38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Yay Wish! You're PUPO!!! I have to say, your description of the entire process has made it seem far simpler than I thought. I'm sure it feels like a long journey to you. From where I sit, I'm thinking "well that's not so bad, we could do that..." Can't wait for the 28th! :dust:

MDC- hang in there! One of my closest friends said her only symptom was no symptoms at all. Are you getting excited for your trip??

Glad DH was feeling well enough begin SMEP Dandi. Good luck!

Aloha to the rest of you!!

Boring ol 6 dpo here. Nothing to report... Have a nice week ladies.:flower:
Wish- so excited for you. Praying for 2 sticky beans. ... Yes i said 2:) As Maui said, you described everything in a simpler straightforward way...that also makes me think that its not that bad. Am glad all went well. Good luck lady.

Hi to the rest of the Ladies.

My trip was uneventful and now am back to the swing of things. AF showed up on the day of my trip. CD 5 here, nothing to report.
Wish, hello there you lovely pregnant lady! As everyone said you made everything seem easy. I am so excited for you and wish you and your embies the best!

Dandi, good luck with SMEP!

Maui, The beginning of the tww is always the longest so hang in there! Yes, starting to get excited and just booked a day of snorkeling!

Star, sorry about AF. Although already CD5 so you will be back to BDing soon!

Afm, I am waiting to board my excruciatingly early flight and of course there are probably 30 very loud teenagers of this flight. Sigh. Going to be a long one! Wishing everyone some dust!
heehee - that made me smile, mdc! Where are you off to today?

yeah, I have to say, the whole IVF process was MUCH easier than I expected. From med start date to transfer was only 17 days! Though the entire RE process started in Jan.

I was thinking back yesterday to when we first started TTC and talking with my Mom. I was saying 'I don't know if we'd do IVF - it's too invasive and maybe if it gets to that point, we call it.' But here we are, with barely a look in another direction. And it wasn't all that invasive, I guess, unless I'm just good at compartmentalizing. But some people have bad reactions to their meds (I was reading that Lupron is a BEAR), some hate needles so the shots are hard, some have to continue shots for their progesterone (I have a daily dose of gel inserted into my uterus for the prog, a sticky patch that I change out every other day for estrogen), some don't respond to the meds at all and have to try again....there are so many different stories but you can't go into it thinking the worst. Trust your docs, trust yourself that you'll take it all as it comes and you'll all do fine. :)

now I'm just dealing with a lesser-exposed side effect from all of the meds. I'm...um....a little blocked up :blush:. When they said 'you'll experience some bloat', I thought they meant water retention!
Wish, PUPO is my new favourite word! I cannot wait till you get your BFP! And thank you for sharing the process. I keep telling DH that ivf is probably the call it off moment, but reading your story, it just seems like the decision gets easier at that point.
Afm, I am not sure if I have ov yet or not. Last month I ov'd on cd 16. This is 16, but as of yesterday, I was on my 3rd positive opk day. I think it's all a guess at this point with the Novarel trigger shot. Only difference, beside some abdominal soreness, is that everything...seriously ALL THE THINGS smell nauseating. I barely have a gag reflex at all, but the smell of my student's fruit cup this morning had me retching.
so I thought this was really interesting - found this on MedHelp. Here's what will be going on inside me over the next 11 days:

Day 3 transfer:
1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
2dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
7dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells &
fetal cells
8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
11dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on

So hopefully around Friday or Saturday, I'll see some IB!
Wish, that would be amazing and crazy, but if I am, it's at max 6 days. I don't know. The clomid made me mental. Maybe the Novarel is affecting me. I'm not weepy or hormonal, but the scents are really getting to me. Coffee is my favourite smell in the world and this morning dh's cup smelled of charcoal and flowers. The overpowering damp smell of funeral flowers, actually. So odd.
Just an update folks.

Little dancer is well and insisted on breakdancing whilst the sonographer tried to get a look. 164 bpm and measuring 3 days ahead at 10w6d. Woo hoo.

