4 Awesome Chic's, TTC #1, 30+, cycle #3, Join our Journey!!!

I am so excited for all of you ladies! I feel like this will be our month.

Yay Elpha and dr. House for the recent o's. Yay for all the other ladies being able to test on the 27th. So far and yet so soon. Sticky vibes to all.

Afm, we are going to the doc tmrw for the results of our tests and to come up with a plaan. Excited and nervous. I have been having tender breasts and somelow back pain with twinges on the right side, so I am hoping that means I may actually o this month. Going to dtd as much as we can to cover our bases. Have a wonderful Thursday ladies!
Hi you all lovely ladies,

I hope you are all good. life is great isnt' it I just had another implantation wine. hmm yes I know thats a day late! but these things have to be done.
good luck sassy for tomorrow.
Welcome Misshovie - your termination has nothing to do with anything!!!! You will be a great and ready mum this time round. They reckon older mums are better!!!!!!!!!!!
Sloan - I know what you mean re. alcohol its so hard to know. I think for at least 7 days the morula is in free fall. I can't see how if its not attached ETOH could harm.

Elp - try EPO up to ovulation. This really helped this month! I swear it doubled. eewwgghhh!!!!!!!
Holy crap ladies, I think I may have O'd as I had a nice temp spike this morning. Good thing we DTD last night! Just had to pop on and share as I am a little cranked about this all today. I think it's just starting to sink it that hey, I actually may have a chance to get preggo. Alright, hope everyone has a fabulous day.
Holy crap ladies, I think I may have O'd as I had a nice temp spike this morning. Good thing we DTD last night! Just had to pop on and share as I am a little cranked about this all today. I think it's just starting to sink it that hey, I actually may have a chance to get preggo. Alright, hope everyone has a fabulous day.

That's great news and great timing! So far no updates with me. Still just sitting in this two week wait with no symptoms. I'll probably start testing on Monday, but knowing that's still probably too early. I'm inpatient :)
RS appt. went well. I do have classic pcos, but my levels weren't that bad. Hubbies swimmers are all above average. I need to step up the cardio, weight lifting and low carb, lean protein, fresh veggie eating. I am starting on metformin, 500 mg day for 1 week, then 1000 for a week or so, then 1500. Also prescribed Femara for cd 3-7, and provera to induce the period. Going to check progesterone on cd 21 to see if I am o'ing. Somehow totally forgot to mention that I might have o'd yesterday! So I am overall optimistic. Its good to have a plan.
Hello....mind if I join you?? I am 33 years old and trying for 2 years for #1. Currently, I am in my TWW (AF will most likely be rearing her ugly face on Sunday) and I am becoming more and more pessimistic :( I have been having PG symptoms for the last week, but I'm deciding now that it's all in my head (like every month). I felt I needed to join a group of some sort to talk about things, because my hubby (of 10 years) just doesn't understand why I get so worked up and depressed when AF comes each month. It's really hard, as most of you know, to think about other things when it's something you want so bad. I know a lot of you are taking medications/treatments to help get pregnant.... what are your thoughts on Clomid or other fertility meds?? We weren't considering that, but since reading posts on the B&B forums, I am wondering if it's something we should try....
Hi Zumba, Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sassy good to hear you oed and you have an answer!
its friday night. shitake mushroom and chicken risotto followed by uni study. Ugghh! What have you guys got on for the weekend?
RS appt. went well. I do have classic pcos, but my levels weren't that bad. Hubbies swimmers are all above average. I need to step up the cardio, weight lifting and low carb, lean protein, fresh veggie eating. I am starting on metformin, 500 mg day for 1 week, then 1000 for a week or so, then 1500. Also prescribed Femara for cd 3-7, and provera to induce the period. Going to check progesterone on cd 21 to see if I am o'ing. Somehow totally forgot to mention that I might have o'd yesterday! So I am overall optimistic. Its good to have a plan.

Sassy- You should look into Pregnitude if you have PCOS. My OBGYN recommended it to me at my appointment in June. I typically ovulate and have cycles on my own, but usually very long ones! After 2 and a half months of Pregnitude, I am ovulating much sooner and my cycles are much shorter! This month it looks like my cycle will be in 'normal' range. I also was taking 1700mg daily of Metformin and prenatals. I stopped the Metformin last week after being pretty sick. Doc thinks that I may not need it anymore and that it was making me sick. Anyhow, I started back on 850mg of Metformin yesterday to 'test' the waters. I don't have the time to get in for a blood sugar test, so this is our alternative for now. I am also eating a low amylose diet, which is pretty much like a low carb/Atkins diet. Supposed to be good for PCOS.

