6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Hi Ladies...
Sooo..I guess I'm out. Today was test day for me!! BFN!! Today is CD32...15DPT. I called my DR office they want me to wait till Friday and retest if it's a BFN then I will start Provera sine my periods are super irregular. Sucks to be me!!
Yesterday I asked on of the Nurse Practitioner to order a beta. She did...I got the results today! It was <2. I was looking it up and I guess you have to be >5. Does anyone know what <2 even means? I know not pregnant! But would it be 0 if you're not pregnant? IDK!! lol...Anyways I wanted to make sure I really wasn't before I start my next round. This time. I'm doing IUI....I'll keep you guys posted! Congrats to all the BFP's!! and :dust: to the rest of us!!

Hey Hun,

I am so sorry. This really sucks!
I had a less than 2 once too & its basically just a BFN. Apparently not uncommon to have a bit of that hormone in our system naturally. So don't worry about it!

Unfortunately there are not many bfp's going on here other than nimbec. What happened to her?!

Nimbec are you doing OK?! xo
Hiya ladies...morning to you all :)

Had a talk with oH last night and we talked about "other options" if we don't get our bfp by Christmas...I can't bare the thought of waiting ANoTHER 7 yrs to have our second child- not only that I defo want more than 2 so times running out for me- the women in my family have all menopaused early so the chances of that happening to me is quite high too. oH and i really need to nuckle down lol...
So we going to start saving now- get a baby pot started and try to put as much wrong a away as poss...our national health service will only cover so much here and then the rest is up to us...
When he gets home tonight we might sit down and look at our options and see what is available.
It's a back up...as I need to something to focus on if disappointment keeps rearing its ugly head to me every cycle.( oh my - I hope I don't look selfish there)
Anyhow it's onto being possative attitude this cycle...I shall try the shoulder shrug technique if its a bfp again...(obviously I shall be disappointed but if I get to upset that's not good for the old hormone balance)
Looking forward to the opks turning up...when do you think is a good day to start if I'm a 30 day cycle? I was thinking cd 13 or is that to late...
I hope your all well xxx :)

Did you conceive your first child naturally? Are you thinking about possibly trying IUI's? Try for at least 6 months naturally & go from there would be my advice. We were told 1 year but we got in to see a specialist at the 8month mark. I was done waiting for nothing!
On a 30 day cycle, you should start your OPK on CD10.
Morning ladies... CD14 over here. Was able to BD last night - first attempt not successful lol but we pulled through in the end! I suspected it was the second time for DH yesterday if you know what i mean.... lol... sigh!!!

And... big news for me.... for the first time almost ever while TTC I had EWCM last night.. I am worried it may have been my own "fluids" but I hope not.....I am hoping its the primrose oil doing its magic??? Not totally sure but regardless it honestly SHOCKED me to see it. Im hoping this is a good sign. and we BD last night so good timing all around.

I did a lot of reading yesterday and it appears there are a LOT of women who O within 12-24 hours of getting their positive OPK. BUt I did see women who dont O for 48 hours or even more. So I suppose unless I temp and chart, which I am not doing yet, that I wont ever really know for sure. Hence why its really important for me to keep BDing if I can. I ususually BD the morning of the OPK - not the evening of - so thats good.

However since AF almost always shows up exactly 14 days from my positive OPK I am thinking I am probably O'ing within 12-24 hours of my positive.

Barb - Are you going in for IUI today??

OMG what is it with men eh?! Doesn't he understand its all for you right now?! :) LOL :dohh:

EWCM is obvious. Was it like egg whites? Slippery/stretchy? I had it yesterday big time & the day before a bit. It's more noticeable these past few months than ever. I'd always have to internal check & now some times I can feel it coming out. I actually thought yesterday I had a bit of bladder leakage. Nope. EWCM.

Yes, you are very right about Ovulation. Every woman is different & temping would help you. I found that temping didn't help me much because I'm a slow temp climber so it was very confusing. I would just BD on pos OPK & the next day in the least.
Also when I did cycle monitoring, it confirmed for me that I ovulated within the 24 hours. So I felt better about what I thought. This is why I say that its safest to consider the day after pos. OPK as O day & the following as 1dpo. In most cases, this is the situation. Have you tried testing the theory of testing out your LH surge & see when it turns negative? Some people think that's how long before you finally Ovulate. I'm not sure how accurate this is. However...I did test day after Positive OPK last month & it went negative & I Ovulated. So there could be some truth to it?
You're also right about your LH time frame. Mine is also normally 14 days. Some times 15.

Yep! Did my IUI today :happydance: Got back about half an hour ago.
Everything looks brilliant.

My Eggy is 20mm, uterine lining is 0.7cm & actually thicker than any month I've done CM so I wonder if this is great news?
Hubby's sperm is 35% Morph (apparently really good), 90% Motility & after wash, just over 9Million little buddies.
SWIM! SWIM! SWIM! :haha:
Thats great news! SWIM SWIM SWIM YOU LITTLE *******S!!! lmao!

