38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Sha- I second what Kiley said. She took the words right outta my mouth. I love looking in the chart gallery on ff and seeing all of the variations in BFP chart temps. Some are perfect implantation dip, triphasic charts, others are flat. My favorites are the ones where the temp plummets below the cover line as if AF will show, but they get a BFP instead. Keep your chin up. It ain't over til it's over!

Wish- I'm so sorry to hear your news. At least now you have some answers and direction. A lot to process, I can only imagine. How are you holding up? What's next step if they do find you have fractured X? Thinking of you lady.

Star- how's it going today? Still cramping?

MDC- testing today?

Kiley- your temps are showing an awesome chart. How are you feeling?

Kpme- did you catch that egg yet?

Hope the rest of you lovelies are doing well today.

I'm still in my funk today. Couldn't sleep worth a dang last night and started cramping. Typical AF feeling. At this point I'm just waiting to see which analysis method on FF was correct at predicting O. I'm hoping that this one is correct, putting me at 9 dpo which means AF won't start until Sunday. I have a tournament to cover Friday-Saturday and AF would not be a welcome addition to that.
Thanks Maui- I am actually feeling pretty good but not having any of the typical symptoms yet :( . Sides of boobs are no longer tender so I was right about it having to do with my workouts. The only "symptoms" I am having is a skin break out at the beginning of this week on my jaw line which is earlier than normal. I normally break out a day or two before AF. And the last few days I have been either slightly constipated or bloated. Doc even noticed I was slightly constipated on Tuesday when he was doing my pelvic exam. Don't know what the bloat is from because I have been eating well this week and keeping sodium low.

Sorry you are still feeling down. I get that way right before AF comes :( Its either an AF symptom or because I become disappointed because I know AF is coming... For you I am hoping that AF does not even show up! Based off your chart I would have to agree that you are 9dpo.
I really hate when you type up a really long post and I get kicked out! Ugh!

Here is my new one, but obviously not as awesome as the last. LOL!

Wish, sorry about the crappy news, and nothing to say but it just sucks. That being said hopefully the genetic testing will be negative, and if not at least you can get the embryo screened to give you some piece of mind. :hugs: I know it is hard to stay positive, but I still have positive thoughts for you and will be sending that vibe your way! And thanks for the pep talk about the HSG. I do not have cramps really ever, so hopefully that is a good sign of no blockage.

Star- yes, hubby is signed up for an SA. I know he is not psyched, but I said at least he does not have to get filled up like an iodine balloon. Ha! Hoping for a great weekend of testing for you!

Kiley, like you wisely told me :winkwink: remember not everyone has symptoms, so you may just get a super surprise BFP. I am starting to think I do not want symptoms in the TWW, because when I do I think it makes the waiting harder for me because I start to over analyze. Good luck this weekend with testing!

Maui, sorry you are still feeling down, and it plain just sucks especially when you cannot sleep. I fall into that cycle too, and the worst part for me is the insomnia. Darn brain does not shut off. Hopefully you will shrug the cloud, and get some happy testing results soon. Thanks for checking on me but a :bfn:

Hello to anyone else I missed!

My test was with a frer dpo14 so probably out, because those things are so dang sensitive. That being said I still don't feel totally out and no symptoms of AF, so still oddly somewhat positive. Not sure if I am just getting used to the negativos, or just better because I know there are tests next month. Although, I am in Miami next week for work and likely day 3 labs are during that time. So might have to get them there somehow or wait until next month. Urgggh! Also I got some other exciting news today! I interviewed for my dream job right after I was married last year and the position was put on hold by the company after they flew me out and everything. I just got an email to do two more interviews and I have an inside source that said the goal is to right me an offer by next Friday!!! :happydance:

Still I have a great feeling about all the testing this weekend and sending lots of Baby Dust all around! :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Kiley- you did mention you just started lifting again, yes? During the first week to month of consistently partaking in resistance training your muscles will retain water. That could be part of it. Progesterone helps with another part. For me and PMS, I get super agitated two days before AF. Like super short fuse, very easily irritated. It's a monsterous feeling that makes me beg for AF to show and end the anger!

