42.3 and trying for #4

I was taking ubiquinol which is the purer form of coq10 when I remembered. I don't know about DHEA. I think my dr used to recommend it but no longer. I'd have to ask. I'm just really down now and anxious and I just feel like going to sleep. I just wish it wasn't so hard.
Looks like insurance will cover another round. They'll confirm today. Do you guys think I'm being stupid?
Ok so I'm going to go for it. I'm waiting on my period. My last progesterone shot was Sunday and nothing yet. I'll call in with the first day of my next period.
Hi Fandabby

Yes I would like to try again, but I am petrified of using my own eggs. If someone could guarantee me an early miscarriage with a poor egg, I would go for it in a heartbeat. But what I went through with Zoe took me to hell and back and I am so so scared of that happening again. As much as is it rare, it can and does happen more than once to some very unlucky ladies. But it's early days, I am looking at other options right now. As for when, yes I guess the obstetrician will say 1 year. I am still waiting to see him for a de brief about Zoe's birth, then he will advise me. However I have now had 2 c sections as I had an urgent one with my daughter. The main risk is actually uterine rupture in labour and I have no intentions of going into labour, mainly afte Zoe's birth but Sophia's wasn't a walk in the park either, not in any way as bad though, so no labour for me lol! After 2 c sections they generally like you to have an elective C anyway, so that can eliminate the risk of uterine rupture. I am hoping to get the green light to start maybe August/ September time. We will see.

How are you? How is the beautiful Mystique?

Maxi, sorry the first go didn't work. I too say go for it, you have nothing to loose. Best of luck x
Hi Fandabby

Yes I would like to try again, but I am petrified of using my own eggs. If someone could guarantee me an early miscarriage with a poor egg, I would go for it in a heartbeat. But what I went through with Zoe took me to hell and back and I am so so scared of that happening again. As much as is it rare, it can and does happen more than once to some very unlucky ladies. But it's early days, I am looking at other options right now. As for when, yes I guess the obstetrician will say 1 year. I am still waiting to see him for a de brief about Zoe's birth, then he will advise me. However I have now had 2 c sections as I had an urgent one with my daughter. The main risk is actually uterine rupture in labour and I have no intentions of going into labour, mainly afte Zoe's birth but Sophia's wasn't a walk in the park either, not in any way as bad though, so no labour for me lol! After 2 c sections they generally like you to have an elective C anyway, so that can eliminate the risk of uterine rupture. I am hoping to get the green light to start maybe August/ September time. We will see.

How are you? How is the beautiful Mystique?

Maxi, sorry the first go didn't work. I too say go for it, you have nothing to loose. Best of luck x

I can't imagine what it was like. My friend had a sudden loss at 20 weeks and it took her awhile to recover. It's so hard to know what to do. I wouldn't do donor eggs because I have 2 but if I didn't have any or if I wanted a sibling I would.
So I started my period and it's going to be a bad one. Anyway. I guess I'll be able to try again sometime late April
Maxxi so so sorry it didn't work out for you hun xxx big hugs xx I think you're making the right decision to go again if it's covered by your insurance - you won't know unless you try hun!! Fingers xd the next one is a super, super sticky bean xxxx April is very soon hun & hopefully with all the extra stimulation this cycle you will produce a ton of extra fabulous eggs next time xx will they put in more than one next time if you have them?

2plus how u doing? U getting a little bump yet hun? Exciting days sweetie - hope ur feeling well xx

Serenjay hope the sickness has eased up hun xx how many weeks are u now?

Charlie hope your ok sweetheart xx

Mgirl how u doing?

Fandabby nice to hear from u xx

Afm - 7dpo not much going on just in 2ww sigh!
Hey ladies! Where did you all go? Hope you are all well? Maxxi when are you going to start the process again hun? Seren hope sickness has gone? 2plus how far along are you now? Did you have the tests hun?Charlie hope you're ok sweetie? Mgirl how are you doing? Fandabby hope you're well xxx

Afm - cd7 today -- came down with acute tonsillittis on Tuesday - very nasty and sooo painful have been really ill with fever and couldn't eat anything & on very strong antibiotics. Starting to feel a bit better today and hoping to be better to get some bding in or this month will be a waste. Only good thing is I've lost about 8lbs so am going to use it is an opportunity to kick start a healthy eating pattern and really watch what I eat and drink going forward - I have about another stone of weight to shift that I put on after child number 3 so would be great if I can get back to that weight!
Hey ladies! Where did you all go? Hope you are all well? Maxxi when are you going to start the process again hun? Seren hope sickness has gone? 2plus how far along are you now? Did you have the tests hun?Charlie hope you're ok sweetie? Mgirl how are you doing? Fandabby hope you're well xxx

Afm - cd7 today -- came down with acute tonsillittis on Tuesday - very nasty and sooo painful have been really ill with fever and couldn't eat anything & on very strong antibiotics. Starting to feel a bit better today and hoping to be better to get some bding in or this month will be a waste. Only good thing is I've lost about 8lbs so am going to use it is an opportunity to kick start a healthy eating pattern and really watch what I eat and drink going forward - I have about another stone of weight to shift that I put on after child number 3 so would be great if I can get back to that weight!

