38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Kiley love your name choice ! My niece called her little girl the Gaelic for Ireland spelt Eire pronounced AIR A :)
Wish good number of follies :) sorry for being stupid but can those ones grow to 11 ? Or is it new ones that grow ? I'm sorry hope that's not a really stupid question ! Your sooo close to perfection !
Thanks Left! I've actually got a little Irish heritage so I think it's perfect!
Holy Hormones, Batman! So apparently the 2 follicles on the right side from last month mean double crazy on this end. My thermostat reads 68, it feels like the surface of the sun. And I welled up with tears in the grocery yesterday because I wanted a cookie so badly. If this what happens when you aren't pregnant, I'm a little terrified of real pregnancy hormones.
Wish: We need follicle info! How many are usually produced? (the stims produce more than normal im assuming?!) Like Left said, can they grow?
Curious minds want to know. Fx crossed, sistah!

Kiley: I love your name choice! Do you have a gender preference? I secretly wanted a boy so im happy. Too much drama in my family with 4 girls total.

Dandi: still too early!!!!

Pothole: Pregnancy hormones are no joke. I seriously keep a big box of kleenex in my car now. I listen to NPR (nat'l public radio) on my drive to work and there are always stories on there that make me cry.

Mdc: Yea, i LOST weight my first trimester, not because of being ill, but because of the lack of alcohol!!! Haha!

Happy Cinco De Mayo, U.S. ladies! My baby will be 1/4 mexican, 1/4 vietnamese, some fraction of irish, polish and english. Im curious to see what he'll look like.
Love those names Kiley! Hope dh gets on board with what you like best. :)

Jessie do you have a name picked for your little boy yet?
Apologies to those who read my journal for the double post.

Just had my scan. Everything was great. Measuring bang on at 8w3d. Heartbeat 171 bpm.

Baby even gave us a wiggle, which had us both really emotional.

*There were actually two sacks but she couldn't find anything in the second one. Looks like I popped out two eggs from my right side. I'm not upset though as I have one healthy baby measuring perfectly. Please let that continue.


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Tui you can post news like that as many times as you like :) we will never get fed up with it !!!! Congratulations again :)
Good morning lovely ladies!

Tui, post, double post, triple post. I am so happy for you and your lovely dot!!!

Dandi, I know what you mean by chilling out, I said this would not get worked up this month, but could not help but kind of trying. Give me a week and I will be over analyzing every twinge.

Wish, I hope those follies continue to get their plump on! Sounds like since they are not upping the med the doc feels it is a good chance for them to be over achievers :winkwink:

Kiley, I love the name too! Maybe throw out a dud name then he can veto that first :haha: I am sure names are the hardest and I am sure everyone has their opinions. My sis did not tell a sole until her DD was born.

Pothole, sorry the hormones are getting to you, but two follicles yeah! That is one the open side right?

Jessie, I bet your son will be adorable!

Left, getting so close to your appt, right? Hopefully you are back in the swing of POAS!

Hello to everyone else!

Afm, doesn't my chart look amazing....psych. :haha: I have no idea, but I was able to sneak in some sexy time this morning (TMI, but man was it a good one! This chill month is fun :winkwink: ), so overall I think we did alright for a blind month. I have been drinking more green tea this month and I think it did help with the EWCM which seems so crazy to me. Either way I will be good, either preggo or bring on the rum drinks on vacay!
MDC, those two were from last month's round of clomid. The hormones of double ovulation make for a double crazy period, I guess. They were on the wrong side. Need the other side to be productive in order to go the iui route, so this past month we did timed BD with no luck. Next scan is a week from tomorrow. Hoping for some good news.
Tui...I seriously cannot like that post enough! SO excited for you!!!!
hi girls!

tui - I second what the girls said - post this every day if you want!! <3

kiley - I love the names, especially Ireland! And I love that version, Left. Beautiful.

pothole - well, sometimes it's frustrating not to get a damn cookie!! ;)

left - your appointment is SOON!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!

mdc - right? green tea is a miracle for ewcm!! Here's hoping your extra-fun blind month did the trick!

jessie - your baby boy is going to be a hodge-podge of adorableness!!!

afm - ok so my follies were supposed to be at 11 yesterday but yes, they'll continue to grow and terripeachy said that new ones might sprout too AND that one follicle could have numerous eggs, so I'm not as 'downhilll already' as I thought. I think the sonographer said they want them to measure around 21-22 for retrieval, and the trigger shot will help that too. But right, they didn't increase my meds so things must be good enough so far. I go back tomorrow morning for another u/s to see how things have progressed. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!
Jessie- I do not really have a preference. I will be happy with either one. Of course I do love shopping for baby girl clothes more than I do for boy clothes! ;)

Pothole- The only thing that changed for me after I got pregnant was my patience for idiot drivers. Right before my BFP I noticed I was yelling at the idiot drivers more than normal. lol Pre-pregnancy I was never a happy crier so I thought that would for sure change, but nope. Still not a happy crier. And still do not cry during movies or tv shows. The only time I have cried being pregnant was in the early weeks where there was some drama with my sister-in-law. I got really mad and frustrated at the situation and cried. Which again is pretty normal for me to do in those situations.

Tui- I am SOOOOOOO happy to hear little bean is doing well! Such a cute little gummi bear you have in there! Keeping you and baby in my prayers.

