6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Well it's 5am here and I'm wide awake - happy dayz! Combination of horrid cold & sore throat :(

Barbs clomid made me o between cd 14-16 but I didn't o on my own at all... But it does apparently make 0 stronger & increase risk of double ov hehe :) I'd definitely give it a try!

Right off to try and get some sleep - even the dog is wide awake now haha just had to get up & let him out poor boy totally confused as mum is awake (he's a chuihuaua & sleeps in his house in the bedroom)
Oh Nimbec I feel for you! poor thing so pregnant and up all hours of the night! Im afraid that wont change much once bubs arrives haha - but it will be for good reason! :) I hope you were able to get some rest.

Nat - Im glad you got DH to hide those tests.... that was smart! LOL I find it easiest not to buy them in the first place - makes me less temped to go spend lots of money on one stupid test. But I know its hard....

Barb -Any spotting this AM my friend? I wonder how close of cycle buddies we will end up being as I am not on CD3....

Im going to order some OPK today as I am all out.

I have a pap/physical on Monday with my FDR. Since I never actually discussed the results of my bloodwork and ultrasound with her I guess she will bring them up then. Again, they would have told me if there was anything concerning about the fibroid. I wonder if there is anything I can do in my diet to help with that.
Hey Nat! Thanks for the link!!! I often google everything. But haven't put in too much time/effort into Clomid research. As it turns out, my doctor doesn't want me doing Clomid yet. She wants me to do another natural IUI. The nurse explained to me that Clomid is best for woman who don't ovulate & this isn't my issue. Plus, it thins the lining of the uterus & so that's a side effect that can work against me. So one more round of natural IUI & then if that doesn't work, my doctor will want to see me for a followup & then talk about Clomid with me. Go through the risks & give me more information. So, that's what we're going to do.

Nimbec, I'm sorry you're not sleeping well. You've probably got a lot going through your mind lately too. Stress works that way - it interrupts your sleep.

Meg, I haven't started my period yet. No spotting, no cramps, nothing. I am ready to get this faking show on the road. I thought I felt some cramping yesterday & honestly thought that I would get my period over night & wake up with the SURPRISE! BITCH IS HERE!!! But alas, didn't happen. I hope it happens today or tomorrow in terms of a bunch of timing issues with IUI & stuff going on. Always trying to coordinate with the presence of my SD.

I think I've decided I'm not going to buy pregnancy tests this cycle. I am going to try & be patient like you, Meg, & wait it out until my blood test. Or in the least, use a pregnancy test around the time AF will show up. Which will be a day after or so of my Birthday (March 28th). I dont know if my clinic is open over the Easter holidays so if its not & thats when 14dpo is, I will likely cave if I feel I may have a good chance.

I had a mini-melt down in the car this morning. I'm just so done with this whole TTC CRAP! Found out a friend of ours is pregnant. She, who smoked pot EVERY day, drank booze EVERY day. She got pregnant. After about 3-4 months. Fak me, really? I got so angry. And I'm just done. I feel so uncomfortable around pregnant woman & babies & people knowing we've been trying for more than a year which has me feeling inadequate. I'm really just burning out. And I'm dealing with other life's stresses & still mourning our little girl & I just want it to all end & let there be some happier times.
I'm really afraid if IUI doesn't work. I'm afraid of the unknown & I don't think I have it in me to wait for a few more years b/f it finally, naturally happens. I'm just tapped out right now.
Oh my -barbs im soooo sad for u right now...ur message is really heartfelt altho i think u probly needed to get that all off your sholders...u MUST keep ur strength up girl...after reading this whole thread i just know its going to work out for u and dh eventually...i felt like this alot a couple of yrs ago and i forgot what i was actually living for and mainly who i was but one day i had to shake myself down firmly hold up my head and take a step forward with my life...damm that was hard and they were dark days...i remember hating all my "so called friends" (back then) bc they wete all having kids and i just "wasnt good enough" to be in thier club but i relised that envy got me nowhere...i am a GREAT believer in destiny and that everything happens to us for a reason-it makes us who we are i spose....my lesson was patience thats what i had to learn ( as well as keeping faith)...i really really hope u pull through this...maybe a long weekend trip away...to grieve and to claw back some of u again...maybe dh could arrange that for u to treat u...i know this is the last thing u probly want to hear right now but have thought about having a break this cycle just so you can relax and not worry about the next test u have to take ....and then after that u got a fresh mind again...me and my oH had words the other day-he said he was worried for me as i was testing alot again and that it seemed that i was too wrapped up in the whole ttc again...i quicly reasurred him but i suppose sometimes they dont get it untill we find ourselfs in an emotional heap again...if only they relised that its not just a hormoanal thing this is highs lows and some days wat the feck:)...its our bodys going through all this isnt it...yeah they hurt too but they seem to manage better- if only we knew there secret to that eh :)..... I KNOW it will work out for barb...just keep the faith ok...sending hugs overseas to u so if u feel alittle warmer later on that was my hug reaching you lol....chin up barbs xxx :):):)
Hi barb. I'm sorry I haven't been on yet to check in.