As the day is marching on, I'm starting to feel back to my sunny ol self. Right boob is decreasingly tender, barely noticeable now. Still having faint cramping off and on which is par for the course. Does anyone else feel cramping more at night when they lay down? I do. Especially when I'm on my back. Wondering if it's just a me thing.
Wish I'm sure not the news you were hoping to hear :hugs: but low egg reserve doesn't mean NO egg reserve :) I have a close friend who was told that she had almost zero eggs and zero hope of natural pg and smack bang two months later , no intervention BFP and a now 2 year old . She also did IVF after that pg and has a boy 9 weeks old . There is still tons and tons of hope :happydance:
Tbh nearly all my fried s bar one have had medical assistance to conceive, including one who was advised she had a " hostile womb " having suffered sepsis following an op due to cysts ! She has a bundle of joy ( or trouble ) who made it here despite all the odds . I'm planning on getting that test done once I'm given the go ahead which I hope is soon . Knowing what the best next step is is power :)

Everyone else was going to reply but LO decided he want to be awake ;) so have to go get him !!!!! Love to all and ill be back xxxxx
MDC- I missed your post while I was typing! Sorry to hear about the BFN. You're right, it ain't over til it's over so hang in there. Yes, the insomnia was not welcome! Hopefully tonight will be better. Congrats on the awesome news about your dream job! GL in your upcoming interviews!

Left- that's great to hear about your friend. Wish, I hope you take some hope from that!
Thank you for the support, everyone. I am doing a bit better and will take it one step at a time. You're right, it's not NO eggs, just fewer. Hopefully there is a winner in there somewhere that wants to come into our lives! And yes, thank you for your examples, left - that means a lot. I'm so happy your friends were able to conceive!
I feel like I have to walk that fine line of expectation right now, though - go for it and be positive, but also be realistic that it might not be in the cards after all. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

mdc - I'm sorry about the bfns at 14dpo but CONGRATULATIONS on the new interviews for the dream job!! what is it for, if you don't mind me asking? And would you have to move, since you mentioned they flew you out to interview? Good stuff!!

maui - glad you're funk is clearing! :)
Mdc- sorry about the BFN!! But, you are not out yet! And Congrats on the possible new job! That is awesome!

Maui- I bet that's it! I did not even think about me lifting again and changing up my exercise routine. Glad you are getting out of your funk and getting back to your normal self. :) I too get VERY agitated a couple days before AF. For me cramping seems to hurt more when I am sitting down. I feel better when I stand and move around.
Thank you everyone for the pep talk. The new job is something for a big company in a new strategic advisor role. Lots of good executive exposure. The company is fantastic and starting this as a new role, I love being part of building programs from the ground up.

Maui, yes I do feel more cramps when I lie on my back. Thought it was just me. When I roll on my side it feels better. Last night I did that chanting go away flo. Ha! Maybe it is something about stretching the lower abs closer to the uterus that makes us notice the cramps more.
Hello ladies! I haven't stopped by in a while but I just caught up on all your posts and, WOW, there's been lots going on! I hope everyone is doing well and posting their BFPs very soon. For me, today is the Big O (cd 15) so we'll be enjoying some BDing and then slipping uncomfortably into the TWW.
I plan to pop in from time to time and read all of your success stories but I'll definitely be keeping a low profile and not posting much, if at all. I make a better lurker! My fingers are crossed for each of you and you're in my prayers. All the best to you and I'm sending loads and loads of magic baby dust your way xo
Good to hear from you ours! Sending baby dust your way as well!!
Thank you Ladies for all of your encouraging words. I am so thankful to have stumbled upon this site and thread. You've shared perspective that has helped me feel better about things.

Given my early morning flight, I will not be taking my temp. I will stop with the temp and start chanting to keep AF away.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. My fingers are crossed and I'm sending baby dust to all of you. :thumbup:
I'm right there with you Sha! Because my temp this morning is inaccurate, I too have decided to stop temping until AF is either here of late. I woke up a couple times during the night and then had to take my temp an hour early at 4am because I really really had to pee. It's probably a good thing this happened because if I keep temping I will probably drive myself mad.

Good luck to you all this weekend!
Hi everyone,

Sorry to be a little MIA. It's been a busy few weeks at work (Feb always is busy in my job, and even more so because of some absences from colleagues is leaving the rest of us in a scramble). So much to catch up on. I am so impressed that some of you are able to keep the huge number of us all straight! If I was keeping up with this daily it would be easier! FX for those of you who are closing in on the end of the TWW and testing soon. Sha, FX, too, that the temp dip isn't too indicative either.

Wish, very sorry to hear that you received some tough news this week. I know that all information is good information, even though it wasn't as encouraging as you obviously wanted to get. Take the time to process it and your intuition will guide your next steps. Big hugs to you.

