38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Left- Good luck on your appointment today! I am praying they give you the green light!

Dandi- Sorry to hear AF showed! At least you know everything is back to working how it should. I it can sometimes take awhile for everything to get back to normal after a loss. I have a good feeling for you this cycle!

Jessi- Love the name! And super cute scan pictures! my baby was not cooperating so well with the profile head shot. Baby keep turning its head away from the scanner. And thanks for the kind words! I do not always feel like I look good. Some days I feel fat due to bloat. :( I only missed about 4 workouts in my entire first trimester. I am still doing Kettle Bell workouts and Ballet Barre workouts. I just skip ab work now.

Wish- Great job on growing those follicles!! And that is great news that they think you are progressing normal.

Maui- I am so sorry for your loss. Always tough to lose a loved one. You are probably right on the delayed O. Even the very slightest change or stress can delay it. Hang in there and if it does not happen for you this cycle, I am sure your granny will give you some help next cycle!

Chipie- Congrats on the BFP!! Totally understand being scared right now. As left said, spotting is normal early on. Cramping is normal too. I had normal AF cramps in my early days as well. It made it tough to believe the pregnancy test. The cramps are normal as long as it is not painful or out of the ordinary. I will be praying for your little bean!

As for me, I will be traveling to Ohio to see my brother, sis-in-law, and niece on Wednesday. It is a 12 hr drive but we are splitting it into two days. I am going with my Mom and sister. Really looking forward to it. We are actually going to be flying back on Sunday because my mom is giving her car to them (she just bought a new one). Flying back will be much nicer than driving! Then that Wednesday I am back I have another doc appointment and will get confirmation if I am having a boy or girl!! After my last appointment and what the doctor said, I am now convinced we are having a girl. :pink: :)
Maui- I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It's wonderful that DH is being such a trooper though and supporting you any way he can.

Can't wait for the confirmation Kiley!

I think everyone is anxiously awaiting an update from Left today. Really praying that she gets the green light!

Hello to everyone else and hope you're all having a great Monday.

Afm- just boring cd 5 over here. We should start SMEP on Thursday. However, DH has an doc appt this afternoon to check on what he believes may be a hernia. I'm really hoping it's nothing serious a) because I love him and want him to be ok b) because I don't want any health issue or surgery to get in the way of this baby making business. Surgery would set us back probably two months, ugh. In other news, Mother's Day was really hard this year and I didn't expect it to be even with my recent loss. My mom and dad both wished me Happy Mothers Day, but that felt weird and reminiscent of pity. It was just a really weird day and I'm so glad that it's over. I have a great feeling that next Mother's day will be a true celebration though, hopefully for all of us!
Hi everyone . Well no green light here I'm afraid . Ok so I had a wee bit of a pity party :nope::hissy: for about 15 mins .... Then coped myself on :haha:
It was akin to the disappointment of AF showing up in the Tww .

So have to go back again in 6 weeks . Levels aren't where they need to be to change meds or for a pg to happen . Here is the science bit . my TSH needs to be between 0 .5 and 2.5 . Mine started off at 0.05 and since on meds ( December ) has now moved to 0.17 .... So there is a way to go !! The Endo said hopefully it will be within normal range at next appointment .

So for now my waiting continues :coffee: as does my cheer leading duties :happydance:
Just posted a whole big post of personal replies and my flipin Internet connection went down !! Errrrrrr

Dani I'm sorry your had such a hard day , I hope with all my heart next year is a different experience for you

Wish they are some great follicles :) so what's our next step in the process ;) I like to be prepared lol. How are you feeling ? Nervous ? Excited ? Terrified ? All of the above ?

Kiley a little pink how wonderful :) lots of shopping in your future :)
DANG IT, Left!!! I'm so sorry!! ugh - come on levels, get there!!!

i'm a bit nervous - like, what did I sign myself up for?? :haha: but mostly excited!
So i got my call - here's how my next week or so looks, I think:
more meds tonight, antagonist in the morning (stops me from ovulating on my own)
trigger tomorrow night
egg retrieval on Thursday morning/DH provides his sample too
they see how many of the eggs retrieved are viable (I think)
we are doing ICSI so they fertilize the egg for us
see how many are growing/developing to blastocysts after 5 days
then Egg Transfer should be next Tuesday, we are transferring 2 of them - I think they are doing the assisted hatching too, so they'll nick the shell of the egg which allows some of the stuff to leak out that will implant into my lining.

then I guess I'm 'PUPO' - pregnant until proven otherwise. :)
Wish it all sounds VERY REAL now and VERY exciting !!!! I'm getting tiddles in my belly for you lol...... Wishing you all the luck in the world . You HAVE to keep us posted :) it all seemed to happen so quickly in the end :)
Oh Left! I hate that it wasn't the news you we're hoping for, but your attitude about it is perfect. Fifteen minute pity party and then onward! 6 weeks isn't that bad though. I can't wait to see what your levels are then.

