4dpo! Time to start peeing on tests and getting evaps! Wooo hooo!

Yes except I got an ultrasound in August, At the ER... They didn't let me look but I was told "your baby looks great, measuring 4 weeks and 5 days in your uterus." nothing was ever in my uterus!!! My doctor is baffled at what they saw. Then i read something called a "pseudo sack" during ectopics where a sack forms in the uterus but nothing is there. When I had my scan this time it was measuring small and only a sack so... I just can't rule out ectopic again until I see a real baby in there. :( if I make it to the 28th without incident it will be nothing short of a miracle.
KK these are my 6 and 7DPO tests. they are both dolla store though, which sucks.
but I tend to go thru my pics and just save 1 pic for each day of the negs. generaly which ever picture shows the negitive the best, if that makes sense.

On a side note, Im noticing ya'll have stuff in your siggy areas and mine is shamefully blank. Do you or anyone else, happen to know the siggy size requirements? like max size? its shame I dont have a siggy, specailly since I can make them LOL

Ok youre right the look negative! That makes me feel a lil better but at the same time... YOUR HUSBAND HAS A WORKING WINKY!


Thank you for doing that for me!

As for Siggys, I think that they can be as big as you want, Ive seen some that were a whole page! You just need to paste the coding in the signature section of your user cp... let me know if it doesnt work!

bahahahahah sometimes I think his winky works TOO well in the procreation department LOL wish it worked just as well in the "making my wife satisified durring actual intercourse" department though. LOL

and most welcome, for uploading the pics. they are most diffinatly as negitive as can be LOL Im happy to have been able to give you a lil hope. and okay I have to ask..does your hubby have any pre-cum? or anything? sorry I know WAY intrusive. Is there a medical reason why he isnt producing ejaculate? I know he has bad dietbetes, which I know is a huge factor..but I guess what Im asking is..does he have like blocked tubes or anything else that can be contributing to his ejaculate problem? and has it always been a problem? oh my, now Im asking all these questions..sorry, you dont have to answer if you dont want to. I know it can be hard to talk about these things.
I've heard an ultrasound can't really show anything but the sac until week 8. I'm sending lots of positive vibes your way, sounds like you need it!!
Yeah I need a major chill pill. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen and there's nothing that can be done about it! Another m/c sure would wreck my holidays though!!
Ohhh I didnt know that they told you that in August at approx the same spot last time. I totally understand why you feel the way you do! I just wish there was something we could to help you relax because I would hate for you to worry your way into a miscarriage! (Although I was told once that this isnt actually possible) I dont know, part of me still believes MUCH of a pregnancy is about HAPPY THOUGHTS... although, my last daughter was conceived under completely never should have been possible circumstances and was VERY unplanned and I dont want to say unwanted, but I def wouldnt have chosen the circumstances so I was a WRECK during early pregnancy and she came out just fine... so dont stress yourself about being stressed either! I think that you should just try to think happy thoughts about what a b lessing this is and ANY TIME a baby makes it to the birth canal it is nothing short of a miracle. A miracle you have had once before- see your beautiful baby girl down there?? She is here! That was a miracle! So why not focus on how you had a succesful pregnancy once so its likely to happen again, instead of you had a terrible experience and its likely to happen again? I would be worried too... I TOTALLY understand... but you have friends here and we will help you get thru! :hugs:
Yes except I got an ultrasound in August, At the ER... They didn't let me look but I was told "your baby looks great, measuring 4 weeks and 5 days in your uterus." nothing was ever in my uterus!!! My doctor is baffled at what they saw. Then i read something called a "pseudo sack" during ectopics where a sack forms in the uterus but nothing is there. When I had my scan this time it was measuring small and only a sack so... I just can't rule out ectopic again until I see a real baby in there. :( if I make it to the 28th without incident it will be nothing short of a miracle.
Thanks ladies!! I'm trying to be calm. The cramps are mild now but I've still got annoying back pain but I am pretty sick too so maybe that's some of the cause of the back pain. I need to force myself to drink more water. Lately I hate water!
Noo no nothings too intrusive! I just dont really give details cuz Im not sure anyone wants to REALLY know.... lol... its kinda intrusive of me to tell! lol... but he went undiagnosed with diabetes for a long time so he has whats called diabetic neuropathy, which is major organ damage from nerve damage... He is actually quite sick (And Im a comdedian to keep from crying, as is he, so please dont think Im mean because I make jokes... its kind of how you learn to survive in serious situations for some of us, we laugh... he and I both do... Im not a horrible mean person, I swear! LOL) So his nerves dont transmit messages to his boy parts, he cant get an erection on his own at all... its like it tries but it just sort of gets half hard... he actually uses a band (or like a cock ring, if you have ever seen them) to trap the blood there so when it starts to get excited he can trap it there and maintain... (which is why he goes so damn long, a regular man cums and goes soft, his never goes soft until he takes off the band.... so you see, he just goes and goes like the energizer bunny!) anyway, he feels like ejaculates, but orgasm and ejaculation are different- I guess one triggers the other.. so he gets the orgasm, but he doesnt ejaculate because his nerve signals dont get the message where it needs to go! It SUCKS... BUT at any time it COULD... because just as sometimes his winky gets heavier without the band (never hard, but sometimes its much heavier) there are times hes getting more nerve signals thru then others... So my HOPE is that even if it isnt a full blown nut buster, lol, that its shooting off a little and that little will be enough... there have been a COUPLE of times I have seen a little bit of pre cum so yes I do think sometimes it gets thru a little! The reason I was semi hopeful about this month was when we did it and he orgasmed 3 times, I felt ALOT wetter when he did... now, we all know we get wetter during ovulation tho so it could have just been me... but why would that have timed with his orgasm? I am just hoping maybe just one little guy will get thru one of these months! But the chances are VERY VERY VERY slim....

