38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

left - you love us and you know it!! ultrasound/bw was this morning - I'll get a call later today for results and next steps. Results should be 'no follies' and next steps should be 'start injections on Sat/Sun'.

chipie - left is in Ireland so you got her in a close timezone! :) And ask all the questions you want - typically there's no such thing as TMI here and I think everyone is ok telling their history.

mine - been 'really' trying since Jan '14. I'm 39 and nary a BFP in my entire journey. We started the process of getting things checked out last July - I had an HSG (all clear), all my labs (all good). We held off going to the RE until this Jan, and we had the rest of our tests done. I have DOR - diminished ovarian reserve, and DH has low volume and low motility. He's been on man-clomid for a few months and I haven't been on anything but prenatal vitamins. We just started our first cycle of IVF - doc said that with DOR, we'll skip IUI or anything that would be us naturally trying with assistance since the clock is apparently ticking louder than we thought. So I just did my first 10 days of BCP to suppress everything and went for my ultrasound/blood work to confirm everything is suppressed. Then I'll start my injections (stimulators for the follicles) I think sometime this weekend. That's my story so far!

I'm hoping to be all knocked up by the beginning of June but I have a sneaky feeling it may take a couple of tries. Stay tuned!
Try not to be sad - at our age, I think the average time it takes to conceive is a year. Try to stay positive! Are you temping or using OPKs or the monitor or anything yet?
This post is totally going to be a book!

Wish, totally understand you have no choice to jump right in because there is no half way trying IVF. Never thought I would say this to you, but hoping for no follies quite yet.

Dandi, good luck with the tww, hopefully it will fly by!

Kiley, love the bag you are stalking. Still cannot believe you are in your second tri!

Chipie, welcome! As everyone said this is a super nice and very knowledgable group. My story. We have now been really trying since October off bc since last Jan. I had my labs checked and all good, DH had a SA (poor morphology Kruger 2%...but now has stopped smoking so we are hoping for it to improve), and I had an HSG (all clear). My first HSG was not successful because the radiologist said I had a stenotic cervix (who knew that was the only muscle in your body you don't want to be tight :haha: ), but when my ob dilated me she said it was really not that bad and the RE said it was the easiest HSG he did...so who knows. I would recommend to anyone to try and HSG with an RE instead of a radiologist because they do these all the time and are more experienced. Kind of bummed no miracle HSG baby for us yet, but there is still time. Our next step is to take a couple more months to see if we can get knocked up the old fashion way and then IUI if we need to. TCC is rough and I could not have survived so far without this group.

Hello to everyone else!

Afm, just chilling waiting for my plane to take off. DH and I had a bit of a 'discussion' last night. I am traveling quite a bit for my new job which is what I expected to do in the beginning. DH asked if I really wanted a baby...uh yeah. Not like I was doing the fertility test just for kicks. His travel style is so different than me and he cannot understand that I don't get as worked up about trips as he does even though he travels quite a bit for work. So far I/we have been able to make sure it hasn't interfered with O, and when we get pregnant/have a baby things will be different. I think the sick kitty is just stressing him out because he is the only one that can give him meds bc he is so skittish, and he is thinking when we have a baby it will be harder. I may be a bit delusional on how difficult it will be but people figure this stuff out all the time. I had to remind him we are partners in this and yes there will be times it will be just him and the TBD baby. Maybe he is just scared, but hell I am too. Ok rant over.
thanks mdc!

sounds like you guys had a good convo last night. I think about those things too - was thinking just yesterday about how cool it will be to teach my child stuff about the world. But then how annoying it could get (knowing my personality) to have to answer the 'why? why? why?' questions, when it gets to that point. And am I going to miss any important points? How do you teach a child to be a good person and respect others and respect nature/animals? AHHH! I freak myself out often, wondering if I'll be able to deal with a child. But I'm clearly doing what it takes to get one, so I'm sure we'll be fine. :flower:

have a safe flight! where are you headed to today?
Wish, totally understand those feelings but you are right to be as dedicated to TCC I think we know what we are getting into. Ha!

Today is just a day trip to Phoenix, so not too bad.
Wish, good luck with the results today! Fingers crossed that your body didn't do anything on it's own. How long will you take the injections for this round?

Mdc, I love that you are so chill about your travel. I would be a basket case if I had to travel for work all the time, especially while trying to conceive. We are flying to the middle of no-where, Oklahoma, in June for my husband's grandmother's 90th birthday and I'm already stressed about the trip. The fact that I don't like flying probably has the most to do with it. Actually, it's not the flying, I'm just severely claustrophobic, so it's more the plane than anything. I'm going to Kentucky for a conference in July (from Atlanta) and I'm driving the whole way rather than fly, lol. I guess people that travel for work often like you just get used to it though so it's no big deal. I envy that and think it's really cool that people get to see different parts of the country/world all in a days work.