Thanks for your input Barb I think you are right....

I am trying to test this LH theory and I just did an OPK and it is as close to "almost" positive as it gets but not like yesterdays and just a TOUCH fainter than being equal on both lines..... so I guess thats that

And about the EWCM - it was totally clear and very stretchy between my thumb and finger... my CM today is also clear and watery - not white like it was. So I think thats a good sign too I hope. Id really like to try and get a BD in tonight if we can, so that I can confidently say we got our bases covered. What do you think Barb?

Friday - BD
Sat - BD
Sun - BD
Mon - No
Tuesday - Positive OPK in am and pm - BD in PM
UGH and now of course I should have waited because the OPK is positive now... lol I shouldnt have spoken so early and waited the full 10 min lol. Its definitely positive.
Was your word F@#$ers?! :)

If your OPK is not as dark or darker then its negative. So I think you've had your surge & dat be dat. So you Ovulating likely today :) XOXOX I hope this is it, lady. We need to be come bump buddies for then next 9 months.

Good results on your EWCM! You're totally fertile & ovulating :)
I just got a tonne of the stuff but part of that is from the IUI too.
IUI loosens the mucus.
I think getting BD in tonight is KEY. It's said that you're covered 2-3 days before actual Ovulation but I think it would be perfect to get another one in tonight & then you can rest easy. Once you've ovulated, there's not much that can be done. I think you did great!
Can I ask a stupid question ? Sorry but need to check what amount of cm are we talking about to be a ton. I have only ever had the slightest amount ?
Was your word F@#$ers?! :)

If your OPK is not as dark or darker then its negative. So I think you've had your surge & dat be dat. So you Ovulating likely today :) XOXOX I hope this is it, lady. We need to be come bump buddies for then next 9 months.

Good results on your EWCM! You're totally fertile & ovulating :)
I just got a tonne of the stuff but part of that is from the IUI too.
IUI loosens the mucus.
I think getting BD in tonight is KEY. It's said that you're covered 2-3 days before actual Ovulation but I think it would be perfect to get another one in tonight & then you can rest easy. Once you've ovulated, there's not much that can be done. I think you did great!

You are always so helpful! lol :flower:

Heres' to starting the 2WW and the countdown together!

You ladies are the best
Can I ask a stupid question ? Sorry but need to check what amount of cm are we talking about to be a ton. I have only ever had the slightest amount ?

From what I understand that is entirely normal - to not have a "ton". Barb seemed to indicate that she had more than usual due to her IUI procedure today.

I really dont know what is average but in general it think I have an average amount- although perhaps a bit more since I started EPO! I have definitely noticed an increase since then :)
Ahhhhhhh you gals crack me up lol...I love it...:)

Pmsl is ....pissing myself laughing barbs lol
Thank you soo much for your post aswell very helpful...cd 10 ? YES I can start sooner than I thought yippeee...can't wait.

All your vitals look very promising barbs got my fx for you
So you gals are on your tww already...the count down is on ....I hate the wait before this- however I fear that I'm wishing my life away here lol can't wait

So oH is now taking the maca...flaming horney devil now- ( lol sorry tmi )I can't keep up with that lol
I need to get my butt to the GPS and ask if I'm allowed to take it with a thyroid problem. ( under active)

Ooh nearly forgot - yes barbs I did concieve naturally with Harry...he took SUCH a looooooong time to get aswell -7 yrs... 5 wks before the bfp we gave up and made appointment with gp after that Xmas to start ivf...but then I randomly did my last test that I found in my bathroom cabinet whilst clearing out and I had a supprising and unexpected Resault...I was soooo scared I was going to loose him all the way through my pregnancy aswell- but gladly it was all fine.
I can't bare the thought of waiting that long again...my gp said that because I've had a baby now my body will know what to do but it's just not happening yet...and when it did it went very wrong...urgh I don't know...only time will tell I spose...
On a good note tho there is always hope...

Anyway hope your all fine on this fine (cold) evening lol
You got any snow in Canada?
This country is calling the snow the " the big freeze" honestly! Really ? We are such wimps over here lol
I'm off to my bed now...I know it's going to be a loooong night - brains been doing a million miles an hour this past week so sleep is a luxury for me lately lol
Night night all xxx :) :) :)
Hiya lovepink...sorry to hear that you think your out
However you mention your ads is irregular...so you may still have a chance and bfp just not showing yet..got my fx for you as we all do...I'm not really in the now about beta so I can't offer any advice in that love but I'm sure ur in good hands with your gp there
Iui? Wishing you all the best love...
I had a chat with OH last night and if we don't get our bfp by Xmas we going to think about that route in the new year...
Fx for you xxx :)

