I know it sounds crazy but I have found if I get sad about the negatives before a positive is even possible Im OVER It by the time my period comes... lol
Im gonna go back and look at your 6-8dpo tests and be the judge of that!
I like my experiments too, thanks for indulging me. I find that waaaay more fun then these stark white dumb tests!
Thank you all so much for your support you are awesomest!
I agree...no negitivity Missy!!
and certainly no posting early testing threads then only testing for 3 days!!!
I also agree...Mr.winkins might have winked properly this month!! ya, never know till you....ahhhhhhhh, TEST LOL
yea yea yea... I tested... Bo-wing.
My tests are way more fun when I manipulate them!
LOL I see that LOL
weeeeeeeeeell, think this way..rationaly we know youd not see anything at 7DPO..so its safe to "play" as I call it. LOL and if my early tests were anything to compare to...at 6-8dpo, the line is so invisible its not there really any ole ways.
plus i have to admit..I do so LOVE your experiments!! makes me feel like Im not so looney, considering I like playing with my HPTs when I have a boat load of them.
LOL I didnt post my 6-7dpo tests LOL they looked like nothing on camara. now that isnt to say I cant get the pics for you to see though. cuz I do have them. but on here I just posted the 8-9dpo I believe.
and I totaly have to agree..the test are WAY more fun when you play with them! for example did you know that if you have a dolla store test and you take it in a room with a ceiling its more likely to get a evap? same if you take it from one room that is colder then bring it into a warmer room. LOL
OOOH I wish you would go say that on my latest experiment thread because that TOTALLY goes along with what Im trying to say about the AIR and evaps! People dont want to believe me, but it is totally the cause of evaps. Oversaturation and moving them around too... like "from one room to another" instantly opens it up to the higher possibility of an evap. I couldnt figure out why all of my dollar trees got smeary and then It dawned on me, I pee on them in the bathroom at work and then I put them in my pocket and go back to my desk. TADA, instant evap scenario.
Yes please show me your 6-7dpo tests.
yea climate change is a big factor in the open tests..or it seems to be. Id assume its because not only is the strip being exposed to air, but if you have something like a ceiling fan running, its moving air and air at differant tempetures. BAD BAD BAD, way to get evaps on open tests. or like you said, just putting in your pocket..that would not only change the tempeture the test is exposed to but the humidity level as well. (body heat and all that). same with outside/inside scenarios. or opening the tests.
and KK Ill get those pics. they arent cropped yet though..so give me a few mins to open up photoshop and crop'em to reasonable sizes LOL