38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Pothole, welcome to this group and the crazy TTC journey! It is easy to get overwhelmed, but this group has a lot of knowledge and wisdom to help you take it one step at a time. Glad you joined us!

Kiley, I have started typing my messages in notepad and then copying. I hate retyping things. I am glad you are trying to stay positive! Trust me it sucks to try and be optimistic sometimes. I had a mammogram a couple years ago bc the doc thought she felt a lump (luckily nothing was there), but I remember thinking the test was going to hurt. It was nothing for me at all! Not that you asked but thought I would throw it out there.

I think the witch is going to show tomorrow, but I will wait and see. I did call the hospital for the HSG to ask a couple questions, bc insurance does not cover anything :cry: I do have to say the receptionist was a completely rude (although I will spare you words that I said after I hung up the phone ha!). I first asked if there was a way to get an estimate. Her answer, 'I do not have that information' long pause....me 'is there someone that I can get that from'....receptionist 'uh yeah you can call the 1800 number to get an estimate' silence....me 'can I get that number'....snarky girl 'It is xxxxxxx'. I should have left it like that and I should have known better to ask the next question, but I did :dohh: me: 'it says that this procedure is usually scheduled cd 9-11, but I wanted to know if there is some flexibility because I have some travel for work?'....snarky girl 'well if that is what the paper says, then that is what it is. You need to determine if your health is more important than work.'...stunned silence from me. I get it that she usually gets questions that she does not know the answer to, but you have got to be kidding me. I calmly said ok, and then she hung up on me. Geez! Some people need a chill pill. I started to get emotional, but then thought no way I am going to let her crappy customer service put me in a bad mood. Luckily, the woman that gave me the estimate was nice, but she did not know the procedure so I had to google some cpt codes, and she said the total was 5400. I think that is way out of line, but emailed my doc to see what she has to say. Any thoughts girls?

Anyways, thanks for letting me vent! And GL!
Wow mdc that sounds like alot !!! Is there anyway you can shop around ? Such a pity about your insurance . Wounded how much it would cost here in Ireland ? Mmm ... My next step is AMH testing after the thyroid issue is resolved .... Lol...... There is always something !!! But all theses trials make the end so much sweeter :)

Welcome pothole :) delighted your joining in. I'm the senior of the group ( well the oldest anyhow ! ) firstly congratulations on your decision !!! Its a HUGE one to make and with it all the anxiety and fear of the unknown . I was 39 when I made it ;) so you have a good two years on me lol...my advise even though I know you didn't ask for it :haha:
1. Get to know your cycles inside out / back to front
2. Use charting to confirm ovulation and see a pattern .
3. Take your temp
4. Consider using Opk ( ovulation predictions tests)
5. Prepare to have sore fingers and wrists from all your typing !!!! :haha:
Oops posted too soon

Wish 20 month old and triplets !! Holy crap !!! Now you have done it !! Lol.... Triplets it is ;) gosh I can't wait to follow your journey . All that said I think I'd quite like twins :)

Kiley ! Tuesday that some willpower !!! I've everything crossed for you .... And keep remembering if this is not your month its coming soon :) !!! Stats are with us !! They say 87 % of 35-40 year olds will have a successful pregnancy within 18 months :) AFM 40-45 year olds 62% will have one within 4 years !!! Lol....... I've already beaten that odds having one within 18 months lol.... So KEEP BELIEVING girls it WILL HAPPEN :)

Happy Saturday :)
Thank you for the welcome! I will take every bit of the advice you are willing to share. Bought my first opk yesterday and it was more disappointing than I expected that its predictions don't line up with my little period app. I had no idea what you meant by taking my temp, so I looked it up. I'm a blank slate ladies. There is no one else in my family with fertility issues. And if I hadn't spent the last 16 years of my life taking care of other people's special purpose children, they would probably have descended on me en mass and demanded a grandchild/neice/nephew. As it is, they think I've decided against biological children. They are disappointed but not freaking out. In reality, I am afraid that I could sabotage myself with all this fear and stress. But I chose my name in honor of one of my favorite movies, Mixed Nuts, in which Steve Martin's character explains that "In every pothole there is hope" So I chose to hope. In spite of the fact that I feel like I'm going to vomit.
Welcome Pothole!! LOVE the quote and why you chose your user ID! This is a fabulous group of women! And try not to stress just yet since you are just starting out. I know, easier said than done… I have to tell myself to stop stressing all the time. I tend to go overboard with the analyzing. When I first started google was my best friend in learning all this stuff. I apparently did not pay attention when they taught us about our cycles in school..

