38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Okay, so not the best news, but I'm really okay with it. I had 2 good follicles on the right, but none at all on the left. So no trigger shot, no iui, and any BDing this month is probably just for fun. In all honesty, I would have been scrape me off the floor shocked if I got pregnant in my first cycle of fertility drugs, so I am not really even sad about this. We'll have a good time without feeling pressure, and be ready to try again next month. Bonus: the ultrasound was nowhere near as traumatic as the hsg and actually fascinating to watch on screen. Although how she could tell a follicle from any other blob on that screen is beyond me.
Sorry the news wasn't better honey. I'm glad you are being positive about everything though. I know what you mean about sonographers too, I can't tell how they get so much information from what looks like grey blurry images to me! Years of training I guess, lol.
Hi ladies, well AF did arrive on Thursday. I had bloods and u/s Friday.

I took the first bc pill and antibiotic today. The process has begun with down regulating.

I'm thinking of starting a journal now. There will be so many procedures and meds over the next 1.5 months. My 2 big concerns is time off from work for the appts. And getting the hubby on board. He's already fatigued on TTC.

Who all among us have done IVF? I have so many questions. We're doing this a whole year sooner than planned. I don't feel ready but I'm hoping for my bfp.

I hope you're all having lovely weekends!
Sugar its scary and exciting at the same time I bet! No advice as I've never been there . Don't forget to post the link to your journal
Patiently waiting to hear about some positive tests!! Fingers crossed for you ladies!

Sugar- sorry about AF! Good luck with IVF! I have never gone through it but my cousin has three times. She has two little ones now. :) It is a lengthy process but definitely well worth it!

Pothole- have fun BDing! You never know.... Miracles do happen!

All is well with me. 12 weeks already and feeling good again! :)
Kiley, from the outside looking in, it seems as if your first trimester has flown by! So glad things are going well. =)
Thanks Dandi! Hope all is well with you and glad to hear you are back on the baby making train!! Lots of sticky baby dust to you! :dust:
Pothole, sorry about the news, but I agree with Tui glad you are being positive and it is only a matter of time for your left ovary starts to join the game.

Tui, glad you and the sticky bean are still chugging along.

Sugar, I haven't done IVF either, but do post if you do a journal I would definitely follow! How exciting!!!

Kiley, glad you are feeling better and I cannot believe you are 12 weeks already.

Hi left, wish, star, dandi and everyone else out there.

Afm, I am out. Negatives frer yesterday and I think AF started this morning. So weird because my lp is never this short. Maybe the hsg on cd10 and the two blobs on cd12 made my lining not so great this month. Wahhhhh! A little disappointed but onwards. I had a good feeling about this month but guess my little eggie and dh's swimmers had a different plan. I did bring a digi test on my business trip in case a miracle happens and it is just spotting, but I would not take those Vegas odds. Ha! At least l can have a glass of wine and a charcuterie platter when my plane makes a connection at my favorite airport stop today.

Worse news...DHs cat has a blocked bladder. He did have a catheter but he pulled it out. Might not be good news for kitty because the say it is likely to happen again. DH is so wrecked and if it happens again we might have to put him down because it is painful for the kitty, and a poor quality of life and even with surgery it is likely to happen again because he has rare stones. That will wreck DH and with me gone all this week and he stopped smoking last week not looking very sunny. Poor guy.

Good luck to everyone and wishing for us all to get BFPs very soon!!!
Mdc- Boo AF!! And so sorry to hear about your hubby's cat :( That is really tough. I had to put down one of my cats two days after Christmas a few years back. It is a very hard and selfless thing to do because like you said it all comes down to quality of living and you hate to see them in pain, but at the same time you do not want to be without your furry friend. I'll be thinking of you guys! It always breaks my heart to hear about sick furry family members.
Poor kitty. So sorry Mdc. Furry children are so very special. I'll be thinking of you.
So sorry MDC. It's so hard to let go of our fur babies. We need them as much as they need us. Keeping you in my thoughts.
hi girls! how's everyone doing?
AF did indeed show up while on vacation but I'm starting all of my stuff for IVF now. So Sugar, to answer your question - haven't done IVF before but am starting the process now. First step - suppression of all of the natural things my body wants to do. So I'm on BCP for the first week and a few days. Next Tuesday I go for blood work and an ultrasound so I think they can confirm I'm not doing things on my own. Then I'll start my injections.

mdc - I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's kitty! My kitties are my babies (right now). One had a bad kidney infection and the docs put her on a different food, one that is lower in magnesium and such. They said that her body created little crystals that would hurt when she peed. Maybe ask about that? poor thing....

kiley - so great to hear that you're ALREADY in the 2nd tri and feeling great!

tui - so happy to come back and see your ticker still going strong! I know I was only gone a few days but yanno.... :flower:

left - only a couple weeks now!!

pothole - enjoy your fun month of BD'ing. I hope you get a pleasant surprise!

hi to everyone else!
Wish: happy to have you back and refreshed! What DH did for you in Nola was very sweet and couldn't have come at a better time. sounds like you and Sugar are in the same boat now. I'll be rootin' for you guys and cant wait to pass on the big belly, large areolas, linea nigra, acid reflux, and constant need to pi$$ to you both!

Pothole: yes, have Fun this month. You just never know.....

mdc: ugh sorry about AF and the kitty. Ive never really had a pet i was attached to so i cant imagine what it must be like to love one like a child. It's gotta be hard to see them sick. I fly often- You gotta tell me what your fav airport is!

Kiley: I'm like everyone else- cant believe you're 12 weeks already!!!!

Tui: glad to see everything still going strong.

