38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

I'm not sure if I ovulated late or not. I was playing around in ff and discarded the one wonky temp, which a then shifts ov back three days to the day that was thinking based on cm and historical cycles. Now I'm more confused than ever and will have to just wait it out. Af should arrive either Wednesday or Saturday, and if she's not here by Sunday I'll test. That's the plan at least. I hope I don't cave before then.
Hi everyone!

Left- I totally missed your question about how we met our DH's! My story is kinda boring...I moved to Maui sight unseen, not knowing a soul. I became instant friends with my new neighbors who wanted to introduce me to their friend who had also just moved to the island. I wasn't interested in the complications a man brings as I had just simplified my life down to me and paradise and I didn't need anything else. Well, they ignored me and set us up to meet on a group outing and we were pretty much inseparable from that night on. We married on our beloved island almost 5 years later.

Wish- love the fur babies! Your computer kitty looks just like mine! I call her Monkey too but really her name is Alli. IVF sounds scary. Poking and clotting...I hope you get that BFP!

Jessie- happy birthday! Love the pics, you look so cute! Definitely not looking like you're a day past 28. :) I think you inquired a while back about if we were seeing a RE or not and I can't remember if I answered...but no, we are not. Sounds strange but I don't feel like we need to. I'm almost 39 so I suppose we should, but there's just something inside me that's calm and patient. So I'm going with the flow for now. Moving to Cali? Wow! Only 4 hrs to HI from there!:happydance: my bro's wedding is in Shasta (northern Cali). Looking forward to the beautiful outdoors there. Should be a great time.

Dandi- I hate those cycles where everything is clear as mud and you have no idea what's going on. That's how I felt last month. Hang in there.

It's late and I'm sleepy. Hope you are all enjoying the weekend!
Wow it's getting chatty in here again! Love it! AF showed today, which I expected. I just had a really strong feeling that nothing happened this month. Only surprise was that I thought it would show yesterday. I wonder if it's the clomid that did that. I also have a lot more cm with this flow. It's odd. I'll do some research, but if any of you lovely ladies has done a few rounds of clomid, I'd love your input. I start round 2 on Tuesday and I'm really hoping that the left ovary wakes up and participates this time.
Oh and DH and I met as counselors at a camp for special needs children and adults. During training week we were partnered up and had to practice the Heimlich maneuver on each other. So sexy, those standard choking procedures. ;)
So the kitty had surgery, but no bladder stones were found. What the f@#% Ugh! Even though two X-rays and ultrasounds confirmed them. Poor guy, but he is doing better.

I love everyone's stories! Afm, a couple I knew needed a fourth player for golf and I joined in. There funny part is my friend and I went to get waters and a snack before the round started and the lady behind the counter said 'are you both with those guys? They should have bought those for you...they are not marriage material' So of course I had to be a smart a$$ and shout over to now DH that if he would have only bought me a water we could get married. Guess the water was not necessary. LOL!

Star glad you checked in! We are CD and going with the flow this month buddies this cycle. Good luck!

Left, pic of the doggies are so cute!

Tui, I always considered myself a dog person, but not sure how we go so many cats! Ha!

Sugar, hope you are doing well.

Maui, get to bday BD'ing! yes our vacay is in early April and can not get here soon enough.

Jessie, I would like to agree first class is medically necessary! I used to get upgraded a lot (aka now I am a spoiled brat!) but with the airline mergers not as much anymore. Also have precheck which is a life saver.

Wish, cute pics and I hope stims are going well!

Dandi, I cannot blame you for not wanting to leave GA and leave your family. First class is so worth it! So much more room to relax. Still wishing good vibes for you this month!

Sorry pothole about AF, and hoping your left ovary is ready to rock this month.

Not much for me, but did get some EWCM blob today which i usually don't have. Still trying to take it easy, but might try seduction tonight or tomorrow :winkwink:
Goodmorning Ladies, oops already monday here.... Most of you are probably still in bed....

Nice pics Jessie. I like everyone pics and love stories. I think i ll also post some pics when i come back.

Mdc- ooh poor kitty. Glad he is doing better. Yay, Cycle buddy.

