6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Haha that's what I like to hear! I've got another FRER and a FR Gold Digital at home, going to retest with FMU tomorrow morning.

Trichick I see a line too - really hope this is your BFP - looking forward to your results later on xx

I'm sorry to hear that hun. Saying my prayers for you!
Well Ladies, I just had a horrible phone call. My HCG levels arent doubling so they're not thinking this is a viable pregnancy.
I have to go back Thursday for more blood work but I think this is it.

Barb... my heart sank so much when reading this UGH that is just nasty bullshit!!! Praying its some kind of error or slow progression. Youll see on Thursday I suppose. I am really sorry if this is happening that is just total crap. There arent even words for it other than just so unfair.

I really cant imagine because If I were in your shoes I would just be a mix of emotions.

big hugs and thinking of you today xoxo
Thanks ladies. I dont know what I'm feeling right now.
I am still just trying to process the bad news. I was really hoping to get a great result & be booking an ultrasound. Not a follow up appointment to go through my TTC demise.

I'm utterly shattered. I'm so heart broken. :(
Thanks ladies. I dont know what I'm feeling right now.
I am still just trying to process the bad news. I was really hoping to get a great result & be booking an ultrasound. Not a follow up appointment to go through my TTC demise.

I'm utterly shattered. I'm so heart broken. :(

Well TBH I wouldnt expect anything different. I would feel the exact same way. If we are looking at positives here I would say look we know the IUI can work and your body did respond to it. I would say it truly is only a matter of time. But you have earned moping rights and you dont have to do anything for a few days other than process that. so sorry Barb. We are all here for you and sticking on this journey together.
I know I'm super new to this group, but I read a lot of the early posts from the beginning and have followed a lot of your journey. I'm very sad to see that you are having to go through this right now:( You seem to have such a positive attitude, and I agree that it is downright shitty that this is happening.
Barbs - I'm so sorry to read that, I too hope that by some chance it was a mistake and that it will be viable. My fingers are crossed for you and ill be thinking of you on thursday x

Trichick - I can see a line too, hope it gets darker for you x

NatJenson- aww can't believe it was stark white. How many DPO is it now? Hopefully that was jut a temperamental test don't count yourself out yet x
Barbs - I'm so sorry to read that, I too hope that by some chance it was a mistake and that it will be viable. My fingers are crossed for you and ill be thinking of you on thursday x

Trichick - I can see a line too, hope it gets darker for you x

NatJenson- aww can't believe it was stark white. How many DPO is it now? Hopefully that was jut a temperamental test don't count yourself out yet x

Hiya Kay...was just about to post you then :)
I'm 13 dpo now...was just itching to do a smu aswell but talked myself out of it...I think once you see sooo many Evans and bfp's it gets to you in the end :)
Wanted to ask how your feeling today? How did it go at your appointment? Good I hope love....
Absolute shame about barbs isn't it...I really hope her levels begin to double now...she must be devastated...I know I would be :(

Looked at my ff app this morning and I have 55 points towards the pg symptoms but just no positive yet urgh...
Anooooooying! Lol
Lets see what happens tmr- I'm half expecting a drop in my temps...that at least will let me know if af will arrive on Saturday atleast- flipping hope not tho :)

:) :) :) xxx
Hi Nat,
I know what you mean when I wasn't charting and I kept missing periods I went through so many tests hope it would be because I was pg but no such luck.
I'm feeling the same today apart from in absolutely exhausted I could sleep for a week. I had my bloods taken, they missed it in my R arm so went in my bruised L arm from where they took blood on Sunday and it actually really hurt :-( then I was put on a ward as I wasn't aloud to go until I had results because if my hcg doubled I could go home but if not I had to be admitted. Anyway it more than doubled which is good but I have to have blood tests every 2days until I get to over 1000 then I can be scanned to see where the pregnancy is unless I get any worse pains, bleeding etc. Im also on anti biotics for a uti which they aren't sure if I have as I only have 1 of the chemicals out of 2 they expect to see in a uti and no white blood cells which would be present to fight it and after having the pain for 8days now it's should be coming up clear on the test. They have sent a sample to the lab which will be test more thoroughly and I get the results on Thursday when I go for my next blood test. We decided it would be best to start anti biotics anyway, my decision.
I'm absolutely gutted for Barbs, but maybe, hopefully, she's just got a low hcg right now and the pregnancy is actually viable, wishing her lots of luck.
I was using the FF app too, where does it say your points? My AF is due tomorrow not missed it yet and I'm already back n forth to hospital. I did a pg test today, don't know why, guess my heads not totally got around all this yet and I wanted to see the lines again.
How are you feeling? Is your sickness easing up? xx
I've got no hopes for my numbers to double. 5 days later, it went up 4. That's pretty dismal. I wasn't told there is hope or to hold onto hope. I think another blood test is merely protocol.

