38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Mdc- I'm sorry to hear your news. It is a temporary setback. Arm yourself with information and I'm confident that together with your doctors you will find a solution. Stranger things have happened. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.
The roses survived, and are opening, though I have no doubt they look a little beatup because they were out in the air all day. DH felt badly....either he will never buy me flowers again or next time he will put them in water! So silly.

Busy weekend for us and a busy week ahead. And then we go to NYC early Saturday morning. Lots to distract me during the TWW! Am at 7dpo (no dip, unfortunately) and am ready for the CBFM to stop chewing up sticks every day. Grr. This morning was my last one so it won't get another tomorrow!
Mdc- I am so sorry to hear about your news. Do not give up or stop trying though. Miracles do happen. I know it is hard, but try to stay positive. I too have heard of good results with dilating the cervix. I am praying for you and thinking about you! Hang in there. :hugs:

Kpme- Thanks! My appt is March 11. Yay for 7dpo! FX'd for you and have fun this weekend! I ended up stopping peeing on the CBFM sticks after I knew for sure I ovulated so I would not waste them.

I have been thinking and with what Mdc is going through right now, I do not think my presence in this group will be very healthy or fair to those of you still trying with difficulties. I will instead be quietly lurking and stalking this thread and praying for you all! I will pop in from time to time to say hello give you a quick update on me but wont go into too much detail. It just does not feel right or like I said fair to you fabulous ladies.

Sending baby dust to you all! :dust: :dust: :dust:
Hello Everyone,

Mdc am sorry to hear about that bump in your ttc journey. Just as Kiley says, miracles do happen. Keep up the faith. My prayers to you... Hugs. Please update us on how you are doing.
Hope everyone else is doing fine. Will catch up with each one of you soon. Kiley and Left i dont mind you being here cheering us:) kileyJean, i dont know about others but i would love to hear how you are doing!
Nothing new here, cd7. Been crazy busy at work and trying to keep sane. We have been doing mandatory overtime at my job because of high census of patients. Hopefully i ll get some time off to catch up with you Ladies here. Thinking of you all and positive thoughts to you always.
Hey Kpme so proud of you on keeping up with SMEP. Praying for positive results from it for you.

Have a good evening/afternoon everyone. Sending lots of positive energy your way.
Kiley I for one would really love to hear all about you journey to motherhood . Just an idea but on another thread when I was ttc we made a " graduation page " for the thread where people to got their BFP could post and those who wanted to keep up with them could join in and visit . This thread could also continue but it gives everyone choices and an opportunity to keep contact with as much or as little information they like :)

I'm happy to make the thread and post the link if everyone thinks its a good idea , it worked so well before :) and by the end of 14 months EVERYONE on the thread had graduated :)
Hi ladies, Thought I would pop in before my week turns to its usual manic state.

Kiley - please don't go. I, too, love hearing progress of pregnancies!
Left - love the idea of a graduation page!!

I just realised tonight that I'm apparently in my fertile window. So just waiting on OH to get home from work! Teehee
I recently filled in a form on the clearblue website and received an email this evening saying that someone will call me! FXed I'm accepted! I was a bit disappointed to find out that I totally missed the recruiting stage last year. So when I recently remembered I thought I would be proactive for once and google clearblue trials.
Tonight I am aggravated, mostly with myself. AF is due next Tuesday and I have no reason to expect she wont show. I spent more on OPKs than on my last doctor appointment and got not one single positive. So I did some research online and started reading about how I need to test 2x daily and never first thing in the am. I feel like I just wasted a month and 4 tanks of fuel. I ordered a batch from Wondfo via Amazon, at least I wont feel like I'm spending my college loan payment each month on things I literally pee on. But this twice daily and never in the morning thing? Not listed on any of the packet info. I just really wish I'd read a bit more before I went diving into this process. I feel like I'm messing up.
Mdc- I'm sorry to hear your discouraging news. I've been on this thread for a few months now and I've learned that pregnancy can beat the odds. We've had a few ladies that learned they had a blocked tube, endometriosis (or some other conception roadblock) and gave up for the month only to turn up pregnant the next month. So that being said, step back, take a breath, connect with your DH in a fun-loving way without TTC on your mind and see what happens. Sperm are pretty amazing, TINY creatures. Keep your chin up.

Left- I think the graduation thread is a great idea. I love hearing from our friends who are expecting and want to keep up on how they're doing, but for some of us here who are hitting roadblocks it may be easier to choose to read their journey rather than be faced with it on a rotten day.

