6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

CD2 - Exciting! haha NOT

Ok so DH and I started Maca today... along with my EPO, Vitamin D and Materna lol I think I am good to go...

When I handed DH the pill with his coffee he was like what is this and I said shut up and take it mister. But of course he went onto wikipedia and after reading for 5 minutes he said "oh ok I get why you're giving me this" LOL - Busted! Dont care because hes taking it lol...... :) He gave me a big hug about AF coming and said I should have told him yesterday so he could be there for me. Sweet. And I said I wanted to pull up my bootstraps and get going with this month. and we are likely going to be hornier than usual thanks to the Maca lmao......

I have enough OPKs for the month and I will start those next Thursday... keep on keeping on...come on April!! January BFP for me?? Hope so!

Barb cant wait to hear about DH's reaction this am :) XOXO

Ha ha haaaa awwwwe bless that is sweet of your dh...so oH and are on day 1 of maca too well he's on like 30 day really but it's day 1 for me...
Do you feel sick petz after taking it...urgh I do.
So if its a bfn for me this cycle its a 2014 baby for us too...if we are successfull next cycle then it might be a birthday surprise for me too...January babba- my birthday sweeeeeeet

So is it barbs birthday today or tomorow....sure she said something about 28th....
:) :) :) xxx
Nat I think Barb said she wasnt going for bloods until the 28th or 29th but I could be wrong... its Good Friday here on the 29th so maybe its tomorrow.. but I think shes telling DH this morning....

Yep we are Maca buddies Nat! Sounds like it may have done the trick for Barb or at least I am hoping haha....I havent noticed feeling sick but I took it with my breakfast as with all my other stuff so that I wouldnt notice! I will take my other one with dinner :)
Uh I'm due to take my second one now with dinner....dreading I actually throw this time...it's not a pleasant taste I tell thee...lol...I got the gelatine capsules but they are RANK !!! Lol

I hope they work too:)
So Easter here too so I was wondering about barbs bloods date too...wonder if her clinic is open there...over here they will use ANY excuse for a holiday workplace shut down ha ha. Don't blame them tho :)

Just relised I forgot to take my prenatal last night...so gunna take that befor dinner and maca after now..don't want them swashing about together adding to my nuasea :(
Ooooh maybe nuasea aint the maca? Ooooo hmmmmm.....ok stop it nat! I'm doing it again ha ha haaaa - I promised I wouldn't do ths today lol
:) :) :) xxx
Found this pg test that can test from 5 dpo...expensive I say but I'm going to do some more trawling to see if can get this brand any cheaper anywhere?
:) :) :) xxx

Found this pg test that can test from 5 dpo...expensive I say but I'm going to do some more trawling to see if can get this brand any cheaper anywhere?
:) :) :) xxx


Those are 10miu which are the same ultra sensitive that Barb buys... and for cheaper! we order them off www.makeababy.ca
Hey pets I've EVENTUALLY found the site to that info I posted last night ( about the different strengths a pg pack can deliver)
It's on this site...scroll down to scenario 3 and its there....
This woman is hilarious she has done ALOt of things with pg and opk tests.lol
Got quite bit of piece of mind with the stuff she has done
Lets just say she is pretty hardcore when it comes to poas lol
Admittedly the site is alittle dated but I love that she's actually done all this :) :) :) xxx
Ha ha haaa I didn't post the actual link lol.

Hi everyone! I just found the bnb site this past weekend. My DH and I were on our ttc cycle#4 and on 3/17 I got my first ever BFP I couldn't believe it. We were so happy! The planning began! I am poas addict, so I took a test every day--it was so amazing to see the second line and “pregnant". On 3/22 I woke up to some spotting. Went to the doctor and by that afternoon my Hcg level was down to 5. By that night, my hpt was already negative. We are so devastated! I'm 36 and I am so worried that this won't happen for us. Argh! My AF came later that day with a vengeance. Here we go again...

Anyway, I came across this thread on Saturday. I haven't been able to stop reading! I've read the ENTIRE thread!! I feel like I know all of you already. Barb-- CONGRATS!! You deserve it! What a long road you've had! I'm so excited for you!

Wow you read a years worth of threads! Amazing. :happydance:
I am so sorry for your loss. How long have you been trying for? That's really devastating. And thsnks for the congrats. I know - what a journey it's been. Even though I've never miscarried - I have this fear. And I know it stems from the loss of my baby girl. But I need to think positive :)
Welcome to our thread! Amazing ladies here xo
Ok so I just found this...sounds interesting...

Most pregnancy tests are more sensitive than advertised (though not all tests, even among the same brand, are equally sensitive. If there are 3 tests in a box, they will all detect AT LEAST the advertised sensitivity-- say, 25 mIU/mL-- but one may detect 17, another 13, another 6.) Consumer Reports once found that First Response Earliest Result was capable, on occasion, of detecting as little as 4.5 mIU/mL. In other words, home pregnancy tests are capable of detecting very, very small amounts of hCG and detecting pregnancies very, very early.

