6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Wow Nat! You look like a new woman!
CRAAAAZY! Very nice :D
My therapy appointment was good! We talked a lot about how to manage relationships & preparing my friends who are expecting with our demise. And let them know that I need them to understand that I'm not comfortable talking about pregnancies. To help ease my anxiety/stress over it.

What we're going to work on is how to manage staying grounded & staying myself with while trying to get pregnant.

Meg, if your test got lighter - its possible you got your surge last night.
Test again later - don't drink too much so it's concentrated urine. Maybe I missed it but did you get hubby in the sack?

Ahhh thanks Kay...my pics not too good really...I'm hoping to take abetter one tmr when I have full daylight...this camera on iPad is shockingly bad...odd really you'd think iPad would pride themselves on their graphics...
You should be taking it easy mrs...make sure you do from now on ok :)
Know what lo b-days are like tho...mayhem!!! :) fun tho ...

Petz how was your secon opk? Any good? :)

Hiya tri chick...how's your holibob going? Good I hopes...:)

Well not much to report today really guys...
Hoping to see some sort of temp rise tmr...it would be slight if it did but hoping it does...this will mean I will o roughly same time as last cycle give or take a day...
Looking forward to see my biphasic pattern this time...I want to see how it looks as I have hypothyroidism and it should prove rather interesting when it comes to my temperatures ....can't wait to show my gp that!!! :) lol

:) :) :) xxx
My therapy appointment was good! We talked a lot about how to manage relationships & preparing my friends who are expecting with our demise. And let them know that I need them to understand that I'm not comfortable talking about pregnancies. To help ease my anxiety/stress over it.

What we're going to work on is how to manage staying grounded & staying myself with while trying to get pregnant.

Meg, if your test got lighter - its possible you got your surge last night.
Test again later - don't drink too much so it's concentrated urine. Maybe I missed it but did you get hubby in the sack?


Ahhh so glad it went well and you got something to work with now I know how frustrated you must of felt before hand tho...
Therapist is very right your friends do need to know your circumstances when it comes your feelings toward their pregnancy s ......
A true friend wouldn't have a problem with you doing this.

Got my fx for you for tmr barbs will be thinking of you...

:) :) :) xxx
Hi ladies! The vacation is going wonderfully, Edinburgh is BEAUTIFUL! It's our last night before heading down to London for a few days. Getting here was a nightmare, as LO only felt like sleeping on and off for 5 hours during the entire 24 hours of traveling. DH and I almost ripped each other to pieces over something petty the minute we landed at Heathrow. Lol I almost abandoned him at customs out of pure frustration, had half a mind to tell them he was smuggling exotic animals into the country just to see the aftermath. When we finally calmed down, we promised not to speak of the "incident" ever again, haha:) The trip has gone well, we hired a car for the day yesterday and I mastered driving on the left side of the road (DH finally calmed down after panicking the first hour or so). LO has been a little angel the majority of the trip, we rented a flat in the middle of town so I think he felt a little more at home:) I came down with a yeast infection (TMI I know:) the day before we were leaving, that with the MS has made for an interesting journey but I managed to find Zofran from when I was preg with LO so we are getting by. Took a FRER on Sunday with a bright line at 14DPO so hopefully things are going well, won't be able to go in for bloods to confirm until a week from Thursday.

Read through the posts since I was on here last, forgive me if I missed updates:)

Nat- LOVE the hair!:) It compliments you very well, and right in time for spring!

Petzy- Glad to see you coaxed DH into some BD:) I really hope that you didn't miss your surge, those OPKs are so temperamental regarding urine concentration. I swear, sometimes I feel like the only way to get a proper reading is to swear off liquids for an entire two weeks! Fingers crossed for you!

klk- I'm very glad to see that the scan nearly ruled out ectopic. Has the pain subsided a bit (sorry if you mentioned it early and I didn't catch it)

Barb- I've very glad to hear that your therapy session helped. There isn't an easy way to say it, your situation is totally shitty and my heart hurts for you:( I'm glad to see you treated yourself to the spa, and I hope you are finding ways to calm yourself and find some strength. You are definitely in my thoughts right now, and I can completely understand your desire to steer clear of your expecting friends right now. No one can fault you for that at all.
Barbs - I'm not 100% why the no unprotected sex until you know for sure what's going on :-/ the leaflet doesn't say. I assumed maybe there's chance of your other ovary releasing an egg and you don't want to get pregnant in the other tube or in the right place if your having an ectopic? Not sure.
Glad your therapy session went well, I hope it helps.

Nat - I will be putting my feet up for the rest of the week now while OH is working. Well, kind of anyway, as much as you can do while looking after an almost 3year old. lol.
You temp will rise the day after you've ovulated.

Trichick - glad your having a lovely time over here are you flying to London? I bet it's cold up in Edinburgh at the mo? It is beautiful there though.
Really glad your still getting positive tests whoo!
Yes the pains I was getting have subsided, they found a uti that I'm on anti biotics for. For some reason it didn't flag up on the normal tests and was found in a lab and they had to change my anti biotics coz only certain ones would work with the bug I have :-/ anyway after having 4 a day for 7 days I'm finally on my last day. Putting the pain down to that bug. I do keep getting back ache still though but maybe it's normal? And my boobs are sooo so sore :-(

Petzy - your still in with a chance, those little swimmers have got time to get to the egg still x

Just did a pg test, is that just crazy? I really wanted to see those 2 lines again :) I was beginning to think if never see them and always see just 1 line and a bright white space. Feeling nauseous today, blurghhh. Beginning to sink in now that iam pregnant. I so hope all is well and I can't wait for you guys to get your BFP's.
Hope all goes well today Barbs, thinking of you xx
Is anyone having problems with ff today....SO FRUSTRATING!!!! It's not working.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :(