Mdc- If I can convince my husband on the name Ireland, I will most likely keep it a secret as well until she is born. I do not need any opinions! And I have a feeling since Ireland borderlines on more of a unique name, I will definitely get opinions! Fingers crossed for you! BDing looks good in the fertile window!

Wish- Praying for those follicles!! Hope the doctor is pleased with what they see tomorrow!
Tui: Oh that is a GREAT scan. Baby looks awesome. This baby WILL be your firstborn and I think BOY.

Kiley: Yeah, I know a few folks who are keeping their unborn baby's name a secret. We've told everyone our kid's name because I'm not good at keeping quiet about ANYTHING when it comes to myself.

Wish: really praying that everything goes well at the scan tomorrow.

Pothole: Hoping your scan shows ovulation from the good side!!!

Mdc: What i wouldn't give for some good bed shaking at this time. I was reading buzzfeed (it makes me laugh!!!) and women were saying that some of them weren't ready for sex for MONTHS after baby was born. Im already having issues since im getting so big and uncomfortable. ARGH. Seriously, have fun while you can.

Dandi: We are going to name our baby Guillermo and nickname him "Mo" He will have my last name as his middle name and then my husband's last name. (I kept my name after we married). His full name incorporates all of his ethnicities so it works.
Here are some pics of my little guy at his anatomy scan about 6 weeks ago.


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Thanks everyone. I'm already in love with my dancing jelly baby, lol.
jessie - Guillermo is SO CUTE!! His pic AND his name, I LOVE the name!! buzzfeed cracks me up too. Were you the one that posted the link about infertility? so dead on. You're funny about being so self-disclosing. It's KIL-LING me not to talk about this IVF b/c I'm the exact same way, but DH keeps everything close. I've let it slip to 3 people so far, 2 of which have gone through this junk and 1 who is just a really good friend and I felt good telling her. But I haven't told my mom or sister yet b/c DH doesn't want me to tell them. They (well, we, if I'm being honest) tend to gossip a bit and I know he doesn't care for how they handle stuff like this. And I'm sure it's just far too personal for him to want them to know, assuming they might think it's his shortcoming. But I feel like I'm totally holding out on them and I feel horrible. On the other hand, I'm also not peppered with 'how's it going? how are the injections? do you feel anything?' and if it doesn't work this time around, I also don't have to report back.

tui - I love that you're in love!! <3

just got back from my u/s - things are definitely progressing. We've got a 9, 10, 10, 11, and a 12. I asked about the 6th and she said it's still there but just not measurable yet. She said they all grew (except the runt) since the other day (which also confuses me b/c she said they were all 9-10 the other day...? oh well). I asked what # we were looking to reach today and she said she really didn't like to say 'on Day 7, you should be X' b/c everyone is different and what happens one day doesn't lay the groundwork for what could happen in another couple of days. She just said the overall goal was to get them to 18-22 before I ovulate. But she said the 11 and 12 were really good! They took bloods again as well, so I'll get a call this afternoon from the nurse who will provide me with my next set of instructions. I feel like I'm on Mission Impossible, awaiting my next mission.
Guillermo/Mo is so cute! I love names that aren't super common. One of my biggest fears is my child's name becoming so common that they have to have their last initial behind it in elementary school to distinguish between the 5 other kids with the same name.

Glad those follicles are growing Wish! Hoping they get nice and plump by ovulation!

Afm, af showed yesterday. It's slightly disappointing after this crazy cycle but I'm glad to know that I was actually right about my ov time, and FF was off. Now I'll trust my instinct even when it's different than FF. Onward to May, hoping the opks and strict smep do the trick!
Pothole, well hopefully you left side will play catch up this round!

Jessie, the pics of Mo are so cute! Love the name also.

Tui, cannot imagine how happy you are with the dancing jelly baby!

Wish, sorry you have to do this in secret from others. It is a weird thing TTC, I am open with my friends but quiet with the families. Weird dynamic.

Dandi, sorry about :witch: I don't always trust FF, going with your gut is usually best especially when it comes to wonky cycles.

Hello to everyone else!

I think we have done all the 'damage' we are required to do for this month. LOL. Pretty sure I O'd yesterday, Tuesday, or Monday because I am terribly bloated today YUCK! The scale is also not liking me either because it is up even though I have been good all week (yesterday I did 2 hours of exercise plus abs for Pete's sake). Grrrr! Guess today I am going to drink my weight in water and green tea to see if it helps.
Wish, I understand your thoughts on "holding out" on the family. We aren't telling any family at all. As far as they know, we have never been interested in having children. It's hard, especially when I want to talk to my sister, whose 4 boys have no cousins but desperately want them, or my brother who will be the coolest uncle ever. But I keep telling myself that it will make the surprise even more fun to share.
yeah, I just don't see them seeing it that way, but I hope so. They know how long we've been trying so I can see them asking how it happened. So I guess I just say naturally, I don't know. I'm not ashamed of it! But if DH wants to keep it private, then I have to respect that.
The toughest part so far will be keeping this from my sister who is coming up in a couple of weeks. She and I usually get our wine on but with me not drinking, I'll at least have to tell her I'm on meds for a baby that don't play well with alcohol. Just don't have to tell her the whole IVF story.

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