Thank you Nat! I was a little emotional...i think I'm ok now. I know...I'm kind of nervous with the whole IUI.
Hiya lovepink your bound to be very emotional love it's a lot of stress really...a good but stressful stress hummm know what I mean...
I'd probably be the same if I was doing iui aswell...
What you got to remember love is your finding yourselfs " onto the next step" when it comes to iui so it's bound to be a delicate time for you...just remind yourself that calm is essential to helping the cycles to have an even higher chance too...hormone balance is key to your body so being upset and stressed and emotional can effect your progesterone and estrogen aswell ...this will unbalance things that can effect fertility ...
I know we all know this but it's easy to forget when we get down.
Glad you said your feeling better now
You take it easy love ok
Xxx :) :) :)
Hey Natjen - we have a little snow here right now but it looks like the weather is starting to get better next week and easing into spring finally I hope!!! :)
Morning Ladies... 1DPO - And I have soooooooooooooooooo many symptoms!! LOL just kidding!

Looking forward (not) to the next two weeks of the guessing game!
Ahhhhhhh you gals crack me up lol...I love it...:)

Pmsl is ....pissing myself laughing barbs lol
Thank you soo much for your post aswell very helpful...cd 10 ? YES I can start sooner than I thought yippeee...can't wait.

All your vitals look very promising barbs got my fx for you
So you gals are on your tww already...the count down is on ....I hate the wait before this- however I fear that I'm wishing my life away here lol can't wait

So oH is now taking the maca...flaming horney devil now- ( lol sorry tmi )I can't keep up with that lol
I need to get my butt to the GPS and ask if I'm allowed to take it with a thyroid problem. ( under active)

Ooh nearly forgot - yes barbs I did concieve naturally with Harry...he took SUCH a looooooong time to get aswell -7 yrs... 5 wks before the bfp we gave up and made appointment with gp after that Xmas to start ivf...but then I randomly did my last test that I found in my bathroom cabinet whilst clearing out and I had a supprising and unexpected Resault...I was soooo scared I was going to loose him all the way through my pregnancy aswell- but gladly it was all fine.
I can't bare the thought of waiting that long again...my gp said that because I've had a baby now my body will know what to do but it's just not happening yet...and when it did it went very wrong...urgh I don't know...only time will tell I spose...
On a good note tho there is always hope...

Anyway hope your all fine on this fine (cold) evening lol
You got any snow in Canada?
This country is calling the snow the " the big freeze" honestly! Really ? We are such wimps over here lol
I'm off to my bed now...I know it's going to be a loooong night - brains been doing a million miles an hour this past week so sleep is a luxury for me lately lol
Night night all xxx :) :) :)


Wow what a story conceiving your son! That is so random. I totally get you not wanting to wait another 7 years. And I'm sorry but your doctor was wrong. I had a baby & this is my 14th cycle. Your body doesn't automatically become a baby making machine because you've had 1 baby. A lot of people have secondary infertility. I certainly hope it works faster for you this time. Just keep your head up :) it's too soon for you to think the worst.

Meg has some snow but we dont in Toronto. There was the tiniest bit of snow left after yesterday's snow fall. But it's freaking cold again :( BAH! Do you get more rainy weather than snow? How does it work where you're from?

Last night we did the deed & I felt way more turned on than normal. Maybe the Maca is helping?!
Haha - yep they say the Maca increases sex drive in both women and men! Sounds like its working! LOL good work
Hi Meg! & Ladies!

Congrats on 1dpo! I am a day behind. My egg didn't drop as of this morning but they say based on my numbers, it should drop today. So tomorrow I will be 1dpo. Wait a minute, I already knew this. OK never mind me :o)

Yes, my IUI went well. The count was lower today because we had sex TWICE last night. Yes, that's right. But the numbers were in a good range & the motility was higher today! Just have to cross my fingers now.

My test date is on March 29th, not the 28th. But I may ask to come in on the 28th esp. if I get a positive urine test b/c we have to pick the kiddo up so damn early that Friday morning. Ew.

How's everyone? Meg, no symptom spotting. Not allowed! LOL
Hi Meg! & Ladies!

Congrats on 1dpo! I am a day behind. My egg didn't drop as of this morning but they say based on my numbers, it should drop today. So tomorrow I will be 1dpo. Wait a minute, I already knew this. OK never mind me :o)

Yes, my IUI went well. The count was lower today because we had sex TWICE last night. Yes, that's right. But the numbers were in a good range & the motility was higher today! Just have to cross my fingers now.

My test date is on March 29th, not the 28th. But I may ask to come in on the 28th esp. if I get a positive urine test b/c we have to pick the kiddo up so damn early that Friday morning. Ew.

How's everyone? Meg, no symptom spotting. Not allowed! LOL

You horny buggers LMAO - been there dont worry! Thats a good thing haha!!

well thats great news... 1DPO for you tomorrow, we are only a day apart!

Welcome to the 2WW blah

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