Welcome Chipie! I'm 36, I've been trying since January 2014. I really amped up my efforts around October though and got serious with my temping. I had my first appt set up in February to start fertility testing, but I ended up with a bfp in January. That pregnancy didn't work out and ended in March, but at least now I know that it is possible for me to get pregnant (silver linings, yay!)! So this is my first month back at it. I'm using temping, opks, SMEP, Pre-seed, maca, royal jelly, fish oil, fertile woman one a day, ubiquinol, and anything else I can get my hands on to try to make this baby happen. :laugh2: Best of luck to you! You'll get lots of support here and plenty of understanding!
Thanks for sharing your stories guys and good to know left is in Ireland so it's not just me on this side of the Atlantic. Sounds like I'm just at the beginning of my journey then and it might be a long one. Trying to stay positive from now on then!

Wish, I'm routing for it to happen for you first time!

Mdc - sounds like an interesting discussion but sometimes good to get these things out in the open. Hope things ok now. I could not travel all the time with work, fair play to you!

Dandi, I'm taking a few of those supplements too! We will try anything wont we.

I got AF today in fairly full flow which has confused me because I thought I was 9dpo today which I cant be. In 5 months I've never had an LP that wasn't 12 days as far as I know. Even if I ov'd on the day of my LH surge and not the day after as normal that would only be 10 days??? So confused. To answer your question Wish - i use opks but don't temp. Bought a thermometer a few months back but then got so confused with what to do with it that I never started using it. My opk tests aren't great - I get barely a positive reading but it goes from nothing to that so I assume thats as much a surge as I'm going to get. Maybe I ought to start temping altho tbf we bd loads during the general fertile time so doubt I've missed any eggs.
sounds like you're doing all the right stuff. Temping and OPKs certainly helped me. I totally thought I was a typical cd14 girl since my cycles were 28 days but NOPE. I don't typically O until cd17 or so. I can't even depend on my own ewcm!! it comes a few days earlier than when my temp shift shows or I would get +OPKs!! I've temped on and off, both orally and vaginally, and it helped me to just know my body better. Some ladies think it stresses them out more and I'm on board with that. I ended up temping only to confirm O, then put the thermometer down for a few days, then start again to see if my temps were still high around when AF was expected. If I saw a drop, I knew.

re: your 'early' AF, I don't know what to say! weird cycle this month? a few of us had a super early cycle in Feb, unexplained. It was even weirder that it happened to more than one of us on this thread at the same time!
Hi everyone :) Firstly you will ALL be wonderful parents ! It all a learning curve .. No one is EVER 100 % ready or prepared . Its such a life changer you can't imagine ! But ALL in a good amazing way .

Chipee , my story ... Well I'm a bit of a square in a round hole here .. Oops intern,.pted again ! Ill be back lol
Thanks Wish. So basically just when you think you've worked out all the signs and know what your body is going to do, it throws you a complete curve ball! At least it's not just me. Onwards and upwards then!!
Ok I'm back lol... I'm with wish btw ... Opk and temping well worth it , also I love using fertility friend . Input the information it does all the work lol...
I was always a 28 day gal too ... Just assumed I ov on cd 14 .. Boy was I wrong it was anywhere from cd 11-14 . Changed most cycles too !!

So back to square peg , round hole . I'm Regina 42 since November . I came late to the game and started ttc aged 39 and a half . Was clueless . Not on bnb , no bells and whistles .. Fell pg withing 6 months . Sadly I lost that LO with mmc @ 12 weeks . Started ttc again as soon as I could eh the next month ... Took 5 months of obsession ! Opk , temping charting the works ! Well I was blessed with a BFP :) that BFP turned into my blessing .. Sean who is now 13 months . I was 41 and 4 months giving birth . Very uncomplicated pg . Ended up with c section but he got here that's all that matters . Anyway I wanted to ttc again straight away as ... Yes time was well running out .... Started again 5 months after Sean born .. 6 months later December no joy . Felt unwell . Went to doctor was diagnosed with post partum thyroiditis . It effects fertility amongst alot of other things. Put on meds to regularise my levels and attending a endocronologist . Banned since Dec from ttc until levels back where they should be ... So my wait continues ..... Next appointment 11th of May . Hoping for the green light :)

I came on this thread initially to let people know there is hope after 38 :) another thread I'm on is for ttc after 40 and it is VERY successful ! Some are now on their second pg :)
Think we have 12 babies and current BFP :) anyway I got chatting and really liked all the ladies on this group ., so despite ttc no 2 I stayed ... With permission :)

So lm waiting to jump back in and will try until BFP or menapause !!! I'm here for the long haul :)
Great story Left, gives me loads of hope :))))
Temping it is then!! What is Fertility Friend???
Its an app that charts for you . Look it up . It teaches you loads too . It tracks your cycles for you . I have a link to it with my current boring chart ;) at the end of my page lol
Well, I had a test transfer and a hystersono today. The catheter worked well for the test transfer and the doctor got it through the cervix ok. The HS was another story.

