4 Awesome Chic's, TTC #1, 30+, cycle #3, Join our Journey!!!

Hi ladies.
I am reading this thread saying that is me!!!!!
i am 32, ttc #1, cycle 3...ovulation either yesterday or today!
Really struggling with not succeeding.
hello to all!
Hello Dr.!

Thanks! I am in the US, in Georiga. I did see my OB/Gyn when we decided to start TTC. I had already begun prenatal vitamins & she said that was good. Told me to come back in 6 months (Jan 2013) if we hadn't had a BFP by then. Made sure my asthma meds are OK for pregnancy too.

I am up to date on all my vaccinations, so all's well there too. Thanks for the advice!

I am very lucky to have met my true love early (we actually met on the bus in high school). We're still very much in love. We always said that we didn't want kids. But now that we're getting older we decided to try to see if we are able to have them - before biology/age make it a definite impossibility. I secretly assumed we would just have an "accident" once I got off the pill, since many friends have had unwanted pregnancies even on the pill. But now I am seeing the reality that this is going to take us a while & I am trying to keep myself from obsessing too much.

Thanks for listening!

I am 35 and due to see my OBGYN in January 2013 if we haven't conceived. See, we already got lots in common!!! :haha:
I have PCOS and irregular cycles, although my meds have made the last two cycles much shorter! Thank goodness! We have been trying since April, but this is only my 4th cycle since then. Really hoping we can get that BFP before my OBGYN wants to see us to discuss other options.
We actually have been to the Dr. regarding our issues....I seem to be fine (I ovluate every month and I'm very regular), but I did have chronic cervicitis for a while. She even did a biopsy done to rule out cancer....which I do not have, thankfully:) My husband on the other hand, has low motility. To be honest, my OBGYN didn't really say much more about that, other than "tell him to stop drinking as much caffeine" (he worked midnights). We really wanted to have a child naturally, because to be honest, we don't want to put ourselves through all the meds, injections, etc... More and more, I think maybe we should see the specialist. I just don't even know what to do anymore. To medicate, or not medicate.....that is the question.
P.S., AF is due tomorrow and I'm feeling more and more like she is coming :( This makes me sad.

They have natural supplements that have been shown to help with sperm counts and motility. If you want to read more about them, they are at www.fairhavenhealth.com. That is where I bought FertilAid for Women and my OvaCue Fertility Monitor. It is a good site.

It would be a 'thought' of something you could try before getting into the super expensive testing and treatments.
I have used the Wondfo Pregnancy dip strips that I purchased on Amazon.com for a couple of cycles and have no problems with them! They each come individually packaged as well so that they don't expire in 30 days. If you buy the packs in the store that all come lumped together in 1 vacuum pack or storage tube, they do expire in 30 days. (First Response and Answer kits I have used in the past came like this) I find that the cheapie Wondfo's work just as well if not BETTER than those! They aren't digital, but they are really inexpensive! I purchased 100 OPKs and 20 Pregnancy dip strips for $25. I think they don't expire for well over a year unless you open the pack.
Hello and welcome to the newbies! I am CD 17 today and didnt get a positive opk but I'm wondering if the test kit is expired since it said it was only good for 30 days at it day 40? Not sure but we have still been dtd every other day and today started everyday for the next 3 days. I really do think it's not going to happen for me until I stop trying, I think I'm stressing myself out :(

That is so weird they expire after 30 days. What brand is it? Maybe you can pick up another type for this cycle. I got the clearblue digital this month after I ran out of first response. I really like the CB digital better than trying to decipher two lines on FR but they are $$$ :(. I think I'll switch to ICs next month and then just confirm with a couple of digitals when I think I'm getting close.

I hear ya on the stress thing. I wish I could stop thinking and stressing about it but it's impossible for me. I'm a worrier by nature. The good news is I think it's only major stress like losing a job or home that can affect TTC.

