38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

I have to confess -- been meaning to ask for a few days now...what is HSG? I am feeling a bit clueless about part of our conversation, but if it means drinking wine -- sign me up!

Sorry, girls, for the arrival of AF and BFNs. I agree that it's hard on DH, too. Last month, when I was so sure that I was pg (completely wrongly, btw) he had started to get upset, too. So then when I was NOT it was a double whammy of him being sad and then also needing to console me.

Sha, I'd love to hear more about accupuncture. I have been meaning to give this some thought and research, too, as I know some friends from work found it helped with their TTC journey. I'm about to have some vacation time at home after I get back from NYC in a few weeks so I should try to make an appointment because the timing will be good.

afm, I think the CBFM has finally earned its keep (in week 2)! I Finally O'd yesterday or the day before. I'm finally started to see a slow temp rise yesterday and today so it will be interesting to see whether FF declares yesterday or the day before as my O day. But I finally got a peak Monday and Tuesday. I tend to have pretty long cycles, and last week was kind of stressful at work, so I wonder if my body was just a bit slower this month. But we did a pretty good job keeping up with SMEP (pun intended). Like seriously, we are both like, "We better have gotten pg this month because we are NEVER having sex again." haha. So I'm either 1 or 2dpo today and just waiting out the TWW. We go to NYC a week from Saturday, so it will be a good distraction.
Hello Ladies,

Kpme : you are funny, i would also sign up for anything that involves wine:) Hsg test is a procedure that shows whether the fallopian tubes are open or blocked. Btw, am proud of you with the SMEP plan:). Enjoy your mini Vacay in NY.

Mdc- Good luck with the hsg test. You have really put on your big girl pants and taking control of the situation by doing the tests. So happy for you. I also sometimes need some liquid strength in the form of wine every now and then:) Enjoy it when you can, coz soon you wont have to have it. Decisions decision decision with the job, and baby. All the best with talking to the job about the issue of the baby. Am sure all will be well

Kiley- Cant wait to hear about your Docs appt. Thanks for keeping us updated on your wellbeing.

As for me; AF showed up last night at the beginning of my shift when i was taking report from the outgoing nurse. I could just feel her in full force flowing between my legs(sorry TMI). I am glad i work in a hospital where i can take a shower and have a change of uniform. It for sure made a grand entrance. She has been late for 2 days she wanted to announce her presence in force! Now counting on March for Miracles. Hope you all have a good day. Going to sleep now.
Sitting in the waiting room of my new obgyn I am struck with the sense of impending humiliation. I understand that this process will strip me of all dignity before it's over. I know that. I accept that. And it's worth it. I truly believe that. Unless the long hoped for kid turns out to be a Justin Bieber fan. At that point, all bets will be off and this utter lack of privacy will have been for nothing because I'll be giving it away.
Lol pothole !!! How did it go ???

Star sorry she showed up and in style too by the sounds of it !! I'm liking the sound of march Miracles :) I'm so hoping you can count me in !!! Ill know on the 9th ;) eeeeeeeeeek

As for the wine club definitely count me in :)
It is amazing to me that one room and 10 minutes can contain so much awkwardness. But it was fine. They'll send results directly to the RE, whom I see next Thursday. Fun times!
Kpme - HSG is hysterosalpingogram. It is a test similar to an X-ray with contrast. It shows if your tubes are open and tells if there are and fibroids or polyps in the uterine cavity. A lot of ppl have mentioned BFP after because the HSG kind if acts as a flush. It can open a minor blockage of the tubes.

Kiley - looking forward to hearing about your apt.

Star - sorry about AF

Afm - my acupuncture consultation was a total bust. The doctor gave me no confidence in his abilities, he used so much lay men's terminology I wondered if he knew any big words. He only talked about 1 of his patients getting a BFP after a month of tx with him. I'm sorry, I need a doctor with a better track record and vocabulary. So needless to say, the acupuncture was a no-go. I'm looking for a facility that has an acupuncturist who specializes in treating infertility. Good news is, I had my CD3 sono today and I have 5 follies on the right and 6 on the left, along with 2 cysts. The doc thinks the cysts are from the follies that I ovulated last month. (Made me wonder if I would have had twins since he saw 2 cysts). Anyway, I'm starting on 50mg of clomid today, so CD 3-7 again and I will have another sono on March 6.

I'm drinking lots of water, taking 400 mg of CoQ10, my prenatal and trying to stay stress free.

Count me in for a March Miracle!!!!!!!

Here is an article about acupuncture.


And you may find this book helpful:

Kpme,glad you kept 'up' with SMEP! It is hard work. And fingers crossed for you. Yeap,I plan on getting filled with iodine like a balloon (joking it is just about 1-2 tablespoons) and having some X-rays taken. I theory it is like AF cramps for a bit, but I could imagine if there is a significant block in a tube it would not feel so pleasant. Most people say it is not a big deal (especially the ladies on this site), despite some of the sensational reviews that I Googled. If the whole process involved wine maybe there would not be bad reviews on line. Ha! So I guess what is the point of worrying? I trust this site and their feedback. Worst case, even if it hurts like the devil nothing that I want to freak out about because it will be worse.