Pothole- you're just starting out and there's plenty of trial and error to the whole process. As you learn your cycle you'll start focusing down when to use your OPK sticks and save a little money. We've all been there. And just when we think we've got it down, a cycle will throw a curve ball. Just gotta roll with it.

Hi to the rest of you lovely ladies. Hope everyone is having a good start to their week.
Pothole !! Thins ttc buisness is a learning curve alright !! Once you've been around theses threads a while you'll feel you should be granted a medical degree as you will probably know more than most doctors !!!

I made the same mistakes , chemist bought Opk at 19.99 for six initially !!! Now ic ( Internet cheapies) 60 for a tenner . Lol.... Come to think of it must get more !

As for testing , I still sometimes do first morning but its not reccomended . So I usually test around 11am and then sometime in the afternoon between 4-6 . Also most women have annovulatory cycles twice a year its the norm so maybe it was just one of those months ?

Hi everyone else back to work after leave today was not happy this am ! Lol..... Ill go ahead and set up the graduation page and post the link :)

Any ideas for a cool name for it ???? Ill put my thinking cap on
So I've provisionally made this one :) ill change the name when we come up with a bette one :)


Hope to see all of us " offically " over there someday soon but for now ... Who are our graduates ???? HEHEHEHEHEHEHE oh and I for one will be checking in regularly :)
Hi ladies, I'm back. I'm sad to say my little bean didn't make it. So now we're back to square one. I guess we're technically a few months behind square one at this point really. D&C tomorrow then the torturous wait to see when I can start the joys of charting and testing again. It's devastating of course, as so many of you know, but I truly believe that it's all part of God's perfect plan and that will get me through.

The heart breaking treck back to a TTC board was made much easier since I knew just where to come to find you lovely ladies. My first time here was too short anyway. I'm looking forward to continuing on this journey with you all until we all make it to the new "graduate school"!
Dandi, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Big hugs to you. I suffered a mc in October at about 6 or 7w and it was so so hard. Take good care of yourself and be kind to yourself during this difficult time. I can say that it does get easier with time; just this weekend I was thinking to myself that I don't think about it as often. And then other times I still feel sad, or am reminded about the loss of that opportunity and promise, and that is ok.

Do people in your real world know you were pg? I found it hard that many of my closest friends even did not know. But I found lots of kindness from the people who did know. Again, big hugs. My heart is heavy for you!
Yes, my family, boss, and some close friends know. Honestly I wish I had told no one at this point because I'm trying to hold it together and their condolences or their own sadness about it just make me upset. And I quickly learned yesterday that so few people know the right thing to say, if there even is a right thing. But I'm sure I'd also be upset if no one knew and my husband and I were going through it all alone. It's just a bad situation any way you slice it I suppose. Thanks for the kind words. It makes it easier knowing so many ladies here on B&B know what it's like.
Dandi, I am so sorry for your loss. Plain and simple there are no words, but I am sending you lots of positive energy and :hugs:

Kpme, sounds like you have good timing and a great weekend ahead! Boys are so cute and clueless about flowers :winkwink: I agree it is all about the effort!

Skweek, GL this month! What is CB recruiting for? Might have missed it in previous posts.

Pothole, sorry about the OPK strips, but I agree it takes a bit, but if you don't get positive OPKs that does not always mean this month is a bust. I do find different brands say test at different times. For instance the cb regular opk says afternoon, but the cd advanced on says morning. So I know it is hard, but hang in there.

Left, I love the graduation page! I still love hearing about all the preggo progress!

Kiley, glad you are still doing so well! I can only imagine how nerve racking the 12 week wait must be. And I love having cheerleaders to cheer us on this crazy journey.

Star, sounds like you are crazy busy with overtime, but easier to not be so caught up in TCC :winkwink: At least it has been working for me because I have been traveling for work the past two weeks.

Hello to anyone I may have missed.