Very slim!

My poor baby.... :( It has to be hard to be a strong attractive normal 35 year old man on the outside... and deal with this on the inside! Diabetes is a BEAST!

Sorry that was prob alot more info then anyone wanted! :)

KK these are my 6 and 7DPO tests. they are both dolla store though, which sucks.
but I tend to go thru my pics and just save 1 pic for each day of the negs. generaly which ever picture shows the negitive the best, if that makes sense.

On a side note, Im noticing ya'll have stuff in your siggy areas and mine is shamefully blank. Do you or anyone else, happen to know the siggy size requirements? like max size? its shame I dont have a siggy, specailly since I can make them LOL

Ok youre right the look negative! That makes me feel a lil better but at the same time... YOUR HUSBAND HAS A WORKING WINKY!


Thank you for doing that for me!

As for Siggys, I think that they can be as big as you want, Ive seen some that were a whole page! You just need to paste the coding in the signature section of your user cp... let me know if it doesnt work!

bahahahahah sometimes I think his winky works TOO well in the procreation department LOL wish it worked just as well in the "making my wife satisified durring actual intercourse" department though. LOL

and most welcome, for uploading the pics. they are most diffinatly as negitive as can be LOL Im happy to have been able to give you a lil hope. and okay I have to ask..does your hubby have any pre-cum? or anything? sorry I know WAY intrusive. Is there a medical reason why he isnt producing ejaculate? I know he has bad dietbetes, which I know is a huge factor..but I guess what Im asking is..does he have like blocked tubes or anything else that can be contributing to his ejaculate problem? and has it always been a problem? oh my, now Im asking all these questions..sorry, you dont have to answer if you dont want to. I know it can be hard to talk about these things.
Thanks for sharing that and I'm sorry he has to go through all of that.. That's awful. You don't have to answer this but will he get worse with age, health wise, due to the nerve damage? I mean he's not in danger of something happening to him soon that's life threatening does he? You seem like a very strong person and I agree, sometimes you have to laugh in order to get through really tough situations. I could have used a lot more laughing in August to get me through. It sounds like you may have had a promising month though. Or at least as good a chance as any! I'm pulling for you. <3
Noo no nothings too intrusive! I just dont really give details cuz Im not sure anyone wants to REALLY know.... lol... its kinda intrusive of me to tell! lol... but he went undiagnosed with diabetes for a long time so he has whats called diabetic neuropathy, which is major organ damage from nerve damage... He is actually quite sick (And Im a comdedian to keep from crying, as is he, so please dont think Im mean because I make jokes... its kind of how you learn to survive in serious situations for some of us, we laugh... he and I both do... Im not a horrible mean person, I swear! LOL) So his nerves dont transmit messages to his boy parts, he cant get an erection on his own at all... its like it tries but it just sort of gets half hard... he actually uses a band (or like a cock ring, if you have ever seen them) to trap the blood there so when it starts to get excited he can trap it there and maintain... (which is why he goes so damn long, a regular man cums and goes soft, his never goes soft until he takes off the band.... so you see, he just goes and goes like the energizer bunny!) anyway, he feels like ejaculates, but orgasm and ejaculation are different- I guess one triggers the other.. so he gets the orgasm, but he doesnt ejaculate because his nerve signals dont get the message where it needs to go! It SUCKS... BUT at any time it COULD... because just as sometimes his winky gets heavier without the band (never hard, but sometimes its much heavier) there are times hes getting more nerve signals thru then others... So my HOPE is that even if it isnt a full blown nut buster, lol, that its shooting off a little and that little will be enough... there have been a COUPLE of times I have seen a little bit of pre cum so yes I do think sometimes it gets thru a little! The reason I was semi hopeful about this month was when we did it and he orgasmed 3 times, I felt ALOT wetter when he did... now, we all know we get wetter during ovulation tho so it could have just been me... but why would that have timed with his orgasm? I am just hoping maybe just one little guy will get thru one of these months! But the chances are VERY VERY VERY slim....