Mdc- Don’t think AF just yet!! And thanks for the advice about the mammogram. Good to know that it does not hurt as bad as you hear. That is crazy nuts about the price of an HSG. Definitely shop around. Crappy that insurance does not cover it. But, who knows maybe you will not need it. And I would definitely complain about that rude receptionist. Next time, I would just request to speak to the nurse. They will know more about it anyway.

Left- Thanks for the pep talk. I needed it…..

As for me….. 12dpo and I had zero willpower this morning and I tested today… three times. Used a first response and thought I saw a VERY faint line guessed it to be an evap because I REALLY had to squint. About 3.5 hours later I had to pee again and then it dawned on me that my urine at 4am this morning was very clear, so I tested again with a first response. After about a minute a faint pink line showed up!! But at this point I still was not convinced because of my first test and the pretty much negative result. I then thought I will just wait until AF is actually late and if the lines are darker then I will believe it. Well after talking to my mom for like two hours, I decided to pee on my one clearblue dig. that I had left (was going to save it for my Tuesday test). Well…. It says Pregnant!!!!! I attached my tests for you guys to see. I am seriously in shock right now. Still do not really have any symptoms except for the faint AF-like cramping. Pray for a sticky bean!!

Baby dust to you all! :dust: :dust:

Thank you all SOOOOOOO much for all the support and wisdom. And Pothole, this is why I say TRY not to stress just yet. I am 36 and was on birth control for almost 20 years straight. I stopped taking it at the end of October. There IS still hope for you and all these other wonderful women!


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Oh, and I am definitely calling to cancel my Mammogram! Also, for you CBFM users, I have proven that it is possible to get pregnant without ever getting a peak. I never did get a positive OPK this month either...
Kiley. I am just so happy for you! I haven't even made an appointment yet, but all of this information is daunting. I've spent more time looking up meanings to abbreviations than anything. And as for what they taught us in school, I was not the most attentive of students, but I feel certain that no one ever mentioned cervical mucus or basal body temps. I think I would have remembered that.
Hello everyone,

Mdc- i didnt know that hsg is very expensive like that. Definately shop around .

Kiley- am soooooo super happy for you. Praying for a sticky one.

As fo me, i tested today and got a bfn. No AF yet, will now wait until AF show up or not show up and test again.
Left- thanks for the stats. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying there weekend.

Oh kiley i wanna know how you told Dh?:)
What did you do different this time Kiley? Maybe the information may be of help to some of us still in the ttc journey.

Going to run some errands before i go to work now and goodluck to all!
CONGRATS KILEY!!!! <3 <3 <3 wishing for a sticky bean for you!!!

and yes, spill how you told DH! :)

welcome, pothole! you're normal in your freaking out - we're all here for you, we were new to this once too! You'll be doing things you never thought you would and it's all OK! There's barely any TMI on here either, so ask whatever questions you want. :) All dignity is out the door here! HA!

left - I can't wait for you to be back in the game too and we can watch you get your little nugget. :)
Kiley - congratulations. Praying for a sticky bean!!! OMG! Amazing to truly watch someone's cycle and see a positive result.

Mdc I would have given that woman a piece of my mind. Clearly she is in the wrong line of business. She has no compassion. I've had 3 HSG, all of them felt differently. My last one was painful, but that's when we discovered my hydrosalpinx (blocked tube).

Pothole - welcome

AFM, my flight home was uneventful with a slight delay in Detroit. I felt a little fluttering in my belly while flying but I have no idea what it could have been. It didn't last long and it hasn't happened again. AF is due Monday, so I too am waiting to test. Kiley and I are cycle buddies, so she has me VERY tempted now, buti I'm going to wait.