Hi dandi, maui, left and anyone else i missed!!!

I went to the shopping outlet today and bought two diaper bags- a striped Kate spade and a bright vera bradley (50% off the retail value!) Im going to show hubby and let him choose since i like them both.
Thanks for the kitty wishes! So far so good, but we will see.

Wish, glad you had a great time!

Jessie, my favorite is PHX because a lot of my old favorite Phoenix restaurants are there, but I love the wine bar at CLT and I always seem to connect there. Best airport meal ever was in ATL was one flew south...one of the best scallop dishes I have had no joke.

Hello to everyone else.!

So AF full force. I am in quite the conundrum now. Kind of sick of the TCC roller coaster and it is taking over our fun sexy time. If we get preggo next month I will be 6 weeks for our vacay in St Thomas. Kind of worried about the miscarriage risk then. On the other hand if I wait might miss my second extra fertile month after HSG and my second month post dilation. Haven't brought this up to DH, but thinking about throwing the sticks away for this month and just going with the flow. So torn. I am guessing taking the month off won't kill our chances right?
Hi everyone!

Wish- glad you had a good time in NO and wishing you the best as you start your IVF journey.

Kiley- 2nd trimester already? Happy to hear you're feeling better.

Jessie- ha! Way to put the glamour into pregnancy symptoms. Helps all of us keep in mind what we're in for! Let us know which bag DH chooses. :)

MDC- the one thing people keep telling me is that we need to relax and we'll get pregnant. So yes, take a month off and bring the sexy back! This month we ran into the same problem...it's like we were running a stud farm and DH had some trouble getting on the mood. I stopped things immediately and told him we timed the other days well and we WERE NOT going to end up in a place where we were forcing ourselves to have sex. So for you...take a peak at FF and see when your O days have been historically, then have some fun in the sack on those days without the science of the sticks. If you get preggo, don't worry about miscarriage because you'll be relaxing on vacation! Probably less of an issue there than traveling for work, right? And if you don't get preggo, then you can get busy on vacation!! Take heart friend, I'm very hopeful for you. Also, sorry about your kitty. We have two kitties and they're my baby girls. Can't imagine life without them and feel terrible when they're sick. I hope your boy feels better soon.

Hi Sugar, Pothole and Dandi!

Afm, BFN this morning on FRER. I'm either 12 or 13 dpo today depending on if the Aleve I took affected my temp. FF has AF scheduled for tomorrow. We'll see what happens.
thanks, jessie! it was the sweetest thing ever. I'll share here too (I shared the deets in another thread) ~ DH surprised me by basically planning the timing of our weekend away around the singer of our wedding song playing at a local bar in NO. We found this singer, John Boutte, by watching 'Treme' when it was on HBO - a series about a neighborhood in NO. He sang the title song and we looked him up and loved his music. Well, he has this gorgeous song called 'All These Things' that we ended up using as our wedding song. He's local, lives down there, and on the show they always showed the characters hitting up local joints to see some down-home local jazz. Sooooooo - we took a walk on Saturday through an artsy/boho side of the French Quarter and rolled up to this one bar and I see on the chalkboard that John Boutte is playing that night at 8pm! I was so excited but just thought it was our luck! Apparently, DH had it planned out the whole time. So we stayed and were the first in and watch this awesome jazzy show, AND he played our song. We met him afterwards and told him we used his song and he was so grateful and kind. Needless to say, DH swept me off my feet. <3
AF is now leaving the building for me , I'm happy to report that it was much more like a normal AF in terms of flow and lenght :) yipeeee . I'm so grateful for the small victorys :) lol..... Well I'm all stocked up !! Ordered 100 Opk and 50 hcg tests last night lol...

AF due again before the end of the month so before dr appointment but think I will get going with temping and poas this month ..... Well practice makes perfect lol....
Oops lost the first part of my post !!!

Wish sorry she came and ruined your holiday .... But I'm very excited that your next leg of your journey to motherhood starts :) eeeeek can't wait to support you and be a part of it . Hope you don't mind sharing ? So am I right you only take BC for about 10 days ?? Do you stop then ? Do many people irl know your doing it ? And you have one hell of a romantic hubby !!!!! He is a keeper !!!!

MDC do what feels right for you and oh ..... Its awful when it all feels like a chore ! Its good to step back every now and again and just have FUN ! I'd highly reccomend it after my afternoon quickly ;) lol.... How do you know that THAT month won't be THE month ??

Ill be back to post for everyone else ... Some one at the door :)
Aagh! I wrote a huge long post and it was eaten! So frustrating! Okay trying to remember:
Jessie, please share pics of your bags
Sugar, good luck!
Mdc, sending you clear and positive thoughts to make the best decision.
Maui, that happened to dh and I as well. I wish I'd been as proactive as you and dealt with it immediately. It almost became a huge issue.
Wish, that is amazing and so very special
Left, sounds like you have a plan.
As for me, I am waiting on may 2. I am 99.99% certain that this month is a wash. I want to get on with the may cycle. I had my very first positive opk on monday, 4 days after every calendar says I should have. But that tells me the clomid helped, and gives me a better timeframe, so I know to bd through the negatives on the predicted days. Maybe I can catch it next month.
Confession time, I am a geek. Dh is too, but not quite as devoted to the life. ;) Looking at the calendar today I realized that I will be testing at the end of May, which coincides with one of my favorite events of the year: ConCarolinas. I could find out that I am pregnant while surrounded by grownups dressed as wookies, klingons, and various incarnations of the Doctor. To say that would be amazing is a drastic understatement. So send your best geeky, nerdy, dorky thoughts my way next month.

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