38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Thank you Kpme! I'll make a Barnes & Noble run today. Still showing neg opk. Getting concerned about the possibility that an RE might not be willing to see me since we've not been trying for a year. Would the fact that I'm 36 supersede that? I just don't feel like I have a year to waste.
Omg! Congratulations Kiley!!!!!!!!!!! Hoping for a super sticky bean!!!!!!! So happy for you. I haven't read all the post and trying to take a the day off from posting, but couldn't resist looking.

Nada and negativo for me, but on to March. Still hoping out for everyone else!
checking in b/c I think I'm not going to be able to for almost a week and a half. I have to go into the office tomorrow/Tuesday and be in all-day meetings so it does not lend itself for me to pull this site up on my laptop easily! Then VACATION on Wed!! And gone until the following Tues.

mdc - no es bueno no positivo!! I'm sorry. :hugs: let's get 'em next month, girl

kiley - still so psyched for you

left - great job on all the lingo!! haha

sha - thanks for the IVF tip - I may push for 2. We'll see, so scary!!

everyone else - take care of yourselves, happy testing/temping/symptom-spotting and I'll chat with you in a little over a week!! ta ta!
Thanks ladies!!!!!!! And don't worry I won't disappear on you!! I'll still need you all for support. :) I'll try to keep up with my daily posts and positivity for you all. I'm so happy to have found you!

Told hubby last night. He is over the moon right now and making big plans to finish our basement now :) Busy today so I'll catch up with you fabulous ladies tomorrow and tell you how I told the hubby. :)

Thanks again!!

P.S. My boobs are SUPER sore today!! And huge! Lol!
Coming out of stalking mode to wish Kiley a big fat CONGRATS!!!!!
Im like you-did not get any kind of peak or smiley on my fertility tests the month I got pregnant. Go figure :wacko: Don't feel bad if you can't make it on here all the time (like me!). I was so miserable my first trimester- it was hard enough getting myself to work, let alone keeping up with B&B. Hopefully your symptoms aren't too bad!!!

I'm still EXHAUSTED. Falling asleep at 8 pm and waking up during all hours of the night. I have to take naps on my lunchbreak at work otherwise i can't make it through the day. I wish maternity leave started during the first trimester! We had our genetic testing and all is well. We're not going to find out the sex!

I'm sorry I don't write more, but I used to come home and do it after work (i can't post at work) but now I'm just too pooped.

Hi Wish, Maui and Left!!!!!

Wish: I hope that you come back from your vacay refreshed and ready to start IVF. I know it's been a long road for you already, but it will be so worth it once you have your baby in your arms.

Hello to the newbies! Hope your stay in the TTC forums is short!

<3 <3
Hi ladies,

A special ALOHA to Jessie, glad to hear all is well for you and baby despite the exhaustion. I've missed you posting here. :flower:

Well girls, AF arrived in full force a day early putting a period (literally) at the end of a very crappy and stressful week. I think what makes it worse for me this time is hubby's disappointment. I know he's sympathizing with my struggle in trying to monitor and assess signs and temps each cycle, but this is his journey too and he wants to be a dad. Just about more than I can take right now. This one really took the wind out of our sails.

We were very relaxed and happy after taking a break last month and coming back into the game refreshed, we were even more hopeful. We are definitely going to keep trying.

I'll be checking in every now and then, but I won't be posting for a while. Please know that I'm cheering for you all in your journey to a BFP!:hugs:
Oh Mau firstly :hugs: I'm sorry your feeling so crappy right now . This ttc journey sure is tough sometimes . And I HATE that feeling the day she raises her ugly head !! The bottom falls out. I remember so well that feeling telling oh ... No baby this month . He would be gutted too and couldn't understand how it was so hard .. He used to say " my mother didn't use any sticks to wee on , or take her temp or take all those vitamins and she had 7 of us !!! Lol.....

In 13 or so days you will have a brand new opportunity , hang onto that hope :winkwink:: I used to think ever month AF arrived WAS another month closer to my BFP . I KNEW it was coming just not when it would be my turn . So I reckoned every AF I got done and out of the way was a step closer :happydance

I hope to see you soon xxx
Jessie :) uck for feeling crappy , don't worry just try get through each day and in no time the feeling your having will be a distant memory and you will feel the best you ever have !