I'm very devastated. I'm sad on so many levels. I just dont know if this is meant to happen for me. I want to stay positive but right now I've got nothing.
Hi Nat,
I know what you mean when I wasn't charting and I kept missing periods I went through so many tests hope it would be because I was pg but no such luck.
I'm feeling the same today apart from in absolutely exhausted I could sleep for a week. I had my bloods taken, they missed it in my R arm so went in my bruised L arm from where they took blood on Sunday and it actually really hurt :-( then I was put on a ward as I wasn't aloud to go until I had results because if my hcg doubled I could go home but if not I had to be admitted. Anyway it more than doubled which is good but I have to have blood tests every 2days until I get to over 1000 then I can be scanned to see where the pregnancy is unless I get any worse pains, bleeding etc. Im also on anti biotics for a uti which they aren't sure if I have as I only have 1 of the chemicals out of 2 they expect to see in a uti and no white blood cells which would be present to fight it and after having the pain for 8days now it's should be coming up clear on the test. They have sent a sample to the lab which will be test more thoroughly and I get the results on Thursday when I go for my next blood test. We decided it would be best to start anti biotics anyway, my decision.
I'm absolutely gutted for Barbs, but maybe, hopefully, she's just got a low hcg right now and the pregnancy is actually viable, wishing her lots of luck.
I was using the FF app too, where does it say your points? My AF is due tomorrow not missed it yet and I'm already back n forth to hospital. I did a pg test today, don't know why, guess my heads not totally got around all this yet and I wanted to see the lines again.
How are you feeling? Is your sickness easing up? xx

KLK I am sorry that you are going through this and i am not sure that I totally understand what you are experiencing - So right now you are pregnant and you are waiting to hear its ectopic or not? or am I wrong? it sounds like your HCG is increasing as expected ?
I've got no hopes for my numbers to double. 5 days later, it went up 4. That's pretty dismal. I wasn't told there is hope or to hold onto hope. I think another blood test is merely protocol.

I'm very devastated. I'm sad on so many levels. I just dont know if this is meant to happen for me. I want to stay positive but right now I've got nothing.

Barb you dont have to do anything today other than go home, rest, and try to find some strength. You can put up your feet and mope and do nothing else. I am so sorry. It is total crap. But we will be positive here for you when you cant be. I wouldnt expect you to feel any other way.
Hi Petzy, yes I'm 14 DPO and im pregnant but experiencing pain, I'm too early to scan as its unlikely they will find anything at all. In an ectopic pregnancy hcg doesn't normally double it either doesn't rise or rises slower although its not a definite indication and number can rise as normal in an ectopic. So I'm have hcg testing and monitoring until they will be able to get a good scan an be able to see where the pregnancy is developing. It's just a waiting game for now x
Hi Petzy, yes I'm 14 DPO and im pregnant but experiencing pain, I'm too early to scan as its unlikely they will find anything at all. In an ectopic pregnancy hcg doesn't normally double it either doesn't rise or rises slower although its not a definite indication and number can rise as normal in an ectopic. So I'm have hcg testing and monitoring until they will be able to get a good scan an be able to see where the pregnancy is developing. It's just a waiting game for now x

Oh I see - thanks for explaining. So lets hope its a normal pregnancy but you are having pain from the UTI perhaps or something? FX for you xx
Petzy - Well that the problem, we don't know I I have a uti, it came back clear on Sunday and with only a low level of 1 chemical associated with a uti today. If I had a uti it should have another chemical present and also white cells should be there as my body's natural defence trying to fight it and try weren't there either. It should be by now as I've had the pain for 8days today and its causing some pain so really it should come up a definite positive by now. Naturally I'm hoping the pain is a uti that somehow been going undetected and the anti biotics will sort me out.

Barbs - I know you dont want to give yourself any hope right now but please don't get too down yet either not until you know more. I've read of people not getting positive pregnancy tests via urine or blood for a few months into a pregnancy, it's probably rare but if they aren't getting a positive they mustn't have a good level of hcg or any doubling for a while. Your so early I know it's not looking great but just keep an open mind until you know for certain x
Awwwwe barbs love if I was there beside you now I would give you biggest hug :(
I'm with petz and Kay....please don't give up on yourself...if hope is all we are allowed to have in the world at times like this then you just hold on to that ok...
Like meg says we are ALL here for you...
I am so sad for you right now...
Also I think rest is very important for you right now too...
Such a cruel time for you...is there anyway your clinic can do your bloods again for tmr to see if anything has changed? Then again your probly scared now right? I wish I could take all this pain away for you...
Be strong barbs love ok...big hugs to you xxxx
Hi Nat,
I know what you mean when I wasn't charting and I kept missing periods I went through so many tests hope it would be because I was pg but no such luck.
I'm feeling the same today apart from in absolutely exhausted I could sleep for a week. I had my bloods taken, they missed it in my R arm so went in my bruised L arm from where they took blood on Sunday and it actually really hurt :-( then I was put on a ward as I wasn't aloud to go until I had results because if my hcg doubled I could go home but if not I had to be admitted. Anyway it more than doubled which is good but I have to have blood tests every 2days until I get to over 1000 then I can be scanned to see where the pregnancy is unless I get any worse pains, bleeding etc. Im also on anti biotics for a uti which they aren't sure if I have as I only have 1 of the chemicals out of 2 they expect to see in a uti and no white blood cells which would be present to fight it and after having the pain for 8days now it's should be coming up clear on the test. They have sent a sample to the lab which will be test more thoroughly and I get the results on Thursday when I go for my next blood test. We decided it would be best to start anti biotics anyway, my decision.
I'm absolutely gutted for Barbs, but maybe, hopefully, she's just got a low hcg right now and the pregnancy is actually viable, wishing her lots of luck.
I was using the FF app too, where does it say your points? My AF is due tomorrow not missed it yet and I'm already back n forth to hospital. I did a pg test today, don't know why, guess my heads not totally got around all this yet and I wanted to see the lines again.
How are you feeling? Is your sickness easing up? xx

