4 Awesome Chic's, TTC #1, 30+, cycle #3, Join our Journey!!!

Welcome Yellow!!!

yes I tried to do the not drinking thing during the TWW but hen decided, screw it, this could take me a year or more and I'm not going to miss out on fun just to end up getting the BFN later. I am drinking until i see the BFP. Everyone I have talked to says that by the time the baby is just starting to implant you get your BFP, plus you are not sharing any body fluids with the embryo until 2 weeks after implantation.

I hear ya! I think my not drinking was more of a deal between me and the hubs. It seems important to him, so I was willing to give him that one. Should we not get a bfp in the next few months, we might have to renegotiate the terms. haha! :wine:
I just have to figure out how to manage my knee so I don't injure it more. Zumba has a LOT of jumping/bouncing, and my knee can't even handle 20 jumping jacks without giving me grief.

I hope that it works out! All of the Zumba instructors that I have been to have said at one time or another to dance at your own pace. If you can't do the jumps, then that's ok. I have similar problems with a shoulder injury, so i just minimize big movements with my right arm. I think that they would rather see your heart rate up and a big smile on your face than for you to do all of the moves but be in pain. Good luck!
Sloan- hahahaha Sooooo nice to hear of somebody else's hubby having that 'issue' with too much Preseed. That is certainly some slick stuff! :rofl:

I would think the applicators could still put too much in 'there.' I mean... I have never seen the applicator, but I know if I get an amount the size of a quarter in my hand... it appears to be TOO much! Plus... we were applying it to both of our 'baby makers' so to speak... that probably didn't help. :blush:

Luna- It is crazy that I can't find more classes to fit my time frame. Oh well... not sure where you live, but this area isn't really booming with a lot of people. Let alone those who actually CARE about exercise.

YellowGrey- The instructor I had was the same way! I was talking to her after the class and found out that she only started Zumba because her sister (who is another instructor at the gym and VERY pregnant) talked her into it. She was over weight and her doctors even diagnosed her with insulin resistance and put her on metformin. Turned out she really didn't have insulin resistance and the metformin had some serious funky reactions with her. BUT, Zumba helped her lose 40lbs and after losing 40lbs she said she couldn't help but get certified to teach it. She has lost another 20lbs since. Just looking at her helps me too, because she isn't that poster child for physical fitness that makes you slightly sick. She actually still has some 'junk in her trunk' and weight to lose... but she can really move it in those Zumba classes and she kicks are butts!!! She told me that in the beginning she had to make it work for her too, but eventually I will get there. She said I was doing a pretty awesome job for it being my first class... of course, with the teaching background I have, that may have just been her being 'encouraging.' :rofl:
Hello all! Mind if I join in on your convo? You ladies seem pretty cool! :)

A bit about me as an intro: I'm 30 and my DH is 33. We have been married for about 1.5 years. We have been TTC #1 for 3-4ish months. So far I'm using opk, but might step it up to BBT next month if we get a BFN this month. A BFP this month would be so awesome because the due date would also be my birthday (but awesome any month, non?) Right now I am 4 dpo and have a teensy bad habit of obsessing in the TWW.

I recently moved from the east coast to the west coast (U.S.) and started a new job. The job has been great and I'm slowly but surely meeting and making new friends. One of the struggles that I've faced is not having many people to talk with about TTC. We have decided to be private about TTC so as to not get up people's hopes. *cough, parents, cough* My poor DH is probably so sick of hearing about female anatomy! haha! It has also been a bit of a logistics challenge drinking alcohol at happy hour one week and not the next, but then not being able to honestly say why I'm not drinking (I tend to drink alcohol during AF but not once she leaves)! haha!

I also LOVE zumba! It's been really fun trying out new instructors and learning their dances.

