42.3 and trying for #4

I don't have much to add, Maaxi, to what everyone else already mentioned. I'm probably not an overly optimistic person, more middle of the road, but when I make an effort to be positive, I'm a happier person. TTC is such a roller coaster of emotions, but believe that your body can do what it's already done...make a baby! You've done it before and you can do it again.

Sunshine, where are you in your cycle? I haven't been on here much, but it's great to have your enthusiasm. It's just what this board needs. Glad you're feeling better. I also had a yucky virus so hoping Spring brings better health to us all!

Charlie, so glad you'll be able to try in August. That's not long at all! I hope you get your bfp quickly!

AFM, I'm now 14 weeks. Feeling human again now that I'm out of 1st tri. I had the Verifi test done and we received normal results. So happy and relieved. We decided not to find out the sex of the baby. We also told our family and kids and they are very surprised and excited. We've had quite the interesting questions about where babies come from. These kids are a riot...lol.

Hello to Marathon, fandabby, and serenjay. Hope you are all doing well!
Hello, it looks like you all know each other pretty well and an interloper might not be welcome ;)

However I am almost 41 (this month) I have 3 children, 6,4 & 18m and desperately want another baby. This will be our 3rd month TTC. I was convinced I was pregnant from my Jan cycle but I have had 2 weird periods since then and spotting. My cycle is doing something crazy, hopefully not menopause.
Hi Ladies...I have not been on in quite some time and I do apologize. Just needed a break from it all after IVF#1 failed. I only did a quick scan to catch up a little, but I see we have had some happy(2plus) and not so happy news... Huge hugs ((Charlie)) I am just on my break at work so can't quite catch up with everything but will pop back in during the week. Short version on me is FET with donor embryos coming very soon. Sorry again ladies for being away, I hope I am welcome to rejoin. Hello Fandab....and the lovely Mystique. :)
Yes, of course you are welcome Goddess! It's a great group of supportive women.

Welcome back ClaireCath. Sorry to hear about your failed cycle. We were wondering about you. Wishing you good luck on your upcoming Fet! Very exciting!
I don't have much to add, Maaxi, to what everyone else already mentioned. I'm probably not an overly optimistic person, more middle of the road, but when I make an effort to be positive, I'm a happier person. TTC is such a roller coaster of emotions, but believe that your body can do what it's already done...make a baby! You've done it before and you can do it again.

Sunshine, where are you in your cycle? I haven't been on here much, but it's great to have your enthusiasm. It's just what this board needs. Glad you're feeling better. I also had a yucky virus so hoping Spring brings better health to us all!

Charlie, so glad you'll be able to try in August. That's not long at all! I hope you get your bfp quickly!

AFM, I'm now 14 weeks. Feeling human again now that I'm out of 1st tri. I had the Verifi test done and we received normal results. So happy and relieved. We decided not to find out the sex of the baby. We also told our family and kids and they are very surprised and excited. We've had quite the interesting questions about where babies come from. These kids are a riot...lol.

Hello to Marathon, fandabby, and serenjay. Hope you are all doing well!

I can't believe it's 14 weeks already. I'm glad everything is ok. Maybe I should do an IUI next time...
Hello, it looks like you all know each other pretty well and an interloper might not be welcome ;)

However I am almost 41 (this month) I have 3 children, 6,4 & 18m and desperately want another baby. This will be our 3rd month TTC. I was convinced I was pregnant from my Jan cycle but I have had 2 weird periods since then and spotting. My cycle is doing something crazy, hopefully not menopause.

Don't know what you mean by weird but first you've got to get through the perimenopause (I'll remind myself that I said that when I start freaking out that I'm in menopause which happens regularly). If you mean spotting during a cycle I always think progesterone but honestly you can get your on to do blood work to reassure you that you're not.
Hi Ladies...I have not been on in quite some time and I do apologize. Just needed a break from it all after IVF#1 failed. I only did a quick scan to catch up a little, but I see we have had some happy(2plus) and not so happy news... Huge hugs ((Charlie)) I am just on my break at work so can't quite catch up with everything but will pop back in during the week. Short version on me is FET with donor embryos coming very soon. Sorry again ladies for being away, I hope I am welcome to rejoin. Hello Fandab....and the lovely Mystique. :)

That sucks. My ivf failed too. Well at least you know that the donor embryo will work for sure.
I got my answer as far as the opk - I got a solid smiley face yesterday morning. It won't work I'm sure but I did bd on Saturday and last night so at least I got in 2. That was a half negative and half positive statement.
Maxxiandnico In answer to your question.