I ll post more later. Am with DH now and he is rushing me, we are going for lunch....take care Ladies.
good morning, ladies :coffee:

how's it going? chatty bunch this weekend! love it!

jessie - those are awesome pictures! did you request the rainbow or what?? :) I'm super paranoid too, I'll be taking my pics down now. Also, yeah - where did our 30's go?? 40 looming at the end of this year is just nutty to think about. I always think about having been younger and hearing about someone being or turning 40 and thought 'wow, that seems so old'. Yikes. But I don't feel it, that's for sure and I guess that's all that matters. And I second maui - you don't look a day over 28. Lucky! Tell Baby Boy to hold on tight in there and maybe skootch a little higher so Mommy can relax. :)

I love all of your connection stories! Maui - yours is not boring! none of them are!

dandi - i'm sorry your body is not being very clear and honest this month!! maybe it'll help the zen. My fingers are crossed for no AF by this Sunday.

mdc - glad kitty is ok but what? not a thing?? that's an expensive nothing! I love your story about meeting DH. Good luck with Operation Seduction this week. GIT IT GIRL!

pothole - good luck with clomid cycle #2!!

star - hope you're still having fun out in Zzzzanzzzzibarrrr. (That's how I'd say it every time and annoy everyone around me probably) So exotic!

afm - 3 days of stims down. They aren't bad at all, though I have called the nurse's line a couple of times. Thank god for them, they are so helpful. And the one girl yesterday told me that I can combine both meds and inject once! Brilliant! So I did that last night. It pinches, like needles are want to do (right jessie - who LIKES them??) and it stings a little when I inject but it's over quickly and I keep remembering it's all for the greater good. I'm able to taste one of the meds in my mouth after injection, it's weird. But no side effects and I was able to do everything I wanted this weekend (barre and 3 hrs of yard work yesterday). I had a teeeeeeny (like 2 sips) bit of champagne this weekend to cheer my friend's 50th bday and new house and that was all the alcohol I had. NO WINE.
Dandi: Not too much longer and you’ll know, one way or the other. Fingers crossed.

Maui: Yea, I think I recall you saying that you guys were going to try to stay away from the RE. I wish I could be so calm about things. We are such a “want it and want it now nation” and patience is so rare- We really need to slow down!! I’m trying to take my own advice. :winkwink: Aww- Shasta CA is going to be so nice. I’ve always wanted to go that far north in Cali. I heard it’s so beautiful!!

Pothole: I would think a lot of CM is a good thing? I guess the consistency matters more tho? Choking…hehe.

Star: How much longer are you two going to be abroad?

Mdc: That sucks that kitty had to go through the surgery for pretty much nothing! Your golf story is cute! My hubs started playing golf about 5 years ago and loves it. I still can’t get into it! :shrug:

Wish: Yea, really. I used to think 40 was so old too! I’m lucky- no wrinkles and no white hair (I’m getting a few with the pregnancy but nothing that would necessitate hair dye). I’m just happy my much younger husband looks older than me. :winkwink: I’m so happy sims isn’t too bad for ya! You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to totally stop drinking alcohol. I thought I would have withdrawals (before getting pregnant I had a drink EVERY single weekend for the past 5 years) but I really haven’t had a problem.

We had a fun weekend. Went hiking, had a picnic and saw an opera. Enjoy your bodies while you can. I had to walk sooo slowly on the hike.
I took my pics down now that the majority of you have seen them! :blush:
I'm trying so hard to wait it out, but the the suspense is killing me. I think the fact that I either timed it perfectly or missed it altogether is frustrating me. I don't know where to be hopeful or put it out of my mind. A really frustrating month. I had a huge temp dip yesterday, down a whole degree. But then back up a full degree this morning. No real symptoms other than the fact that I can't sleep and I usually love to sleep. I'm either 9 or 12 dpo. We went shopping this weekend and I got a box of FRERs. Even though I don't feel like I'm pregnant, it's going to be so difficult to not test this week... I make no promises, lol.

We did lots of yard work this weekend trying to finish up our landscaping. We're just about done now and that is such a relief. We're totally exhausted and over it. HD surprised me this weekend with a Garmin vivosmart that I mentioned I wanted. He got us matching ones, so we can work on our fitness together. I love it already!
well now I want you to test every day, dandi! you've got me all curious!!

yeah, it wasn't too tough to say no this weekend. I even dumped 2 partial bottles of wine b/c by the time I can have a drink again (end of month if no IVF success), they'd be bad anyway. DH had a little glass of my fave bourbon Friday night too and I could smell it and I wasn't enticed.

I'm SO not into my workday today. It's sunny and gorgeous out here, I just want to go do more yard work!
Same here. I just can't get into work mode today. I'd much rather be outside. I wish I at least had a window in my office.

I stopped drinking last January when we first started ttc. I've just found it easier to stay off of it altogether rather than allow myself wine during the short windows where I know I'm not pregnant. Now I don't even miss it at all. If I'm lucky enough to have a child though, I'm sure I'll make up for this lost time within first 3 years, lol.