I'm really sorry about how you were feeling. I hope you are feeling a bit better today. I completely understand why you feel like you do but TTC is never hopeless. There are many ways by which we can accomplish the ultimate goal. Hopefully you won't have to do anything further than IUI. And it WILL happen. And not in a few years. But keeping our spirits up is the only way to survive the many days and weeks in between. I know sometimes that's really hard. Especially around the time of AF lol! But we can't forget about our lives between now and when we finally get there. Lets try to make the most of every day and give ourselves fair time to mope each cycle :). I am guilty of this too of course but I am working hard to practice what I preach haha.

With respect to your previous loss though I cannot even imagine having gone through that and you are definitely a brave inspiration to me.

FX that your time comes very soon. We are all in this journey together no matter what and how long it may take.

Natjen those were kind words xo
Sorry if I offend, but I am just wondering have you tried not to be so stressed about becoming preggy? Honestly i hated when people told me this when we were ttc because it's like...really? You do the deed and you should be preggy end of story. And when you have people telling you not to be so stressed it just ticks you off. I had SIL tell me and a few others.
Well after knowing everything checked out fine with us we weren't stressed and said...screw it it'll happen when it will happen and I kept track of temping just because I enjoy knowing when my period for sure was going to come, but other than that we just had fun with it and didn't worry about being preggy or not.
Sorry again if anything I said offened because I know you ladies have been trying forever which isn't fair. *goes back in my hole now and just quietly stalks thread rooting for you ladies*.
Barbs I'm so sorry I've only just popped back on (((((hugs)))))) I know there is absolutely nothing we can say that will make you feel better but I'm sending you a massive virtual hug!! Now then I say book a nice meal with hubby or a spa day to treat yourself to a bit of pampering :) hehe if I was closer I'd come with you!! You have always been so positive so ok loosing faith now - I won't allow it ;) I know not many will understand how you feel an its the worst pain but it will get easier especially as you embark on this next cycle xxxx

Hi to everyone else! :)

Butterfly hi :) I think everyone on here has tried for so long without being stressed by it that it has gone past that point and you start pinning hopes on things like iui. I know in my 4yr struggle that I had times where it was easy to be relaxed and others where it was ruling my life - it's just so hard. I do understand what your saying tho but I think the girls have all tried that approach over the last year :( I wish we had a button that we could just switch off would be much easier.

Congratulations I your pregnancy!!!
@nimbec: I agree. If there was a button to turn on or off it'd be so much easier XD And thank you. From what I read just a few more days until your bundle of joy is in your arms! Can't wait *^^*
Thanks yes it's all very REAL now - eek! Just hoping and praying he is healthy as will be a bit early. Keeping everything crossed!!!
Hi Ladies! Can I join?! Today is 7 days since trigger! I too have become an addict! lol..I started testing out the HCG on day 4. Day 4 & 5 the line was really faint. Yesterday, day 6 no line. I'm really hoping for my first BFP. No sore boobs. Little bloating..twigs on/off. Is this normal? Baby dust to all of US!!
Hiya girls-pretty late i know lol but i was speaking to another bnb girl earlier and she mentioned maca in her post....i have googled this and well all i can say is its worth a read...befor i even consider it as an option i will obviously speak to gp first but i just wanted to share my findings incase anyone was intetesred......well im testing in the morning-doing a hpt ill be cd29 so wish me luck...will let u all know any how...
Ooo and big welcome to lovepink...im pretty new to this thread and all the ladys are very lovley on here
Hay nimbec thinking about u gl to ur c sec love...make the most of the rest for now let us know how u do xxx
Hi Natjenson! Thanks for the Welcome! I'm very new this thread and the whole TTC. I have soo many emotions going through me! I test 3/12. I know for sure the Ovidrel is out of my system. I've been testing since 4DPT :( I know..not good! I'm really Hoping and Praying for my first ever BFP!
Hiya lovepink. Ur bound to be v emotional right now love...so is this your first ttc cycle? ...ill have my fx for u xx
Hiya girls...tested this morning....bllllllah! B fat n....:-( will test again on wenday if no af...
Jyst want to mention as i forgot to befor but i have his condition called middle smerts...((( wierd name i know but that whats is called lol)) well anyway its german name for painfull ovulation -ah haa i hear you say but trust me its not pleasent lol its a bitter sweet thing really...basically my gp diagnosed me with it last year..iv had it for a looooooong time but i i finally got it checked out.....well what happens is when i begin to o i have the most horrendous pain in the ovarys for roughly 24 hrs....so i have this theory...i am going to opk next cycle if no af and double check that the pain is coordinated with opk's-if not im back to the drawing board...im really dissapionted today about the bfn but im not completley out yet i spose xxx
Hi Everyone!

