38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Not sure yet wish. No hurry. I don't want a scan till at least 8 weeks this time.
Maui, yes totally makes sense the NSAID would result in a lower BBT also. Glad I could help! I agree with FF, it is still a life saver especially in the beginning to try and figure out all this stuff. As we are all experts :haha: by now probably best we go with our gut.

Jessie, I HATE when that happens! I feel like some precious life altering advice messages have been lost in an Internet black hole. Ok, probably not :haha: I now type my posts in notepad and the copy them over.

Wish, thank for the kind words and glad I can help or at least get a laugh! Still plenty of time before giving up this cycle. Fingers crossed, and no worries about the lack of symptoms I often hear posts that the cycle without symptoms are the one that take people by surprise with a BFP!

Tui, so awesome to see 3+ weeks!

Pothole, subterfuge...just saying the word is exhausting. LOL! Good luck with your budding follicles and upcoming BD marathon!

Ok, I have a slight confession to make. This weekend we were at my nephew's 3rd birthday party and had a blast (ok a little crazy, but fun). Seriously, I think there were 15-20 kiddos. My SIL also just had a newborn baby. It really hit me what we are (all of us) trying to do like a ton of bricks because DH just picked her up and I could see the look in his eyes how much he is ready for this. Up until that moment I knew I wanted a baby, but I think it was more of my type A personality (marriage and then bam babies). I know that is a shocking announcement that I am type A :rofl: This was the first time I felt it deep down in my heart how much I, we, really want this. Not saying I would not have been elated if it happened earlier, but with all the tests and the rigor of it all I think I lost track. This is the first month I am really wishing/hoping/sending out positive signs to the universe/or doing whatever it takes to hope this is the month. Kind of makes me think I was not ready previous months, but in the here and now I truly know we are ready. Ok, now done being all sappy. On a happier not DH is 2 days without smoking, and crabby as all H-E-double hockey sticks last night. Going to be a long month, but hopefully some good news will make it better :winkwink:

Fingers cross and :dust: all around!
Awh MDC what a special moment to share with us . Its ALL systems go so both phsically and emotionally !! I'm praying that the universe give you all your positive vibes back this month !!!

I on the other hand had a whoopsie ;) lol ... Feels funny saying that !! Well as you all know we are emmmm preventing ! Yesterday afternoon .. We em had a moment .. On the couch .... No preventing .... Lol.... Now I think we are safe as I " think " AF is due this week or weekend. But the thing is my cycles are all over the place as my thyroid adjusts . For the first time in forever I've not being Opk or temping or counting ! Ooooops
On phone so not texting much but that's an awesome story, mdc!! I love when it finally just hits you! Thank you for sharing. Glad DH is sticking with it so far. You'll get your bundle of joy soon!!
Left - :haha: that's awesome!! I kinda hope you get your whoopsie and name her Daisy!! ;) corny, I know...

Nothing going on here. Busy day, busier tomorrow, then one more day til vaca!!!
Tui: im so happy youre seeing an increase in hcg via digital preg test! I think that's a good plan to wait for the ultrasound. I had a 7 week scan just to make sure the baby wasn't in my fallopian tube and then had my 2nd scan at 10 weeks to check for viability.

sugar: great news about the ivf study. Is it completely free?

AloHARS maui!!! What happened to your foot? Have you considered stopping temping and just 'winging it?' It seems so stressful to be charting everyday!!

Dandi and LEFT: props to you, dandi, for even attempting paleo. I've been drinking a massive amount of water. I try to flavor it with lemon or cucumber slices. I got one of those water infuser pitchers and love it! Left- i need a couch quickie. Sex while preggo hasnt been as great as sex while not preggo.

Pothole: looking forward to hearing your results with the ultrasound on Thursday. I wish i could've been so quiet re: my baby making. I told all my friends as soon as I started trying. I found it helped for me to bit$h to them about it since i didn't find it fun/exciting at all.

Mdc: NOW you're ready! ��

Wish: vaca soon! Post some pics when u get back! I really hope AF stays the heck away and u have some amazing news for us.

Things are going well here. My little boy is around 1 lb and kicking me like crazy. TMI: I have the worst gas pains every night so I'm thinking i have to eat really small amounts before bedtime. I used to pride myself on being one of those women who never toots in front of her partner. This is not even possible while pregnant. It just comes out when you least expect it. :/
Jessie !! 22weeks where did that go !!! Only 2 weeks to V day now that's a milestone :)
hi all!

jessie - that's SO funny! I am one of those as well - neither of us toot in front of the other. Thank you for the warning about when preggo, Toots McGee!

left - one more month! that's like 4 weeks, and really this week is already halfway over, then it's the weekend. Then......it'll be here before you know it!

me - light light light spotting started today. I'm not betting it's IB b/c it's right on time for AF - 8dpo. I'm sure it'll be darker tomorrow and then start AF either Wed or Thurs, as expected. I'm ok, though - knowing we have a plan in place is fine with me. And I can have a full on good time in NO!

hi to everyone else! I hope you're having good days/BD seshes/end of first trimesters/healing feet!
Left, good to know there is some spontaneous bow chikky bow wa going on! I hope these next fours weeks fly by for you!

Jessie, too funny about the tooting and good to know going forward. I try not to do that in front of DH, but even not preggo some SBDs (silent but deadly) sneak out. Sometimes I can blame it on a cat :rofl:

Wish, stay away witch...trying to save momma some money with a BFP this cycle!!! Either way I bet you are getting so excited for NO!!!!

Hi to everyone else!

