4 Awesome Chic's, TTC #1, 30+, cycle #3, Join our Journey!!!

ha ha love it. cortisol increased with stress. i have a really big job.. am trying to have more sleep so that we have more time for baby dancing and more sleep. Ha ha ha

having said that, fertility is a multi-effected event. its about the positon of the utereus and the lining and the sperm count. so don't blame yourself if you are stressed.

Malamae I love the story of how you met. Awwwhhh.. you know its a grand love story....

ours is the same. we decided immediately. now for a great preggers story..
Man, what a long day and I am about to strangle hubby! He invites a bunch of people over for a bonfire and dinner tomorrow night and just tells me this morning! The house is a mess, I had a super late night at work because of an event (7 am til 9:30 pm) and I come home and he did nothing I asked!!! My Mom and her boyfriend are coming to help us install the new water softener tomorrow, but hubby has a hair appointment in the AM... so I guess I get to do everything! Grrrrrr!!!!

Then wouldn't you know, looks like I am potentially ovulating even earlier than last cycle according to my OvaCue. Today is what it predicts high fertility and tomorrow is peak fertility meaning I should more than likely ovulate Sunday or Monday. He fell asleep before we could BD last night... I got home tonight too late and he was asleep... And well, with our house being full of people tomorrow isn't looking good! I told him maybe we could have a quickie before he goes to his hair appointment. Didn't tell him I might be O'ing. He still thinks next weekend because that was what I thought.

It is awesome that the Pregnitude is noticeably working, just stinks that we could miss it. I wasn't fully believing the Ovacue until I saw my vaginal reading tonight. Super low, which as they explain is what happens when progesterone backs off significantly to make way for the estrogen peak that induces ovulation. My reading dipped drastically!

Anyhow... I am exhausted and that is causing me to ramble on! Zzzzzzzzzz

Hope all is going good with you ladies!

My DH does this all the time! Invites people over and tells me at the last minute so I am always frantically trying to clean the apartment and prepare whatever food/drinks we need for the guests. It drives me crazy! Hope the party goes well and you get a chance to rest on Sunday.
Elpha, it's ok if you miss a month. Don't stress yourself too much. That's the mistake I was doing until recently. We even lost will for sex, we stopped enjoying it, everything was about baby making. Now finally I woke up and is really hard to change back to how we were. Don't make that mistake.
Stress is not needed when ttc-ing. It just won't work.
Try your hardest to keep the spontaneosity.

I called my obgyn in Macedonia and she said "the only ones that are getting pregnant are the one that don't want to" :)
Apparently by stressing ourselves, our bodies are producing some hormones (or whatever it is) to help our body deal with the stress and it blocks the body to concieve (the body thinks it's not the right moment for that). (I got very nice explanation from hubby- he has Bachelor in Human Biology, but I forgot the exact words/terminology he used, so this is my simple interpretation).
That's why I had to take a BIG step back and see what have I done for the past 2 years.
Don't do my mistake.
Concentrate now on your diet, dealing with your PCOS and have fun in bed :)

Sorry, I don't want to sound like I'm preaching you, but I don't want to see anyone here go through the same. I wish I realized this 2 years ago.

I'm trying hard not to lose the spontaneity with BD while TTC. It's so difficult though because I am using OPKs so I know my fertile period and I am definitely after DH to BD more during that time. I am just trying to BD more throughout the rest of the month too so our relationship doesn't become just about TTC.
Hi ladies,
I am 31 my DH 33 we have been married for 15 months and actively started ttc since may (going on our 5th cycle). My cycles have always been 31 days till I started the pill then went to 28 days, once I stopped (this Jan) it has been from 26-31 days. my method has been using the online fertility calendar which I realized late that its not reliable! I still havent figured out when exactly I 'O'.
so last cycle I used clear blue opk and got my :) but still like every month I got my AF :(
everytime I get it I cry!
so today I am on CD #4 and will do bbt and opk.
we also will start using preseed.
so heres to hoping this month is IT for all!!!!!
Thanks MalaMae. It is hard to step back and not 'think' or 'stress' about it, but I am hoping working out will help my focus. Of course that Zumba class did a number on my bad knee and then all of the craziness of running around, cleaning, and cooking for the party... my knee is worse. :-/ Can barely walk on it. Frustrating that every time I really start getting back into exercise, this happens with my knee. Then I can't do anything. Grrrr. Taking it easy today and hoping it feels better quick! There is another class tomorrow but I doubt I will be able to go... but maybe Piloxing on Tuesday or the Wednesday Zumba class.