Star, so sorry about AF showing up in fashion! That royally sucks. I have been so used to two day cycles almost had an accident at the client meeting this week because I did not plan for the third day appropriately and :dohh: cream dress. Luckily it was just light. Hang in there I feel March is another lucky month!

Pothole, sorry about the awkwardness. The TCC journey is difficult but at the end it will be worth it. I chuckled at the Justin Beiber comment. :winkwink: Hoping for good results! I may have missed it but have you or your DH done any tests yet? Or just your first appt today?

Left, I hear you. Bring on the March BFP!

Sha, sorry for the bad appointment and I agree you deserve someone fits you better. I am a big proponent of total body treatments but some practitioners take advantage. I think you next move is great to find someone who specializes. After just some short months at TCC, I think there is a growing industry for holistic fertility treatment centers. I wish you the best of luck this cycle!

Kiley, forgot to say yes I am going to post my temps as crazy as they are for a first timer traveling from the west coast to the east coast. Warning they are going to be wacky! My hope is to at least capture the real O date and not (ok...try not) to pay attention to the after O temps. Good news is this month 2 medium flow days, 2 light, and so far one spotting! Feels better finally one year later off BC.

I did get my estradiol and FSH levels back and well within normal range (makes sense with my somewhat normal period this month). AMH is back next week with DH's SA and hopefully some preliminary results from my HSG appt Fri. Hopefully I am just being a little crazy with the tests, but since DH and I travel for work so much not taking any chances with our advanced age. Ha!

Best of luck to everyone and :dust:
Hi everyone :) mdc knowledge is power :) that's my next step , well apart from actually trying :haha: I want to get my egg reserve tested initially . For me I think it will all come down to that , and egg quality .

I feel like a little bit of a fraud really on this thread !! I'm 42 and have had one LO at 41 ! I originally came on to tell you all my story and let you know you have lots of time and lots and lots of hope :) then I kinda got chatting and now I don't want to leave lol...:haha: but I'm not 38:haha:and not ttc no 1 :blush:
I totally respect that this is what the thread is for so understand if ye want me to bugger off :haha: :wacko: lol.... If you don't mind I'd love to stay see you all get you BFP :)
Left, if you are a fraud I am to because I am not yet 38. I will be soon though. Stay!
Left, I'm 36 and if you leave there will be less knowledge to spread around. I know I am new here, but I do hope you stay.
Yipeeeee , I'd love too !!! And I so am totally ttc like its my first ! :) I'm as excited if not more !!!! So ladies I every now and again get a " feeling " and I have it right now ... I think March / April is gonna be a super lucky month for this thread :) I've not been wrong yet :)

I've started to take folic acid again and omega 3 , may as well be prepared right ?? Lol....
I am so glad this forum exists. DH and I agreed to keep this process to ourselves; and as far as family is concerned, I am completely on board with that. But I have wonderful friends whom I am bursting at the seams to share with. I know that telling them when it actually happens will be so much more exciting, but seriously the fact that I even want this would shock them senseless. So until that time, I have you fabulous ladies to learn from, squeal for, and commiserate with. (Hubs knows about this site and is happy I have an outlet) Thank you all for being a safe place for my very emotional, hopeful, scared, and often confused self.
Pothole I for one are so delighted to share your journey :) and you mine I hope ;) I've been on bnb since November 2012 , its gotten me through one mmc ( missed miscarraige) at almost 13 weeks , ttc after that , one pregnancy , a birth , ttc , thyroid issues and hopefully ttc soon again :) I've made the most wonderful friends , people I probably chat to more than my real life ones !!!! Shared in some amazingly happy times and some not so happy . But it is so wonderful to have people to talk to that just " get it" :)
Oh my! Looks like so much has happened since I was last on here.
I think there is a bit too much for me to catch up on at this time of night.

So sorry to have read(over the last few pages) that some have yet again had AF visit! I too hope have a feeling that March will bring some miracles to our live!!!

AFM - I have finally moved!! Moved just over 2 weeks ago. Finally starting to get a feel for the house! BUT if I hear that cliché again - new house new baby - I might be locked up!!
We had barely moved into the house when I had to book flights to Cape Town as, unfortunately, my aunt passed away. So was there for a week. Barely got back on Monday morning and was back at work on Tuesday morning!
Really feeling like I have not had a break since Sept last year! And under the circumstances I could really do with a proper break!
Yup so that is the reason I've not been around at all for over a month!

Hope everyone is well and looking forward to catching up with you all soon!
Hello ladies! Hope everyone is having a great week! I miss you girls! Have had a busy week at work so I have not been able to pop in as often as I like.