Wish, are you doing your injections yourself or having someone do them? I think I could handle getting them, but I don't think I have it in me to inject myself. I'm too much of a wuss.
Dandi and wish, totally agree I am not motivated today. Does help it is nice and cloudy here today so I just want to crawl in bed. Maybe it is also because I am still in my PJs. :haha: Good thing I made some yummy curried cauliflower soup yesterday to warm me up :thumbup: Yes, I am weird when I comes to breakfast foods, I go against the grain but man it is yummy soup though.

Maui, is Shasta the same as the Mt Shasta area? If so, it is gorgeous!

Wish, yes it was an expensive nothing. Kind of mad the vet did not call us before she opened him up to say she was not convinced the stones where there. Glad the stims are going well and they are compatible to be mixed together. As for the champagne hope you enjoyed some little sips! I myself haven't really stopped drinking if I feel like I want a glass of wine I go for it, but I am more mindful in the TWW. Although when there is money invested I will definitely change my tune and likely go dry. But man that wine is so tasty!

Jessie, I only play golf once or twice a year, but it is a good way to kick off the weekend. I was lucky enough to play Poppy Hills in Pebble Beach at turkey day this year and it was awesome!

Dandi, hang in there, but I would not blame you if you test early. Suspense is killing me :haha:

Nothing else to report here. Got some BD'ing in but still doing well without POAS or temping.
oh make no mistake, I want my wine and would have a glass here and there. But I asked the nurse's line about mixing with these meds and she said that they hinder your ability to process alcohol, so they suggest not drinking at all. So....guess I'm done drinking for the foreseeable future. Boo. Watch, weight will just fall off me now...hahaha

dandi - I'm giving them to myself. DH said that it's more natural for me to have a pulling motion than him having a pushing motion. Whatever, he participated in putting everything together the first night so that was fine. Now I have it down, so he'd get in the way. ;) It totally did weird me out sticking myself with a needle, though, and still does. But it doesn't hurt, really. Just a pinch!
I gave in and tested when I got home today. Bfn, so now I'm going to assume that I really did ov 3 days late and af should be here this weekend. I'm going to stop wondering about the weird temps now so I'm relieved.
Hi everyone! So much to catch up on! Just wanted to pop over and let you all know I am still praying for you all to catch that egg!! Good to read our two IVF ladies are moving right along with the process. Fingers crossed! And I hope everyone that had fertile windows were successful! And Dandi its not over yet! Remember to consider yourself pregnant until AF shows! (One of the awesome ladies on this board said that once). :)

Things are going well with me. Doc appointment last Wednesday went well and doc is certain we are having a girl! We will have confirmation two weeks from tomorrow. :)
Sorry Dandi. It is still early though right?

Wish, I always laugh that once I get pregnant I will finally be at my ideal weight because liquid calories will go away :haha:

Totally unrelated to TCC but our building is getting a new roof and it is so incredibly loud. Of course my one big call today they decided to use a skill saw to cut some wood. Talk about timing! They say it could take up to three weeks. Sigh!
Yeah, it's still early, so there's still a chance I guess, especially considering the fact that I started crying at work today for a ridiculous reason that would never bother me normally. I think I'm just grasping to that negative because I hate the wondering since this month has been so odd. I thought for sure this was going to be a completely calm month of ttc and no stress or worries and it's not ended that way at all. I'd rather a negative than the stress and worry, lol. We'll see, nothing to do but wait.

Kiley, have you and your husband narrowed down girls names yet?? How exciting! I can't wait to hear that it's confirmed. =)
man, I was the only one at lunch today with coworkers that didn't have a beer.....sigh. :)

had my u/s this morning - 6 follicles measuring 9-10 and they want them to measure 11. So we're a little behind, me and my follies. But staying on stims, same dosage, until Thursday and I go back for another u/s that morning. I guess more follicles can grow between now and then so I'm trying to stay zen.
Those follies are so close wish! Fingers crossed that you get some new ones a just a tiny bit bigger!
Praying for size 11 follies Wish! The others were so close! I have faith you will get there!

Dandi- we have talked about names only a little. When I do bring it up hubby does not have much input. I think he wants to wait for the confirmation. I think he is secretly hoping for a boy. For a boy name, I like Zane Ryan (Ryan is my husband's name). I have not shared with him my girl name yet. I am afraid he will veto it! I really really like the name Ireland for a girl. I am thinking he will nix that one though since it is a country! But I absolutely love it. It was never on my list until I got pregnant. I heard it one day and fell in love with it.

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