He couldn't find the right position to insert the ballooned catheter using the speculum. In and out he kept pushing it. Finally after 6-8 tries he switched speculums and it works. I have some sorness now from all that manipulating.

Also he found what looks like a polyp. He gave options to continue or have it removed. He said that if he was treating us agressively he would want to remove it that day. If he did that would kick us out of the medical trial and there are no other openings now. We're moving forward and praying that it is benign and not a cause of my infertility.

Very tough news to hear. Especially cause it's unclear if this will prevent implantation.
Hi ladies and welcome to our new gals! Didn't mean to be gone so long...I wrote a post last weekend but got kicked out and I forgot to come back!

Sugar- hoping your polyp is benign. Sorry for the tough news. Hang in there!

MDC- I think you're right...DH is a bit stressed. Just give him lots of comfort and reassurance when you get home. Sorry to hear your kitty still isn't doing so great. And yay for a month off from temping! that dang device can hold us hostage!

Kylie- cute bag! I had no idea they made such fashionable diaper bags til you and Jessie started shopping.

Afm, Home stuff is going well. We've turned our energy back to the yard for a bit. We have a beautiful golden pillar cypress tree to plant. It smells like lemon when you rustle its branches. Love it!

My foot is getting much better...one nice thing about AF is the green light for aleve/ibuprofen. I think that heped quite a bit. We'll see! DH and I are back to walking/jogging so hopefully it'll hold up for me. Baby bro's wedding in one month...gotta get in shape!

Hi Wish, Left, Dandi, Tui and Jessie!
Shhhhh :sleep: its quiet in here today . Anyone else have difficulties getting on today ? Kept telling me data error for a second I thought oh no bnb broken , I was devastated with the thought of loosing touch with ye all and not being able to travel this journey with ye . But false alarm ... We're back :dohh:

Well I got a beautiful strong Opk+ today ... Bang on track for ov on cd 14 . Pity its wasted on me :haha: I have to AVOID b'ding lol .... Hate condoms and didn't want to go on BC so I'mnot just b'ding in my fertile window :dohh:
Hope its the lasts one of those I have to waste

Sorry about the polp , most do them are totally harmless so I'm thinking it will be just fine :)
Sugar- I dont know what a polyp is but I hope it's benign too!

Left- I'm really jealous of your beautiful strong opk+. What a shame to waste! Poor you. Downloaded FF just figuring out how to work it...

Maui thanks for your welcome, hope the foot ok!
Sugar- so sorry to hear of the polyp scare. I hope it turns out to be nothing. What's the latest on the medical trial?

I finally got crosshairs on ff the other day and if it's accurate I think we missed out completely this month. I'm kind of glad in a weird way. Now I feel like I don't have to stress about the tww and can just get back to it next month with opks. I guess that's the planner in me wanting to have more control of the situation, lol!
hi girls!

left - yeah, I tried to get on here all day yesterday and it said it was down for maintenance until 4/29 at 8amPST. I was trying at around 5pm EST and it still wouldn't work for me. Oh well.
Stinks you can't take advantage of that strong OPK! one more month!!!

dandi - sounds like you'll have a nice, stressless TWW this time then, huh? Ahhhh zennnn

speaking of zen - how are you doing Tui?

maui - sounds like you are doing great! I love the thought of that lemony tree! We cleared out a TON of overgrown bushes in our front yard at the end of the season last year and now we just have baby lawn. I'd like to put in another tree somewhere but we have a cluster of white birches that are about centered but up by the road. The rest of the yard might look weird if there was a tree in the middle of it. Still figuring that out - I'm no landscaper!

sugar - I really hope that the polyp is benign. I had one that they found the Sept we started to think about TTC. It was right at the opening of my cervix! It was probably blocking everything! It was easily removed, I didn't feel a thing, and it was benign. I think things like that usually are so try not to worry. My mom has had a couple removed, all benign.

chipie - I hope you like FF. It helped me learn a lot too. I got the VIP package for 3 months just to be able to write down all of my 'symptoms' which, really in the end, taught me that PMS symptoms are JUST like BFP symptoms!!

afm (chipie - this means 'and for me' - don't fall into mdc's trap of thinking 'afm' is another person on here that you haven't seen yet!! :haha: mdc - <3 ;)) I start my stims tomorrow.

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