6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Aww Nat, sorry you had a crappy day yesterday :-( sending you hugs xx
I'm feeling ok, still a little pain but nothing like it has been. Anti biotics should hopefully kick in soon, only started the correct ones yesterday so gota give em a couple of days.
Looks like Barbs is having a break, I do hope she's ok. So sad for her :-( life's so cruel and unfair sometimes. Will keep her in my thoughts xx

Awe glad ur ok Kay...I'm at my mums at the moment- which is a good thing ...I can't test all day Long he he heee....but I fully intend to when I get home tonight...thinking its my last chance befor af shows to get that bfp...awe fx :)

:) :) :) xxx

Hey Nat - I'm sorry about the BFN ugh! that bloody witch!! (no pun intended lol) I dont know much about temping but I still have FX for you until AF shows!

DH and I have done NO BD'ing!! he is home sick today so I am really hoping he is better tomorrow!!! I will get my positive on Sunday or Monday so If we BD sat, sun, Mon, tues or along those lines I still have a chance - getting nervous though!!! Noticing an increase in CM so its coming up in the next few days...... Im sure he will be better tomorrow though AHHH!!!! lol
Hi Ladies! I had a really busy day at work yesterday & so I didn't have so much time. Plus I went for some retail therapy with a good friend of mine. And yeah in a way I need a bit of a break taking about trying & tests & blady-blah.

I had a really shitting day myself yesterday, Nat. I'm so sorry for your loss. I am sure I'll be counting the months I would have been too. So cruel, isn't it? And I realized that I'll be having no baby this year now. I had my due date for December 5th & now it will be next year. If I ever damn well get pregnant & keep the damn baby!!!!

Hubby & I are in the middle of trying to find a new house too so it's been just NUTS. And we're in disagreement on a house that I really like & he only sort of likes so yesterday I was mostly aggravated & angry. And I was having a very hard time processing this miscarriage. I booked a session with a therapist next Tuesday who specializes in infertility. I really need to talk to someone who can help me cope better. And cope with the fact that a lot of our good friends are expecting & how I don't want to be around them.

I went in for my bloods yesterday morning & it went down to 37 from 44. And then last night, full blown period. Which is a good sign b/c then the fertilized egg will be one & my HCG levels should drop right now. I hope Monday when I go back for bloods, it'll be O. I took a pregnancy test this morning & it was still positive. So I don't know how long this should take. She also said my ovulation will largely depend on how long the HCG stays in my system. So we have a chance & we may not have a chance this month. And the later makes me super sad. I've read how many woman are very fertile after a miscarriage so I'm crossing my fingers. I'd love to bypass the IUI & just do it on our own & get back on track soon. Some how I doubt it'll be this easy because we had so much of a hard time conceiving on our own as it was. :(

I've asked also if I could cycle monitor & I'll find out next week if my doctor says OK. I need the HCG levels gone before I can do it. GRRR.

I've booked myself into a spa for the afternoon tomorrow so I can be pampered & feel relaxed. I hope it works. Sunday we're looking at more houses. We have my SD again this weekend & I really dont feel like having her company at all. The day we found out I was going to miscarry, my step father in law came to town & stayed at our home too & he's not gone until Saturday afternoon. I just want to be alone. With my husband. Thanks.

Meg, I hope your DH feels better soon & you can get on your BD ways!!!! FX
Petzy - hope your DH isn't poorly for too long. Has he got man flu? :-( your going to O really soon by the sounds of it, sending you lots of baby dust. FX'd for you this cycle. xx

Barbs - Retail therapy sounds like a good idea and I don't blame you for not wanting to be on here talking about trying and testing and all that, im that'll be the last thing you need. Glad to hear your going to try straight away I really really hope it will be your time, you deserve it.
I can understand why you wouldn't want to be around friends who are expecting, it's hard trying for a baby for ages and suddenly your friends pregnant(and in my case didn't even try) you kinda resent them for it but then feel guilty for feeling that way. It must be even harder in your case though after all you've been through. I'm sure it will happen soon for you and then you won't have to feel like that anymore. It will probably be a relief to go to therapy an get it off your chest, you need to relax.
A spa day sounds just the ticket, that will be lovely for you, I hope you do relax and enjoy it.
Sounds like you could do with some you an hubby time too.
Love and hugs xx

Nat - good luck! fingers tightly crossed xx
Hi Ladies! I had a really busy day at work yesterday & so I didn't have so much time. Plus I went for some retail therapy with a good friend of mine. And yeah in a way I need a bit of a break taking about trying & tests & blady-blah.