We got some BDing in yesterday morning, but I think we used too much Preseed by accident. It was super slick with no friction and well, hubby couldn't finish. We got another round in today as well. I asked a OvaCue admin about how my OvaGraph chart was looking, to see if I was doing things right. She said it looked good, but with PCOS and some of my readings, she thinks I will have another cue peak... which means I may not be O'ing. My chart had a super dip and rise the past 2 days, but I haven't got much sleep because of the party, plus I drank a little alcohol last night. Time will tell.
Hey ladies I figure I should post so I don't feel like such a stalker :haha:

Elpha have you tried yoga for your knee? My knees were a disaster before I started practicing (hips too!) and it only took a few months of regular practice to see improvement :)

Afm I'm into my 10th tww, hoping it's my last!
Hey Ladies,
I feel horrible, as I keep ducking in and out, but I feel like until we meet with the RS on Thursday, there isn't much point as I seriously doubt I am o'ing.

MalaMae, I totally hear you about the stress! I hope you guys are able to get back into your groove soon. DH and I have been trying not to get too worked up about any of this, and whatever will be will be, but sometimes it is harder than others. But I think knowing since I was 22 that I have PCOS has helped with this, because I have always expected issues with conceiving.

Sloan - Hope things are going well for you, adn you get your BFP soon! I know so many people that have met on dating websites, I just think it is smart to do anymore. DH and I were set up, his really good friend was married to my sister's best friend. My sis had met him, and I had met his friend, and my sis and his friend both thought that we would click....8 years later, here we are!

Elpha -Hope your knee is doing better! I was bad and did not work out at all last week. I am envious of your ability to work out for 2 hours though, that is awesome!

Welcome to all the other Ladies! Here's to BFP's all around!!

AFM - Finally stopped my 2nd AF of the last 3 weeks. Whew. The RS said that with as heavy as my lining was, this was not surprising to him and could continue to happen until they get things straightened out. Ummm, thanks, that sounds great. Looking forward to finding out for sure what is goin on, and if conceiving is even a possibility for us. Still haven't talked to my parents about any of this, but got grilled by my MIL the other day about it. She is usually good, and stays out of our business, so it was a little awkward, but I know she just really wants more grandbabies, especially from my hubby.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday, if such a thing is even possible!
So sorry sassy to hear that you had two periods. god knows one is bad enough. and its monday.. phew.. at least its tuesday tomorrow. Two days till you get an opinion. its very anchoring to know that you are doing all you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sloan - you and your hubby look very cute together in your profile shot... Hes a good looking lad!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine is the most gorgeous creature ever.. I love him so so so much...

He's been so great. I got knocked around over the last few days, yet another of my friends is pregnant. There's not many of "us" left. :(

Works busy. I just bought a whole heap of vitamins. Coenzyme q10 and other things for half price!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yoga sounds like a good idea. I went for a run yesterday. Really enjoyed it....

Elpha, I'm thinking that maybe you didnt o this month - or maybe it is coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope you are all well!!!!

baby dust :) to all lovelies.
I haven't tried Yoga. It's hard to find classes that fit my schedule. I commute 45 minutes to work and back home from work each day... on top of working 9 hour days. So the class would have to be at like 5:30-6 am or 5:30-6 pm depending. One wouldn't think 5:30-6 pm would be a hard time frame to find classes, but it seems to be around here! I FINALLY found a place that offers Zumba on Monday @5:30pm, Piloxing on Tuesday @5:30pm, Zumba on Wednesday @5:30pm, and Boot Camp on Thursday @5:30pm. All 45 minute classes! I am totally planning to take advantage as much as my knee allows! I brought my heating pad to work today. The knee is feeling 100% better, but I am still going to take today off to keep the advil and heating pad going on it. I will probably give Piloxing a shot tomorrow and make SURE I am wearing my knee brace!!!

DrH- I typically do not O before CD25, so I was trying not to read too much into the OvaCue since it is my first cycle using it. My OPKs are all still negative... but I am trying not to rely 100% on them either. I have read that some women's OPKs turn positive when it is already too late! Just trying to cover my bases.
I'm CD9 and I think I might be ovulating soon!!! :huh: Again early ovulation!:huh: Last cycle was CD10.
OPK has light line but pretty visible, cervix is high and saliva monitor- partial ferning.
What the hell is happening? :huh::huh::huh::huh:
Will try Pre-seed this cycle, just bought it yesterday ($20- Walgreens).