My cycle in Jan was normal, 2 days lighter bleeding, 1 day heavy, 1 day light then done..followed by 9 days of on and off spotting. That was our first month TTC, showing signs of OV with EWCM. I dont temp or do OPKs. I was convined we had done it. Period was 14 days late (probably due to the spotting) I had nausea, sore breasts which I never have unless preggo. Cycle 2 arrived 15 days late. It wasn't normal 2 days light bleeding then nothing then 1 day heavy then TTC again. This time my period which just ended on Monday arrived 7 days early and so has not followed my normal pattern. Light bleeding with 3 days with alternate dark red very little clots. I have a Dr appointment next Wed to talk to him about it. I do have PCOS which was terrible late teens, early twenties but it improved for a long time. It might be my cycle heading back to what it was.
Maxxiandnico In answer to your question.

My cycle in Jan was normal, 2 days lighter bleeding, 1 day heavy, 1 day light then done..followed by 9 days of on and off spotting. That was our first month TTC, showing signs of OV with EWCM. I dont temp or do OPKs. I was convined we had done it. Period was 14 days late (probably due to the spotting) I had nausea, sore breasts which I never have unless preggo. Cycle 2 arrived 15 days late. It wasn't normal 2 days light bleeding then nothing then 1 day heavy then TTC again. This time my period which just ended on Monday arrived 7 days early and so has not followed my normal pattern. Light bleeding with 3 days with alternate dark red very little clots. I have a Dr appointment next Wed to talk to him about it. I do have PCOS which was terrible late teens, early twenties but it improved for a long time. It might be my cycle heading back to what it was.

Yeah sounds like tge pcos. At least you can manage that. You'll be pregnant within the year I bet.
Hi Ladies...I have not been on in quite some time and I do apologize. Just needed a break from it all after IVF#1 failed. I only did a quick scan to catch up a little, but I see we have had some happy(2plus) and not so happy news... Huge hugs ((Charlie)) I am just on my break at work so can't quite catch up with everything but will pop back in during the week. Short version on me is FET with donor embryos coming very soon. Sorry again ladies for being away, I hope I am welcome to rejoin. Hello Fandab....and the lovely Mystique. :)

That sucks. My ivf failed too. Well at least you know that the donor embryo will work for sure.
Well, Doc says it's an 80% chance of success compared to my sucky 20%, so ya we are a bit more hopeful. Sorry yours was a bust too, it really does suck. I fight the negative feelings and scenes that go through my head and try to replace them with positive scenarios...some days it works better than others. Hang in there. :)
Yes, of course you are welcome Goddess! It's a great group of supportive women.

Welcome back ClaireCath. Sorry to hear about your failed cycle. We were wondering about you. Wishing you good luck on your upcoming Fet! Very exciting!

Thanks 2plus...and am i reading you got your bfp with IUI? Woohoo! Good for you hun! I will try to get on a bit more and stay in the loop. Had my third scan yesterday and my stupid lining is still a bit thin so i believe FET will be next Mon or Tues( he was originally aiming for Saturday). Just need a few more days of estrogen i guess. :wacko:
Hello, it looks like you all know each other pretty well and an interloper might not be welcome ;)

However I am almost 41 (this month) I have 3 children, 6,4 & 18m and desperately want another baby. This will be our 3rd month TTC. I was convinced I was pregnant from my Jan cycle but I have had 2 weird periods since then and spotting. My cycle is doing something crazy, hopefully not menopause.
Hello Goddess and welcome! I think you are too young for menopause, maybe peri like MaxinNiko said...your body knows how to do it already, unlike mine so I bet you will get a bfp quickly. best of luck!
Lovely to see you back here Clairecath, I am so excited for you! Pump up that lining :)

Welcome Goddess 25!
Thanks girls. I am heading off to the doctors tomorrow to get my hormones checked out just to see what is going on.
Hi Ladies...I have not been on in quite some time and I do apologize. Just needed a break from it all after IVF#1 failed. I only did a quick scan to catch up a little, but I see we have had some happy(2plus) and not so happy news... Huge hugs ((Charlie)) I am just on my break at work so can't quite catch up with everything but will pop back in during the week. Short version on me is FET with donor embryos coming very soon. Sorry again ladies for being away, I hope I am welcome to rejoin. Hello Fandab....and the lovely Mystique. :)