Never knew this...

Been researching :coffee:( should be asleep really :) and so I caved- yep I'm a Dinny lol
I did a pg test ( yep!!! This late at night lol).... :dohh:
Got a very faint grey line on a 10 miu....evap?! Probably...or could it be the start of something trying to show:nope::shrug:....oh I hope so...I'm NOT NOT NOT going to test tmr...ill leave till 7 dpo now and see if anything appears....
Oh no what have I flaming done to myself now lol :dohh: =d>](*,) :rofl:

:) :) :) xxx

Very interesting Nat - where did you find that? Now I am thinking I should get a pile of the 10 miu even though I ususally try not to buy pg tests haha....

Meg, I have been meaning to advise you against using Dollar Store brands. All my tests were obviously positive yesterday & 11dpo & nothing on the Dollar Store Brand. One test had but a shaddow which disappeared. And today (13dpo) finally a line shows. After my digi already said I'm pregnant. Lame!!!!
Buy the IC brands!
Hey pets I've EVENTUALLY found the site to that info I posted last night ( about the different strengths a pg pack can deliver)
It's on this site...scroll down to scenario 3 and its there....
This woman is hilarious she has done ALOt of things with pg and opk tests.lol
Got quite bit of piece of mind with the stuff she has done
Lets just say she is pretty hardcore when it comes to poas lol
Admittedly the site is alittle dated but I love that she's actually done all this :) :) :) xxx

I've stalked this site for a year. Its a good one!
I used 5 brands over the past two days. So I'm crazy too :)
CD2 - Exciting! haha NOT

Ok so DH and I started Maca today... along with my EPO, Vitamin D and Materna lol I think I am good to go...

When I handed DH the pill with his coffee he was like what is this and I said shut up and take it mister. But of course he went onto wikipedia and after reading for 5 minutes he said "oh ok I get why you're giving me this" LOL - Busted! Dont care because hes taking it lol...... :) He gave me a big hug about AF coming and said I should have told him yesterday so he could be there for me. Sweet. And I said I wanted to pull up my bootstraps and get going with this month. and we are likely going to be hornier than usual thanks to the Maca lmao......

I have enough OPKs for the month and I will start those next Thursday... keep on keeping on...come on April!! January BFP for me?? Hope so!

Barb cant wait to hear about DH's reaction this am :) XOXO

Ha ha haaaa awwwwe bless that is sweet of your dh...so oH and are on day 1 of maca too well he's on like 30 day really but it's day 1 for me...
Do you feel sick petz after taking it...urgh I do.
So if its a bfn for me this cycle its a 2014 baby for us too...if we are successfull next cycle then it might be a birthday surprise for me too...January babba- my birthday sweeeeeeet

So is it barbs birthday today or tomorow....sure she said something about 28th....
:) :) :) xxx

HI Ladies! I'm playing posting catch up :) So excuse me if I miss some thing.

I'm glad you ladies are both taking Maca. And your hubbies too! I hope it works for BOTH of you. And Meg it so great your husband is so supportive of your experiments. My husband doesnt like to take suppliments.

Yes my birthday is tomorrow! And I"m going in first thing before work for bloods! xo
Uh I'm due to take my second one now with dinner....dreading I actually throw this time...it's not a pleasant taste I tell thee...lol...I got the gelatine capsules but they are RANK !!! Lol

I hope they work too:)
So Easter here too so I was wondering about barbs bloods date too...wonder if her clinic is open there...over here they will use ANY excuse for a holiday workplace shut down ha ha. Don't blame them tho :)

Just relised I forgot to take my prenatal last night...so gunna take that befor dinner and maca after now..don't want them swashing about together adding to my nuasea :(
Ooooh maybe nuasea aint the maca? Ooooo hmmmmm.....ok stop it nat! I'm doing it again ha ha haaaa - I promised I wouldn't do ths today lol
:) :) :) xxx

Maca IS rank. Hence taking the capsules. It shouldn't upset your stomach. I couldn't take 4 a day b/c it make my tummy funny. But two a day was good.

How long have you had this nausea? I can't take prenatals at all - it makes me nauseated.

And my clinic is open every day except for a week or two during XMas. So they are open Friday. But we have to pick up the kiddo at 8am so I'd rather go tomorrow morning on the way to work. We're already heading downtown.
AND I want the good confirmation news ON my birthday!

My husband was floored. He said he's so floored, he's under the floor! Between the house selling last night - yes it sold w/o Condition!!! - and the pregnancy. He was just on cloud 9!!! He got teary eyed and was just really happy. It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhh wow barbs I got a lump in My throat reading that...what a lovely way for things to go for you both...
It's like I ALWAYS say...great things come to those who wait :) even if we are forced too lol

I've been alittle sicky most of the day now...got a stew slow cooking on the stove so hopefull I can keep that down tonight...urgh...
I got a evap last night...and this afternoon...yep I can't help it I'm nuts lol
Evaps!!!! Hoping I'm wrong and it's the start of something trying to show...Yaye :)

:) :) :) xxx
Thanks Nat! I'm really thrilled. And I'm shocked.
I just hope everything will be great. We have a sticky bean. And we'll bring home baby!