Wish, this sounds so exciting!!! I agree with Left, it seems like it's all happening so quickly now. Please keep posting the details as they happen, this is so exciting! Hoping that every step goes as smoothly as possible. :)
thank you, girls! it is happening super quickly, it's awesome. I'm glad I don't have to wait. The girls in the RE office are all cheering me on, it's cute.
So follies today were excellent! 22, 19, 18, 16, 14, 14, 12 - I grew 2!! So with the trigger shot tonight (most likely) and 36 hrs to grow, all of them could be in play!

I had a good talk with one of the nurses - she's super sweet. I was saying how this really is going to be a let down if it doesn't work right off b/c as much as with natural TTC, you REALLY feel like you're doing everything right and everything is just going like clockwork! So to have things just....not happen.....ugh. And we're even doing the ICSI and the assisted hatching! there's not much more we could possibly do!
But no worries, I'm remaining positive, but trying to be practical. And with all of the mc's lately and the statistic possibility of having one, it's hard not to keep things in check. Sorry to be Debbie Downer!
Left- sorry to hear you do not get the green light yet! Dandi is right though, 6 weeks is not bad at all. And its great that your doc is positive your levels will be where they need to be then.

Wish I am so excited for you! Tuesday will be here before you know it! Sending positive vibes and lots of baby dust your way!! :dust:
Wish what your feeling makes perfect sense. You will need a project to keep you occupied in the Tww. Any ideas ? Anything you can through yourself into ?
Dandi, I hope DH's back is alright and so sorry you had a not so great Sunday. But you are right I think for all of next year around this time will be awesome!

Left, what crappy news and hopefully these weeks fly by! Seriously you have a great attitude and thanks in advance for rooting everyone one!

Oh my god wish! Never really thought about that but how awesome...PUPO! Never been preggo so I can only imagine how exciting it is. :thumpup: Cannot wait to hear how you are feeling. I am still on team twin for you :winkwink: I can understand your worry if it is not worried about getting pregnant it is worry about mc, but the odds are in your favor.

Dust to everyone!
And Kiley glad to see your little navel orange is progressing!
thanks girls - it really does mean the world that you're rooting for me! :hugs: Retrieval is scheduled for Thurs at 830am. Triggering tonight at 830 on the dot! :) And transfer can take place either Sat, Sun or Tues (days 2, 3 or 5) - I don't know what determines it, but I'm glad all of those are before my sister gets here.

left - thankfully i'm in the throes of some busy times at work, AND my sister is coming into town on 5/21 and then it's a long holiday weekend. The nurse today said something about the preg test being 11 days after something - I thought she said retrieval but that wouldn't make sense if I don't transfer until 5 days later. So I'm assuming from the transfer date. SOOOO...if I transfer, latest, on Tuesday, then I'll go in for my test on 5/29. OH! I guess I AM testing this month, then! I can add myself to my testing thread! :haha:

how's everyone else doing? pothole, sugar, maui, chipie - quiet girls :)

mdc, where are you in your cycle?
Chipie: How are you doing? I hope the spotting has stopped.

Maui: Im sorry about your grandma but really happy you guys were all there for her in the end. Even if she wasn’t coherent I’m sure there was a part of her that was aware she was surrounded by people she loved. I really believe that when a loved one leaves us, another life blooms. My baby is due on the 1 year anniversary of his paternal grandpa’s passing. (Hubby’s dad). I don’t think it’s a coincidence. I’m glad your DH was a huge help. He’s going to be a great dad!

Mdc: Awww I still haven’t been to Yosemite or Napa. I can’t wait to go! I hope the weather works in your favor and you guys are able to go this week to Yosemite!

Kiley: I have barely exercised the entire pregnancy so I’m really impressed that you have all through the first tri. I do prenatal yoga but don’t consider it exercise. :/ Safe travels to Ohio!