Very slim!

My poor baby.... :( It has to be hard to be a strong attractive normal 35 year old man on the outside... and deal with this on the inside! Diabetes is a BEAST!

Sorry that was prob alot more info then anyone wanted! :)

Well since you're open to sharing and tmi...Have you ever tried to watch him masturbate to see if anything comes out?
I dont really know but I think about it all the time! Sometimes I wonder if I should even be trying to have a baby with him considering? Like would it be too much for him witheverything else he is going thru, and yes- what about how sick he is and if it does get worse... Nerve damage is a tricky thing, they say that when and if his diabetes is ever really under control it may reverse some, or stop progressing worse- but getting him under control is not happened and we have been trying for quite some time. I worry all the time that he could have a stroke or who knows what! So yes, I think that it is a realistic possibility that he could get worse and that it could be life threatening... his pancreas, for example, is almost non-functional... and if the damage continues- what will happen? You cant live without your pancreas! Things like that are very real possibilities but I just keep trying to do all I can to help with food we eat and hope that eventually his glucose levels stabilize.... once this monster gets out of control, its very hard to reign it in.

Thats why I say, if your hubbie is pre-diabetic, start now!!! Hes lucky they have given him that warning so it should definitely be heeded...

My husband is very athletic, always has been in shape etc, never over weight, so he had NO reason to suspect he was diabetic until he started to get sick- and you know men- they dont get medical care as soon as they should!

Thank you! I appreciate that so much! I certainly hope you dont have to go thru any more pain, but I am here to make you smile anyway... :ninja:

Thanks for sharing that and I'm sorry he has to go through all of that.. That's awful. You don't have to answer this but will he get worse with age, health wise, due to the nerve damage? I mean he's not in danger of something happening to him soon that's life threatening does he? You seem like a very strong person and I agree, sometimes you have to laugh in order to get through really tough situations. I could have used a lot more laughing in August to get me through. It sounds like you may have had a promising month though. Or at least as good a chance as any! I'm pulling for you. <3
Noo no nothings too intrusive! I just dont really give details cuz Im not sure anyone wants to REALLY know.... lol... its kinda intrusive of me to tell! lol... but he went undiagnosed with diabetes for a long time so he has whats called diabetic neuropathy, which is major organ damage from nerve damage... He is actually quite sick (And Im a comdedian to keep from crying, as is he, so please dont think Im mean because I make jokes... its kind of how you learn to survive in serious situations for some of us, we laugh... he and I both do... Im not a horrible mean person, I swear! LOL) So his nerves dont transmit messages to his boy parts, he cant get an erection on his own at all... its like it tries but it just sort of gets half hard... he actually uses a band (or like a cock ring, if you have ever seen them) to trap the blood there so when it starts to get excited he can trap it there and maintain... (which is why he goes so damn long, a regular man cums and goes soft, his never goes soft until he takes off the band.... so you see, he just goes and goes like the energizer bunny!) anyway, he feels like ejaculates, but orgasm and ejaculation are different- I guess one triggers the other.. so he gets the orgasm, but he doesnt ejaculate because his nerve signals dont get the message where it needs to go! It SUCKS... BUT at any time it COULD... because just as sometimes his winky gets heavier without the band (never hard, but sometimes its much heavier) there are times hes getting more nerve signals thru then others... So my HOPE is that even if it isnt a full blown nut buster, lol, that its shooting off a little and that little will be enough... there have been a COUPLE of times I have seen a little bit of pre cum so yes I do think sometimes it gets thru a little! The reason I was semi hopeful about this month was when we did it and he orgasmed 3 times, I felt ALOT wetter when he did... now, we all know we get wetter during ovulation tho so it could have just been me... but why would that have timed with his orgasm? I am just hoping maybe just one little guy will get thru one of these months! But the chances are VERY VERY VERY slim....

