38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

hi girls! 5dpt here - boobs are killing me and my back is a little sore today but blaming that on my workout the other night.

dandi - glad you got your peak!! Get at it, girl!! :sex:

mdc - oh I LOVE Chicago!! jealous! And yeah, I was reading some articles on it too - it's the most subjective part of all of this. Oh well, I assume there was some fragmentation or just muted development going on. I'm not worried about it. I'll do this all again if I have to! Did AF arrive? I'm glad you're ok with it if she does b/c yeah, rum makes vacations better. :)

maui - aloha! :wave: Sore Boobs, Unite!! gahd, they hurt. Especially when I just get up from bed, b/c they've been everywhere they shouldn't be (I talk like I'm huge, and I feel like that right now, but only a solid B cup). Have a safe trip to the states this weekend. Did I miss that you coach track/field? How fun! I loved coaching, one of the most rewarding times of my life. And most frustrating. :)

left! welcome back!! how was your holiday? Yes, agreed about the libido - has to be something to do with the fact that we're supposed to procreate at that time, so brain makes hubby extra sexy! I'm not supposed to touch DH right now b/c my uterus can't take any agitation (orgasm). I think I started to have a 'good' dream the other night and actually stopped myself. What's a girl to do...?

kiley - so good to hear from you! A little girl!!! :pink: I about died when I saw the bow too, already accessorizing!! Thank you for the dust, I'll take any I can get!

jessie!! I love when you pop in! :flower: I can't believe you're so close already. It's crazy to me. Yep, my sister is in the other room. I told her I wasn't drinking b/c I'm on meds to have a baby and that squashed it enough - not an all-out lie, b/c I haven't been drinking all month precisely for this reason. She did realize that we're not going to be having the 'up all night talking/laughing/drinking nights that we usually do while she's in town'. I'm kind of a debbie downer this time! Oh well. She wasn't judgey about it, though, and she has her BFF up here she can do those things with.
I'm so glad you had a great shower!! Sounds like you were surrounded by love, that's how they should be. And Galvaston - nice! Have a GREAT time in Boston - do you know where you're staying/going out? I should go down undah-covah and find you! :)

afm - 5dpt here - boobs are killing me and my back is a little sore today but not reading into that. I had some AF-like cramps last night, but not reading into that either (though that was implantation day, I think....ok, so I'm reading into it a little! :shrug:) I'm no longer blocked up, thank goodness. :blush: I'm having a hard time determining if I'm going to know anything. Like will AF come or not b/c I'm taking progesterone? I don't have a long LP (10-11 days) but I don't even know when to start that countdown from - retrieval day or transfer day? ugh. They said there could be bleeding but still come in for my test b/c it can still be possible. To answer your question, Left - my nerves are ok but I'm getting impatient! 6 days to test day!
Left- Happy to hear AF was normal again. That is a great sign! You will be back in the game in no time!

Jessie- 20 pounds is not bad at all for 28 weeks. You are still well within the 25-35 pounds normal pregnancy weight gain window. I definitely know it is tough not to stress about it though. I do not know how much I have gained yet nor do I plan to find out. I have put away my scale at home and do not look at the doctor's office. And I do not plan on stepping on a scale until at least 4 months after her birth. It definitely helps but unfortunately the mirror does not lie... Especially when I am having a bad case of water retention!! At least now I know how to eat to prevent most of the water retention. I have to say pregnancy is definitely more difficult than dieting. My body is now extremely sensitive to certain foods. That video was great by the way! So neat to see baby grow.

Wish- Yay for sore boobs! Mine are still extremely sore when I get up in the morning and when I take off my bra at night. Sounds like your hormones are doing what they should be doing to support the babies!

Dandi- Great news about your peak! That is always reassuring!! Have fun!! :sex: :)

Mdc- Sorry about the spotting, is the :witch: here yet? If so, I am hoping for a very fertile vacation for you! Have FUN!