That sucks. My ivf failed too. Well at least you know that the donor embryo will work for sure.
Well, Doc says it's an 80% chance of success compared to my sucky 20%, so ya we are a bit more hopeful. Sorry yours was a bust too, it really does suck. I fight the negative feelings and scenes that go through my head and try to replace them with positive scenarios...some days it works better than others. Hang in there. :)

You're sucky 20 percent may still be better than my sucky whatever percent ha ha
Hi ladies how are you all? Hope you're looking forward to the weekend x

ClairCath nice to see you back again - good luck with the FET have eveything crossed for you hun - when will it be Monday or Tuesday coming?

Charlie great to hear that you are thinking of ttc again in August - fingers crossed you get your healthy little rainbow baba next time -- goodness knows you deserve it xx

Maxxi when are you going to to try again - was it end of April hun? Fngers xd for this time - hopefully your body was getting warmed up last time and this time it will be all systems go xx

2plus hows the bump hun? Is it starting to show? How many weeks are you now?

Welcome Goddess I was chatting to you on another thread recently -hope you're well x did your OH agree to ttc again then?

Afm - in 2ww, 9dpo and all tests negative. Have been very distracted though as my sister was over from san fran where she lives and we are trying to get mortgages sorted out for buying the house - all very stressful!

Anyway happy weekend everyone xx
Hi ladies how are you all? Hope you're looking forward to the weekend x

ClairCath nice to see you back again - good luck with the FET have eveything crossed for you hun - when will it be Monday or Tuesday coming?

Charlie great to hear that you are thinking of ttc again in August - fingers crossed you get your healthy little rainbow baba next time -- goodness knows you deserve it xx

Maxxi when are you going to to try again - was it end of April hun? Fngers xd for this time - hopefully your body was getting warmed up last time and this time it will be all systems go xx

2plus hows the bump hun? Is it starting to show? How many weeks are you now?

Welcome Goddess I was chatting to you on another thread recently -hope you're well x did your OH agree to ttc again then?

Afm - in 2ww, 9dpo and all tests negative. Have been very distracted though as my sister was over from san fran where she lives and we are trying to get mortgages sorted out for buying the house - all very stressful!

Anyway happy weekend everyone xx

I'm 9dpo too! And I'm getting negative tests as well! Anyway I for some reason don't feel out out but anyway I will call in with day 1 of my period and probably do the same protocol which would be to call in with my surge then start lupron (for how long I can't remember) then start stims
Hi ladies how are you all? Hope you're looking forward to the weekend x

ClairCath nice to see you back again - good luck with the FET have eveything crossed for you hun - when will it be Monday or Tuesday coming?

Charlie great to hear that you are thinking of ttc again in August - fingers crossed you get your healthy little rainbow baba next time -- goodness knows you deserve it xx

Maxxi when are you going to to try again - was it end of April hun? Fngers xd for this time - hopefully your body was getting warmed up last time and this time it will be all systems go xx

2plus hows the bump hun? Is it starting to show? How many weeks are you now?

Welcome Goddess I was chatting to you on another thread recently -hope you're well x did your OH agree to ttc again then?

Afm - in 2ww, 9dpo and all tests negative. Have been very distracted though as my sister was over from san fran where she lives and we are trying to get mortgages sorted out for buying the house - all very stressful!

Anyway happy weekend everyone xx

Hey sunshine, distraction is a good thing! Even if it's a bit stressful about the house, it's a different type of stress so...hoping you get your positive soon. :) AFM, my lining is still sucking big time sooooo, Doc called me today and options are A. Stop suprefact (nasal spray) He believes it may be oversuppressing my body and stunting my lining growth and check lining agin Wed, OR B. Scrap this cycle completely and start next cycle with No Suprefact. Well, seeing as I have nothing to lose and am already invested in this cycle I'm going with A first. It's FRUSTRATING! But taking it one day at a time. Take care!
Sunshine..he agreed to this cycle currently in the TWW again. I don't think I will be able to talk him into it again next month.

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