Very slim!

My poor baby.... It has to be hard to be a strong attractive normal 35 year old man on the outside... and deal with this on the inside! Diabetes is a BEAST!

Sorry that was prob alot more info then anyone wanted!

No, thank you for sharing all of that! :hugs: I wasn't aware of anything like this even happening so you've opened my eyes on this and I am so so sorry you are both having to deal with such a situation. :( You're completely right about surviving on humor. It's the only way to survive sometimes. Praying you get a sticky bfp even against all odds. :hugs:
Nothings TMI, lol... Ive tried to get him to do that, He cant get off like that AT ALL... it wont even get hard at all that way. I cant get it hard with my own hand either... it doesnt even get hard from oral sex! he can still feel it so he still likes it... but I dont know about you ladies, but slobbing down a soft knob isnt much fun! lol... I tried going down on him for like an hour one night (good lord I almost died) it kept seeming like he was gonna cum, but he just couldnt do it.... And Im damn good at it, thank you very much. Possibly even a D*** sucking professional! LMAO... I wanted to see sooo bad what "happened" when he cums... but it just wont cooperate! :dohh:

Noo no nothings too intrusive! I just dont really give details cuz Im not sure anyone wants to REALLY know.... lol... its kinda intrusive of me to tell! lol... but he went undiagnosed with diabetes for a long time so he has whats called diabetic neuropathy, which is major organ damage from nerve damage... He is actually quite sick (And Im a comdedian to keep from crying, as is he, so please dont think Im mean because I make jokes... its kind of how you learn to survive in serious situations for some of us, we laugh... he and I both do... Im not a horrible mean person, I swear! LOL) So his nerves dont transmit messages to his boy parts, he cant get an erection on his own at all... its like it tries but it just sort of gets half hard... he actually uses a band (or like a cock ring, if you have ever seen them) to trap the blood there so when it starts to get excited he can trap it there and maintain... (which is why he goes so damn long, a regular man cums and goes soft, his never goes soft until he takes off the band.... so you see, he just goes and goes like the energizer bunny!) anyway, he feels like ejaculates, but orgasm and ejaculation are different- I guess one triggers the other.. so he gets the orgasm, but he doesnt ejaculate because his nerve signals dont get the message where it needs to go! It SUCKS... BUT at any time it COULD... because just as sometimes his winky gets heavier without the band (never hard, but sometimes its much heavier) there are times hes getting more nerve signals thru then others... So my HOPE is that even if it isnt a full blown nut buster, lol, that its shooting off a little and that little will be enough... there have been a COUPLE of times I have seen a little bit of pre cum so yes I do think sometimes it gets thru a little! The reason I was semi hopeful about this month was when we did it and he orgasmed 3 times, I felt ALOT wetter when he did... now, we all know we get wetter during ovulation tho so it could have just been me... but why would that have timed with his orgasm? I am just hoping maybe just one little guy will get thru one of these months! But the chances are VERY VERY VERY slim....

Very slim!

My poor baby.... :( It has to be hard to be a strong attractive normal 35 year old man on the outside... and deal with this on the inside! Diabetes is a BEAST!

