well Im gonna make a first point...of COURSE we care and really want to hear about it!!! *hugz* but I know its hard to open up at times, cuz you never really know if anyone cares until its asked about. *hugz*
secondly, girl I totaly get your sense of humor regarding this situation. Im the same way. Like when I asked for some prayers for this lil bean on another board on Im..I didnt jsut say, please pray for a sticky bean..oh no..I was like...and if Ya'll would pray that this lil bean makes my life hell for the next 9ish or so months, then put me in a large amount of pain so it can finaly say Hi to me, Id greatly appreicite it LOL so yea, I totaly get where you are comming from..ahhh sill sarcasim...gotta love it..Id probably die with out it LOL
and ooooooooooh okay, nerve damage..and rings...gotcha...hmmm...a lil pre cum every now and again you say? I wonder, if his system is back washing the stuff. I mean I dunno how likely it is in this particular situation. but I remember reading once, that sometimes when a man doesnt ejaculate but still orgasms, what happens is the system pushing is back up towards the kidney vs pushing it out the winky hole. is it possible something like that might happen? or it is a straight no go...and I have NO idea how things like vaigra or cillias (sp?) affect dietibites. (I had G.D with my second so Im well aware that just about everything effects the blood sugar)..but I wonder if there is a winky helper out there, that won't negitively effect the dietbetes. hmmmm, wow I really dont know mush about this, and Im sure Im just sounding like an ass...not tryign to

just really thinking out loud..or rather thinking and typing at the same time LOL
what ranges are his blood sugars in now? is he insulin dependant? I wanna ask what his diet is like, not because I dont think you guys are keeping a good watch on that. cause Im sure you are. Im just really curious. I know what helps some people with this diese doenst help others. and sometime what helps some people, makes others worse. its all very system/person specific. okay Im gonna go look this up. I so want to understand just what it is you guys are fighting with. and I have to say, you are totaly only take ONE lil guy to get up there!!! only ONE! and if he has precum or you are feeling water after his orgasm,then occasionaly he is gettng something off!!