Thank you all for your positive thoughts! It really means a lot to have you lovely ladies to be there for the good and the not so good steps on this journey. I have an appt on the 19th to determine next steps. Still going to try this month maybe not like a mad woman, but might do every other day. I am CD12 today and started with opk (forgot to start earlier bc I was traveling). I am going to try the regular and advance CB OPKs to see if the agree with each other. I will let the group know what my little experiment says. I am also temping, but the readings are crazy likely because I have been back and forth to the east coast. I will try to attach it in my sig if I am smart enough. Ha! Better news I got an offer for the new job and I think it is a good fit!!!! :happydance:
Hi girls! Back and refreshed from vacation – what an incredible experience! If you haven’t been to Yellowstone and like those kind of fun, exploration/adventure vacations, this is up your alley. Tons of gorgeous landscapes and wildlife to be seen and from what we learned, is much easier to see and be seen in the winter. I’m not a fan of winter at all but it definitely opened up some opportunities for us to see some cool things. And completely setting your mind to concentrate on other things besides work and TTC was amazing. Let me see if I can post a couple pics below….this tricky thing…

Ok, so just catching up on a couple of pages….JUST a couple… ;)
Kiley – awesome cake and announcement to hubs!! I’m glad you’re still getting BFPs and things are going well!! I can’t believe you’re already at 5 weeks and next week is your first appt! So exciting! And I love hearing about how you’re doing (and miss Jessie, steno and lola for that reason too!) – I kinda feel like we’re the left out ones if you guys move on. But I understand how you’re feeling too so I hope that Left’s graduation page is the key!

Left – only a couple of days now!!! Woot woot!! And you’re not going anywhere, hon. You belong with us! Great idea about the graduation page too – thanks for setting that up!

Mdc – oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about your cervix. I’ve never heard of that. I really hope that you respond to the dilation and you can get going on the rest. I am very glad to hear that all of your tests came back stellar, though. At least that stuff is good, now we just need to get in there! If what left says is right with the 4-6 week treatments, you and I could potentially be bump buddies! Hang in there – one step forward, two steps back it feels like sometimes. But I’m trying to think about it as a test – how much do we want this baby?

Kpme – sounds like you had great timing with the SMEP! Have a great time in NYC this weekend. I’m sure it’ll be a blast. I also wish the HSG had something to do with wine! :)

Star – that’s a great name for the March BFPs! I am so sorry AF decided to show up like that. I had something fairly similar happen while on vacation – heaviest day was while we were traveling 100 miles by snowmobile with about 142 layers of clothing on, stopping only at warming huts that had smaller, no-plumbing/electric/heat huts for bathrooms. We did not stop enough for me not to get a bit on my first layer of clothing – ugh. And also, are you sure we’re not the same person?! I just turned 39 and have a mom who had her first at 18 (me) and my sister also started at 23! So she’s done and I’m just getting started. I say I’m surrounded by Fertile Myrtles but everyone started at least a decade and a half before me – aunts, cousins, grandmother, sister, mom. The ONLY person who had a baby at an advanced age was my mother’s mom who had her at 43, I think. She’s my only hope!

Pothole – I’m with you on the Bieber thing. There must be an orphanage already set up for those kids. And try not to get too down – there are so many ups and downs in this entire process, not to mention alllll of the little details we learn along the way about how we should have been doing it last month. Unfortunately, most are learned in hindsight. Keep your chin up, hon – you’ll get there!!

Skweek! So good to hear from you! Glad the move went well but I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your Aunt. You definitely need a vacation, lady.

Dandi – I’m so, so sorry to hear of your loss. I’m glad you were able to come back to us, though. I’ve not had a mc (yet) so I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, but we’re all here for you, for sure. I hope the D&C went ok today with no issues. :hugs:

Afm – not too much going to be new with me until the end of the month. I think my 2nd varicella shot is on the 19th, then I think we can start getting into the IVF stuff while that wears off for another month. So I’m going to call today to get that IVF consult in the books and we’ll go from there. We should be able to start the process the last week of March, after my next AF. So I’ll be popping in to cheer you all on between now and then and then back in the race!


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mdc - congrats on the new job offer!!!! Glad you're up and running with TTC this month despite the news too. As maui (I think?) noted - sperm are some tiny creatures, I'm sure no hole is too small for them!
Wish I guess we were posting at the same time. I was just wondering how your vacay was going. Great pictures!

I am excited to see things are moving quickly for you and you quickly moving on the road for the BFP!
Dandi- I am so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I do not think any one can ever be prepared for that. I hope everything goes okay and will be praying for you.

Mdc- Congrats on the new job!! That is so great! I am glad you are not giving up and I think the every other day BDing plan is perfect.

Wish- The end of March will be here before we know it! FX'd IVF goes well for you!

I posted in Left's new thread if anyone is interested in hearing about me. I will try to post regularly in there. I am praying that I get a bump buddy soon! Miss you girls! Baby dust to all!
Kiley, going to check your post now! Think I figured out the sig thing finally, and I had to go back to find the instructions you posted. Took me forever!

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