Dandi: I’m sorry Mother’s Day was hard for you. Don’t worry-You will definitely be celebrating it by next year!

Left: Ugh!!! Well, what’s 6 more weeks in the scheme of things, right?! :p We’re going to CHEER you on! Get that TSH level UP!

Wish: OMG- I cannot believe you are going to be PUPO so soon. YAY! YAY! I agree with Left- you need a project to keep your mind occupied during the 2WW. TRY not to symptom spot on google. ;)

Well, my work week is over!!! We’re driving to Houston tomorrow for hubby’s family get-together (family is flying in from all over) and I’m having the first of two baby showers with everyone! A cousin’s wife is also pregnant, and due 3 weeks after me, so we’re having a dual shower. My pain has subsided. I have to eat small meals all throughout the day and eat lots of fiber. All my intestines are so squished that passing gas is the freaking most painful thing ever. Who would’ve thought?! Gas-X is my best friend right now.
Oooh Jessie I want to hear all about your baby shower :) we don't have them here in lreland and I think they are such a cute idea :) enjoy it :)

Wish !!! Eeeeek I'm seriously excited so cannot imagine how you are feeling !!! And you can't breath a word of it to your sister ???? That will be hard !!!

I've sooo much to do today that I don't know where to start !!! So coming on here chatting with you all seemed like a great place to start lol.....
Chipe hope all is good with you and that the spotting has stopped.
Hope everyone has a good day :)
Wish, testing in May how exciting!!! Glad you have a lot to keep you busy in the upcoming two week wait. I have such a good feeling about you this month. Silly laid back me I had to look my CD up. Ha ha ha! I am CD 24 and probably around dpo 7ish.

Jessie, so exciting about your shower and enjoy the trip to TX! I had really painful gas one time and I thought my intestines we're going to explode. So glad that is what we are all trying to purposely inflict on ourselves. :haha:

Left, no baby showers in Ireland? Wow, maybe we will have to throw you a virtual one when you get knocked up :winkwink:

Chipie, hope you are doing well and the spotting stopped.

Tui, hope you and sticky bean and doing well.

Star, you have been quiet hope the rest of your trip went well.

Hello to Maui, Pothole, Sugar, Dandi, Kiley, everyone else if I missed you!

Bad news about this weekend. DH's parents cancelled the Yosemite trip because it is going to be snowy turning into rain and then super cold. :cry: Guess probably not a bad idea to cancel. Good news is that his parents are coming up for a baseball game. I love DH's parents and they haven't seen our place since we got the new floors last year so the weekend is not a complete wash.
Hi ladies! I only have a moment, my students have had a collective meltdown, do I stepped out to clear my head. (My coworkers are still in there). So encouraged by all the good news, and even the waits, because your outlooks are so positive. Follicle scan tomorrow! Fingers crossed!
:wave: hiya girls!

I could barely sleep last night, I was so excited for this retrieval. I think, to remain calm during the TWW, I'm going to keep my mind on 'this is how all TWWs are - I would never know if I had a fertilized egg swimming around in my tubes during that time and whether it implanted or not'. Though I guess this time, it IS fertilized, there are TWO and they'll be nicked for the implantation, so it's really just if they take or not. AND we're not doing any testing beforehand, so praying they are also good chromosomes. Boy oh boy. You guys are going to have to help keep me sane! :haha: But yea, I'm still ok as far as not telling my sister b/c I wouldn't tell her if I was in any other TWW, right? sure, that's what I'll tell myself...

mdc - bummer about Yosemite but sounds like you have a fun plan B! I love going to baseball games, though Fenway is kind of a pain in the butt and expensive for decent seats.

left - you need to start a new tradition in Ireland!! We'll definitely have to throw you a virtual one!!

Jessie - have a GREAT time in TX and at your shower!! How FUN!! Try not to toot too much! :haha: I'm really glad your pain subsided, though. That would have been a very un-fun ride to TX. Oh, the fun details that your in-person friends don't tell you about!
Hi girls. I'm still reading and rooting for you all.

Sorry I don't post much. This thread makes my head spin sometimes. I am supporting you from the wings though xxx
Lol Tui !! It is fast paced ;)
Ladies I'm off on my hols tommrow till Monday so I will be MIA for a few days . Be good while I'm gone :) ill have soooo much reading to do when I get back !!! WISH ALL THE VERY BEST FOR THE RETREVIAL you will be PUPO when I chat with ya again :)

Left x

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