Sorry that was prob alot more info then anyone wanted! :)

Well since you're open to sharing and tmi...Have you ever tried to watch him masturbate to see if anything comes out?
You are an inspiration truly. A lot of women could learn a lot from you, myself included. He's lucky to have such a wonderful lady in his life to take care of him and hopefully he will be around for a very long time!
No, you guys are all the inspirational ones! Although I struggle with his fertility I have never had any issues myself and I cant imagine how hard that is! I know that the pain of loss has to be overwhelming! And the fear that comes after it, especially for those of you who have gone thru it over and over again! I just hope I can be here to help you keep trying no matter how many times you have fallen off the horse, and to remember that babies come when they are ready... but to ALSO remind you that YOU DESERVE THIS and its ok to believe in it, especially when you have it growing inside you! try to not think the worst, why not YOU?? why Not YOUR TURN for it to really be happening and really last to term and a healthy life! It IS you and and it is your turn! :hugs:
On another note... I still have stretchy thick nasty CM... yay! I dont know, maybe Ive missed it, but I dont think my CM has stayed stretchy the whole first week before... maybe this is a good sign??? Maybe?? who knows. :) Oooops I just remembered STARK WHITE PG TESTS... Not even tweakable by the tweaker herself! Booooowing.
well Im gonna make a first point...of COURSE we care and really want to hear about it!!! *hugz* but I know its hard to open up at times, cuz you never really know if anyone cares until its asked about. *hugz*
secondly, girl I totaly get your sense of humor regarding this situation. Im the same way. Like when I asked for some prayers for this lil bean on another board on Im..I didnt jsut say, please pray for a sticky bean..oh no..I was like...and if Ya'll would pray that this lil bean makes my life hell for the next 9ish or so months, then put me in a large amount of pain so it can finaly say Hi to me, Id greatly appreicite it LOL so yea, I totaly get where you are comming from..ahhh sill sarcasim...gotta love it..Id probably die with out it LOL

and ooooooooooh okay, nerve damage..and rings...gotcha...hmmm...a lil pre cum every now and again you say? I wonder, if his system is back washing the stuff. I mean I dunno how likely it is in this particular situation. but I remember reading once, that sometimes when a man doesnt ejaculate but still orgasms, what happens is the system pushing is back up towards the kidney vs pushing it out the winky hole. is it possible something like that might happen? or it is a straight no go...and I have NO idea how things like vaigra or cillias (sp?) affect dietibites. (I had G.D with my second so Im well aware that just about everything effects the blood sugar)..but I wonder if there is a winky helper out there, that won't negitively effect the dietbetes. hmmmm, wow I really dont know mush about this, and Im sure Im just sounding like an ass...not tryign to :) just really thinking out loud..or rather thinking and typing at the same time LOL
what ranges are his blood sugars in now? is he insulin dependant? I wanna ask what his diet is like, not because I dont think you guys are keeping a good watch on that. cause Im sure you are. Im just really curious. I know what helps some people with this diese doenst help others. and sometime what helps some people, makes others worse. its all very system/person specific. okay Im gonna go look this up. I so want to understand just what it is you guys are fighting with. and I have to say, you are totaly right..it only take ONE lil guy to get up there!!! only ONE! and if he has precum or you are feeling water after his orgasm,then occasionaly he is gettng something off!!
On another note... I still have stretchy thick nasty CM... yay! I dont know, maybe Ive missed it, but I dont think my CM has stayed stretchy the whole first week before... maybe this is a good sign??? Maybe?? who knows. :) Oooops I just remembered STARK WHITE PG TESTS... Not even tweakable by the tweaker herself! Booooowing.

I had nasty globs of super stretchy CM last time I was preggo......(!) c'mon baby!!!
I had horrible CM before my BFP also! I am STILL getting it actually which is constantly making me think I am spotting!!! I really hope it's a good sign for you and I think a stark white test at 7 DPO is pretty average!!!!!! I had NOTHING on my test the morning of 9 DPO but that night I did! I would have seen nothing on 7 AND 8 DPO! Just saying!
On another note... I still have stretchy thick nasty CM... yay! I dont know, maybe Ive missed it, but I dont think my CM has stayed stretchy the whole first week before... maybe this is a good sign??? Maybe?? who knows. :) Oooops I just remembered STARK WHITE PG TESTS... Not even tweakable by the tweaker herself! Booooowing.

