6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Hi Ladies!

I took a break this weekend from talking about TTC. I am still in a bit of a funk but I feel better today than I did on Friday.
I appreciate all of your support & warm thoughts & hopes & wishes - your support is priceless. I'm doing OK. I went in for my Day 3 & everything looks great. Lining is good, no cysts. Got my blood test call in the morning & everything's great. I have two follicles on both left & right measuring...wait a minute! I swear she said 18mm. Maybe she meant to say 8 or she said 8 & I heard 18? That can't be. She was ESL so I think I may have misheard her. BAH!
And that's the first time I was told about measurements in both ovaries - wtf does that mean?! I guess I'll find out which ovary will be the winner next week. My next ultrasound is next week Monday. After daylight savings - GREAT. Extra exhausted.

Anyway - I am not trying to loose hope - trust me. I know I"ve been strong for so long but you know I just had my moments this cycle. I was really hoping IUI would be the solution to my year long struggle & it wasn't so it really hit me hard. And I"m still feeling the after affects. I just don't have the motivation anymore. I feel like I am just going through the motions right now & I'm not feeling excited for this next IUI. In part b/c I can see it's not the big answer I was looking for. I just hope it happens within 3 IUIs.
I've also got a followup scheduled for early April incase this IUI doesn't work & we can discuss putting me on meds. Oh please let this be it...............

I see we have some newcomers! Welcome :) How's every one today?

Nat - I'm sorry you got a bfn...hang in there! How many dpo are you?
You're cute, it's called : Mittelschmerz :)

Lovepink - good luck! I hope you get your BFP! How many months were you trying naturally before going to IUI?
Ahhhh yaye so glad ur back barbs its really not the same without u...lol im such a divvy with my spelling he he he i shudda googled the spelling really pmsl....glad ur back too petz ...i been searching plymouths pharmacys for the cheapest opk's this weekend...it seems im going to have buy on the internet...any good site sugestions ladys...im not due for af till tmr and im going to test on wens mrning if the beeeatch dont show...if she does rear her mean uuuuugly face im going to experiment alittle this cycle with the opk and start logging for the gp...does nimbecc go in for c sec this thursday ??? xxx
Hii. I am 10DPO and have been testing for the last 4 days. All of course BFN! Very disheartening!
Ooo almost forgot to state how many dpo i am lol...im cd 29 now...13dpo.....im a 30 day cycle but with no signs af im think i may be a day or 2 late this month...ill just have to c what happens xxx
Hi missjenna welcome...it is abit early for a bfp love but hang in there theres plenty of time yet....hope u get ur bfp xxx
Hi Ladies!

I took a break this weekend from talking about TTC. I am still in a bit of a funk but I feel better today than I did on Friday.
I appreciate all of your support & warm thoughts & hopes & wishes - your support is priceless. I'm doing OK. I went in for my Day 3 & everything looks great. Lining is good, no cysts. Got my blood test call in the morning & everything's great. I have two follicles on both left & right measuring...wait a minute! I swear she said 18mm. Maybe she meant to say 8 or she said 8 & I heard 18? That can't be. She was ESL so I think I may have misheard her. BAH!
And that's the first time I was told about measurements in both ovaries - wtf does that mean?! I guess I'll find out which ovary will be the winner next week. My next ultrasound is next week Monday. After daylight savings - GREAT. Extra exhausted.

Anyway - I am not trying to loose hope - trust me. I know I"ve been strong for so long but you know I just had my moments this cycle. I was really hoping IUI would be the solution to my year long struggle & it wasn't so it really hit me hard. And I"m still feeling the after affects. I just don't have the motivation anymore. I feel like I am just going through the motions right now & I'm not feeling excited for this next IUI. In part b/c I can see it's not the big answer I was looking for. I just hope it happens within 3 IUIs.
I've also got a followup scheduled for early April incase this IUI doesn't work & we can discuss putting me on meds. Oh please let this be it...............

I see we have some newcomers! Welcome :) How's every one today?

Nat - I'm sorry you got a bfn...hang in there! How many dpo are you?
You're cute, it's called : Mittelschmerz :)

Lovepink - good luck! I hope you get your BFP! How many months were you trying naturally before going to IUI?