Thanks for reading my intro! Babydust to all! :dust:

I am also struggling with not having anyone in real life to talk about TTC. Most of my friends are still single so even though I've shared that we are TTC, they just don't really understand or even care about TTC. They're still searching for a DH. I'm so thankful for this forum!
Sloan- hahahaha Sooooo nice to hear of somebody else's hubby having that 'issue' with too much Preseed. That is certainly some slick stuff! :rofl:

I would think the applicators could still put too much in 'there.' I mean... I have never seen the applicator, but I know if I get an amount the size of a quarter in my hand... it appears to be TOO much! Plus... we were applying it to both of our 'baby makers' so to speak... that probably didn't help. :blush:

Luna- It is crazy that I can't find more classes to fit my time frame. Oh well... not sure where you live, but this area isn't really booming with a lot of people. Let alone those who actually CARE about exercise.

YellowGrey- The instructor I had was the same way! I was talking to her after the class and found out that she only started Zumba because her sister (who is another instructor at the gym and VERY pregnant) talked her into it. She was over weight and her doctors even diagnosed her with insulin resistance and put her on metformin. Turned out she really didn't have insulin resistance and the metformin had some serious funky reactions with her. BUT, Zumba helped her lose 40lbs and after losing 40lbs she said she couldn't help but get certified to teach it. She has lost another 20lbs since. Just looking at her helps me too, because she isn't that poster child for physical fitness that makes you slightly sick. She actually still has some 'junk in her trunk' and weight to lose... but she can really move it in those Zumba classes and she kicks are butts!!! She told me that in the beginning she had to make it work for her too, but eventually I will get there. She said I was doing a pretty awesome job for it being my first class... of course, with the teaching background I have, that may have just been her being 'encouraging.' :rofl:

You ladies are making me want to try Zumba. Sometimes I see the infomercial when I'm running on the treadmill and I get sucked into watching it the entire time I'm running.
I just moved to our current city, so most of my in-person contacts are co-workers. We've made a few friends so far, but (similar to your situation), they are in different places in their lives. I think that they would be supportive of us TTC, but I'd rather not tell people until we get our BFP (and then awhile after that!). This forum has really helped me when I think that I'm being so silly and obsessive. I mean, I still realize that I'm being silly and obsessive, but I can be in good company while I am!
Re: preseed
The applicator has you putting a ridiculous amount up there! I used it internally for a few cycles and even using half the recommended amount resulted in a big mess and lots of squishing sounds :haha:

actually since some of you mentioned it making it hard for him to finish I wonder if that was happening to us...i thought he was just feeling too much pressure but we have't had any problems recently when I just use it on the outside as needed
Re: preseed
The applicator has you putting a ridiculous amount up there! I used it internally for a few cycles and even using half the recommended amount resulted in a big mess and lots of squishing sounds :haha:

actually since some of you mentioned it making it hard for him to finish I wonder if that was happening to us...i thought he was just feeling too much pressure but we have't had any problems recently when I just use it on the outside as needed

I've heard similar complaints from my DH about not being able to finish when it was too lubricated. He said that he would get less feeling, make it hard to reach the *other* important O.
Hey Dr.!

yep i got a good one! So I'm mad because the FR OPK's I bought last month apparently only work for 30 days and then they expire? So why the heck do they put 40 sticks in there? Ugg, so we are just having sex every other day until around the time I think I O, then we will do it 3 days straight. We shall see....

I'm telling you, those from FR are IDIOTS!! Mine shut down after a positive test!
Anyway, more :sex: fun for you if you're trying every other day :thumbup:

Ya not sure if I would call it fun! Hubby is being a great sport though! He is really into it now, I just say we need to DTD and he walks into the bedroom! I even offered to be on top :tease::tease: haha and he said NO! He said its not a good position for the swimmers! lol
Welcome Yellow!!!

yes I tried to do the not drinking thing during the TWW but hen decided, screw it, this could take me a year or more and I'm not going to miss out on fun just to end up getting the BFN later. I am drinking until i see the BFP. Everyone I have talked to says that by the time the baby is just starting to implant you get your BFP, plus you are not sharing any body fluids with the embryo until 2 weeks after implantation.