I had a really shitting day myself yesterday, Nat. I'm so sorry for your loss. I am sure I'll be counting the months I would have been too. So cruel, isn't it? And I realized that I'll be having no baby this year now. I had my due date for December 5th & now it will be next year. If I ever damn well get pregnant & keep the damn baby!!!!

Hubby & I are in the middle of trying to find a new house too so it's been just NUTS. And we're in disagreement on a house that I really like & he only sort of likes so yesterday I was mostly aggravated & angry. And I was having a very hard time processing this miscarriage. I booked a session with a therapist next Tuesday who specializes in infertility. I really need to talk to someone who can help me cope better. And cope with the fact that a lot of our good friends are expecting & how I don't want to be around them.

I went in for my bloods yesterday morning & it went down to 37 from 44. And then last night, full blown period. Which is a good sign b/c then the fertilized egg will be one & my HCG levels should drop right now. I hope Monday when I go back for bloods, it'll be O. I took a pregnancy test this morning & it was still positive. So I don't know how long this should take. She also said my ovulation will largely depend on how long the HCG stays in my system. So we have a chance & we may not have a chance this month. And the later makes me super sad. I've read how many woman are very fertile after a miscarriage so I'm crossing my fingers. I'd love to bypass the IUI & just do it on our own & get back on track soon. Some how I doubt it'll be this easy because we had so much of a hard time conceiving on our own as it was. :(

I've asked also if I could cycle monitor & I'll find out next week if my doctor says OK. I need the HCG levels gone before I can do it. GRRR.

I've booked myself into a spa for the afternoon tomorrow so I can be pampered & feel relaxed. I hope it works. Sunday we're looking at more houses. We have my SD again this weekend & I really dont feel like having her company at all. The day we found out I was going to miscarry, my step father in law came to town & stayed at our home too & he's not gone until Saturday afternoon. I just want to be alone. With my husband. Thanks.

Meg, I hope your DH feels better soon & you can get on your BD ways!!!! FX

Hi Barb - Glad to see you are keeping busy as you can... the house stuff should keep you somewhat distracted but I think you have done the right thing by arranging the appointment with fertility therapist - I didnt even know those existed - I am glad.

I am also so glad to see you booked a SPA appointment... well earned I would say. I know you want to be alone and it probably takes a lot of strength to keep the chin up

I hope your HCG retreats quickly so you can move on... I think with AF already showing that is a good sign... I suppose they cant just trigger O early??
Thanks KLK, it's very hard when your friends all fall pregnant. One of them recently not planned at all & I think a big mistake. Just awesome. And she would have been just two weeks ahead of me. Now I'm back to the drawing board. It just seems so unfair. It shouldn't be me dealing with a miscarriage. Why is it the ones that actually WANT a baby & the ones that didn't try at all & shouldn't go on to having a healthy pregnancy/baby? It's just NOT fucking fair.

Meg, thanks. It's hard to keep my chin up. All I hear is to keep positive, chin up, move forward, blah blah blah but it's very hard. I am having a hard time thinking just how much longer it will be until I can try conceiving again. It was such a relief not to live in my 2 week cycles anymore & hoping so badly I finally fall pregnant. I booked the Spa more in hopes of having some time to myself. I dont want to be around my SD right now & I can't escape her easily so I'm off to the Spa to have time to myself. Away from everyone.

Well, I will find out next week I hope if my clinic will allow me to do cycle monitoring. If my hormones are gone & they say yes, I'm going to ask if I can get the HCG trigger shot with out the IUI. So I can time my egg maturity perfectly. I'll see how much they are willing to do for me. For right now, it seems I need my hormones down to 0 before they will do anything else. :(
Aww Barbs :-( I know, it isn't fair not 1 bit and its so heartbreaking. My cousin is 1 of those who a man sneezes in her direction and she's pregnant. She's 22 and had 4 to 4 diff dads and she even gave 1 of them to his dad and doesn't see him yet she's angry that her first babies dad doesn't want to know his son :-/ it's infuriating. I don't speak to her anymore. I feel for everyone who has to try for a long time and suffer heartbreak it does always seem to be the good ones who don't deserve it. If I could get pregnant at the drop of the hat I'd surrogate for someone. I suppose seeing my cousin the way she is yet one of our aunties never had kids because she couldn't and my other cousin had pcos so will struggle and my oh's friend has had Ivf several times without any luck kinda makes me want to help so badly. I wish I could wave a wand for you Barbs. Your time will come I'm sure of it, you will get your baby, it won't be long now xx
Hi Ladies! I had a really busy day at work yesterday & so I didn't have so much time. Plus I went for some retail therapy with a good friend of mine. And yeah in a way I need a bit of a break taking about trying & tests & blady-blah.