Update on diet: droped 4 pounds! Yey, one good thing :)
Elpha, hope you had a great party! Thanks for the tip about the pre-seed, not to use too much :)
I love Zumba, it's very energetic and uplifting! I know I should practise Yoga as well, but I think I'm going to fall asleep on the class :) LOL
I hope you're feeling better with your knee.
Hello all! Mind if I join in on your convo? You ladies seem pretty cool! :)

A bit about me as an intro: I'm 30 and my DH is 33. We have been married for about 1.5 years. We have been TTC #1 for 3-4ish months. So far I'm using opk, but might step it up to BBT next month if we get a BFN this month. A BFP this month would be so awesome because the due date would also be my birthday (but awesome any month, non?) Right now I am 4 dpo and have a teensy bad habit of obsessing in the TWW.

I recently moved from the east coast to the west coast (U.S.) and started a new job. The job has been great and I'm slowly but surely meeting and making new friends. One of the struggles that I've faced is not having many people to talk with about TTC. We have decided to be private about TTC so as to not get up people's hopes. *cough, parents, cough* My poor DH is probably so sick of hearing about female anatomy! haha! It has also been a bit of a logistics challenge drinking alcohol at happy hour one week and not the next, but then not being able to honestly say why I'm not drinking (I tend to drink alcohol during AF but not once she leaves)! haha!

I also LOVE zumba! It's been really fun trying out new instructors and learning their dances.

Thanks for reading my intro! Babydust to all! :dust:
Welcome YellowGrey! My hubby and I have been TTC #1 got about 5 months now. I totally understand obsessing in the TWW! Especially with the way the Pregnitude I am taking is 'changing' the habits my body knows during the TWW. It's helping my PCOS, but good golly! I just seem to get my hopes up all the more! :dohh:

Last Wednesday was my first Zumba class and I think I could easily be hooked... provided I don't mess up my knee each time. Hopefully, if I can get in a regiment of wearing my knee brace to class then coming home and icing my knee for 20 minutes, it won't be as bad. Right now it feels like one class a week is almost too much for my knee, but I would eventually like to take 2 Zumba classes a week... or mix in a Piloxing class. It looks fun too! I just have to figure out how to manage my knee so I don't injure it more. Zumba has a LOT of jumping/bouncing, and my knee can't even handle 20 jumping jacks without giving me grief.

MalaMae, glad I could help with a friendly warning on the Preseed! hahaha A little bit can go a long way! Maybe that is why they recommend the internal applicators because you can control the amount better than squirting some on your hand. That stuff is too expensive to waist! lol
elpha that's crazy there's no evening classes in your area! My studio does a 6:15 and 8:15pm and both are usually packed!

Malamae good luck catching that eggie :)

Yellowgrey I'm also 4 dpo today :happydance: I hear you about having no one to talk to, we're keeping our ttc private too (which I'm really glad we decided since it's taking so long!) I also only drink during af, especially since I started temping I just can't get a good reading if I've had a few drinks the night before :haha:
Hello Ladies,

I'd love to join this thread if you'll have me! I'm 31, DH is 29, we've been married almost 5 years and this will be my 8th cycle trying. Well... really first three months were more like NTNP since I had the craziest work schedule ever and was never around. I decided to join this forum because I'm starting to get a little sad and frustrated after the past 6 or 7 months and still no BFPs.

We're trying SMEP for the first time this cycle... I'm currently on CD11 and started doing OPKs yesterday. I've never tracked anything before so I have no idea when to expect O. I'm just beginning this journey but I've been wanting to start TTC since last summer and DH thought we should wait until spring because of my crazy work schedule (I'm in the Navy). So, now I'm on shore duty and have plenty of time to BD but no luck thus far. :nope:

Also, not to sound crazy or anything but I'm starting to wonder if maybe this is karma for me... I got preggo at 22 with a guy a had been dating a month, he went psycho when he found out I was preggo and I wasn't really ready, so I had an abortion. I've never wanted children until about a year and a half ago and now that I want this so badly, I feel like is my punishment. I've always regretted that abortion and so... karma.

Sorry to be so depressing... I am happy to be here with you ladies and after reading all your stories, you give me hope and make me not-quite-so-sad anymore. :flower:

Oh stop it! Karma Shmarma! you made the best choice for you at the time and dont ever think otherwise! Women have 10 abortions and still get pregnant, I am sure that is not the cause. hang in there.
Hi ladies,
I am 31 my DH 33 we have been married for 15 months and actively started ttc since may (going on our 5th cycle). My cycles have always been 31 days till I started the pill then went to 28 days, once I stopped (this Jan) it has been from 26-31 days. my method has been using the online fertility calendar which I realized late that its not reliable! I still havent figured out when exactly I 'O'.
so last cycle I used clear blue opk and got my :) but still like every month I got my AF :(
everytime I get it I cry!
so today I am on CD #4 and will do bbt and opk.
we also will start using preseed.
so heres to hoping this month is IT for all!!!!!