Baby dust to all!
mdc - I swear you just sounded like a good friend of mine, she does the same type of work and I know she's been looking for a change! Good luck in your interviews, I hope you knock their socks off!

I'm so happy for those of you backing off of temping for a bit! It can drive a woman mental, I'm sure of it! I hope it helps you to relax a little, though it's still hard.

ours - thanks for letting us know how you are doing! :dust: to you, you lurker, you! ;)

kpme - so glad you popped in! I hope you're staying warm. We just found a leak in our house from an ice dam - SUPER PUMPED! And a couple more storms on the way... Your DH sounds like a trooper! glad you guys are able to stick with it! Have an espresso martini this weekend for some energy! ;) And thank you for the kind words.

I'm better today. Well, I was as of last night. IVF it is, I suppose. Now we just have to determine if we want that genetic testing done and we'll figure that out when we get my newest test results back for Fractured X. Neither of us are carriers for anything else, so I guess this would only tell us if the embryo would have Downs or something? I need to read up on this testing. It's expensive and there's no guarantee that once they transfer the embryo, that it's going to implant anyway. AND we have to decide if we'd want to transfer 1 or 2 - no guarantees that any would take, but 2 could and.....I just know it.....one would split and the ONLY reason this would happen is b/c I've been laughing for years at a horrible woman this happened to and figured it was karma (I know, you prob now think I'm a horrible person for laughing at her luck of getting triplets). Now my karma is coming - I'd be in the same sitch!! :blush:

Happy Friday everyone! :flower:

Wish - my IVF doctor recommended I transfer 3 due to my age. After we signed the papers and watched the transfer, DH and I looked at each other like "what did we just do, what if all 3 make it". It was kind of scary and funny at the same time. The more you transfer increases your chances of 1 sticking. Multiples are still pretty rare.
Who flips their lid when their DH says 'Wow, that is a lot of asparagus for dinner'? Supposedly I do :devil: Geez, WTH is going on with me.

Happy Friday lovely TTC (soon to be BFP ladies)!

Ours, glad you are still 'lurking' around and :dust: to you.

Sha, hope you are home safely. I could not agree more! I am so lucky that I ran across this site and these ladies are so knowledgable and nice. I have seen some other sites and there are definitely some meanies out there. I see Kiley has also been recruiting for others to join :thumb up: GL to you this weekend.

KPME, I feel your pain SMEP always is easy in the beginning, but draining (literally...LOL!) toward the end. A trip to NYC sounds amazing!

Wish, glad you seem to be feeling better after all the info. Karma is a funny thing! I know we were asking Dandi about twins, but triplets are no laughing manner. :haha: Wait...no laughing from me. Forgot to say, I will still be working from home. I like my sunny Cali weather!

Kiley, when are you testing? I think it was on Sat if you were going to hold out. Best of luck and Fx'd.

Star, GL testing! :dust: I also got a little cramping on a couple days ago and then it went away, but your timing seems more like implantation planting!

Hi, to everyone else!

So I have no idea why I was so cranky last night, but geez! I usually do not have PMS symptoms (maybe a little weepy but not a crazy person). My theory is that since I felt O' pain that I do not remember before maybe other cycles have been anovulatory, and now my hormones have kicked in. Or, I have a shy BFP (hoping for this more!) If this cycle is a bust the I really need to try bbt at least to see when I O. My schedule is just so wacky in the mornings because I have calls starting at 5-8 am depending on the day. Still no sign of AF, but starting to think the opks peaked me early (said I should have O'd a couple days early this month). My LP is usually 13-15, and today is 15 on FF (got to figure out how to add it to the sig-thanks Kiley for posting the directions). But if I O'd when I thought I should of then I am dpo13. Not sure which one I like better bc if it was later I hope the swimmers from the last session were super swimmers. :dohh: Only sign is that I have a lingering back ache the last 4 days, but maybe it is just another sign we need a new mattress. Ha!

Wishing everyone the best of GL and lots of :dust:!

