38 and TTC first baby, anyone else?

Looks like a busy weekend around here. Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.

Left, I so want to go to Ireland! Maybe we could all go and throw left a baby shower :winkwink: Your doc should be luckly you have held out this far without a little trying :haha:

Wish, when is your blood test and how are you holding up? I hear you about not wanting to hear bad news over the phone, because I like to be prepared. Still have great feelings about this month for you!

Pothole, good luck with the blood draw today!

Dandi, so exciting for your tww. I hope it flies by with lots of pregnancy symptoms and of course a BFP at the end!

Sugar, how exciting. Let us know how the stims go 😀

Not much going on with me, but cheering everyone on. Since I spotted the day I was supposed to start FF pushed my fertile days up a little and now peak is supposed to be the first day of vacation! As wish so elegantly put it I will soon be back on the horse, or DH, or whatever :rofl:
HAHA! so crude, I'm sorry! I get away from myself sometimes. :) Looks like you'll have to have as much fun as possible on vacation!!

pothole - how'd the test go?

sugar - how are you feeling?

afm - blood test is Thursday morning and I'm going insane. I had some AF cramps this morning and I basically talked myself into thinking that my body really wants to have AF but the progesterone gel inserts aren't letting it. BUT, then reading on Dr Google about other ladies' experiences - plenty have felt they were getting AF FOR SURE b/c of their cramping and they got a BFP. So it seems that it's yet another one of the same symptoms for AF and BFP. Fun times! Why can't my urine turn green or something to tell me that I'm preggo or not??
Wish, I can't even imagine your impatience at this point. Heck, I'm feeling impatient for you and it's not even my business, lol! I can't wait for Thursday. I love your idea of green urine. That's the way pregnancy biology should go. :)

Afm, I o'd on Friday and we successfully bd'd every day last week EXCEPT Thursday. Ugh, we missed the most important day. We tried but DH was just burnt out and couldn't see it through (he'd die if he knew I was telling anyone this). All I can hope is that we covered it enough. Feeling pretty good about it, excited to test next week.
Dandi actually research shows that the most likley day to get pg is b'ding 2 days before ov :) so your well in there lol.... Even more likely than the day of ov or day before . Apparently the sperm have to go through some transition ? Ill see if I can find the study and post but definetly two days before ov most likely .

Well looks like I'm in the gang and will be having a Tww lol :) looks like ov tonight or tommrow so either 2 days or 3 days before for me ! I SLIM chance but a chance none the less :) better than the last 6 months lol..... So ill be testing yipeeeeeee ( I know I'm bold ) but I couldn't help it ;) I'm nearly better :) doctors just going for the gold standard !!

Wish the waiting is a killer . But I swear the month I got my BFP I felt zero symptoms ... Nothing , felt great lol ..... Its so frustrating there are so many symptoms that are similar to AF and BFP . I'm with you re pee turning green , I am sending every good wish for you , every positive vibe , every positive energy I can your way . It will be amazing if its a BFP . But remember too if its not we are all here to help you through xxxxxxxxx

I'm also grinning from ear to ear as another lady I met on bnb in 2012 when I first start trying was the only lady left on our original thread who didn't get pg or have a baby by now . We all kept in touch . She had 5 early mc but no reason for them . She told us last week she had gotten a BFP but wasn't hopeful as she was spotting .. Today she went in for a ultra sound fearing the worst ... And she arrived back and told us all ... The spotting was because ....... Its TWINS !!!! I'm so so happy for her :) two healthy babies after a 3 year journey :)
I can't stop smiling for her !!
Blood draw went fine. I may know levels by the end of the day. 3 sticks for the smallest vial of blood. Today is 6 days till test, or 3 days till AF. And sorry for the gross, but I am so constipated. I had my gallbladder out in 2010 and have not once had that problem since. It's very draining.
you mean not draining, eh?? anyone? anyone? sorry, poor pun.... I hope you don't get AF, pothole!!!

dandi - sounds like you had perfect timing!!! I understand your DH's feelings. I bet most men TTC'ing do!! Glad he was able to be a trooper for the rest of it, though!

left - eeee!! I'm excited you're in the TWW with us!!!

left and dandi - thank you both. Yep, this is killer. I've been googling everything and they all say the same damn thing - no signs, all signs all can equal BFP or BFN. So I just need to wait. I just checked CP in the shower, FULLY knowing that it's not a sign of anything, and it's definitely closed, so that made me feel good! I don't remember if it's supposed to be high/low or soft/hard, but either way. Closed might mean something!
Anyway, the only way to know is to test and I'm not going to do that early all b/c of DH. I wouldn't want to give him a BFP and then find out on Thurs that it's a false positive - that's a lot of heartache for my lack of patience. And if it's a BFN, I wouldn't want to hold out on him until after Thursday, so I'll just wait like he has to.