Hi Em,

yes they are the FR OPK's and it says they expire 30 days from the date you open them? I think thats a bunch of bolona so I used them anyway and got a +opk on Saturday afternoon. I think we may have done too much BD earlier in the cycle because after the + DH sperm was all watery the next 2 days we DTD. I always start SMEP way too early and by the time I O DH is too worn out and all the good swimmers are gone! We dtd on Sept, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, and I think I might need to do it again tonight? but that would be 5 days in a row! I messed up because I assumed the OPK's were not working but they actually were. So now what should I do? If I got a +opk on Saturday does that mean I O'd on Sunday?
Hey that makes 3 of us due on the 27th! I'm going to start testing on Saturday (9dpo)

We've done every other day and every day with no success with either. From what I've heard every day is fine as long as he has enough swimmers

Luna did you test on Saturday? what was the outcome?
hiya lovelies,
im cd 13 today. and i oed yesterday with ecwm and positive opk. exciting times. we did the deed and we are very hopeful.

this month i am expectant! Feel preggers already.

yellow welcome!!!!

how are the rest of you lovelies.

Yaaaaay Dr!!! so excited for you! when do youplan on testing?

I messed up again this month, did way too much BD and then got my +OPK on saturday which means I O'd Sunday right? well by the time I O'd Sunday we had already had sex 3 days in a row! So we dtd Sunday too which was 4 days in a row, but Ithink it was too early so should we DTD again tonight? I noticed that DH sperm is already really watery so tonight would be 5 days in a row and I feel like there is nothing left in there?!!
I am so excited for all of you ladies! I feel like this will be our month.

Yay Elpha and dr. House for the recent o's. Yay for all the other ladies being able to test on the 27th. So far and yet so soon. Sticky vibes to all.

Afm, we are going to the doc tmrw for the results of our tests and to come up with a plaan. Excited and nervous. I have been having tender breasts and somelow back pain with twinges on the right side, so I am hoping that means I may actually o this month. Going to dtd as much as we can to cover our bases. Have a wonderful Thursday ladies!

Sassy what did the Dr. say?
Holy crap ladies, I think I may have O'd as I had a nice temp spike this morning. Good thing we DTD last night! Just had to pop on and share as I am a little cranked about this all today. I think it's just starting to sink it that hey, I actually may have a chance to get preggo. Alright, hope everyone has a fabulous day.

That's great news and great timing! So far no updates with me. Still just sitting in this two week wait with no symptoms. I'll probably start testing on Monday, but knowing that's still probably too early. I'm inpatient :)

Yellow did you test today?
Hello....mind if I join you?? I am 33 years old and trying for 2 years for #1. Currently, I am in my TWW (AF will most likely be rearing her ugly face on Sunday) and I am becoming more and more pessimistic :( I have been having PG symptoms for the last week, but I'm deciding now that it's all in my head (like every month). I felt I needed to join a group of some sort to talk about things, because my hubby (of 10 years) just doesn't understand why I get so worked up and depressed when AF comes each month. It's really hard, as most of you know, to think about other things when it's something you want so bad. I know a lot of you are taking medications/treatments to help get pregnant.... what are your thoughts on Clomid or other fertility meds?? We weren't considering that, but since reading posts on the B&B forums, I am wondering if it's something we should try....

Hi Zumba! Did AF arrive?
Hi Zumba, Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sassy good to hear you oed and you have an answer!
its friday night. shitake mushroom and chicken risotto followed by uni study. Ugghh! What have you guys got on for the weekend?

Dr. that sounds yummy! DH and I went out on thursday night, Friday night we went to Sushi, Saturday my husband did the tough mudder race in Lake Tahoe, Saturday night we went to a big concert drinking event with friends, Sunday we went to another all day concert event! So I am pooped! But that being said we DTD 4 nights in a row, I got my + OPK on Saturday but we had DTD so much before that, DH sperm was all liquid and watery so I think I will be out this month. We might DTD one last time tonight? Next month I am not going to start SMEP so early because by the time O comes DH is too worn out and its hard for him to even finish!
Hi ladies.
I am reading this thread saying that is me!!!!!
i am 32, ttc #1, cycle 3...ovulation either yesterday or today!
Really struggling with not succeeding.
hello to all!