My schedule also varies, so I set an alarm to wake me at the same time everyday, even if I don't "have" to get up for work. It's really early, but it's worth it.
"Don don don another one bites the dust " lol..... Congratulations kiley :) so happy for you :) don't go disappearing now :) just wait those symptoms will hit full on around 6-8 weeks , or maybe you will be one of the lucky ones and get away with it :)

Can't wait to get back in the game either !! This waiting is driving me nuts !! The only job I have right now is cheer leading you all on to BFP :) yipeeee

Pothole for a while ill write beside the abnreviations if you like ? Tmi ( too much information ) DH Ds dd ( dear husband , daughter , son etc ........ ) ov ovulation , bd (baby dancing )
Rofl ( rolling on the floor laughing ) Opk ( ovulation prediction kits ) mmm I know there is tons more just ask :)

Sha do you go back to sleep after ?
That is very kind of you to offer. Thank you. It's the medical terminology that's tripping me up. I didn't even know what ttc meant until yesterday. Basals, mucus, dpo, ferning...so much confusion. I've been using the super simple my days app to determine when my period would start. Downloaded fertility friend today and thought I would faint. Charts, charts, charts, and OMG math looking stuff.
KILEYJEAN!!!! Oh my gosh, I almost CRIED! I'm so excited for you! What a great day. :wohoo: My temp is dropping so I'm taking heart that yours did too and you got a BFP.

Star - I'm an athletic trainer and the high school I work with is hosting the district wrestling tournament which means I'm on sports medicine duty. Two days of over-dramatic kids and coaches. It actually hasn't been so bad, yesterday was a little high maintenance. Today is much more mellow as we near the final rounds. I've hardly had a chance to think about the TWW and a getting a BFP so that's good. Busy is the best medicine for that.

Pothole - Welcome! You picked a great forum to join. :) Beware of AFM. Everyone writes to her, but no one knows who she is...
Just kidding, AFM means "as for me." I just learned that.

Mdc- I'm sorry that chick was so snarky with you. I've dealt with a person or two like that this weekend...unpleasant and I handled it about the same as you...emotional! I've been singing in my head all weekend, "Why you gotta be so ruuuuude!"

Ok ladies, back to work. Check on ya later...
Ok pothole

DPO : days post ovulation
Tww : two week wait .... Two weeks after ovulation that you have to wait to test
BFP : big fat positive
BFN : big fat negative

Fertility friend looks complicated but does all the work for you :) all you need to do is input the information on a daily bases . Taking your temperature daily , at the same time before getting out of bed or doing anything is useful to confirm ovulation . Your temperature will rise after ovulation . Three days of raised temps and to get two red lines crossed ( they are referred to as crosshairs :)

Ferning refers to a pattern evident in your saliva 4 days prior to OV when the estrogen level rises . B'ding ( baby dancing ) around ov time ( -4 to +1) 4 days before to day after is reccomeneded for best chances . Charting helps recount inside your pattern in your cycle , LP refers to luteral phase ( the amount of days after ov ( ovulation ) to AF ( Aunty flo) this is usually 12-16 days for most people and will stay the same every cycle . The day you OV can change from month to month . From cd 1 ( counting day 1 ) this refers to first day of period and you count this was cd 2 ,3 etc until ov . After ov you then count DPO ( days past ovulation ) then people know where you are in your cycle . So where are you now ??
Kiley -- congratulations! What a wonderful treat to read this catching up this morning! Oh yippee! This makes me so happy!

Welcome, Pothole. You might benefit from putting your hands on a copy of the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It's sort of the bible of temping and charting and just is a great reference and orientation to our cycles and "equipment." It was the first place I turned when I started TTC and it was worth the time. I now use it as a reference when I have a question about things.

Things are in a holding pattern here. CBFM still giving me "high" without a peak, and I may have started to have a temp spike this moring, but hard to tell because I woke up an hour before and then fell back asleep. I think DH needs a break from all the BD so we're probably taking the day off. :) Poor guy.

Tonight I'm going to an Oscar party where everyone dresses up in ridiculous old prom dressses and stuff. It's quite a scene!

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