Boring...boring...boring for me. DPO 7 today and no signs, although I should not see any yet. I love my new job, but still really quiet so that is making the TWW drag. There are only so many times I can google TWW signs and listen to boring work webinars. DH did buy me some tulips (my favorite flower) yesterday...guess he knows he is being crabby.
Arrrooooha Jessie! Too funny about the gas. I figure turn about is fair play and since my DH isn't bashful about it, then neither am I. Game on when we're preggo! I quit temping once I confirmed O this cycle because yes, it's exhausting and yes, it was making me crazy.

As for my foot, I decided to buy myself a cute little pair of Nike Free's since hubby works on the Nike campus and I get a discount. Weeeelllll....there's zero midsole support in those things despite them being SUPER comfy. I was wearing them on days where I had to be on my feet 12 hours at a time. So my foot wasn't really ready for that and I ended up with plantar fasciitis. Lots of stretching and strengthening and night splinting and I'm almost good as new. But holy cow is it a stubborn injury. I'm so sad I can't wear my shoes too. But I'm in a nice little resistance training routine to beef up my feet and legs so I can wear them again, little bits at a time.

MDC - I'm on boring day 5 or 6 DPO. I like not temping. When I temp I over analyze every little thing and spend my time trying to justify each symptom as a potential BFP. I'm waaaaayyy more relaxed this month. Almost too relaxed...

Wish- Have a great time on your vacation!
thanks, ladies! can't wait! one more day!

mdc - that rots! I have a friend who had that so bad she had to get surgery. But the surgery is the COOLEST thing. They actually drill tiny holes into your arch or the injured area which promotes new, healthier and stronger regrowth and that's what fixes it! She's good as new! I hope your PT works, though, and you don't have to get that far. Any surgery should be last resort.
Exciting times ahead in the next week or so . Who is testing when , is everyone waiting it out to see if she arrives or any earlier testers ??? I CANT wait to join in all the fun :) ill be temping , charting opk, ing maybe even CBFM ing lol...... Oh and b'ding ;)
Hi everyone, I've been keeping up but quietly lately.

I'm 15dpo. Did a test at day 12 and it was a neg. I've felt AF cramps for days and temp is starting to dip. My doc thinks there's still a chance b/c progesterone was good at day 7 but I don't see how that matters, isn't it HCg that needs to be above 20. So just waiting and will test on Friday if no AF by then. IVF treatment will start as soon as I get a new cycle so this is still a happy win-win week either way.
Maui: ow! re: foot. My husband loves his nike frees and recommended i get a pair.
I absolutely could not run in them with my flat feet and had to give them away.
Are you on facebook? A lot of my friends back home have been writing stuff on their pages about preserving Mauna Kea or something (?!) No clue what is up with that. Any idea?

Sugar: good to hear you're remaining optimistic no matter what!

Mdc: tulips are such beautiful flowers! Im binging on House of Cards (highly recommend- it's on netflix) and one of the main characters absolutely loves tulips.

left: haha! At first i was like " v- day as in valentine's day??" And then realized u meant
viability. Im so hoping i can carry this kid until at least 37 weeks. It's funny- the worrying never ends!!!!! First it's trying to get pregnant, then hoping u dont miscarry, then hoping the baby doesnt have anatomy/chromosomal issues then hoping u carry to term. Nutso.

Wish: spotting- gosh darn it!!!!
Wish: i just read your post in the other thread we're in. While you guys are on vaca stay off the internet and your phones and just focus on one another. Try to remember what made you fall in love and want to get married. sounds sappy, but write a love letter to your hubby and ask him to do the same for you.
Hopefully you guys come back refreshed and ready to tackle IVF. It's going to be a stressful process and you will need each other for support. <3 <3
Jessie- yes, I'm on Facebook. They're trying to build another telescope on Mauna Kea which is a sacred temple for the Hawaiian people. It's become quite the controversy these days. The governor called a "time out" on the drilling for construction because things were getting heated up there with people blocking the road and such. Haven't heard much else in the last 36 hrs.

Left- I'm either 6 or 7 dpo...definitely waiting it out because I hate seeing a negative test. There's just something about that one, lonely little line...so I guess that means I'll be testing around next Wednesday if I need to. I think MDC is a couple days ahead of me.
Wish, I hope you are having fun! Enjoy your vacation and have a great time. Hope I can figure out how to get the pics to load, but I had some NOLA risotto and beninegts last night. LOL!

Left, cannot wait until you join too! I am likely going to test on Sunday. I usually never test before AF is due, but I have such a good feeling about this cycle and I am traveling all next week and DH keeps asking when I am going to test, so I will indulge him....who am I kidding I am indulging myself. Might be too early, dpo12, but who knows. :shrug:

Sugar, still holding out for you. I have seen charts that look like no chance with potential AF cramps and a surprise BFP. Good luck tomorrow!

Jessie, too funny you mentioned House of Cards. We just finished with Sons of Anarchy and we're trying to think of something else to gorge ourselves on and DH said maybe House of Cards.

Maui, I hear you about testing early. This is my first time ever so not trying to get stuck if it is negative on Sunday....there is always Wednesday for me too!

Hi to everyone else!

Dpo 9 for me and a couple days to go. I maybe be seeing things but yesterday I swear I had a drop of blood in my undies. TMI I stared at my undies for like 10 minutes...crazy much :dohh: LP is 15 days, so definitely not AF. I do not try to symptom spot so just trying to keep an even head. I did have a little nausea yesterday, but I chalked it up to the spicy soup I had for breakfast and my prenatal. Who knows, but I will see what today brings. Good luck everyone and I am hoping for some awesome BFPs this month!!!!


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Today is ultrasound day! I did my first round of clomid this cycle. cd11, opks negative so far. Today we'll see if I have good follicles, and possibly do a trigger shot. If there are good follicles on the left, we may do iui. If only on right, we'll just BD and hope for the best since the right side may be blocked. Then I guess its just waiting time.

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