Hi Baby! I think I O'd yesterday as well! did you guys get any BDing done? Are doing SMEP?
Sloan- If your positive OPK was Saturday night, you could O anywhere from 12-48 hours later is my understanding. So it might be the safe bet to schedule one last session in? BUT that being said, it is looking more and more like I 'O' before the OPK shows a positive LH surge. The LH is just late getting to the 'pee stream.' I had an ovulation confirmation on my OvaCue on Wednesday and even though my OPKs were getting noticeably darker, they were definitely NOT positive until 11 pm Wednesday night after OvaCue already confirmed my O. I asked the OvaCue specialist about it and she said it is not uncommon at all. For some women OPKs detect too late. OPKs work for some people and for others they just don't. Also, OPKs are only showing you 'that moment.' You could have had a positive OPK earlier that day. When OPKs say that women get their surge in the afternoon, they cannot possibly know that. Every woman is different.

So basically... what I am saying is that 'most likely' you did O on Sunday after your positive OPK Saturday night. However, you cannot be 100% sure. If you did, it looks like your bases are covered, but another BD tonight wouldn't necessarily 'hurt.'

Also, I wouldn't worry about DH. Any sperm is better than no sperm at all! :haha: Unless you know he has a sperm issue, it is probably okay. If not, you know not to wear the poor guy out next cycle! :rofl:
Also Sloan, I am SUPER jealous you can get your hubby to BD that much consecutively!!! My hubby is too lazy. I want to accuse him of not wanting to have a baby that bad, but that would be attacking him and I don't want to do that... yet. I RARELY can get him to do back-to-back nights. Or worse yet, he'll 'talk the talk' but then fall asleep in the chair and change his mind. *sigh* As you can see by my chart, we didn't get very many sessions in. Hoping they were at least at the 'best time' but who knows. My chart is slightly obnoxious with temps this cycle. I don't usually drink because of my meds... but the past 2 weekends I have drank a considerable amount and BOY did my temp show it! lol
Sloan- If your positive OPK was Saturday night, you could O anywhere from 12-48 hours later is my understanding. So it might be the safe bet to schedule one last session in? BUT that being said, it is looking more and more like I 'O' before the OPK shows a positive LH surge. The LH is just late getting to the 'pee stream.' I had an ovulation confirmation on my OvaCue on Wednesday and even though my OPKs were getting noticeably darker, they were definitely NOT positive until 11 pm Wednesday night after OvaCue already confirmed my O. I asked the OvaCue specialist about it and she said it is not uncommon at all. For some women OPKs detect too late. OPKs work for some people and for others they just don't. Also, OPKs are only showing you 'that moment.' You could have had a positive OPK earlier that day. When OPKs say that women get their surge in the afternoon, they cannot possibly know that. Every woman is different.

So basically... what I am saying is that 'most likely' you did O on Sunday after your positive OPK Saturday night. However, you cannot be 100% sure. If you did, it looks like your bases are covered, but another BD tonight wouldn't necessarily 'hurt.'

Also, I wouldn't worry about DH. Any sperm is better than no sperm at all! :haha: Unless you know he has a sperm issue, it is probably okay. If not, you know not to wear the poor guy out next cycle! :rofl:

Ok thank you Elpha! DH is doing fine he isnt complaining, I asked him today if he has one last session in him for tonight and he said, sure. I agree, I guess any sperm is better than no sperm. Next month I am sticking to DTD every other day! I want to know whats going on with you but I get confused with all that pcos stuff? So did you actually O this month, and did you guys DTD at the right time?
Also Sloan, I am SUPER jealous you can get your hubby to BD that much consecutively!!! My hubby is too lazy. I want to accuse him of not wanting to have a baby that bad, but that would be attacking him and I don't want to do that... yet. I RARELY can get him to do back-to-back nights. Or worse yet, he'll 'talk the talk' but then fall asleep in the chair and change his mind. *sigh* As you can see by my chart, we didn't get very many sessions in. Hoping they were at least at the 'best time' but who knows. My chart is slightly obnoxious with temps this cycle. I don't usually drink because of my meds... but the past 2 weekends I have drank a considerable amount and BOY did my temp show it! lol

Haha yeah DH has been great this cycle, he even knows to get the preseed and put it on! My DH is a night owl so he never sleeps, we DTD right before I go to bed and thats that! Hey whats 5 minutes out of his day!!! If he fell asleep he knows he would have to deal with me and he doesnt want that! He even DTD after he ran a 13 mile race, got up at 4am, drove 4 hours, and still did it. The sooner we get pregnant the less he has to be on this schedule so he probably wants to get it done as soon as possible! I always tell him the day before and the morning of, I say, remember its DTD night tonight. Maybe try and let your DH know in advance?
Hello and welcome to the newbies! I am CD 17 today and didnt get a positive opk but I'm wondering if the test kit is expired since it said it was only good for 30 days at it day 40? Not sure but we have still been dtd every other day and today started everyday for the next 3 days. I really do think it's not going to happen for me until I stop trying, I think I'm stressing myself out :(