Exhausted DH here. Big week. He's being a good sport, but is losing steam trying to keep up. :) We are trying to follow SMEP timing, and I've gotten three "highs" in a row with the CBFM (this is our second month using it) but haven't gotten a peak yet. I know that we might not get one. And my temp has stayed low so far (I'm at cd15 but I have longish cycles). But yesterday I got a somewhat high temp, and even though I was pretty sure that it was because I had woken up at 3:30 stressed out from work and never truly got back to sleep I still wanted to "cover the bases" in case it was a true temp jump from O. Needless to say, my DH is feeling a bit of "those machines are bossing me around" fatigue. Haha. He's trying to be a good sport. Will probably O over the weekend so he can recuperate. :)

We have decided to go to NYC for a little getaway in a few weekends and I realize it'll coincide right with the end of my TWW depending upon when I O. So I'm a bit bummed that I will probably decide not to be drinking some fabulous wines with dinner, but I suppose we will probably save like $200 on NYC prices! It'll all be a good distraction while I'm waiting to test.

Need to get to work. I hope you all have a good weekend! Will hope to see some good news!
mdc - I swear you just sounded like a good friend of mine, she does the same type of work and I know she's been looking for a change! Good luck in your interviews, I hope you knock their socks off!

I'm so happy for those of you backing off of temping for a bit! It can drive a woman mental, I'm sure of it! I hope it helps you to relax a little, though it's still hard.

ours - thanks for letting us know how you are doing! :dust: to you, you lurker, you! ;)

kpme - so glad you popped in! I hope you're staying warm. We just found a leak in our house from an ice dam - SUPER PUMPED! And a couple more storms on the way... Your DH sounds like a trooper! glad you guys are able to stick with it! Have an espresso martini this weekend for some energy! ;) And thank you for the kind words.

I'm better today. Well, I was as of last night. IVF it is, I suppose. Now we just have to determine if we want that genetic testing done and we'll figure that out when we get my newest test results back for Fractured X. Neither of us are carriers for anything else, so I guess this would only tell us if the embryo would have Downs or something? I need to read up on this testing. It's expensive and there's no guarantee that once they transfer the embryo, that it's going to implant anyway. AND we have to decide if we'd want to transfer 1 or 2 - no guarantees that any would take, but 2 could and.....I just know it.....one would split and the ONLY reason this would happen is b/c I've been laughing for years at a horrible woman this happened to and figured it was karma (I know, you prob now think I'm a horrible person for laughing at her luck of getting triplets). Now my karma is coming - I'd be in the same sitch!! :blush:

Happy Friday everyone! :flower:
Good morning Ladies,

It seems like I haven’t been here for a while but its only been 2 days. Just came home from work and so tired. Just catching up with you all before I get some well needed sleep.

Left- You are such an encouraging person. Hope you will finish up your post after LO takes a nap :) Glad I met you and glad I met everyone here too.

Shar- safe flight home. Good luck this weekend with testing.

Ours- Thanks for checking. Its nice to know you are alright.

Mdc- sorry to hear about your BFN. A friend of told me she heard this from somebody “think yourself pregnant until proven otherwise by AF”. Congratulations on climbing the ladder to secure your dream job. Let us know how the interview went. All the best.

Wish- Am sorry about the news, but sure there is alight at the end of the tunnel. I know the ladies here have encouraged you and I too praying for the best for you. You will one day hold your baby or your twins or your triplets…..the desires of your heart will be granted to you one day! This goes to all of us here.

Mau- My cramping stopped. Am glad you are feeling your sunny self after that period of blues. Hey, at least you have the weekend filled with tournament and that will keep you occupied! What tournament are you covering if I may ask, that is if you don’t mind offering.

Kiley- I know its hard not to temp when you are used to doing it on a regular basis. But I know sometimes we do stress ourselves with over analyzing so many things. I do that too. Am trying not too. Are you also testing this weekend? If so fx.

Kpme- congratulations in keeping up with SMEP. Enjoy your wkd gateway with hubby, it will make time go faster in your TWW.

Afm, i did not have any symptoms the last 2 days other than the cramping i told you all about on 10dpo. I am now 12 dpo. I looked at period tracker chart and for the last 4 months i have had cramps 4-5 days before my periods and some have lasted the entire 5 days and some only one day then my periods comes. So i dont know what this cycle will bring. I am still not testing until tomorrow on 13dpo. I have to work tonight, sat and sun. That will keep me occupied at least. AF is expected on sunday.

Happy friday and you all have a good weekend. Will check back tomorrow.
Who flips their lid when their DH says 'Wow, that is a lot of asparagus for dinner'? Supposedly I do :devil: Geez, WTH is going on with me.

Happy Friday lovely TTC (soon to be BFP ladies)!

Ours, glad you are still 'lurking' around and :dust: to you.

