names Jonam for a boy and Juanita for a girl but I may change my mind. DH would like to name the boy after him or have his middle name but we haven’t decided on that too. My DH is first name is his Dads middle name and his middle name is his Dads first name! I always tell them they must have run out of names to decide to interchange those names. Guess DH wants to continue with that tradition
Kiley - whenever I have a temp in question I take it 3 times and chart the number that's "best 2 out of 3." Then I make a note about what the other numbers were. Your chart looks good, almost like the beginnings of a triphasic :)

Hope all of you lovely ladies are doing well today. I'm glad I could give you a laugh the other day. Even my hubby thought it was funny.

I appear to have a case of the blues. I was fine all day yesterday, then as evening approached, my mood plummeted. Not grumpy, just totally blah. I had to work until about 9 pm, thought maybe I just needed to sleep. So I went to bed around 10, slept amazing despite vivid dreams (just figured I slept really deep). Woke up feeling rested but I'm still very blah and tired. My temp dropped this morning which starts all sorts of fun head games. No symptoms aside from those I get every month. Except for the blues, nothing is out of the ordinary. Trying not to think until the weekend.

Star- thanks for checking on me. :)
Mdc- my doc said the short period was fine as well. He wants it to be at least three days. My last one was three days with two days of spotting after. And as long as the LP is normal then he is not worried. He also was not worried about my crazy LP temps I had in the two previous cycles. He said its obvious from my charts that I am ovulating so he is happy with that. I am still spotting light brown... now I am starting to wonder. In the past when I spotted after paps, it was right after and then nothing. My LP is 13 - 14 days so it is too early for period spotting and I NEVER spot before my period. It always come full force with no warning, I only get some cramping before. And as for your mild cramping, it could be a pregnancy symptom too! I ready that early pregnancy cramping feels VERY similar to AF cramping. FX'd for you! Heck no we don't want no stinkin flo!! haha You are right this weekend and early next week is going to be exciting!

Wish- I LOVE the name Rayna! I have a couple names that I like (haven't shared with my DH yet either!). For boys I like Zane, Mason, and Jaxon. And for girls I like Olivia, Savannah, Lydia, Scarlett, and Madeleine. You are at least lucky you don't have to obsess over possible symptoms! I am driving myself crazy this TWW!
Star and Maui- I missed your posts! Must have been typing mine when you two responded.

Star- cramping at 10dpo is a promising sign. I will be impatiently waiting to hear from you on Saturday! Glad to hear the OB will be back up and running soon. Totally understand not wanting to go to a different doc.

Maui- Sorry you are feeling blue! You chart is looking good. Maybe implantation dip? Its the perfect day for it! Thanks for the feedback on the questionable temps. I will do that next time. I did make note on my chart of my first temp. p.s. I am secretly hoping for a triphasic chart!
Good Morning Ladies,

My BBT is starting to decline. I'm SO sad. I want to stay positive but this is the one tell tale sign that we ALL experience.

This is my last day in Illinois. I head home in the morning. I'm praying for a miracle.

Both of our names start with S, so we have been looking at S names. I love Syndey and Sebastian.
Oh sha, I am sorry bbt is starting to dip and you have every right to feel sad, but try to stay positive. :hugs:

Glad you will be headed home and hopefully can snuggle down, stay warm, and see your bbt creep up.
Yes Sha stay positive. I was looking at BBT charts on ff.com and someone got a BFP after three days of their temp steadily declining. Their temp did not drop below the cover line but got pretty close! Also, my doc just told me that because of how progesterone is produced in the body your temp can be very unsteady for no rhyme of reason during the LP and still be okay. He told me after O to try not to put too much thought into my chart. Easier said than done! You are not out until AF shows up!
That is for sure! My temp dropped twice to right at my cover line and I thought I was definitely out last month, then I got a huge shock when I found at that apparently that doesn't always mean what you think. So there is definitely still hope! FX!
Hi all - back from my appointment. Didn't get the best news - my egg reserve (AMH test) isn't so great. It's registering in as 'severely diminished'. So we have a lot to think about - go straight to IVF is the obvious choice, the doc didn't even bother with IUI. Then we need to think about whether or not we want to genetically test the embryos to make sure we're implanting one that is good to go. I got blood taken for 'Fractured X', which could be a reason my egg count is so diminished. If I'm positive for that, it could affect a baby boy as it is related to developmental problems and autism. So if I have it, we'd most likely want the genetic testing b/c we'd want to see if the embryo has it too. So overall, it just seems like there is a small window of success we have available to us. I'm feeling a little defeated.

maui - i'm sorry you're blue. This staying positive every month stuff is ROUGH to keep up with. Let yourself be blue, you'll balance back out.

sha - try to take the temps in a more general sense and not what they do on a daily basis. You could spike tomorrow! Safe travels home. I almost feel like, in order to not drive ourselves COMPLETELY insane, that we should temp a few days before O, a few days after and then put the thermometer down and not pick it back up until about 13dpo or something! remove all of that in between daily analysis that doesn't tell us much to begin with!

left - I meant to say that I like your names too! I love all of the 'gh's in them, so Irish!! :)

kiley - your temps are looking awesome! I looooove the name Mason!

I hope everyone else is having a great day! Looking forward to seeing some positive tests this weekend! ;)
Wish- sorry to hear about your results. At least it was not 100% bad news and you do still have a window of possibility. Technology is pretty amazing these days so I am sure you are bound to get a BFP in the near future. You just need a little extra help is all.

Great idea about the temping btw! I am pretty obsessed with analyzing my chart right now. I keep reminding myself that no matter what my temps are, it wont change the outcome and I have no control over them. I also need to remember what my doc said and to only use them to confirm O. This wait is just agonizing!! But, the weekend is almost here and we will start getting answers!

Positive vibes to you all!

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