Sicky as in just nauseated? It could be your prenatals. If you stop taking it, you'll know soon.

Evaps - you sure? Show me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My husband was floored. He said he's so floored, he's under the floor! Between the house selling last night - yes it sold w/o Condition!!! - and the pregnancy. He was just on cloud 9!!! He got teary eyed and was just really happy. It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!


So glad to hear this story - its just awesome! I cant believe you sold your house and BFP in one day - you totally deserved a day like that :D let's keep that bean nice and sticky now! You take it easy missy :hugs:

Thanks for the feedback on the dollar store tests - I have to agree. I am going to go with the IC if I use a cheapy at all.

Yes I am glad DH lets me experiment too - he doesnt seem to mind popping the pills I give him haha.

Cant wait to hear about bloods on Friday am - will you get results right away or do you wait until afternoon?
Hey a barbs....:)
So - I took a picture of the tests for you and they have faded a lot since last night and the afternoon...however even tho the pic isn't showing it the one from this afternoon is still there and not grey anymore it has the very faintest of pink In it....
I'm NOT going to get my hopes up tho as its way too early to wish its actually anything to go by yet...
I been really squinting at this pic to try to see something but my iPad camera is just not picking it up- dam :(

Oh well I spose I just got to wait really lol
Also I been playing with my ff today....lucky my oH is home from work this week and next else I would have had no time to finally have a good play with my iPad lol
Anyway as for playing with my ff...I can't seem to work it all out properly..I appreciate I'm not temping yet so the chart looks alittle bleak at the moment...maybe if I get af then next months will have awhole load more activity on it...
Can you girls recommend a good site/ app too learn how to temp?
I am completely brand new to charting so I'm literally at square one there ](*,)..:)
Thanks me lovelys....
:) :) :) xxx


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My husband was floored. He said he's so floored, he's under the floor! Between the house selling last night - yes it sold w/o Condition!!! - and the pregnancy. He was just on cloud 9!!! He got teary eyed and was just really happy. It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!


So glad to hear this story - its just awesome! I cant believe you sold your house and BFP in one day - you totally deserved a day like that :D let's keep that bean nice and sticky now! You take it easy missy :hugs:

Thanks for the feedback on the dollar store tests - I have to agree. I am going to go with the IC if I use a cheapy at all.

Yes I am glad DH lets me experiment too - he doesnt seem to mind popping the pills I give him haha.

Cant wait to hear about bloods on Friday am - will you get results right away or do you wait until afternoon?

Thank you :) I hope this pregnancy goes smoother than the last one. I will likely go on early Maternity leave if I can be approved for the extension by the government. I don't think I want to work past 8 months. So that's about 7 more to go! :happydance: We will see what happens.

I'll be getting my results tomorrow afternoon, not Friday. I'm going in tomorrow :) Thursday!!! WEEEEEE!
Hey a barbs....:)
So - I took a picture of the tests for you and they have faded a lot since last night and the afternoon...however even tho the pic isn't showing it the one from this afternoon is still there and not grey anymore it has the very faintest of pink In it....
I'm NOT going to get my hopes up tho as its way too early to wish its actually anything to go by yet...
I been really squinting at this pic to try to see something but my iPad camera is just not picking it up- dam :(

Oh well I spose I just got to wait really lol
Also I been playing with my ff today....lucky my oH is home from work this week and next else I would have had no time to finally have a good play with my iPad lol
Anyway as for playing with my ff...I can't seem to work it all out properly..I appreciate I'm not temping yet so the chart looks alittle bleak at the moment...maybe if I get af then next months will have awhole load more activity on it...
Can you girls recommend a good site/ app too learn how to temp?
I am completely brand new to charting so I'm literally at square one there ](*,)..:)
Thanks me lovelys....
:) :) :) xxx

The photo is too small/far away from the tests so I can't see anything faint. I thought maybe I saw some thing on the top? But I"m not sure. How many dpo are you today?

As for temping - I used Fertility Friend. Also they've published a book which I bought all about woman's fertility.

What you basically need to know is that you need to take your temperature every morning at the same time for consistency so set an alarm. Try not to move around until you've temped. I plugged the temp in every day into FF & you'll see where eventually it will dip & shoot up or slowly climb up through your LP. There's lots out there on this if you just google basal temperature.
BTW, it took me about 2 months to not be paranoid about all the 'rules'. Once my doctor said to relax & not take it so seriously, I finally slept well. I didn't sleep well for about a month. It was crazy. Maybe I'm crazy. So - just relax & do your best. You'll see your temperature shift if you ovulate.
PS: Drinking also elevates your temp. Lots of things can. Do some online reading.
Good luck! XO

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