Sha, hope you are home safely. I could not agree more! I am so lucky that I ran across this site and these ladies are so knowledgable and nice. I have seen some other sites and there are definitely some meanies out there. I see Kiley has also been recruiting for others to join :thumb up: GL to you this weekend.

KPME, I feel your pain SMEP always is easy in the beginning, but draining (literally...LOL!) toward the end. A trip to NYC sounds amazing!

Wish, glad you seem to be feeling better after all the info. Karma is a funny thing! I know we were asking Dandi about twins, but triplets are no laughing manner. :haha: Wait...no laughing from me. Forgot to say, I will still be working from home. I like my sunny Cali weather!

Kiley, when are you testing? I think it was on Sat if you were going to hold out. Best of luck and Fx'd.

Star, GL testing! :dust: I also got a little cramping on a couple days ago and then it went away, but your timing seems more like implantation planting!

Hi, to everyone else!

So I have no idea why I was so cranky last night, but geez! I usually do not have PMS symptoms (maybe a little weepy but not a crazy person). My theory is that since I felt O' pain that I do not remember before maybe other cycles have been anovulatory, and now my hormones have kicked in. Or, I have a shy BFP (hoping for this more!) If this cycle is a bust the I really need to try bbt at least to see when I O. My schedule is just so wacky in the mornings because I have calls starting at 5-8 am depending on the day. Still no sign of AF, but starting to think the opks peaked me early (said I should have O'd a couple days early this month). My LP is usually 13-15, and today is 15 on FF (got to figure out how to add it to the sig-thanks Kiley for posting the directions). But if I O'd when I thought I should of then I am dpo13. Not sure which one I like better bc if it was later I hope the swimmers from the last session were super swimmers. :dohh: Only sign is that I have a lingering back ache the last 4 days, but maybe it is just another sign we need a new mattress. Ha!

Wishing everyone the best of GL and lots of :dust:!
yup, don't laugh!! and she had triplets with a side of a 20 month old...I couldn't NOT laugh!
So this is my second time typing this since b&b.com kicked me out…. Hate that!

Kpme- Great job on keeping up with SMEP and I hope you get that peak soon! NYC will be a great distraction at the end of your TWW! Right when you will need it the most!

Wish- Sorry about the leak in your house! That is so frustrating! When do you get your results back for fractured x? You guys have some tough decisions but I know you will make the right choice. I am praying that IVF goes well for you.

Star- Good news that your cramping stopped. Maybe implantation? FX’d!! I am like you though and analyze my symptoms on previous charts. Good luck to you tomorrow!! I have decided to hold off testing until Tuesday when I am late.

Mdc- Our poor husbands! I tend to snap at my husband as well when I get hormonal. If you actually are 13dpo than that would explain the BFN. Tested too early maybe? I definitely recommend temping even if you have different waking times. I read that FF can still make sense of your chart for the most part even if you have erratic waking patterns.

As for me, I am 11dpo and around 10am this morning started getting slight cramps off and on. I usually start cramping about three days before AF so that makes sense with my 13/14 day LP. :( I also got really irritated with my husband this morning for no reason at all. So because of those symptoms, I am starting to feel a little down. Taking my own advice that I give to you ladies is tough! I need to start thinking like Stars friend and think myself pregnant until proven otherwise by AF!!

To keep things less stressful I am not testing until AF is late, which would be Tuesday. So no testing early for me. I also decided for my next cycle I am only temping right after AF up until O is for sure confirmed. Since my doc said it is difficult to confirm pregnancy through temps during LP, and he is not worried about my crazy LP temps in the past, I have decided to take that stress out of the equation. My doc wants me to have a mammogram if AF does show up. I haven’t ever had one yet and he likes for you to get one at 35yrs. Since I am well into 36years and if I get prego and then breast feed, that would put me pretty close to 38years old and he does not want me to wait that long. So I am calling today to set the appointment up for late next week if possible but I am hoping I have to cancel it!!
Hello all. I joined moments ago, because we literally decided TODAY to start ttc. I am a nervous wreck and on the verge of complete panic. We are telling no one. I have always wanted a baby, but I take care of Special Purpose kids and I just poured my life into them and their families. Now barreling towards 37, that old desire has nearly swamped me. I'm not in the least worried about the higher genetic risks; in all honestly I have far more experience with special purpose than with neurotypical children. But I've been married for over 13 years using only natural planning. In the Catholic Church we have a word for those people. They're called parents. I am just so overwhelmed. I feel certain we'll need medical help, and I welcome it. But I'm scared. I am afraid I already want this too much. I am afraid of how badly it will hurt if it doesn't happen.

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