NT scan booked for 2 weeks today. We are so happy. I didn't realise how much I was holding my breath till I nearly cried in the supermarket afterwards. Could this finally be the one? I hope so.*

The 3d pic is a bit scary. Its front on, so arms and legs everywhere, lol. DH loved it, lol.

Sorry for double post again for those who follow in my journal. Hope everyone is well xx


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love it! love it! love it!!

those 3D pics are a little wonky but I think they are cool. Are you guys going to find out the gender when the time comes?

How is everyone else doing? Did we get proper BD timing?

maui and mdc - how are you feeling?

nothing going on here. Boobs are killing me on the sides, but they've been sore this entire process. They're just worse today. I'm sure the progesterone gel I'm using is going to increase that. Other than that, some cramping through the night but I'm not expecting that that means anything. I called the nurse's line to check on the other 2 embies and they said they were able to freeze one and it had a grade of AB. The other one didn't quite make it far enough. Grade AB isn't as good as AG (which might equal AA? but I can't seem to find anything on google just yet), and we're transferring 2 at a time, so I guess this means if first cycle doesn't work, we'll be doing the whole shebang all over again.
That's so great Tui! Almost 11 weeks! I hope you're feeling well.

Wish, that's a bummer that both embies didn't freeze well. It would have been nice to skip a few steps next time, but hopefully everything will go perfectly this round and you won't even need to think of round 2. Fingers crossed so hard for you!!

Afm, I should be ovulating some time this week. On a normal cycle, I would ovulate tomorrow, cd14. I haven't gotten a peak opk though. I'm on day 2 of a high opk though, some watery cm but no ewcm yet. We bd'd Sunday as part of our smep schedule, but then when I got a high opk yesterday, we went ahead and bd'd again. Since this is the first time I've gotten ANY kind of response on an opk, I'm scared I might miss the peak or that it won't come at all, so now I'm thinking we may just bd every night this week to make sure we're covered. And my temps are literally all over the place because it's been so hot in my bedroom, so they're no help. Trying to catch this dang egg is making me crazy!:fool:
Wish, I am in Chicago this week, but ready for my 5am flight back home tomorrow (ok ready to be home not the God awfully early flight). Sorry about the retention and hopefully you like prunes...guess we are all geriatric. :haha: Sorry about the embie not being able to freeze. I saw something on Forbes Health yesterday about the non-standardization practices of IVF. Unlike most diagnosis there is a ton of info but not aggregated as well and someone's A+ eggs at one facility are called something else at a different place. It is a very interesting read. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davids...-the-age-of-precision-medicine-5-first-steps/

Pothole, sorry for the crazy smells that cannot be fun. Wishing you the best of luck.

Tui, love, love, love the pictures and congratulations! 3Ds are always a surprise, but super cute!

Dandi, you rock it this week. Literally :rofl: Seriously good luck!

Star and Maui, big hello!

Well I started spotting today and AF is due tomorrow, so very likely out. Again, not a big disappointment because we were just chilling this month and that means RUM vacation! Actually not a big fan of rum, but I will give it the college try! It is weird in the back of my head I just have this feeling that we need IUI to get a BFP. I will probably temp a little this month, and maybe some opks but vacay is right around that time so might just skip again this month.
Hi gang!

Tui- so awesome! I'm very happy for you!

Dandi- catch that egg!

Wish- I woke up to my right boob throbbing last night! My left never gets sore. Weird. Anyway, it was better when my alarm went off. I hope yours being sore is a good sign!

MDC- hope you're not out but I know the feeling about vacation coming and wanting to partake in the good stuff. Either way you're going to have a great time.

Hi Star and Pothole!

Afm :)haha:), 9 dpo and trying not to think about it. I temped the past couple mornings because I woke up at the usual time. Temp was up this morning and as mentioned above, woke up in the middle of the night with an achey right breast. Feeling normal overall. I'm heading to states with my track and field team tomorrow so I'll have plenty of distraction. I don't intend to temp again until I get home, maybe not even then. FF has testing day as Monday which is 14 dpo. The longest my LP has been is 13 days so we'll see what the weekend brings.