I had a really shitting day myself yesterday, Nat. I'm so sorry for your loss. I am sure I'll be counting the months I would have been too. So cruel, isn't it? And I realized that I'll be having no baby this year now. I had my due date for December 5th & now it will be next year. If I ever damn well get pregnant & keep the damn baby!!!!

Hubby & I are in the middle of trying to find a new house too so it's been just NUTS. And we're in disagreement on a house that I really like & he only sort of likes so yesterday I was mostly aggravated & angry. And I was having a very hard time processing this miscarriage. I booked a session with a therapist next Tuesday who specializes in infertility. I really need to talk to someone who can help me cope better. And cope with the fact that a lot of our good friends are expecting & how I don't want to be around them.

I went in for my bloods yesterday morning & it went down to 37 from 44. And then last night, full blown period. Which is a good sign b/c then the fertilized egg will be one & my HCG levels should drop right now. I hope Monday when I go back for bloods, it'll be O. I took a pregnancy test this morning & it was still positive. So I don't know how long this should take. She also said my ovulation will largely depend on how long the HCG stays in my system. So we have a chance & we may not have a chance this month. And the later makes me super sad. I've read how many woman are very fertile after a miscarriage so I'm crossing my fingers. I'd love to bypass the IUI & just do it on our own & get back on track soon. Some how I doubt it'll be this easy because we had so much of a hard time conceiving on our own as it was. :(

I've asked also if I could cycle monitor & I'll find out next week if my doctor says OK. I need the HCG levels gone before I can do it. GRRR.

I've booked myself into a spa for the afternoon tomorrow so I can be pampered & feel relaxed. I hope it works. Sunday we're looking at more houses. We have my SD again this weekend & I really dont feel like having her company at all. The day we found out I was going to miscarry, my step father in law came to town & stayed at our home too & he's not gone until Saturday afternoon. I just want to be alone. With my husband. Thanks.

Meg, I hope your DH feels better soon & you can get on your BD ways!!!! FX

Hiya barbs love...I know that not a lot right now can sink in as your mind is probably doing a millions miles per hour,and your heart is broken...your so right about some " me time" is just what the docter orders...however please don't do what I ended up doing...I pushed my oH back to work as he wanted to have some time off to get me through it and I told him "I was fine" ....but this just made me TOO strong if you know what I mean...my lo routine made me get on with it I had no choice but I closed everybody off- pushed everyone away and told myself I was ok....but I was FAR from it...
Besides pushing everyone away all I wanted was to be close to my oH too...confusing isn't it...just go with the flow...do what YOU need to do to make it work for you...
I was exactly the same...sick of all the " be strongs- hold up your heads and chin ups" like what the fuck do they know...I've just lost my baby how can they say that?.....I got quite bitter for a few days but it built up and I suppose you could call it " exploded with anger resentment and envy towards these pregnant drugged up ungrateful people I kept hearing about and seeing where ever I went...:( my own friend even posted on fb that she knew 9 of her friends were pregnant in 2 weeks and that they obviously don't know what condoms are- the fucking bitch- how insensitive...I confronted her about it thinking it was a dig at me and I hardly talk to or see her anymore...she is constantly drinking smoking dope and does the occasional recreational line here and there ( so NOT my cup of tea !!!) and she's now talking about having a another baby with the father of her first child who she's not even with.huh! Wtf!
At the end of the day I decided I don't need people like that in my life...

So what I'm trying to say barbs is...no words can make us feel better when these things keep happening to women like us...TIME is the only thing on our side...the pain inside never leaves us but we WILL find a way of coping with our loss in some way...I think it's great that your got a fertility therapist to go and see...they will help you make some sence of what has happened and help you and your dh begin to move forwards even if it small steps at a time.:hugs:

There are some great websites out there too barbs...I found a few that talk about the scientific side of things and I found that helped ALOT ...