Staying team yellow ?? Oooooh how exciting I'm guessing a little pink for you :)
Pothole have you figured out where you are in your cycle ??
Mdc, Mau, pothole wish and everyone else waiting for that BFP ... Hang in there ..... Its coming ... Every failed cycle , every bump in the road...every obstacle to be overcome .... Is a step closer to it :) and will make it all the sweeter when it arrives :)
Left, I am 12 days out from my last period. My days app says tomorrow. Fertility friend says 2 more days. OPK says nope. Just started doing temps yesterday so I really have at least another month before that info can show a pattern.
Well Ladies, AF arrived this morning and I'm so disappointed. I really did not want to see her. I now have to plan for my April cycle because of my tube situation, unless I O from my left again this cycle. Really bummed out. Need to get my mind in check. Thinking about exploring acupuncture this cycle in preparation for April.

I will keep you posted and keep you all in my prayers. Happy Monday!
Maui, sorry the witch got you and I can feel your pain. I agree with feeling like letting the DH down. I felt that too this month. I know it is easy to get consumed by this, and forget they are going through it too. Take time and do what is best for you to do, and come back and post when you are ready.

Sha, well crap. Sorry about AF. No way around it but it sucks. Hope you are taking care of yourself.

Left, thanks for the cheering squad, and hopefully you will be back in the saddle (ha!) this month. I know you already said this, but when do you find out you are a go?

Pothole, cannot wait for your positive opk.

Wish, have a great time on your vacay!

Kpme, wishing you the best this cycle and hoping for lots of symptoms on the tww and a BFP!

Star, still hoping for your BFP!

Kiley, bet you never thought sore boobs would be so exciting!

Jessie, glad all is going well even though it seems to be draining you. Building a baby is hard work :winkwink:

Afm, thanks for all the hugs. I go from optimistic to sad every 2.2 seconds. Not sure the wine I had last night helped, but it tasted good. LOL! As you all know it is really a kick in the pants when you feel like you did everything right and a BFN. Guess I need to let myself feel sad a little and then close that door and move to think positive that this is a new chance. I know everything happens for a reason, but like Maui I feel bad about DH. I had my cd3 labs drawn on Sunday (cd2) bc I am flying all day today. DH has the SA Tuesday....he is super psyched. Not! We are being a little proactive (really only 3 months of really trying perfectly). Guess I would rather just know if we are up against something.
Mdc my doc won't even consider testing until after 6 months !! On.y made it to four this time before I had to stop !! So ill be back to square one again !! I'm at the specialist on the 9th of march so guess ill be taking it from there . Not sure if they will give me the go ahead , it will depend on my levels . I'm preparing myself for to have to wait another 3 months . If I get the go ahead it will be a big bonus :)
Ladies, my pity party has ended. I've allowed myself to cry and be sad and now I'm ready to take action. I'll be 39 in June and I believe I will be pregnant this year. SO I made an appointment for acupuncture consultation; that's tomorrow. On Wednesday I am having CD3 bloodwork and sono with my Dr. They are starting me back on Clomid 50 mg CD 3-7 again. Apparently it is possible for me to O from the left side again this month. So with monitoring, we will see what happens. That makes me feel better. I hated the thought of having to let this cycle pass.

Left- as long as you weren't trying to prevent a pregnancy and you have had unprotected BD for 6 months, you can feel ok telling your doc that you are ready. My doctor didn't need to see 6 months of tracked data. You may want to double check.

You all are so amazing. You have no idea. Thank you for beings on this journey with me.
Oooh maybe I could stretch the 4 to 6 lol.... Who is to know ??? Clomid here I come :) lol... Well when given the go ahead . In the mean time I'm enjoying the benifits of not ttc / BFP
Its wine o clock lol.... But have to say preventing sucks !!!!! Lol
Pothole- I was overwhelmed when I first started. I did not pay attention, at least did not remember, anything they taught us about our cycles. I did not even know how to tell I was ovulating or when to expect it. Fertilityfriend.com helped me a lot with temping. They have free learning tutorials. Tells you everything you need to know about your cycle. And in regards seeing an RE, when you are over the age of 35 you only need to be trying for 6 months. Do not have to wait a full year. And sometimes I’ve heard they will see you sooner than 6 months.

Star- sorry about your BFN! Did AF show?

Wish- We will miss you! Have fun on vacation!!

Sha- Boo! Sorry AF got you too!! Praying that you O from the left again!

Left- Can’t wait for you to be back in the game so you can get your BFP!