Weight loss is always a nice benefit to getting sick! I don't know when this next cycle will start. I have to wait for my period. I thought I was making progress the other day when I decided to never again buy opks and the next day I ran to the store and bought them. Of course there's always a second line on the cheaper ones but I bought digital as well. And the kicker is when I did the math I was already at cd 15. What a waste. Anyway so it's a waiting game for me. And quite honestly I really feel like I'm being stupid for trying and have been feeling down since the last cycle failed. Anyway. I wish I had your optimism about everything in general. Much nicer to feel that way.
Thats the kind of thing I do Maxxi make a big decision not do something and then cave the next day - I think it's human nature hun. Did you get any bding in before you realised it was cd15 hun? I'm so sorry to hear that you have been down since the last cycle failed. Sending you big hugs sweetie :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::flower::flower::flower::flower: It's completely understandable though babe you just spent months and months and months getting to the stage to have the ET (wasn't it a good four/five months sweetie?)and then it didn't work. You have every right to sit on the sofa and watch trashy movies, eat ice cream, wallow for a while and feel very pissed off. I know if it was me that is exactly what I would be doing!! I would be seriously licking my wounds and I would log on here and right down about how bloody unfair it is and get all the emotion out and then when I was sick of my own whinging I would pick myself up dust
myself off and get on with the next plan I had devised .....

I do think the whole ttc thing is about staying positive & using the chances that we do have left hun -- sorry to bang on about my friend - the one i was telling you about previously with the ds child who wanted a healthy baby - her and her dh came up with 10,000 themselves and they ony had one frozen grade a embryo so there chances were quite slim. She had embryo transferred and she is now 12 weeks pg and I am so happy for her cos she said she just wanted to feel like a normal mum - I kept saying to her that she was a normal mum but she just wanted one healthy child bless her and now she is pg its fabulous. The point of me saying this hun is that she did everything in her power to create a fantastic environment for that embryo to go into. Mentally she decided that she would give it her best shot and not delve into despair if it didn't work but pick herself up again and go to next stage/ plan and physically she stopped all drinking, she doesn't smoke, ate healthy, gentle walking / exercising every day to keep the blood flowing, cut caffeine out, acupuncture and then she and I spoke about the few weeks before transfer that she should go for a couple of massages just to make herself feel good. Something in that horrible long list of behaving like a saint bloody well worked for her and her risk of mc is 1% now!. Maxxi hun I don't think you should every say that ttc your baba is stupid or you feel stupid for trying hun. You are chasing your dream hun and that can never be wrong or stupid. :nope: Optimism is just a state of mind babe, that anyone can have! What do they say quote if you can't make it, fake it, until you make it end quote. You need to pick yourself up now hun, dust yourself off and get ready to receive that next little embryo that is looking for a good home!! Get yourself in the most positive state of mind that you can hun, eat the best healthy food that you can eat for the next few weeks, cut out the caffeine and booze if you still drink both (I know I do the caffeine is my downfall I think!) and get some exercise each day - even brisk 20 mins walk and then before transfer do as much of what you can that chills you out and is good for you and then relax and go with the process and open yourself up to it. Imagine yourself with that baba and it will come true sweetie. The power of positive thinking and visualisation has been proven to work and not only in childbirth! It's April hun xx springtime xx time for new beginnings and why shouldn't you get yours hun xx I'm stopping the essay now hun but one final point is that after*everything you have been through and all the stims you will be much more fertile second time around so I say go for it and lets get a bfp from you hun xx

Sorry for such a long waffle babe - just I'm here for you hun if you need cheering up or an annoying lecture! lol seriously though please don't bottle it all up hun and don't feel alone xxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thats the kind of thing I do Maxxi make a big decision not do something and then cave the next day - I think it's human nature hun. Did you get any bding in before you realised it was cd15 hun? I'm so sorry to hear that you have been down since the last cycle failed. Sending you big hugs sweetie :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::flower::flower::flower::flower: It's completely understandable though babe you just spent months and months and months getting to the stage to have the ET (wasn't it a good four/five months sweetie?)and then it didn't work. You have every right to sit on the sofa and watch trashy movies, eat ice cream, wallow for a while and feel very pissed off. I know if it was me that is exactly what I would be doing!! I would be seriously licking my wounds and I would log on here and right down about how bloody unfair it is and get all the emotion out and then when I was sick of my own whinging I would pick myself up dust
myself off and get on with the next plan I had devised .....

