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5dpo, AF due 5/12, want to wait this out together? :)

Oh smillie! I don't know how your managing but be better to test tomorrow with fmu for sure!

Good luck :dust:

I've had cramping on the right side for 2 days but yesterday my test was negative. I'm almost certain I didn't O later but I'm afraid I did. If that's the case the only other dip was 5 days after O and I know it's possible but unlikely sperm lived that long. I didn't have any fertile cm around that time so I'm confused. I'm either 16dpo or 11dpo.
If it's a negative tomorrow take it as you ov later and wait a few days

Fxd for you x
Hey! Sorry, work has been CRAZY! Dumb end of the year assessments haha. Except it makes me feel like I did actually teach something to watch their scores go up. :)

OM, I had that, too! I hated it!!! But at least you're still in this cycle even if it's a long one. FXed! I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow since my MS hooding ceremony is on Friday and I didn't want to wait until Monday. Dunno how much good that appointment will do me, but my bleeding is almost done.

Sorry whoever got the witch in zumba, but love that you do it! Looks like tons of fun!

To those of you still hanging in there, keep on hanging!

Semi related b* fest: SO and I parted ways for Mother's Day. Evidently, his mom sold all his baby stuff without talking to him about it! She said she accepts the older brother's decision to not have kids, and our decision to not have kids because she thinks SO isn't emotionally ready because of his recent diagnosis. But in truth she is just pissed I put in an IUD and (in a polite way) basically told her it's our decision. So she sold everything! Crib, his toys, his clothes, and didn't even ask if he wanted it! He was so hurt, but he didn't say anything. I'm not allowed to say anything. But s*** like that would never fly in my family. I probably wouldn't have used it anyway because I was a princess (only girl for two generations so I don't understand hand-me-downs). But still. I thought that was a b move.
Well ladies, I took a digi this morning and it was negative. AF still hasn't made her appearance yet, but at this point I expect her too. I will only test if AF doesn't show by ... maybe Sunday/Monday or later. I can't be sure yet. I only have 1 test left and it is a digi so I'm going to hold on to it for now.

I did get dizzy on two separate occasions today, which was weird. My bbs are still tender - but once again could just signal the start of AF.
Hey! Sorry, work has been CRAZY! Dumb end of the year assessments haha. Except it makes me feel like I did actually teach something to watch their scores go up. :)

OM, I had that, too! I hated it!!! But at least you're still in this cycle even if it's a long one. FXed! I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow since my MS hooding ceremony is on Friday and I didn't want to wait until Monday. Dunno how much good that appointment will do me, but my bleeding is almost done.

Sorry whoever got the witch in zumba, but love that you do it! Looks like tons of fun!

To those of you still hanging in there, keep on hanging!

Semi related b* fest: SO and I parted ways for Mother's Day. Evidently, his mom sold all his baby stuff without talking to him about it! She said she accepts the older brother's decision to not have kids, and our decision to not have kids because she thinks SO isn't emotionally ready because of his recent diagnosis. But in truth she is just pissed I put in an IUD and (in a polite way) basically told her it's our decision. So she sold everything! Crib, his toys, his clothes, and didn't even ask if he wanted it! He was so hurt, but he didn't say anything. I'm not allowed to say anything. But s*** like that would never fly in my family. I probably wouldn't have used it anyway because I was a princess (only girl for two generations so I don't understand hand-me-downs). But still. I thought that was a b move.

That would p*$$ me off too. She could've talk to him about it. I swear people do things out of spite. What you choose to do with your body is your choice. If having a child is what you want, do it. If you want to prevent bc it's not the right time, you don't need her approval. My mil is always making comments about us not having a baby yet, but she doesn't know we're ttc. I tell her it's none of her business. My mom gave away all of my kid items such as books and barbies which I had totes upon totes of. I was upset. My DD could be playing with them and it was sentimental.
Dobby! No way that's awful!!! I am suprised he hasn't said anything to her what a complete b***
I ditto what the other lady said, completely up to you what you say and do with your timing for children, think it's fab your going to get settled into a lovely home will most likely come naturally if you take your iud out when your moving in it can happen anytime while you keep busy. Are you sure you want iud messing up your cycles though?
Silas ands promising I take dizzy as a sign I felt like I was wearing glasses that were slightly off focus , like when you looked down it was like the ground was slightly higher than it is!? Went for an eye test and everything :dohh:
Then found out I was pregnant about a week or so later, but when your on bc it's the last thing on your mind !

Sorry lady's who wicked :witch: attacked new cycle though new things to try hey girls..

Back to 2dpo and everything's in sinc with the right timing now, so this is good and yes dobbie it's seeking a very long cycle , but kind of like two try's in one as I see it lol even though the first try wasn't real (not that i knew at the time) just glad my body is appearing to do what it's supposed to be doing so far

Trying temping i only ordered my bbt thermometer Tuesday and it was here Wednesday! :happydance: So swapped the digi (checked and it's .1 out so just altered previous temps , anyone else temping?
Af showed very early this morning. I guess my temp is still high from my cold.
Gosh I feel like I have to wait forever for mine now :lol:
Sorry smillie the wicked :witch: got you
:hugs: to the ladies that AF showed up for. FX for your next cycle!
I don't temp the first few days of my cycle, I bleed heavily and use the restroom right after I wake so I don't stain the sheets. I will start back in a couple days though.
Well, AF is still a no-show so going to test tomorrow morning. I go back to work on Saturday from vacation and decided I would much rather deal with a :bfn: as home then at work when I will already be miserable there.

I keep thinking I have cramps but then I just pass gas :blush: but I am trying to stay on the fence so that I am not just really disappointed when I get a :bfn:, you know? Need to prepare myself.

Sorry to those the :witch: got :hugs:
Wishing everyone the best going forward.
Good luck silas keep us updated :thumbup:

It's hard when we symtom spot and try to tell ourselves we are prepared for a bfn but i am dreading seeing it for real

Need to keep positive lady's and optimistic that it will happen when it's meant to

I think I'm relaxing but actually it's on my mind loads :shock: i woke up every 2 hours First night as I was so conscious to temp the following morning :wacko:
I think a lot about it too, but my dreams are crazy!

The other night I dreamed we had a baby girl .. she was crawling around everywhere and the kids were playing with her. A very nice dream, and I had it all night long.
Aww, yeah. Every BFN sucks. Even the ones you take just for your records. Ugh.

As for me, I was watching my praying mantis nymphs hatch the other day and I decided... f*** everything. I want the house and the baby. And I just really don't want that copper monstrosity back in my uterus so we aren't "trying" but we aren't using anything so he's to hoping a relaxed approach works.
Good luck Dobby! I hope doing more of a NTNP approach will bring you your BFP :flower:
Oh that's the best news Dobby so pleased for you that you chose that

I won't ever have an iud again

I was certain no more baby's in our house I was going on happily merrily on our way dh has wanted a baby since our last was under a year old :lol:
But we found out his dad is terminal hasn't long left and it just changed my perspective slightly, and made me realise before its to late i want more , and to show my father in law give him something to look forward to,plus got me thinking in the future if (God forbid) ((touches wood)) my ds was to ever get sick then he would have a full sibling that may be able to help

Sorry bleak I know just got me thinking when we found out, we haven't known too long makes you look at the world with different eyes.
I am anti IUD after having one. I'm glad you made the decision to let things happen.

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