KLK I am sorry that you are going through this and i am not sure that I totally understand what you are experiencing - So right now you are pregnant and you are waiting to hear its ectopic or not? or am I wrong? it sounds like your HCG is increasing as expected ?

Hiya Kay...uti? Sounds like what happend to me when I was 27 wks with my lo...in the end the tests came back inconclusive and we never found out what caused the pains...I hope in a strange kind of way that it is just a uti happening...at least this can be treated and the pg will be ok...
Good signs that your levels are rising eh...

So I'm going to test again in the mrn...I did one around 10 ish tonight ( why ? Lol) evap AGAIN arrrrrrrrgh lol

Ooh the points on the ff are found In.......more-data and charting- then pregancy signs I think...something like that anyway :)

I been real down since tea time ...since reading barbs post...I can't imagine what's she's going through right now...
Such a shame isn't it :(

:) :) :) xxx
Hiya Kay it's ........more- charting and data analysis-pregnancy monitor ....in ff app
The more button is found just above your chart.
:) :) :) xxx
Thank you ladies for being so wonderful. I am bummed out and not feeling positive. I'm really afraid of the future. Afraid of how much longer we have to take. If it will happen again. I didn't imagine this would happen to us. I'm crushed. And I need time to lick my wounds.

Klk, I had a positive test but my HCG went from 40 to only 44 in 5 days. It needs to double for a viable pregnancy. And while I'm going back on Thursday for another blood test the nurse told me this isn't good for a viable pregnancy. So she's prepared me to get my period. My progesterone is still high so it will be a while yet. Fack. I just want this over with.

Nat, I read your blog. What a sad story. I realize now what it must have been like. But y were even further along. I can't imagine. I'm so sorry. Did you guys start trying right again or did you wait?

A lot of woman get pregnant right after a miscarriage so I wonder.
Thank you ladies for being so wonderful. I am bummed out and not feeling positive. I'm really afraid of the future. Afraid of how much longer we have to take. If it will happen again. I didn't imagine this would happen to us. I'm crushed. And I need time to lick my wounds.

Klk, I had a positive test but my HCG went from 40 to only 44 in 5 days. It needs to double for a viable pregnancy. And while I'm going back on Thursday for another blood test the nurse told me this isn't good for a viable pregnancy. So she's prepared me to get my period. My progesterone is still high so it will be a while yet. Fack. I just want this over with.

Nat, I read your blog. What a sad story. I realize now what it must have been like. But y were even further along. I can't imagine. I'm so sorry. Did you guys start trying right again or did you wait?

A lot of woman get pregnant right after a miscarriage so I wonder.

Ahhh thankyou barbs...it took me ages to write it aswell...my flipping browser kept freezing on me- hence to she'd load of spelling mistakes ( after a while I couldn't be bothered to correct it all as I was worried I'd loosed everything I wrote :) )
Yeah we started as soon as the bleeding stopped - we were told this was our best chance...we was really hoping it worked but it didn't...it was a loooong wait for af aswell...it took five weeks of waiting and then bam this bitch arrived :(
I was gutted but had to move forward...I thought If I gave it more than a second thought it would pull be back In terms of grieving again...
Everyone was against us when they found out what we trying to do but a friend told me that she thought we had to do what we needed to do.
I was really hopefull when I found info on the Internet that our chance were practically doubled after a mc...but it wasn't successfully in the end.
This is how I ended up finding this thread....I was desperate to find some help and I stumbled a crossed this site and started to read on...then I found you :) :hugs: :flower:....

Barbs I am so sorry that your happiness has been ripped away from you - so cruel and I can kind of understand how you must be feeling...
TOTALLY understandable you want to lick your wounds love you do what you need to and you should take as long as it takes...
What ever happens tmr I hope it goes aswell as I could for you...
Barbs you are a inspiration to us all - your smart your funny your such a strong woman...and don't you ever let anyone tell you different ok...

You take it easy today...:) :) :) xxx

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