Kpme- Glade CBFM did not let you down! Even though I never got a peak with mine, it was always right about telling me when my fertile window started. Fingers crossed for you! Sounds like you have all your bases covered!

Star- so sorry about AF! Keeping you in my prayers (all of you ladies actually!) for March Miracles! I need some prego buddies!

Pothole- At least the awkward part is over. Sending good vibes your way for your RE appointment next Thursday.

Sha- Great news about the Follicles!! Good luck with the Clomid this cycle. I saw you recommended the book Making Babies. I bought and read that one too. Very easy read and I learned lots of great info that I never knew before.

Mdc- Glad you will be posting your temps. It will give me something to do! haha! Now I can analyze yours! Don't worry about the crazy temps. Mine were pretty crazy as well. Good luck with your HSG today! I'll be patiently waiting for next week to hear about your other results.

Left- Don't worry. I am not 38 either. I am 36. I figured I was close enough to join though. ;) And I am glad I did because you all are great! And now that I am expecting I do not want to leave! I feel comfortable with you ladies. I have posted in a couple pregnant threads but they just are not the same. I did find Lola and Steno though! So if you gals do not mind I think I will stay in here for the most part and cheer you all on. I am not in the clear yet anyway. This is going to be a LONG 8 weeks.

SK- good to hear you are all moved in. And I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt. :( Hang in there. Think of her now as your guardian angel guiding you through this journey. I am sure she will send lots of luck your way. And so you do not have to go back and read.... I got my BFP last Saturday! Pretty excited and nervous at the same time.

As for me, I am 4 weeks and 4 days today. Still not much for symptoms. Just tender boobs, I get slightly dizzy at times, and I am tired about an hour earlier than normal at night. I am still getting up at 5 every morning for my workouts. I am taking full advantage of this week and next because I hear nausea hits around 6 weeks if you are going to get it. I am still really nervous every time I go to the bathroom and then get relieved when I do not see any spotting. The roller coaster continues. And I am sure this will continue for the next 8 weeks... I think I will feel a little better after my 6 week appointment.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Went to get my HSG today, but it was a no go. The doc says I have cervical stenosis (cervical narrowing) and could not insert the catheter. So needless to say not in a great mood now. There is not a whole lot out there about it and the treatments. What I did see is that it seems that most have it after cone biopsies or LEEP, but I have not had neither. So I am just lucky enough to likely be congenital. Sigh. Have a note into my doc to see next steps. Some places say dilation therapy and other say surgery. Obviously neither sound very fun. Crappy luck especially since cd my cd3 labs and AMH came back stellar. Guess is doesn't matter if the sperm cannot get there. Of course I am trying not to look at worst cases where IUI or IVF might not work if I cannot be dilated. I know I am letting my self be a bit of a drama queen there. :winkwink: However, there is a lot before that point but I just may be stalking and silently cheering you all on for a bit. Wish everyone the best this month.
Oh mdc I'm sure you were not expecting that news today :( I've never heard of it before but did google just now . Some articles says treatment dilation will last 4-6 weeks in duration . Great another bump on the journey to motherhood just what you needed !!! Not !!!! Sending all my love I'm sorry to hear that ill. Now have company in my waiting xxxxxx
Oh no, MDC! That is such a frustrating development, but I suppose it's good to keep figuring out what may be impeding your success. I would be frustrated, too. Because I'm only 5 mos into TTC (since our mc) I haven't needed to go to a doctor yet, so I'm very much aware that I may have NO idea of some wacky thing that is impeding us! So you are better for knowing, and things will become clearer as you can talk to your doctor.

Afm, busy weekend helping w the TWW. I took Fri off but was busy running around all day, and yesterday had a day long meeting for a new board that I have joined. Last night was our five year anniversary of our first date and DH cooked dinner and bought me flowers, which he never does. But can I tell
You his cluelessness? He bought the roses at around 9am and then they sat on the table all day until I came home at 5. Um, hon, you do know that flowers really ned to be kept in water right??? It's the thought that counts, right? :)

Have a good Sunday!
Kpme lol that put a smile on my face :) poor fella . It is the thought that counts . Did they. Survive ??? Lol
Kiley - Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Have you got any appointments booked as yet (doc, obgyn, midwife)?

Mdc - So sorry to hear of this bump in your journey! On the brighter side at least you have a valid reason or no BFP as yet. Although hearing news like this is never easy! Praying the doctor can shed some light soon.

Kpme - MEN!!! gggrrr can't live with them can't live without them! I rarely get flowers from my man. Apparently my birthday flowers are from my 2 year old dd this year! so sweet!!!

Left - I see you celebrated your sons 1st birthday the day after my birthday! Congrats on his 1st birthday! Hope he had a good day!

AFM - well had a busy weekend. Expecting another busy week at work. Looks like I'll be returning to work full time soon, so will make the most of not working on Monday's and Friday's!

Have a good week everyone!!

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