Hi Barb :) Glad to see you here. I cant say much else other than I completely understand where you are at right now - (as much as I can anyways) - right now I am just glad you are trekking forward and that you are moving along in the process. I think that is great. Honestly - not having high hopes last cycle made it a bit less painful for me to get AF for some reason lol... weird how that works.

So my girlfriend who is also TTC#1 (shes on cycle #4), she is 9DPO today and has cramping and brown CM - she has a pretty clockwork cycle and has never had that before - I think she may be implanting. If so that is amazing. I hope for some bi=product baby dust this cycle perhaps lol.

CD7... starting OPK on Friday even though I know they will be mighty faded!

I forgot about grapefruit juice until today so I will start that again now.
Hi Petzy!! Thank you. I haven't tried IUI yet. This is my first try with Femara and Ovidrel and timed intercourse. Today is 9 days since the Ovidrel trigger shot. I was instructed to do a HPT on 3/12. I'm not really having any symptoms other than feeling slightly bloated and at times twigs here and there. This tww is driving me nuts LOL....
@missjennakate: I know how you feel. I'm 9 days since my Ovidrel trigger shot. I too have been testing since day 4, also BFN. Very discouraged that I won't get my BFP. :dust: to US!!!
Ahhhh yaye so glad ur back barbs its really not the same without u...lol im such a divvy with my spelling he he he i shudda googled the spelling really pmsl....glad ur back too petz ...i been searching plymouths pharmacys for the cheapest opk's this weekend...it seems im going to have buy on the internet...any good site sugestions ladys...im not due for af till tmr and im going to test on wens mrning if the beeeatch dont show...if she does rear her mean uuuuugly face im going to experiment alittle this cycle with the opk and start logging for the gp...does nimbecc go in for c sec this thursday ??? xxx

www.makeababy.ca - canadian site for tests

https://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/online-pregnancy-test.html - American site.

Amazon also sells Woldrof (sp?) tests.

Thanks hun for the welcome back :)
Hey Meg!

Yep I know what you mean about having no expectations so then you're not as disappointed. I've been there too. But this time, doing my first IUI I just had hoped I would have gotten pregnant on the first go. I'm so afraid of what if IUI doesn't work either? Then I have no ideas. :(

Anyway, I'm getting out of my funk but I still feel a bit anxious about this next round of IUI. I just want it out of the way for now.
I'm not going to try acupuncture or ANYTHING for once. I'm just going to wing it.
And we'll see how long I last before I burst & POAS :) I'm an addict after all :p
BUT the trigger shot lasted in my system for SO long that I believe I can wait until the last few days of my cycle.

Hey Lovepink - good luck xo 9 dpo is still very early. But I get it. I know how you feel.
Are you planning to try IUI? Do you not ovulate is that why you're on meds?
Hey Meg!

Yep I know what you mean about having no expectations so then you're not as disappointed. I've been there too. But this time, doing my first IUI I just had hoped I would have gotten pregnant on the first go. I'm so afraid of what if IUI doesn't work either? Then I have no ideas. :(

Anyway, I'm getting out of my funk but I still feel a bit anxious about this next round of IUI. I just want it out of the way for now.
I'm not going to try acupuncture or ANYTHING for once. I'm just going to wing it.
And we'll see how long I last before I burst & POAS :) I'm an addict after all :p
BUT the trigger shot lasted in my system for SO long that I believe I can wait until the last few days of my cycle.

Hey Lovepink - good luck xo 9 dpo is still very early. But I get it. I know how you feel.
Are you planning to try IUI? Do you not ovulate is that why you're on meds?

Thank you!! I ran out of pregnancy test soo I don't have anymore to test. BUT i did order some on Amazon. They should be here by the end of the week or weekend.
We will be doing IUI. Since this was my first time with meds, we wanted to try timed BDing. If we get a BFN, praying we don't...our nexts attempts will be IUI's. Soo yeah! :wacko:
I hope that you get your bfp then!!! How long have you been trying?
If you end up doing IUI I started a great thread for support. xo
I hope that you get your bfp then!!! How long have you been trying?
If you end up doing IUI I started a great thread for support. xo

Thank you! Me too!! Without meds and just on our own...a little over a year. Just started with meds. I will definitely add to that thread! I love that there is soo much support here!! :flower:
Hey Meg!