You should definitely read more about the Pregnitude though! It actually helps egg quality and can provide a much needed boost to help you get pregnant on your own or with clomid/femara. Plus it is a natural supplement consisting of stuff our bodies need anyhow. It is really new to the US though, so a lot of docs haven't heard of it. I get really excited about the Pregnitude... if you can't tell. :haha: It's done such great things for me already, so I can't help but tell somebody about it... especially when they say they have PCOS. I might be obsessed with it... one might think I get paid to talk about it, but I don't! :rofl: (maybe I should!!!)
Hello....mind if I join you?? I am 33 years old and trying for 2 years for #1. Currently, I am in my TWW (AF will most likely be rearing her ugly face on Sunday) and I am becoming more and more pessimistic :( I have been having PG symptoms for the last week, but I'm deciding now that it's all in my head (like every month). I felt I needed to join a group of some sort to talk about things, because my hubby (of 10 years) just doesn't understand why I get so worked up and depressed when AF comes each month. It's really hard, as most of you know, to think about other things when it's something you want so bad. I know a lot of you are taking medications/treatments to help get pregnant.... what are your thoughts on Clomid or other fertility meds?? We weren't considering that, but since reading posts on the B&B forums, I am wondering if it's something we should try....

Have you talked to your doctor or OBGYN about the issues you have been having? Usually they will start fertility testing after a year if you haven't conceived (6 months if you are over 35). From there they should be able to help figure out what the issue is and what the best line of treatment should be. There are numerous things that could be going on, and quite a few are pretty 'simple' fixes if you know about them. TTC without success gets harder every cycle, you should definitely try to see what is going on and what your options are. Clomid or Femara are typically a first line of treatment, but a lot of doctors give them out without checking for other problems first. You can only supposed to be on either drug for I think 3 to 6 cycles max or they can increase the risk of cancer. So to just have the drug thrown at you without knowing what is really going on is a waste! One lady I talked to on a forum said that her general practitioner prescribed her clomid as a first line of treatment after they didn't get pregnant for a year. The doc didn't check anything else and didn't monitor her while on clomid. They did this for 3 cycles with no success. Then she went to see an RE and the RE ran an HSG test and found out she had a blocked tube! So her odds were decreased anyhow, even with the clomid.

They can be very helpful, but just make sure your doc is making sure there aren't other things going on first. Your hubby's sperm count/quality could be low too, and in that case it will make no difference if you are on clomid or femara. However, there are things out there that can VASTLY improve a sperm count.

Anyhow... that's my 2 cents about it, if you wanted it! :winkwink: I know, come January, there are good odds my OBGYN will put me on clomid. She has already told me that. However, it would be after checking out some other things first.
Hello all!
I thought I better stop lurking & say hello. I hope I am adding to this thread properly... never posted on a forum before.

Just getting into the swing of things learning about charting, BBT, & OPK's. (the acronyms *and* the items themselves).

Married for 8 years. Had been NTNP for ~4years, but really only having *action* ~1x/month. Just started TTC since I turned 35 in late July. Figured it's now or never.

So we are on TTC month 3. I'm on CD5. No fertility issues that we're aware of, but I did pray to be infertile a lot during my younger days. *if ya know what I mean*:winkwink: I know that's terrible. Here's hoping that doesn't turn out to be a "be careful what you wish for" deal.

Glad to have you ladies to share info with on this strange journey. Good luck to everyone to get a BFP soon!
Hi alice,

welcome!!! Have you seen your GP? Its always good to have had your pap smear, checked your rubella and commenced your elevit or prepregnancy vitamins!!!

You are lucky to have met the one earlier. Ive always been keen to be a mum. Mr Right only turned up two years ago!

This is a lovely group of women from around the world. Where are you based?
Hello Dr.!

Thanks! I am in the US, in Georiga. I did see my OB/Gyn when we decided to start TTC. I had already begun prenatal vitamins & she said that was good. Told me to come back in 6 months (Jan 2013) if we hadn't had a BFP by then. Made sure my asthma meds are OK for pregnancy too.

I am up to date on all my vaccinations, so all's well there too. Thanks for the advice!

I am very lucky to have met my true love early (we actually met on the bus in high school). We're still very much in love. We always said that we didn't want kids. But now that we're getting older we decided to try to see if we are able to have them - before biology/age make it a definite impossibility. I secretly assumed we would just have an "accident" once I got off the pill, since many friends have had unwanted pregnancies even on the pill. But now I am seeing the reality that this is going to take us a while & I am trying to keep myself from obsessing too much.