Welcome Hoping!
So sorry sassy to hear that you had two periods. god knows one is bad enough. and its monday.. phew.. at least its tuesday tomorrow. Two days till you get an opinion. its very anchoring to know that you are doing all you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sloan - you and your hubby look very cute together in your profile shot... Hes a good looking lad!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine is the most gorgeous creature ever.. I love him so so so much...

He's been so great. I got knocked around over the last few days, yet another of my friends is pregnant. There's not many of "us" left. :(

Works busy. I just bought a whole heap of vitamins. Coenzyme q10 and other things for half price!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yoga sounds like a good idea. I went for a run yesterday. Really enjoyed it....

Elpha, I'm thinking that maybe you didnt o this month - or maybe it is coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope you are all well!!!!

baby dust :) to all lovelies.

Hey Dr.!

yep i got a good one! So I'm mad because the FR OPK's I bought last month apparently only work for 30 days and then they expire? So why the heck do they put 40 sticks in there? Ugg, so we are just having sex every other day until around the time I think I O, then we will do it 3 days straight. We shall see....
Hello all! Mind if I join in on your convo? You ladies seem pretty cool! :)

A bit about me as an intro: I'm 30 and my DH is 33. We have been married for about 1.5 years. We have been TTC #1 for 3-4ish months. So far I'm using opk, but might step it up to BBT next month if we get a BFN this month. A BFP this month would be so awesome because the due date would also be my birthday (but awesome any month, non?) Right now I am 4 dpo and have a teensy bad habit of obsessing in the TWW.

I recently moved from the east coast to the west coast (U.S.) and started a new job. The job has been great and I'm slowly but surely meeting and making new friends. One of the struggles that I've faced is not having many people to talk with about TTC. We have decided to be private about TTC so as to not get up people's hopes. *cough, parents, cough* My poor DH is probably so sick of hearing about female anatomy! haha! It has also been a bit of a logistics challenge drinking alcohol at happy hour one week and not the next, but then not being able to honestly say why I'm not drinking (I tend to drink alcohol during AF but not once she leaves)! haha!

I also LOVE zumba! It's been really fun trying out new instructors and learning their dances.

Thanks for reading my intro! Babydust to all! :dust:
Welcome Yellow!!!

yes I tried to do the not drinking thing during the TWW but hen decided, screw it, this could take me a year or more and I'm not going to miss out on fun just to end up getting the BFN later. I am drinking until i see the BFP. Everyone I have talked to says that by the time the baby is just starting to implant you get your BFP, plus you are not sharing any body fluids with the embryo until 2 weeks after implantation.
Welcome YellowGrey! My hubby and I have been TTC #1 got about 5 months now. I totally understand obsessing in the TWW! Especially with the way the Pregnitude I am taking is 'changing' the habits my body knows during the TWW. It's helping my PCOS, but good golly! I just seem to get my hopes up all the more! :dohh:

Last Wednesday was my first Zumba class and I think I could easily be hooked... provided I don't mess up my knee each time. Hopefully, if I can get in a regiment of wearing my knee brace to class then coming home and icing my knee for 20 minutes, it won't be as bad. Right now it feels like one class a week is almost too much for my knee, but I would eventually like to take 2 Zumba classes a week... or mix in a Piloxing class. It looks fun too! I just have to figure out how to manage my knee so I don't injure it more. Zumba has a LOT of jumping/bouncing, and my knee can't even handle 20 jumping jacks without giving me grief.

MalaMae, glad I could help with a friendly warning on the Preseed! hahaha A little bit can go a long way! Maybe that is why they recommend the internal applicators because you can control the amount better than squirting some on your hand. That stuff is too expensive to waist! lol

Oh ok, I have been putting on my hand to avoid using too much inside? We had the same problem, even with a little bit on the hand hubby had a hard time finishing!!
Hey Dr.!

yep i got a good one! So I'm mad because the FR OPK's I bought last month apparently only work for 30 days and then they expire? So why the heck do they put 40 sticks in there? Ugg, so we are just having sex every other day until around the time I think I O, then we will do it 3 days straight. We shall see....

I'm telling you, those from FR are IDIOTS!! Mine shut down after a positive test!
Anyway, more :sex: fun for you if you're trying every other day :thumbup:

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