Maui- Yay the TWW is almost over! I am hoping you guys caught that egg! I did not have any symptoms before my BFP. Actually the day before my BFP I was convinced AF was coming since I was cramping a little.

And yes, my little one is stylin' already! Wouldn't have it any other way. ;)
Happy long weekend for those of us in the states!

Maui, have a great time state side, and FX'd for a BFP on Monday!

Left, sorry about the siatica does not sound fun especially when it kills your sleep. I am certainly not pleasant if I do not get my zzzzs. Glad your cycle seems to be raring to go and ready to make a baby!

Dandi, great news about the smiley, seems like things are aligning for you to MAKE THAT BABY!

Jessie, Awwww your family sounds so amazing and your baby is going to be surrounded by so much love!

Wish, wow 6 days left until you test! Since you ARE preggo seems to me your symptoms make sense :winkwink: My guess is your LP count should be from the transfer day, but the LP count may be shorter because the little eggie/spermie unions got all cozy comfy and placed that day without having to make the trip down the tubes.

Kiley, the pic is way too cute! Glad you are doing well and not looking at the scale. I get your concerns and the weight is something that I always think about, but you seem to be doing awesome and super healthy. Go ahead and give your body a break every once in a while, growing a baby is serious work :winkwink:

Hi to everyone else!

Afm, yeah AF showed her ugly head, but onwards and upwards. I think I will probably faint when I get my first BFP, with so many stark negatives you just get used to them. I have a weird feeling within 3 months, not sure why, but one more natural and then on to IUI (might asked for medicated) so the outlook is good. I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason, so being positive is the only option. Two week countdown to vacation so time to get my healthy on so I can drop 2-3 pounds and look smoking in my bikini while I still can! :rofl: Dust to everyone!
:hugs: thanks, mdc! we will see! and I was wrong, TODAY is implantation day and continues through tomorrow and I think the next day. So we'll see if I can see any IB. I hope so!
I'm sorry AF got you but I love your outlook/gut feelings. 2 weeks til a FUN vacation and then you'll be back on the horse. Or DH. whatever. ;)

I'm going to try to stay off of here all weekend, if I can help it. I'm going to try to focus on other things and see if we can't get this wait over with quicker. Oh, and try to relax after the stressful week I just had at work. WOOOO what a doozy!
Have a great long weekend, those here in the States! have a great weekend overall to everyone!
Wish enjoy your weekend :) and don't worry if you don't se ib.. Its actually quite rare and doesn't mean your not pg if you don't see it .

Mdc I LOVE your attitude :) PMA all the way :)
I could happily throttle the oh .., so in the mood for a little lovin ;) he went off training , I had a lovely bubble bath etc ...thinking mmmmm an early night .. In he walks or should I say shuffles .... Only gone and done his back in ... Errrrrr lovin will have to wait ... Men !
Wish: How awesome would that be to get together in Boston! Unfortunately im only there for a few days. :( I think we should all plan a trip to IRELAND and crash with LEFT! hAHa. Yea, i agree that IB is rare so don't feel bad if you don't see it. Sore boobs are a good sign. My boobs were terribly sore the first trimester. No problems now. DON'T TEST EARLY.

Mdc: Good outlook. On the bright side you can really enjoy your trip- drink, have lots of sexy time, not feel exhausted by an early pregnancy. I sometimes wish i could have had more alone time with my hubby before baby, but we only got married 7 or so months ago so we had to quickly hop on the baby train. We were listening to records last night and just relaxing on the couch and hubs said, "we only have two handfuls left of weekends like this.."

Kiley: My hope was to only gain 20 lbs total. We'll see. My appetite has decreased now that baby is taking up so much space. Im having some difficulty putting on shoes, getting out of bed (i have to roll) and shaving my legs. I'm amazed you haven't looked at the scale (even at the dr's office!!!) I can eat pretty much the same foods as before the pregnancy but struggle way more if I overeat. Im so used to eating quickly that I really have to tell myself to slow down.