That is so weird they expire after 30 days. What brand is it? Maybe you can pick up another type for this cycle. I got the clearblue digital this month after I ran out of first response. I really like the CB digital better than trying to decipher two lines on FR but they are $$$ :(. I think I'll switch to ICs next month and then just confirm with a couple of digitals when I think I'm getting close.

I hear ya on the stress thing. I wish I could stop thinking and stressing about it but it's impossible for me. I'm a worrier by nature. The good news is I think it's only major stress like losing a job or home that can affect TTC.

Hi Em,

yes they are the FR OPK's and it says they expire 30 days from the date you open them? I think thats a bunch of bolona so I used them anyway and got a +opk on Saturday afternoon. I think we may have done too much BD earlier in the cycle because after the + DH sperm was all watery the next 2 days we DTD. I always start SMEP way too early and by the time I O DH is too worn out and all the good swimmers are gone! We dtd on Sept, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, and I think I might need to do it again tonight? but that would be 5 days in a row! I messed up because I assumed the OPK's were not working but they actually were. So now what should I do? If I got a +opk on Saturday does that mean I O'd on Sunday?

Ah ok, your FR opks must be the digital kind. I bought the non digital FR ones and they don't expire and were wrapped individually. Totally agree, that is a bunch of bull that yours expire like that! They're already so expensive they should at least have a long shelf life.

I think O can occur anytime up to 24-36 hours after a positive opk. So it's possible that you O'd on Saturday or Sunday. Hmm, maybe your DH's sperm seemed all watery because you had extra EWCM since you were ovulating?

Either way it looks like you got in a ton of BDing in!! Way to go! I need to motivate my DH to get more in before O next time. We DTD every day that I had a positive opk, but I think we dropped the ball leading up to it.
Hi ladies.
I am reading this thread saying that is me!!!!!
i am 32, ttc #1, cycle 3...ovulation either yesterday or today!
Really struggling with not succeeding.
hello to all!

Hi, welcome!! I'm also on cycle #3. Hope the third time is the charm for both of us!!
Hello Dr.!

Thanks! I am in the US, in Georiga. I did see my OB/Gyn when we decided to start TTC. I had already begun prenatal vitamins & she said that was good. Told me to come back in 6 months (Jan 2013) if we hadn't had a BFP by then. Made sure my asthma meds are OK for pregnancy too.

I am up to date on all my vaccinations, so all's well there too. Thanks for the advice!

I am very lucky to have met my true love early (we actually met on the bus in high school). We're still very much in love. We always said that we didn't want kids. But now that we're getting older we decided to try to see if we are able to have them - before biology/age make it a definite impossibility. I secretly assumed we would just have an "accident" once I got off the pill, since many friends have had unwanted pregnancies even on the pill. But now I am seeing the reality that this is going to take us a while & I am trying to keep myself from obsessing too much.

Thanks for listening!

I am 35 and due to see my OBGYN in January 2013 if we haven't conceived. See, we already got lots in common!!! :haha:
I have PCOS and irregular cycles, although my meds have made the last two cycles much shorter! Thank goodness! We have been trying since April, but this is only my 4th cycle since then. Really hoping we can get that BFP before my OBGYN wants to see us to discuss other options.

We made a plan to head to a specialist if I'm not pregnant by January as well. I'm 33 but I have some known reproductive issues so I decided to put a timeline on it. I hope we all get our BFPs before that!!
Seeking advice from you lovely ladies:

I just moved to a new city and don't have an OBGYN yet. I visited my previous doc January 2012 and had a preconception & annual visit with her. No issues came up then. I'm not due for my next annual until January 2013. I hate getting the annual, so if I can put it off, I'd rather. Would you set up a visit sooner rather than later to get to know the new doc or would you just wait for conception or January 2013, whichever comes first?

Thanks for your thoughts!

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