First of all, just want to say good luck to everyone.

Little bit about me:

I am 26 years old, DH 35, mum to 4 year old DD. We are trying to conceive our second baby and the 2WW is KILLING me!

I am 8 dpo today and already tested twice :-( BFN both times. I am definitely a POAS addict.

I am having a few symptoms, but not sure if they are in my mind. Alot of slippery CM today, bbies are not sore, sometimes a bit neaseous, alot of lower back pain, and irritable. Could I be pregant?

My cyles are not always on time, so could I be ovulating now (confused because of CM)? I used OPK, but not sure now. This is our first cycle TTC, but already feel emotionally overwhelmed.

I look forward to getting to know everyone and baby dust to us all.
Hiya girls...tested this morning....bllllllah! B fat n....:-( will test again on wenday if no af...
Jyst want to mention as i forgot to befor but i have his condition called middle smerts...((( wierd name i know but that whats is called lol)) well anyway its german name for painfull ovulation -ah haa i hear you say but trust me its not pleasent lol its a bitter sweet thing really...basically my gp diagnosed me with it last year..iv had it for a looooooong time but i i finally got it checked out.....well what happens is when i begin to o i have the most horrendous pain in the ovarys for roughly 24 hrs....so i have this theory...i am going to opk next cycle if no af and double check that the pain is coordinated with opk's-if not im back to the drawing board...im really dissapionted today about the bfn but im not completley out yet i spose xxx

Natjen - You are not out yet - good luck to you. I have read about that condition before - I almost wish that I had OV symptoms so I would know when to have sex better! LOL All I have are my OPKs :)
Hi Everyone!

First of all, just want to say good luck to everyone.

Little bit about me:

I am 26 years old, DH 35, mum to 4 year old DD. We are trying to conceive our second baby and the 2WW is KILLING me!

I am 8 dpo today and already tested twice :-( BFN both times. I am definitely a POAS addict.

I am having a few symptoms, but not sure if they are in my mind. Alot of slippery CM today, bbies are not sore, sometimes a bit neaseous, alot of lower back pain, and irritable. Could I be pregant?

My cyles are not always on time, so could I be ovulating now (confused because of CM)? I used OPK, but not sure now. This is our first cycle TTC, but already feel emotionally overwhelmed.

I look forward to getting to know everyone and baby dust to us all.

Welcome Mum :) You are in good company. You are too early for a BFP in most cases - FX fo you :) If you are only on your first cycle you have a long road of information ahead of you- I urge you to have FUN with this TTC and do what you can not to obsess about it so early on in the process.
Hi Girls,

Where oh where is Barb? I hope you are doing ok XOXO thinking of you - if you are on a BNB break I get that 100%.

As for me, I had a physical this morning at the doctors and I took the opportunity to ask her in person about my recent ultrasound and bloodwork results. She told me that the fibroid they found was "very very tiny" and of no concern at all right now - so that is great news. She said everything else on the ultrasound looked great and no issues at all. Bloodwork was fine too. So that does make me feel good... hope its only a matter of time now bahhh - I told her that I pushed back my fertility appointment to the spring because I didnt want to go just yet and wanted to give it a few more cycles and she thought that was great.

Anyways not much else to report... I am on CD6 and starting my OPK on Friday...I probably wont be O'ing until the 12th or 13th of March .. still a ways to go...

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