I hear ya! I think my not drinking was more of a deal between me and the hubs. It seems important to him, so I was willing to give him that one. Should we not get a bfp in the next few months, we might have to renegotiate the terms. haha! :wine:

Ya I get it! If I told hubby to not drink he would laugh at me! He wont give that up, but he isn't bad, has 2 cocktails a night, so that's reasonable. I am drinking wine right now!
Hello all! Mind if I join in on your convo? You ladies seem pretty cool! :)

A bit about me as an intro: I'm 30 and my DH is 33. We have been married for about 1.5 years. We have been TTC #1 for 3-4ish months. So far I'm using opk, but might step it up to BBT next month if we get a BFN this month. A BFP this month would be so awesome because the due date would also be my birthday (but awesome any month, non?) Right now I am 4 dpo and have a teensy bad habit of obsessing in the TWW.

I recently moved from the east coast to the west coast (U.S.) and started a new job. The job has been great and I'm slowly but surely meeting and making new friends. One of the struggles that I've faced is not having many people to talk with about TTC. We have decided to be private about TTC so as to not get up people's hopes. *cough, parents, cough* My poor DH is probably so sick of hearing about female anatomy! haha! It has also been a bit of a logistics challenge drinking alcohol at happy hour one week and not the next, but then not being able to honestly say why I'm not drinking (I tend to drink alcohol during AF but not once she leaves)! haha!

I also LOVE zumba! It's been really fun trying out new instructors and learning their dances.

Thanks for reading my intro! Babydust to all! :dust:

I am also struggling with not having anyone in real life to talk about TTC. Most of my friends are still single so even though I've shared that we are TTC, they just don't really understand or even care about TTC. They're still searching for a DH. I'm so thankful for this forum!

Hi Em!! what cycle day are you on? When do you ovulate? Same to all you lovely ladies, remind me what cycle day and when your due to O!
I just moved to our current city, so most of my in-person contacts are co-workers. We've made a few friends so far, but (similar to your situation), they are in different places in their lives. I think that they would be supportive of us TTC, but I'd rather not tell people until we get our BFP (and then awhile after that!). This forum has really helped me when I think that I'm being so silly and obsessive. I mean, I still realize that I'm being silly and obsessive, but I can be in good company while I am!

Yellow what cycle day are you o and when do you O? Talk about obsessive, just wait until I hit my TTW, I am totally bonkers!!! I am CD 14 today!! I always thought that is when I O but last month according to FR OPK, I O on CD 17. So we DTD on Sept 12, 14, 16, 18 and then we will do 20, 21, 22, 23. I hope that covers it and that its not too much DTD and the sperm is no good?
I just moved to our current city, so most of my in-person contacts are co-workers. We've made a few friends so far, but (similar to your situation), they are in different places in their lives. I think that they would be supportive of us TTC, but I'd rather not tell people until we get our BFP (and then awhile after that!). This forum has really helped me when I think that I'm being so silly and obsessive. I mean, I still realize that I'm being silly and obsessive, but I can be in good company while I am!

Yellow what cycle day are you o and when do you O? Talk about obsessive, just wait until I hit my TTW, I am totally bonkers!!! I am CD 14 today!! I always thought that is when I O but last month according to FR OPK, I O on CD 17. So we DTD on Sept 12, 14, 16, 18 and then we will do 20, 21, 22, 23. I hope that covers it and that its not too much DTD and the sperm is no good?

CD14 is great! That means that you're on the fun part of the cycle :)

I am currently on CD 18 and 5 DPO. I'm usually pretty regular with a 27 day cycle. I'll probably start testing on the 24th (because I'm a compulsive tester), but I know that's probably still too early. It would just be great to get a BFP on the 24th since that's my sister's bday and I would be due on my birthday.

We usually DTD every day around fertile period. However, we're not getting the BFP yet, so maybe every other day is better for us?
Hmm ya I'm not sure? some people say everyday and some say that if you do everyday then the sperm is just all liquid and no swimmers?
Hello all! Mind if I join in on your convo? You ladies seem pretty cool! :)

A bit about me as an intro: I'm 30 and my DH is 33. We have been married for about 1.5 years. We have been TTC #1 for 3-4ish months. So far I'm using opk, but might step it up to BBT next month if we get a BFN this month. A BFP this month would be so awesome because the due date would also be my birthday (but awesome any month, non?) Right now I am 4 dpo and have a teensy bad habit of obsessing in the TWW.