My hgc levels took about 2 weeks to return to 0 ...so I think your should be ok by next week hopefully...altho I was advised not to use the pg test to help rule out the hgc ...

I really really really hope you enjoy your spa day barbs...:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Hiya Kay...nice pic love :). It's nice to put a face to the name at last...
So your a blondy I see...I'm going back to my blonde on Tuesday...I miss it sooo much...
I so deserve my hair appointment aswell I always put myself last these days..urgh not fair lol
if the bitch af comes tmr it should give me a nice pick up by then aswell...
So how you been today?...did you say you got your appointment on Monday?
Got my fx for :)

So you might find this alittle funny....
I was at my mums all day today and I deliberately didn't take any tests with me...so not to wind myself up all day....
The poas got the better of me and I had "what I thought " was a light bulb idea...oooooh I know ill pee on a opk instead ha ha haaaa....that should get me through till I get home lol...then I realise after searching for my handbag for ten whole minuets that I didn't even take it with me FFS !!! Ha ha haaaa what a numpty lol
Why the heck was I going to do that anywayz ha ha haaa...

Hiya petz got major fx for you this month too...are you still taking the maca...noticed anything yet...I been getting very energetic ...what about your hair ( strange question I know lol) I have been needing to wash it alot more frequent since a couple of days into it....probably COMPLETELY nothing to do with it eh lol
Might be the change of prenatals instead...weeeee erd lol

Jen...your in luck...the weather here is picking up for the weekend...it's going to be very fine indeed...just in time for your arrival...hope your having safe journeys...:)

Hope all is well ladies...

:) :) :) xxx
Hi ladies! Enjoying some wine here watching tv while my sick DH snores beside me. Still not feeling too hot I really hope he is better after a good nights rest! Lol need to get to bding Haha. Dinner at a friends tomorrow too so I hope we don't have to cancel!
Temp is WAY down this morning....coupled with a big fat bfn...whaaaaa :(

Af due today...feeling like crap aswell...
Thinking I'm defo out now...

:) :) :) xxx
Temp is WAY down this morning....coupled with a big fat bfn...whaaaaa :(

Af due today...feeling like crap aswell...
Thinking I'm defo out now...

:) :) :) xxx
Well had my blood test again waiting on finding out my number for today fingers crossed I doubled again and am over 1000 and can definatley have my scan on Monday so we can finally find out if the little bean has stuck itself in the right place or not. The nurse only managed about a cm of blood in the test tube today so hoping it was enough, my veins were not co operating at all.

Nat - yeh it's kinda more strawberry blonde than blonde. Aww be nice for you to have your hair done, it makes you feel better to get abit of pampering. not had mine cut for over a year really should book myself in. I so don't want that witch to visit you tmr fingers crossed it doesn't come hey. A few months ago I was crossing my fingers my period would come so I could start charting and tempting. It was very frustrating not having a period for over 2 months and then 1 came and the none for over 3months when all we wanted to do was try for a baby. xx

Petzy - how's your DH? Hope he's feeling better xx
Temp is WAY down this morning....coupled with a big fat bfn...whaaaaa :(

Af due today...feeling like crap aswell...
Thinking I'm defo out now...

:) :) :) xxx

Blast Nat! I'm sorry. Grrr!
Well had my blood test again waiting on finding out my number for today fingers crossed I doubled again and am over 1000 and can definatley have my scan on Monday so we can finally find out if the little bean has stuck itself in the right place or not. The nurse only managed about a cm of blood in the test tube today so hoping it was enough, my veins were not co operating at all.

Nat - yeh it's kinda more strawberry blonde than blonde. Aww be nice for you to have your hair done, it makes you feel better to get abit of pampering. not had mine cut for over a year really should book myself in. I so don't want that witch to visit you tmr fingers crossed it doesn't come hey. A few months ago I was crossing my fingers my period would come so I could start charting and tempting. It was very frustrating not having a period for over 2 months and then 1 came and the none for over 3months when all we wanted to do was try for a baby. xx

Petzy - how's your DH? Hope he's feeling better xx

Good luck KLK. I hope you get great results today be sure to update us! Xx
Happy Saturday ladies. Well DH is slowly getting better and he's at work today. I told him I am sexually frustrated and he laughed. I am sure he knows what I really mean!!! Still no bd and window is closing soon. If we don't manage to bd today but we do Sunday Monday Tuesday I should still be in right? I expect positive OPK Sunday or Monday but if we go by last couple months then Monday for sure. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! I would be so disappointed if I was out this month because of that!!