Also, all I want right now is :coffee:, :wine: and :sex:. I have had a little coffee but none of the rest. This weekend needs to hurry up quickly so I can get one of the other things!! Maybe 2 if we have bad news.
Just received call from RE office. My progesterone is 8.2.
4 means I ovulated, but they want to see 10+ for pregnancy. Told me to test on 6.1 anyway, unless AF shows on Friday. If this month is the bust they think it is, I'll be switching to Femara this coming cycle.
Pothole- I tried Femera one cycle and liked it. Very few symptoms.

Left-it's so great to have you in the TWW! So exciting.

Wish- It won't be long now. I like to bindge on Fav shows to pass the time.

Hello everyone else!!

AFM- I'm feeling thirsty, bloated but ok. May get triggered Wednesday. I have a lot of follies, at least 15 on each side. Largest is a 20 and lots of each number down to 10s. I wonder if they over stimmed me?
FX'ed pothole - at least there is a plan in place if this month didn't take.

sugar - yikes, that's a lot of follies!! Make sure you have gatorade on hand for after the retrieval. With that many follicles, you could become overstimulated (have they talked about that with you yet?) You have such an amazing chance, i can't wait to see what the next couple of weeks bring for you!

left - I meant to comment on your other friend finally becoming pregnant! Congrats to her - totally makes your day, huh? I ran into the same thing one trimester ago (she just turned 12 weeks yesterday) - we were talking yesterday about how this time, last year we were giving it the old natural try and here we are now - she's preggo after IUI and I'm in IVF Land. So crazy.

dandi - you could start feeling things in the next few days, huh? :) not to push the psycho symptom spotting!

afm - less than 24 hrs till my blood draw. Then I'll get the call sometime between 1-5. I might see if DH wants to work from home so he can be here when I get the call. OR, if it's a positive, I can somehow surprise him when he gets home. I honestly don't want to think about it too much and jinx the whole thing (I'm so superstitious like that).

Anyway, b/c I am psycho symptom spotting myself:
I had some cramping all night. Nothing too crazy but could feel it when I'd roll around. Sometimes sharp, sometimes dull - this provided for dreams of BFPs all night long.
Bbs still sore.
Got an additional giant zit on my chin, that's something new. Usually after O, I'm one and done.
And still bloated and squishy.

Other than that... I feel normal! Oh, so normal! I feel boring and regular and blaaaaand! :)
Good morning Ladies,

It seems like most Ladies are in there TWW here.... Cant wait to hear the good news this week and next!

Wish- so excited for you in your journey. Cant believe tomorrow is the " good news day"....Positive thoughts always.

Mdc- what a coincidence on your fertile week starting on your first day of vacation. BD away and have lots of fun on your vacation.

Left- Yay for being in the tww. You have waited for long and as Tui said, if its meant to be.... Cheering you girl :)

Sugar- very soon you will be in the tww. All the best.

Pothole, Dandi- Fx for good news for you too in your tww.

Kiley- Good to know all is well.

Tui- love your 3D pics! That must have been a breath holding experience to see.

Maui- just saying hi:)

Jessie- Glad your baby shower went well. I dont live in Boston but we have friends there so stayed there for 2 days to see them before flying to Michigan where i live.

Afm, not using opk or temping again this cycle. CD 15 here, i had some Mild O' cramps and ewcm today. Will wait for DH and have a BD session when he comes home from work. Positive vibes to all:)
So much exciting stuff going on in here lately! I love it!!!

Wish- I know you will be overwhelmed tomorrow with getting your results, but please update us as soon as you have a second. I'm on the edge of my seat over here! Sending positive vibes your way and hoping for the very best!

Sugar- those follies sound great! Keep us posted. Can't wait for you to be PUPO too!

Left- I'm so excited that you're testing this month. How amazing would it be if you get a bfp your first month back at it?!