I recently moved from the east coast to the west coast (U.S.) and started a new job. The job has been great and I'm slowly but surely meeting and making new friends. One of the struggles that I've faced is not having many people to talk with about TTC. We have decided to be private about TTC so as to not get up people's hopes. *cough, parents, cough* My poor DH is probably so sick of hearing about female anatomy! haha! It has also been a bit of a logistics challenge drinking alcohol at happy hour one week and not the next, but then not being able to honestly say why I'm not drinking (I tend to drink alcohol during AF but not once she leaves)! haha!

I also LOVE zumba! It's been really fun trying out new instructors and learning their dances.

Thanks for reading my intro! Babydust to all! :dust:

I am also struggling with not having anyone in real life to talk about TTC. Most of my friends are still single so even though I've shared that we are TTC, they just don't really understand or even care about TTC. They're still searching for a DH. I'm so thankful for this forum!

Hi Em!! what cycle day are you on? When do you ovulate? Same to all you lovely ladies, remind me what cycle day and when your due to O!

Hi Sloane! I'm on CD 18 and 2 DPO. AF is due around the 27th. I'm a POAS addict so I'll probably start testing at 8 DPO even though I know that is way too early.
Hmm ya I'm not sure? some people say everyday and some say that if you do everyday then the sperm is just all liquid and no swimmers?

We were DTD every other day for the last two cycles and no BFP so I decided every day around O would be better this cycle. It's so hard to know which is best!
Hey that makes 3 of us due on the 27th! I'm going to start testing on Saturday (9dpo)

We've done every other day and every day with no success with either. From what I've heard every day is fine as long as he has enough swimmers
hiya lovelies,
im cd 13 today. and i oed yesterday with ecwm and positive opk. exciting times. we did the deed and we are very hopeful.

this month i am expectant! Feel preggers already.

yellow welcome!!!!

how are the rest of you lovelies.
Re: preseed
The applicator has you putting a ridiculous amount up there! I used it internally for a few cycles and even using half the recommended amount resulted in a big mess and lots of squishing sounds :haha:

actually since some of you mentioned it making it hard for him to finish I wonder if that was happening to us...i thought he was just feeling too much pressure but we have't had any problems recently when I just use it on the outside as needed

I think that there ARE some women out there who REALLY need help in the CM department. Especially when using Clomid. In those cases, maybe that entire amount is necessary. Personally, my hubby nor I, are in this situation. I really even 'doubted' we needed to use the Preseed but decided to give it a try... because sometimes when he wants to just 'jump on in' :haha: I am not quite ready yet. So I have found just a pea-sized amount is plenty to get the ball rolling and make things that much more pleasant! :thumbup:
drH- I love the optimism and hope you get that BFP in a matter of days. :dance:

My OvaCue 'confirmed' ovulation today, however my OPKs are still fading in. Not so sure what that means exactly. I have been back and forth with an OvaCue specialist on their forums and she agrees with the confirmation. It is possible I could have secondary fertility meaning that my body isn't successful in this ovulation attempt and selects a secondary follicle... but the point is my body is doing something right now. Only the next few days will truly confirm it. So it is definitely possible that I am one of those women where OPKs show 'close to positive' too late. (my OPKs get darker, but typically are never as dark or darker than the control line) If that is the case, we could have had the timing all wrong the past few months. :shrug: So I may or may not be in the TWW now. My temp spike typically happens the day after my darkest OPK, but last cycle the spike was 2 days after my darkest OPK. It is all so confusing! Today is CD22 and if I did truly O, that is 3 days earlier than last cycle and my cycle length should end up under 35 days which is NORMAL! Hallelujah!!! :happydance: If I do see the temp spike tomorrow or Friday, I will probably test the weekend of the 29th sometime.

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