Maui- So sorry to hear about AF! And so sorry you are feeling so down. I understand how disappointing for the DH it can be as well. Even though he did not want me pregnant until Feb or March and I did not talk about it much with him, he always seemed a little disappointed when I told him AF came even though we had a super slight chance. I totally understand the need to stop posting for a while. On Friday when I thought I was out because of the AF-like cramps I was having, I was thinking too that I would step away for a bit. We will be here for you if you need to talk!

Kpme- I hope your CBFM gives you a peak soon! Just keep up with the BDing if you can. And apparently every other day works just fine. DH and I never made it to the BD three times in a row. It just dawned on me that I probably never got a peak or positive OPK due to the fact I drink so much water. Since I discovered with my pregnancy test with FMU it was too watered down to even show up. Hope you had fun at your Oscar party!! Sounds fun!

Mdc- Sorry for the bfn… did AF come yet?

Jessie- Good to hear from you and thanks!! My mom told me to savor these two weeks because once 6 weeks hits the prego symptoms will most likely hit full force. Kinda nervous about what is to come. Glad you are doing well despite still being exhausted. I will most definitely be finding out the sex of the baby. I am too much of a planner to not find out!

As for me, my boobs are not as sore today and I tested (with 2nd morning urine) again with a first response and my line is much darker today. It made me feel good that my HCG levels are still increasing. Grow baby grow!

To tell my husband, I bought an ice cream cake and had them write “Thanks for knocking me up” on it (attached a photo below). So Saturday night on the way to dinner, I told him I bought us an ice cream cake. He said “What, the Cheesecake last night wasn’t enough?” LOL (we went to Cheesecake Factory Friday night). We got home from dinner pretty late, so I figured he would not want any and I would have to wait to tell him on Sunday. Well, we were sitting in the living room and he said, “I thought you said you bought us an ice cream cake?” The man cannot resist ice cream! Haha So I got it out to thaw a bit then asked him to cut it for me since they are hard to cut sometimes. He looked at it and chuckled a little and said “You don’t know…. How do you even know yet?” So I showed him my two pregnancy tests. He was so happy and surprised!

This cycle what I did differently was take more supplements in addition to my Prenatal (actually started the extra vitamins the middle of the last cycle). And attempted SMEP (Sperm Meets Egg Plan).

Here are the supplements I am taking:
Prenatal with 200mg DHA
Fish Oil- 300mg omega-3
CoQ10 50 mg – Helps with quality of eggs
Vitamin D3 1000 IU ( I live in the Midwest so most likely have a vitamin D deficiency due to not going outside in the winter)
Zinc 50mg
Magnesium 200mg Calcium 1000mg
And I ate 100g of fresh pineapple (not the core) on 1-5 dpo

I also read that too much low fat or fat free dairy can affect fertility so two cycles ago I switched to mixing my protein shakes with whole milk. They say just adding one serving of whole milk to your diet can improve things drastically. I kept my low fat or fat free dairy servings to no more than 2 per day. They did say that once you are pregnant its okay to go back to drinking low fat milk.

I also eliminated artificial sweeteners from my diet. I read that they are highly acidic and can make your CM acidic as well which leads to a hostile environment to sperm.

Not sure how much all this helped but that’s what I have been doing.


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Left, I may have exaggerated slightly to my doc. Officially I have been off BC for a year, and really tried what I thought was perfect timing for 3 months. I figured that levels out to 6 months (3 trying and 3 for all those lucky folks not trying and fell preggo. Ha!) in do agree with Sha, do not restart the clock if you don't want to I would say 6 months (or less in my OCD world) is enough at least to start with blood work and a SA. GL on the 9th! You have been a great cheerleader for me (and I am sure others) so I cannot wait to cheer you on to a BFP!

Sharock- glad you are ready and have optimism for this year. I do think that positivity is the key...despite my brain working against me sometimes. Geez! You are exactly right about this group. I would be going crazy if I did not have this group to bounce things off of. I feel it that this is your time also!

Kiley, yes big fat AF this month. O. The positive side though although it was two days, a little spotting today I feel like it was a real period. I still had questions before this month if I was O'ing but with the o pain and the better bleeding (tmi) I feel better. I did get a basal thermometers I on day 2 of temping. Going to be a challenge but I would like to see a shift this month to verify those crazy opks. Trying to figure out the timing with traveling so much this month to the east coast. I can only image the person that took your cake order. They were probably like....ummm..can you repeat that again. Too cute! So happy for you.