Going to hot yoga today at noon should be good. Dinner at a friends tonight just BBQ but should be relaxing. Errands and chores besides that!

Xo hope you all are good today!
Klk, good luck! Hope your numbers keep going up!

Nat, I'm sorry Hun. Keep taking your Maca & hopefully it will help you very soon!
Why is it this hard to get pregnant eh?! Fak. Well you know my Tibetian Doctor keeps telling me how his mom had 8 kids, there is no birth control & some of his siblings are 1 year apart, some 3. Everyone's body responds to pregnancy at a different time.

My bleeding has subsided. It's not as heavy this morning. Which is great because I plan to be at the spa today, relaxing. I want to use the water faculties between my two appointments. Which means I gota shave for a bathing suit. Hehe.

Meg, I would encourage that you BD today. Th best timing is 2-3 days before ovulation. It takes some time for those little *******s to swim to where thy gotta be. This doesn't mean you can't get pregnant anyway BUT it's best to try & time it right. If DH can go to work today, he can get his freak on. :) boys rarely say no. Lets be real. Lol
Meg & Nat, just read both of your responses to my message yesterday & thank you.
It's nice to read words that aren't all "chin up". You know I feel like screaming when I get unsolicited advice from people who haven't a clue what's going on with me or think its the right blanket answer. This is so shitty & people can't just seem to wallow with me until I'm ready to think positive again. I had to tell a good friend the day I found out that I'm not ready to talk about improving my fertility for the next time, I just found out I'm having a miscarriage & I jus need to deal with that right at the moment. I wasn't ready to dust myself off. No one seems to want to let anyone just grieve & feel what they are feeling.
Anyway. I feel better today that I'm almost bled out. It felt worse knowing I still had this embryo inside me still. Now I gotta try & move forward & try on our own this month & crossing my fingers we can be pregnant again right away. I'm just done with the struggle.

Ok ladies I will check in later! I have to get myself ready for my spa day!
Klk, good luck! Hope your numbers keep going up!

Nat, I'm sorry Hun. Keep taking your Maca & hopefully it will help you very soon!
Why is it this hard to get pregnant eh?! Fak. Well you know my Tibetian Doctor keeps telling me how his mom had 8 kids, there is no birth control & some of his siblings are 1 year apart, some 3. Everyone's body responds to pregnancy at a different time.

My bleeding has subsided. It's not as heavy this morning. Which is great because I plan to be at the spa today, relaxing. I want to use the water faculties between my two appointments. Which means I gota shave for a bathing suit. Hehe.

Meg, I would encourage that you BD today. Th best timing is 2-3 days before ovulation. It takes some time for those little *******s to swim to where thy gotta be. This doesn't mean you can't get pregnant anyway BUT it's best to try & time it right. If DH can go to work today, he can get his freak on. :) boys rarely say no. Lets be real. Lol

I tried but he was still a bit dizzy with a bad headache lol. Trust me he rarely Says no so I know what that he is definitely sick. Haha. But I'm going to try it when he gets home or at least tonight if we can ....worst case tomorrow morning maybe tomorrow night and Monday and Tuesday ha ha Ha let's see what I can accomplish lol bahhhh
Meg & Nat, just read both of your responses to my message yesterday & thank you.
It's nice to read words that aren't all "chin up". You know I feel like screaming when I get unsolicited advice from people who haven't a clue what's going on with me or think its the right blanket answer. This is so shitty & people can't just seem to wallow with me until I'm ready to think positive again. I had to tell a good friend the day I found out that I'm not ready to talk about improving my fertility for the next time, I just found out I'm having a miscarriage & I jus need to deal with that right at the moment. I wasn't ready to dust myself off. No one seems to want to let anyone just grieve & feel what they are feeling.
Anyway. I feel better today that I'm almost bled out. It felt worse knowing I still had this embryo inside me still. Now I gotta try & move forward & try on our own this month & crossing my fingers we can be pregnant again right away. I'm just done with the struggle.

Ok ladies I will check in later! I have to get myself ready for my spa day!

Wallowing time is important. Can't just get up and run with it. It takes time. You have the best outlook you can though and are very strong. It is inspiring.

Have a great day at the spa you totally deserve it. I will think of you while I'm at hot yoga meditating lo!!

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