Thanks for listening!
Hello and welcome to the newbies! I am CD 17 today and didnt get a positive opk but I'm wondering if the test kit is expired since it said it was only good for 30 days at it day 40? Not sure but we have still been dtd every other day and today started everyday for the next 3 days. I really do think it's not going to happen for me until I stop trying, I think I'm stressing myself out :(
Hello and welcome to the newbies! I am CD 17 today and didnt get a positive opk but I'm wondering if the test kit is expired since it said it was only good for 30 days at it day 40? Not sure but we have still been dtd every other day and today started everyday for the next 3 days. I really do think it's not going to happen for me until I stop trying, I think I'm stressing myself out :(

That is so weird they expire after 30 days. What brand is it? Maybe you can pick up another type for this cycle. I got the clearblue digital this month after I ran out of first response. I really like the CB digital better than trying to decipher two lines on FR but they are $$$ :(. I think I'll switch to ICs next month and then just confirm with a couple of digitals when I think I'm getting close.

I hear ya on the stress thing. I wish I could stop thinking and stressing about it but it's impossible for me. I'm a worrier by nature. The good news is I think it's only major stress like losing a job or home that can affect TTC.
Hello....mind if I join you?? I am 33 years old and trying for 2 years for #1. Currently, I am in my TWW (AF will most likely be rearing her ugly face on Sunday) and I am becoming more and more pessimistic :( I have been having PG symptoms for the last week, but I'm deciding now that it's all in my head (like every month). I felt I needed to join a group of some sort to talk about things, because my hubby (of 10 years) just doesn't understand why I get so worked up and depressed when AF comes each month. It's really hard, as most of you know, to think about other things when it's something you want so bad. I know a lot of you are taking medications/treatments to help get pregnant.... what are your thoughts on Clomid or other fertility meds?? We weren't considering that, but since reading posts on the B&B forums, I am wondering if it's something we should try....

Have you talked to your doctor or OBGYN about the issues you have been having? Usually they will start fertility testing after a year if you haven't conceived (6 months if you are over 35). From there they should be able to help figure out what the issue is and what the best line of treatment should be. There are numerous things that could be going on, and quite a few are pretty 'simple' fixes if you know about them. TTC without success gets harder every cycle, you should definitely try to see what is going on and what your options are. Clomid or Femara are typically a first line of treatment, but a lot of doctors give them out without checking for other problems first. You can only supposed to be on either drug for I think 3 to 6 cycles max or they can increase the risk of cancer. So to just have the drug thrown at you without knowing what is really going on is a waste! One lady I talked to on a forum said that her general practitioner prescribed her clomid as a first line of treatment after they didn't get pregnant for a year. The doc didn't check anything else and didn't monitor her while on clomid. They did this for 3 cycles with no success. Then she went to see an RE and the RE ran an HSG test and found out she had a blocked tube! So her odds were decreased anyhow, even with the clomid.

They can be very helpful, but just make sure your doc is making sure there aren't other things going on first. Your hubby's sperm count/quality could be low too, and in that case it will make no difference if you are on clomid or femara. However, there are things out there that can VASTLY improve a sperm count.

Anyhow... that's my 2 cents about it, if you wanted it! :winkwink: I know, come January, there are good odds my OBGYN will put me on clomid. She has already told me that. However, it would be after checking out some other things first.

We actually have been to the Dr. regarding our issues....I seem to be fine (I ovluate every month and I'm very regular), but I did have chronic cervicitis for a while. She even did a biopsy done to rule out cancer....which I do not have, thankfully:) My husband on the other hand, has low motility. To be honest, my OBGYN didn't really say much more about that, other than "tell him to stop drinking as much caffeine" (he worked midnights). We really wanted to have a child naturally, because to be honest, we don't want to put ourselves through all the meds, injections, etc... More and more, I think maybe we should see the specialist. I just don't even know what to do anymore. To medicate, or not medicate.....that is the question.
P.S., AF is due tomorrow and I'm feeling more and more like she is coming :( This makes me sad.
Alice it's funny you mentioned about secretly wanting to have an accident, that's totally what I was thinking too! Finally had to just tell hubby it was time after almost a year off of bc and one pregnancy scare ;)
Hello and welcome to the newbies! I am CD 17 today and didnt get a positive opk but I'm wondering if the test kit is expired since it said it was only good for 30 days at it day 40? Not sure but we have still been dtd every other day and today started everyday for the next 3 days. I really do think it's not going to happen for me until I stop trying, I think I'm stressing myself out :(

That is so weird they expire after 30 days. What brand is it? Maybe you can pick up another type for this cycle. I got the clearblue digital this month after I ran out of first response. I really like the CB digital better than trying to decipher two lines on FR but they are $$$ :(. I think I'll switch to ICs next month and then just confirm with a couple of digitals when I think I'm getting close.

I hear ya on the stress thing. I wish I could stop thinking and stressing about it but it's impossible for me. I'm a worrier by nature. The good news is I think it's only major stress like losing a job or home that can affect TTC.

I just got the cheapo Wondfo OPK'S. They expire in 2015. I got a 50 pack on Amazon for like $15, so no big expense if they're duds. I'll let you ladies know how they do as I approach "O" time. I used 3 already to test how they work & they were all negative of course (still on AF).

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