I do think the whole ttc thing is about staying positive & using the chances that we do have left hun -- sorry to bang on about my friend - the one i was telling you about previously with the ds child who wanted a healthy baby - her and her dh came up with 10,000 themselves and they ony had one frozen grade a embryo so there chances were quite slim. She had embryo transferred and she is now 12 weeks pg and I am so happy for her cos she said she just wanted to feel like a normal mum - I kept saying to her that she was a normal mum but she just wanted one healthy child bless her and now she is pg its fabulous. The point of me saying this hun is that she did everything in her power to create a fantastic environment for that embryo to go into. Mentally she decided that she would give it her best shot and not delve into despair if it didn't work but pick herself up again and go to next stage/ plan and physically she stopped all drinking, she doesn't smoke, ate healthy, gentle walking / exercising every day to keep the blood flowing, cut caffeine out, acupuncture and then she and I spoke about the few weeks before transfer that she should go for a couple of massages just to make herself feel good. Something in that horrible long list of behaving like a saint bloody well worked for her and her risk of mc is 1% now!. Maxxi hun I don't think you should every say that ttc your baba is stupid or you feel stupid for trying hun. You are chasing your dream hun and that can never be wrong or stupid. :nope: Optimism is just a state of mind babe, that anyone can have! What do they say quote if you can't make it, fake it, until you make it end quote. You need to pick yourself up now hun, dust yourself off and get ready to receive that next little embryo that is looking for a good home!! Get yourself in the most positive state of mind that you can hun, eat the best healthy food that you can eat for the next few weeks, cut out the caffeine and booze if you still drink both (I know I do the caffeine is my downfall I think!) and get some exercise each day - even brisk 20 mins walk and then before transfer do as much of what you can that chills you out and is good for you and then relax and go with the process and open yourself up to it. Imagine yourself with that baba and it will come true sweetie. The power of positive thinking and visualisation has been proven to work and not only in childbirth! It's April hun xx springtime xx time for new beginnings and why shouldn't you get yours hun xx I'm stopping the essay now hun but one final point is that after*everything you have been through and all the stims you will be much more fertile second time around so I say go for it and lets get a bfp from you hun xx

Sorry for such a long waffle babe - just I'm here for you hun if you need cheering up or an annoying lecture! lol seriously though please don't bottle it all up hun and don't feel alone xxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh trust me you did make me feel better. I logically know that negative thoughts are a waste of time and that I may as well stay as positive as I can. Well Easter is for new beginnings so let's see. I got no BD'ing in at all but interestingly I kept testing and today I got a smiley face on the clear blue advanced. But of course when I ejected the strip the smiley face started to blink so do I believe the peak or the high? I tested again with another pee at some point and the smiley face was blinking. So what to believe? Anyway at least I can kind of guess when my period will show
Sunshine, very lovely words there. You're not been stupid for chasing your dream Maxi, that's what we're all doing here. Even me, I have decided that we will give it another go. Positive thinking, lifestyle change, supplements galore here I come. We have to wait until at least August, but that gives me some time to start doing what needs to be done :)
Sunshine, very lovely words there. You're not been stupid for chasing your dream Maxi, that's what we're all doing here. Even me, I have decided that we will give it another go. Positive thinking, lifestyle change, supplements galore here I come. We have to wait until at least August, but that gives me some time to start doing what needs to be done :)

And Charlie I especially want to say sorry to you because here I am whining about what's going on with me and you've had so much to deal with. I admire your positivity too.
So I don't know what's going on with any of these tests. I actually called the company to ask for their opinion and they doubt the peak smiley face was accurate and they were kind of like why did you even start testing on cycle day 16? They don't know me. I keep getting the high fertility and bd'd the day I thought I got the peak. I don't know if I should bother testing anymore. The company said that I could for a few more days if I really wanted to but that the blinking smiley face wouldn't be accurate if I ovulated already since my estrogen will be up anyway. Any thoughts?
I am at having a bash at positivity and see where it leads me!! Normal I am such a pragmatic realistic!!

As for your monitor, I am sorry I have no experience with those myself so no idea!

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