I had nasty globs of super stretchy CM last time I was preggo......(!) c'mon baby!!!

I agree with mrsparoline!!! globby cm, and wettish feeling way past normal here too LOL
Youre so cute! First of all, IM praying right now that this lil bugger comes out a raging maniac in 9 months, and I will continue to pray that! Lets just that out there right now. :) 2nd of all, you dont sound like an ass! trust me, I know its all weird! Only old people are supposed to have husbands with ED! haha... We have tried both Cialys and Viagra, and it doesnt help. Sigh. They just make him barf. (EVERYTHING either makes him barf, or poop, oh yes- we have that issue too! LOL because of his nerve damage his intestine, pancreas, stomach dont process or digest food properly so he is sick as a dog prob 75% of his life. FUN! Really makes you horny too btw, lol... not!) Something about the ED drugs just help with blood flow, not nerve signals, so it just doesnt seem to help him. I wish!

Yes, hes insulin dependant- VERY, and as for his diet- youre right some things help some and others others and its just so hard to find the right chemical compound! Im trying to do a low fiber/low carb diet right now because fiber seems to be harder to digest for his stomach....I have a book by prevention magazine that breaks the food out into "carb counts" and gives you 3-5 carbs counts a day... (about 45-70 grams of carbs)... obviously NO sugar... and no carbs that turn to sugar, or as few as possible.. I have NOTHING white in the house- potatoes, bread, rice, NONE... so that helps... but his numbers as you ask are still ranging between about 190 at the best (and very rare) to about 390-450. Sometimes I dont know how he is alive when I look at the monitor and it even says things like 515! INSANITY! and this is with diet and insulin! its like he is just totally broken! LOL...

Oh and yes, what you described is called retrograde ejaculation where it goes back into the bladder- and yes I think thats what happens most of the time but we dont really know that for sure. He is poked and prodded soooo much that I promised him no fertility doctors poking and prodding, being I already have two kids that he raises as his own and we are both 35 and he is like really about 75 on the inside, we just decided if it was meant to be it would be and we woudl do all we could... SIGH... it will truly be a miracle baby if it happens! Let me tell ya!

Gestational Diabetes must have been hard??

well Im gonna make a first point...of COURSE we care and really want to hear about it!!! *hugz* but I know its hard to open up at times, cuz you never really know if anyone cares until its asked about. *hugz*
secondly, girl I totaly get your sense of humor regarding this situation. Im the same way. Like when I asked for some prayers for this lil bean on another board on Im..I didnt jsut say, please pray for a sticky bean..oh no..I was like...and if Ya'll would pray that this lil bean makes my life hell for the next 9ish or so months, then put me in a large amount of pain so it can finaly say Hi to me, Id greatly appreicite it LOL so yea, I totaly get where you are comming from..ahhh sill sarcasim...gotta love it..Id probably die with out it LOL

and ooooooooooh okay, nerve damage..and rings...gotcha...hmmm...a lil pre cum every now and again you say? I wonder, if his system is back washing the stuff. I mean I dunno how likely it is in this particular situation. but I remember reading once, that sometimes when a man doesnt ejaculate but still orgasms, what happens is the system pushing is back up towards the kidney vs pushing it out the winky hole. is it possible something like that might happen? or it is a straight no go...and I have NO idea how things like vaigra or cillias (sp?) affect dietibites. (I had G.D with my second so Im well aware that just about everything effects the blood sugar)..but I wonder if there is a winky helper out there, that won't negitively effect the dietbetes. hmmmm, wow I really dont know mush about this, and Im sure Im just sounding like an ass...not tryign to :) just really thinking out loud..or rather thinking and typing at the same time LOL
what ranges are his blood sugars in now? is he insulin dependant? I wanna ask what his diet is like, not because I dont think you guys are keeping a good watch on that. cause Im sure you are. Im just really curious. I know what helps some people with this diese doenst help others. and sometime what helps some people, makes others worse. its all very system/person specific. okay Im gonna go look this up. I so want to understand just what it is you guys are fighting with. and I have to say, you are totaly right..it only take ONE lil guy to get up there!!! only ONE! and if he has precum or you are feeling water after his orgasm,then occasionaly he is gettng something off!!

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