Pothole- You're so close to 10. I'm holding out hope for you this month, but I'm glad that you have a plan in place for next month if you need it.

Hi to everyone else!

Afm, this month has absolutely made me a crazy lady. I'm only 5dpo and I'm symptom spotting, LOL. I'm telling myself that it just means that I'm being optimistic and it doesn't mean that I'm psychotic. However, I can't promise that I won't start putting my dogs in diapers and bibs if I'm not pregnant soon. :tease::dog:
Exciting so many TWWs! Feeling left out. LOL!

Wish green urine would be perfect but then we would likely be posting pictures asking if it looks green or not. LOL! See don't have to worry about being crude either me! I am on the edge of my seat and will be refreshing the site obsessively until you post tomorrow! Finger, legs, and even eyes crossed for you.

Dandi, that is still impressive BDing schedule and sounds like you still have a great chance.

Left, cannot wait for you to deplete some pregnancy tests :winkwink: Awesome story about the twins!

Pothole, the labs look good and hopefully the will continue to grow so you don't get AF.

Sugar, holy follies! After ER will you get to freeze the others they don't use?

Star, good luck getting your groove on today!

Hi to everyone else!

Wanted to get the BD train started last night (Cd5...so early) but DH almost took off his big toenail because he was getting up to stop the cats from chasing each other and hit the coffee table. Ugh! I knew the first month of not smoking was too good to continue, definitely more cranky month two but at least still going strong. I think he is more ready for vacay than I am.

Dust to all!
MDC- Yep, I get to keep them for FET. I betting on that. It's so much less expensive to transfer than do IVF again. I want like 6 kids. DH wants 1! We'll see who wins this battle.

They counted 16 follies bigger than 15mm and 3 @17mm. This clinic wants 17mm in order to trigger so that's tonight! This is so scary! I feel big in my belly and bending or sitting puts a little pressure on my tummy.

They said I was a good patient and did everything they wanted. The doc and nurses where surprised by this number. I hope that's ok. My thought is that I may have good opportunities for preggers if they fertilize and are healthy. Praying for it!

Dandi- I did put a diaper on our puppy and took a pic. It's my pregnancy announcement for DH!
mdc - totally LOL'ed at the green urine pics! you're SO dead on with that! GROSS!! hahahaha! and poor DH!!! omg, that hurts me reading it. Thank you for all of the crossings!

dandi - I won't leave you guys hanging for too long!

sugar - my, I would think you would have some pressure down there. That's a lot going on inside a small space! Good luck on the trigger - that's the only shot that really hung around for me. But it's worth it, right? that's awesome you get to freeze the leftover embies and won't have to go through the stimming again. What a good patient you were!

star - so good to hear from you! good luck on your BD schedule for this month!

afm, busy day is over and now all I have left to do is obsess until tomorrow afternoon. DH is going to come home early from work so he's here when I get the phone call. He doesn't want me to test early since the docs said not to. Thankfully, I have quite a few meetings tomorrow though I know I'm going to be a nervous wreck no matter what. I need to really focus tonight on getting my head out of the spiral and into that space of 'if it's negative, that's ok, we will try again'. I also have a bottle of wine on-hand for just such a result.
Oh wish I have butterfly's in my tummy for you !!! How are you going to sleep !!! And to top it off I HAVE to go to work so won't be back to check in till after 6 Irish time ...... I've to wait longer for to know if " we " are pregnant ;) lol...

If it is a " no " you WILL be ok .... Well you won't straight away but you will be if you know what I mean . I so hope its not and that we are celebrating tommrow night . For now get oh to hit you over the head with a hammer so you can sleep :haha:

Pothole 8.2 is that the final number ? Sorry I'm new to the progesterone testing ? You got the next cycle :hugs:

Mdc fair play to oh for staying off the fags !! How long now to vacation time ?? :happy-dance:

Dani 5dpo so do tell what is today's symptoms !!!!!!

AFM looking certain I ov today ... So 1dpo tommrow First time in 6 months I'm even remotely in with a shot !! Well a billion to 1 chance !! So for all hour entertainment purposes and because I love to poas I'm gonna start testing from 1dpo .... Give you girls something to squint at for the next 14 days :haha:

And I'm so happy to return the favour I love squinting at tests :)

Wish I don't think ill sleep thinking of you tonight !!! Best of Luck xxxxx
Hey Ladies!

