I couldn't do it. Today's test day, AF hasn't made an appearance yet, and...I couldn't test. I woke up, and...freaked myself out. It's like the opposite of most everyone on here, but I did the early testing at DPO10, got a negative and now I'm scared to see another one. I'm thinking...hey, if I don't test, I can either be heartbroken when AF shows up, or in a week I'll just know that she isn't??
That's horrible isn't it??
It just seems like if I test and get a BFN and then AF shows up, I'm sad twice. But if I just wait for AF, I'm only sad once And if I just keep waiting, if it is a BFP...then I know when I finally do test, likely what the results are...
And now I'm convincing myself I never actually o'd, despite the positive OPK, temperature spike and crosshairs on my FF app...
Someone will me to test tomorrow. This is silly
OMG you are talking to my heart. I got a BFN ... testing uber early .. then a light light light only with tweaking photo and squinting you see a line ... then two days after that still a squinter... so could it be the brand is crap and shows squinters or is it a chemical?
Today I am 12dpo - FF says 13dpo... I feel cramps (don't really get them unless I am bleeding) nausea, breasts are killing me and I don't have any more tests and I am NOT getting another test. Since I live in the middle of nowhere ... I am happy to say that I will hold out till my BETA on Thursday ... THOUGH having said that -- OPKs will come up IF you are pregnant too... so I might just POAS on a stick.
I am feeling you - I know I could go and buy a test - (even though in the sticks of ND - Ill pay $30 for one
I won't - not because of the $30 ... but because I don't want to see BFN on a FRER that would mean the faint BFPS on the IC tests was false.
Uh I am with you!!