I'll be following your journeys this weekend but won't have a chance to post until Sunday or Monday. Have a great weekend!
Hi everyone :) just a quick check in . I'm exhausted today ... No sleep last night , I have siatica and its really interrupting my sleep errrrrrrrr. I get it when I stand for too long as I've disc issues ! Nothing else going on here . AF just left the building .. Another normal lenght one so that's a great sign my levles are going in the right direction :)
Love to all xx
I got a peak on my opk this morning! My first ever opk proof of an LH surge. Small victories!:happydance:
Left, sorry you are hurting! Hope you get dome rest soon. And yay for the normal length!
Dandi, that's awesome!
Hello everyone :) feeling much better today :) so how is everyone ? Any news ? I'm still waiting lol ..... I've just noticed how my libido increases sooo much around ovulation . Its crazy !!! Wish how are your nerves holding up ??
Dandi yipeeee for a peak ! Its all about the small victories :) they lead to a big win !!
Mdc did she show ??? Oooh and enjoy that rum vacation :)
Mau hope the weekend brings you a nice SUPRISE
Wish!!! This is GREAT news!! So glad all went well and you are PUPO!!!!! Sending lots of sticky baby dust your way to your two little ones!! :dust:

Tui- I am so happy to hear your baby is doing great! Such great news!

Just popped in to say hi and let everyone know I think of you often and stalk regularly!! I hope to hear more good news come out of this thread!

My doc appt went well. Doc confirmed that we are in fact growing a little girl! He said she is 0.5lbs and measuring exactly to the day! Now to convince my husband on the name Ireland! :)


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:flower: Hi my internet friends! :flower:

Wish: OMG!!! Everything has happened so quickly. I’m so freaking excited for you. Your sister is visiting, right? Oh about being blocked- expect it the entire first trimester. Eat lots of food with fiber- I have a package of prunes in the fridge and eat a few every day. Oh and don’t worry about the frozen embies. You won’t need them. ;)

Left: No baby showers in Ireland? What the heck? Yea, we totally have to throw you a virtual one. Sorry about the sciatica! Oh, and don’t mention an increase in libido! I’m jealous. I’m having better sex in my dreams right now than in reality (I’m trying, I am, but this huge belly doesn’t make me feel sexy at all)

Mdc: Sorry that Yosemite didn’t work out! Don’t symptom spot!! I had zero symptoms the month I was pregnant except for the missed period. I didn’t start having preggo symptoms until around week 7.

Sugar: Did you do stims last Friday? Wow, Houston is HUGE. We were there a couple of days and then spent the rest of the time in a house in Galveston. The weather cooperated while we were there and hubby got to spend lots of time golfing with his family.

Star: How’s your father in law doing? Glad you’re back and safe in the U.S.A. Are you in Boston? I lived there on/off for almost 9 years! I’m going next week for a bachelorette party.

Pothole: So happy everything went well with the ultrasound. Fingers crossed for a positive result this month!!! Woo hoo!! What do you teach? I think you may have said before (special needs?!)

Dandi: Ugh. Yea, TTC makes us all nuts. It’s a lot of darn work. You know how worth it is to see that positive tho. I have faith that it will happen quickly for you since it happened so quickly before. Yeah for ++ OPK!

Tui: I KNEW this would be your firstborn!!! So happy for you

Maui: Your grandma is going to send you a gift soon. ;)

Kiley: Super cute pic. Haha! I laughed out loud when I saw the bow.

I had a great time in Houston and my MIL and SIL threw a fabulous baby shower after taking a red eye flight in from Chicago the night before. I was really embarrassed by all the attention but happy my baby is going to be part of such a generous and loving family. I only have two more weeks left at work!!! I’m stressed out over some issues I’m having with a disgruntled patient, but I’m hoping that gets taken care of soon. Baby is moving A LOT and at 28 weeks (tomorrow) I’ve probably gained about 20 lbs or so. It’s tough to be so squishy and roly-poly but I know the weight will come off quickly since I plan on breastfeeding. It’s really true that you feel like you’re not in the same body when you’re pregnant. It’s odd and neat at the same time.

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