Yep I know what you mean about having no expectations so then you're not as disappointed. I've been there too. But this time, doing my first IUI I just had hoped I would have gotten pregnant on the first go. I'm so afraid of what if IUI doesn't work either? Then I have no ideas. :(

Anyway, I'm getting out of my funk but I still feel a bit anxious about this next round of IUI. I just want it out of the way for now.
I'm not going to try acupuncture or ANYTHING for once. I'm just going to wing it.
And we'll see how long I last before I burst & POAS :) I'm an addict after all :p
BUT the trigger shot lasted in my system for SO long that I believe I can wait until the last few days of my cycle.

Hey Lovepink - good luck xo 9 dpo is still very early. But I get it. I know how you feel.
Are you planning to try IUI? Do you not ovulate is that why you're on meds?

I would felt the exact same way as you - going throuh the procedural route you would just have to believe that much more that the chances are better - ugh! FX for this or next cycle....

You are right about the trigger shot - you can definitely wait until the last few days of your cycle if you wanted to - but I know you Barb and you will be testing for that trigger shot to dissapear lol....

I feel anxious about this cycle too... honestly I know it sounds so "Eeyore" but I feel like theres no way its going to happen.... after 10 months of no protection and 7 months of timing and OPK's, I really cant believe it didnt happen yet! Now that my bloodwork is fine and my ultrasound was good (finding out that fibroid was tiny) I do feel a bit better about it. I will see how the next couple cycles go and if nothing then I will go to the clinic likely in May..... I am going to be 30 in July and I truly never imagined I would not be pregnant by 30! (LOL in the fall I was assuming I would be giving birth near my birthday - HAH!)

we are in this boat together :) All of us!
Natjen how have you been?

and Nimbec - the countdown is on how are you feeling???
Hiya girls...sorry i didnt check in yesterday..desided to have a cyber free world yesterday...been feeling quite low today..im 15dpo and keep getting bfn's...im normally 30day cycle so dont know what the hecks happening now...spose ill test again in the morning if still no af....il be 2days late by then aswell....confused dot com lol...thank u for the link barbs im going to give that a whirl later when my mad house finally quiets down ...hope all you ladys are doing ok gl for us all-we blooming need it dont we xxx :):):)
ARgh! I replied from my phone last night & it didn't upload. This is the second time that has happened. :(

Meg - I think you might be right about me. I am a POAS-aholic :) But I"m going to try hard. I didn't buy any more pregnancy tests & I dont have the desire. It was very disheartening & if I can get through the TWW w/o the added stress of testing then great. I already know the trigger takes SO long to exit my system.
I dont understand why? It takes days for some woman! A Friend of mind said her friend - by the time she was 8dpo, she was getting a faint true positive. WTF?!

Anyway we'll see - for now - I don't feel like engaging in TTC activities. I'm sorta over it right now. I'm glad we're doing IUI cuz having sex for TTC would be pretty annoying about now - lol.

I TOTALLY get the Eeyore complex. I have had it a lot over the past 12 months. And I still feel it this cycle. I faking hate it. I really just want my life back. I feel like I've wished this year away & all I can think of is the end of each cycle - Am I pregnant? I want to move on with my life & start planning. I can't even plan too far ahead :(

Hi Nat :) You're two days late & bnf???
You usually have a 12day LP? That's super odd that you're late & getting negative tests. Do you feel like AF is coming?
Hiya barbs...it is odd...I'm confused by it all today...I don't know if the prenatals that I started this cycle have messed up my timing...I've had no cramping no (((major))) mood swings but I do have sore bbs and an outbreak of acne(which isn't like me)....lower back pain today but I'm trying not to ss as il only get myself all wound up...my oH is going to start taking maca next week-read about it and it increases male sperm motility and quantity by 200% ( I feckng deal lol) worth a try I spose lol only fair isn't I mean us girls do enough to make it happen don't we...will keep you all updated with that :)
Hiya barbs just to let you know that I think site link you sent me is great..will defo be getting some of that when oH "lends me credit card lol" .... :). Xxx

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