Sugar- how did you guys do with the rain deluge? Rained like crazy here in Austin but we're far enough away from the rivers and creeks that it wasn't too bad. So excited for you and the follies! You're going to be in Wish's shoes soon enough.

Left: You are too funny- POAS every single day?!! We're all 'elderly gravidas' or whatever the heck the OBs call it and squinting enough as it is. :winkwink: I wanna see that blazing pink positive! Or are they blue sometimes? Or like mine was- digital?

Mdc: Where are you guys going again and for how long?

Pothole: Praying AF doesn't show up for you on Friday.

Star: My hubby is from MI too! If you're anywhere near Chelsea, MI you must eat at Common Grill. I would fly to MI just for that place alone.

Dandi: only another week or so and you can test! :thumbup:

Wish: Im so excited for your results tomorrow!!! My only pre-positive symptom was sore boobs and then even after the positive i still felt like AF was coming on (lots of cramping, which is really nerve-wracking). that lasted until week 7 when the flu-like symptoms set in.

I've got my 1 hour glucose screening test tomorrow so Im eating a salad for dinner. Headed to Boston Friday-Monday for bachelorette party festivities. Should be interesting being in a bar/club 7 months into a pregnancy. :wacko:
Alooooooooha ladies! I didn't mean to be away so long!

Exciting times ahead for our little group! So much to keep track of!

Wish- can't wait to hear your results. So much for zen!

Pothole- hope AF stays away and you get a BFP!

Sugar- good luck in the next steps IVF!

MDC- are you getting stoked for your vaycay? I would be!

Star- hi! Hope all is well! Catch that egg!

Dandi- nice work on timing! i hope for your dogs' sake you end up with a BFP. :haha:

Left- you're so funny. Looking forward to squinting at 14 sticks. :thumbup:

Hi to our preggo ladies!

Afm :)haha:), AF showed last Friday at the beginning of my weekend with the track team (yay) which put me at only a 10 day LP. With Granny passing away and delayed O, I figured things would be a bit goofy this month. That was cycle #10 of giving things a good honest try. Here's to #11!

Someone asked in an earlier post if I was a coach. Nope! I'm an athletic trainer in a high school so I provide sports medicine to the kiddos who compete. Been doing it for 17 yrs. Track is my favorite. It's a toss up between football and wrestling for my least favorite. And "concussion" is a bad word in my world. Dont even say it to me.

We leave for Shasta, CA and my baby bro's wedding next Wednesday. Fertile window is the whole time we're there. Hopefully we can find time to sneak away. We're staying in a 2 bedroom chalet with brother #2 and his girlfriend. Hope the walls are thick!
Hi all! :wave: Hot mess here!

All: thank you all for your support, seriously. You're making me laugh with your awesome senses of humor (oy, is that the right plural?) and it helps. And your positive vibes and thoughts constantly make me smile.

left - I slept OK last night, not great. I know all of my dreams and thoughts were centered around this. So I'm a little tired right now. I know I'll be ok after a minor pity party. Honestly, when we started this, I had a hunch that it would take a couple of tries. I am waffling back and forth now, though. Last night, I couldn't piece together a negative thought about all of this - I just felt pregnant. Which isn't to say I felt symptoms, I just couldn't formulate a thought around being not pregnant, if that makes any sense.
I also can't wait to see your line porn!

jessie - yeah, you MAY stick out like a sore thumb this weekend! Do you know where you guys are going? So many fun places to go in the city.

maui - aloha! that's really cool that you're a trainer for HS kids. I was a cheerleading coach at my old high school for a little bit and I LOVED it. I'm glad your wonky cycle is out of your system and you're on to #11. Lucky 11! (and I also chuckle every time I write 'afm' heehee!)

Sore boobs are almost gone, so that sucks. My wonderful nurse that takes my blood at the RE office said that she'll try to have the afternoon girls who call with the results move mine to the front so I can end this misery of waiting. She's so sweet. i'm going to try to not go mental or test with the one CB digital I have in my drawer for the next few hours.
Hi Wish,
Saying a prayer right now for you. Hang in there sis. We are here for you. Will catch up later.... Heading to work but i will be thinking about you and will keep on having positive thoughts the whole morning just for you:)
Maui- am sorry about AF... Maybe #11 is the lucky charm.

Hope everybody is doing well today. Will write a long post later.

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