Good news for me I got another quote for the HSG and 850ish. So much different from the 5400 quote. I am traveling but I am hopefully going to see if they have an opening on fri. Number #1 they say no BD at all, before the test and since I am traveling that makes that easy. Number #2 still be able to smep this month after that because my work trip the expected day of o was cancelled. April has crap chances because of a conference, or a new job starting :winkwink: Have decided to do a vacay with the DH in May secretly around o time just in case March does not work and my potential job may have a little more travel. Best wishes and as Sha said....this is the year!
Hello Everyone,

Its been a busy time at work and I have not had much time to check on here.

Pothole- Hope you are getting into the swing of things in this journey.

Kiley- I am still happy for you and thanks for checking back on us. That was a creative way on how you told you Hubby . Thanks for the info on what you did differently. That&#8217;s appreciated. Enjoy your Pregnancy and yes we would still love to hear from you our KileyJean:)

Mdc- Am sorry for AF and hoping for good results for your tests. I am also glad you got a good price for the hsg. Oh boy, the price we pay for having a baby&#8230;.the good Lord only knows. Safe travels with the job.

Kpme- Glad you are keeping on with SMEP. How was your Oscars party? Hope you had a good time.

Maui- Sorry about AF entrance. I understand its always hard on DH too. Hopefully this next month is your month too. Don&#8217;t give up yet&#8230;..we are here for each other.

Left- Always thankful for you continued support and words of encouragement.

Wish- Enjoy your vacation. See you when you come back:)

Shar- Yay to being positive. I know this journey does have some disappointments on the way but with some encouragement and support we sure will make it through. All the best with the next cycle and clomid.

Afm, bfn today after testing. AF hasn&#8217;t shown up yet but I do have a couple of chin pimples which usually happen with AF, they did pop up today. I started feeling some disappointment when I saw them pimples today and started thinking here I am 38 and having a hard time ttc but my one and only younger sis had her kids when she was 21 and 27 with no problem. My mother had her first when she was 18
and her last when she was 40 without any issues. Anyhow, I have some peace in me now and I know even if this is not my cycle&#8230;.one of these days my time will come. Have a good night Ladies.
Mdc- Well darn! Sorry AF got ya! But on the other hand those sound like good signs! AF for me this cycle was my most normal as well so do your best this cycle with timing! We need an March BFP now! Glad you found a cheaper test for HSG. Love that you are secretly planned a trip during O. I had thought about doing that too! I am interested in seeing your temps. I am obsessed with looking with those charts. Are you going to include your chart in your signature?

Star- Boo for the BFN! :( When is AF due? Don't always pay attention to your "normal" AF signs. What I thought were my normal AF signs turned out not to be her. FYI am breaking out too... I hope my skin isn't like this during my entire pregnancy.

Baby dust to you all!
Oh I forgot to add, my first prenatal appointment is March 11. He wants to see me at 6 weeks. Hoping we can hear the heart beat, but I understand that is still vary early so we may not. DH is really looking forward to going with me. :)
Star, sorry about the BFN, but hopefully AF haven't started either. Yes I agree if this is not the month it will happen soon!

Kiley, cannot wait to hear about the appt! It is just around the corner, but I am sure I feels like forever.

So I decided to put my big girl panties on and schedule the HSG for Friday. I was wavering today if I should just wait a bit. It is like a bandaid right? Just rip it off!!! I did get a glass of wine from the restaurant downstairs to get some liquid courage. Ha! I am such a wuss about these things but I knew I would just keep putting it off if I did not just schedule it. Hubby had the SA today and I know he was nervous if he could ummm....complete the task. He said it was not easy but the job got done. :winkwink: I just keep thinking big picture and maybe March will be the BFP. I just read that there is some thought that after an HSG you may be more likely to get a BFP. Wouldn't that be crazy a new job and a BFP in the same month? I do have as one of they questions to bring that up with HR. No FMLA if you are not employed for over a year. Might be jumping the gun, but want to be upfront that it could happen and I am still committed to the job. If they do not agree to full maternity benefits and some job security (of course only if job performance is good/great...which duh....I am too type A to not give it everything I have), then they are not a company I would want to work for. There is never a perfect time to have a baby, and this is what I want more than anything now that I found the perfect husband, so I am not going to compromise any more. Sounds like I am quoting lines from I am woman hear me roar!

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