Left: Im very happy with the news coming out of Ireland on their latest vote. I'm not sure if you agree with it, but it's ok if you don't. I'll still like you. ;) <3
thank you, left and jessie. I was just thinking about that this morning. However, the sore boobs have subsided a bit (still sore if I squish them) and I just have regular TWW bloat now. Nothing crazy or out of the ordinary to look for, which bums me out a bit. So I'm not really feeling it, not to be Negative Nelly! Maybe this will just help me stay zen for the rest of the next 5 days. I don't even want to test now.

oh left, that stinks you can't get some lovin' on!!
Jessie I'm over the moon :) I've got good gay and lesbian friends . I'm so so happy for them :) and us as a nation :) my poor mother on the other hand is devastated . She is so old fashioned and set in her ways bless her . She thinks the worlds gone mad !! She is 74

You are so more than welcome to come here to visit :) ALL of you whenever :) ill put ye all up !! And show you the sites :) I love Boston I lived there for almost 2 years . Worked for Boston harbour cruises :) those were the days !
ok left, you said it - I'm coming over! I need to find some family over there and surprise them! like, 'Hi! I'm your long lost 8th cousin from New Hampshire in the States - let's hug and have a pint!!'
Lol... And I bet you would !!! I'm serious if any of you every come to Ireland would love to have you here :)
Finally into the single digits of this interminable tww. I've had monstrous heartburn and I'm so sleepy. Smells have pretty much gone back to normal. Trying not to test early is killing me. I keep thinking, "If I get used to the bfn now, then I won't be as disappointed"
I've officially just begun the tww. Let the countdown begin!
Hi everyone! I started stimming on Monday. I had an appt this morning and counts are good. 1-14mm,
1-13mm, 2-12mm and many 10mm. The dr stopped my meds and I go in tomorrow too. I think they're going to trigger me.

I started the prune juice suggestion that was mentioned earlier and drinking lots of water just in case. We'll see what happens!
Oooh so much going on , so exciting

Sugar good luck on this next part of your journey we are with you all the way
Pothole I swing from one view re early testing to the other . I always try and wait it out but never mange it . I did find getting bfn instead of AF just landing is best for me ... I'm pre prepared lol but I've not tested since December . At this point can't wait EVEN to do that lol

Dani good luck in this Tww :) PMA PMA PMA ...... Ill be following :)
Nothing much happening here , I've been reading a bit and it seems tsh levles when low dont have much effect on pregnancy but my doc says otherwise . Who to believe . I'm wondering if I should just throw caution to the wind and go for it this cycle to see what happens . I'm sure there are people who get pg with not perfect levles and its dealt with ??
I always feel like this when I'm about to ov ...... To date ive been a good girl and flowed dr orders ,.... But the closer I get to norm levles it soooooo tempting !!!! Due to ov mon- wed so watch this space lol.... Will I be naughty or nice ?????
Oh the anticipation!! Will she or won't she? Lol
Well can't take it back now ;) lol.... At least ill get to use some of my 50 ic pg Tests lol. They were sent in error instead of Opk !!!!!
Left - you're funny! I'm with tui- if it's meant to be. Is the precaution more for you or the baby? I certainly don't want you to harm yourself but I understand the urgency.

Sugar - good luck!!! I hope the ER goes easily for you. Take care of yourself the rest of the day afterwards.

Dandi - wooooo TWW! Let the symptom spotting begin.

Pothole - I'm in that exact same space. The hcg from the trigger shot should be out of my system so I think I could get a real result now. I also would like to not get a phone call from someone who has to deliver bad news on a blood test. So maybe I will test early. If anything, I was going to come home after my blood draw and test to be prepared. Sigh...
No real symptoms here, or none that can't be explained away. Except a few dizzy spells, lightheadedness. Boobs aren't as sore today and that's really been it except regular TWW bloat. Blah.
Wish, I go tomorrow to have my progesterone levels checked. If I went through all this stress and over analyzing every little symptom and didn't even ovulate, I am going to be really disappointed.

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