Hiya Jen :) so glad to hear your having a good time...hilairiuos reading about the smuggling thing...tempting isn't it pmsl....men have a way of railing us up don't they...I think early pregnancy tends to make women even more sensitive to it aswell lol
Sorry to he about yeast infection...so annoying isn't it..hope it clears up ASAP love...
Hope the rest of your holibob goes well for you all...safe journeys back aswell :)

Petz did your opk get stronger?
Kay- glad to hear you'll be resting alittle more now :) yes toddlers are by difficult arnt they lol...fun but exhausting little bug bugs...
Barbs hope your well...good luck for today Il be thinking of you :)

:) :) :) xxx
Ok so it's working again now...but.....the temps arnt joining up...I've got a dotted line completely missing two temps?????? Confused!!
Do any of you girls know what's going on here? :)

:) :) :) xxx
My therapy appointment was good! We talked a lot about how to manage relationships & preparing my friends who are expecting with our demise. And let them know that I need them to understand that I'm not comfortable talking about pregnancies. To help ease my anxiety/stress over it.

What we're going to work on is how to manage staying grounded & staying myself with while trying to get pregnant.

Meg, if your test got lighter - its possible you got your surge last night.
Test again later - don't drink too much so it's concentrated urine. Maybe I missed it but did you get hubby in the sack?


Barb I am glad the appointment went well - its good to have a strategy per se and something to focus on. Coping mechanisms are key and staying yourself is so important! If you lost youself in this process it would not be worth it...nothing is worth that you know??

My evening OPK actually seemed a bit darker so maybe I didnt miss it. AHH they are hard to read this month for some reason. But I am going to test again this morning and tonight and see what they say. We BD'd again this morning so who knows I may have a chance.... (and yes Barb we got a BD in on Monday too luckily!)
Hi ladies! The vacation is going wonderfully, Edinburgh is BEAUTIFUL! It's our last night before heading down to London for a few days. Getting here was a nightmare, as LO only felt like sleeping on and off for 5 hours during the entire 24 hours of traveling. DH and I almost ripped each other to pieces over something petty the minute we landed at Heathrow. Lol I almost abandoned him at customs out of pure frustration, had half a mind to tell them he was smuggling exotic animals into the country just to see the aftermath. When we finally calmed down, we promised not to speak of the "incident" ever again, haha:) The trip has gone well, we hired a car for the day yesterday and I mastered driving on the left side of the road (DH finally calmed down after panicking the first hour or so). LO has been a little angel the majority of the trip, we rented a flat in the middle of town so I think he felt a little more at home:) I came down with a yeast infection (TMI I know:) the day before we were leaving, that with the MS has made for an interesting journey but I managed to find Zofran from when I was preg with LO so we are getting by. Took a FRER on Sunday with a bright line at 14DPO so hopefully things are going well, won't be able to go in for bloods to confirm until a week from Thursday.

Read through the posts since I was on here last, forgive me if I missed updates:)

Nat- LOVE the hair!:) It compliments you very well, and right in time for spring!

Petzy- Glad to see you coaxed DH into some BD:) I really hope that you didn't miss your surge, those OPKs are so temperamental regarding urine concentration. I swear, sometimes I feel like the only way to get a proper reading is to swear off liquids for an entire two weeks! Fingers crossed for you!

klk- I'm very glad to see that the scan nearly ruled out ectopic. Has the pain subsided a bit (sorry if you mentioned it early and I didn't catch it)

Barb- I've very glad to hear that your therapy session helped. There isn't an easy way to say it, your situation is totally shitty and my heart hurts for you:( I'm glad to see you treated yourself to the spa, and I hope you are finding ways to calm yourself and find some strength. You are definitely in my thoughts right now, and I can completely understand your desire to steer clear of your expecting friends right now. No one can fault you for that at all.

TriChick glad you made it to England in one piece haha - now let go of the stress of travel and enjoy your vacation with your family!! Glad you found some meds and sorry about that YI - those suck!!!
Just did a pg test, is that just crazy? I really wanted to see those 2 lines again :) I was beginning to think if never see them and always see just 1 line and a bright white space. Feeling nauseous today, blurghhh. Beginning to sink in now that iam pregnant. I so hope all is well and I can't wait for you guys to get your BFP's.
Hope all goes well today Barbs, thinking of you xx

KLK - No thats not crazy at all... reassurance is understandable esp. since they were watching you carefully! Let it sink it as best you can and take care of yourself :) I cant imagine being pg with a 3 year old running around! LOL My friend just had her third last week - 3 under 3!!! Can you imagine!! Ahhhh
Any if you get your chart up on your iPhone/iPad screen then press the home button and the on/off button at the same time it will take a screen shot for you. Then come on here and to wire a new reply(not the quick reply bit) and there's a little paperclip on the bar along the top o the box you type in its next to a smiley face. Click that and click choose file then choose existing and select your pic then click upload and then close that window and type your message and when you send it the pic will be attached.

Thanks Petzy, good to know it doesn't sound too mental it felt abit crazy lol my LO should be starting half days at school in September so ill get some free time during school days anyway :) Id love him to have a little sibling. He told me thats he's cheeky earlier lol! I couldn't have 3 all under the age 3 I think that would send me doo-lally lol xx
OMG barbs I'm so sorry I've missed everything. My heart goes out to you. There is nothing I can say that will make you feel better but I'm pleased you are talking about your emotions and getting help on how to deal with others getting preg. This is something I massively struggled with and at times made myself a bit of a recluse as I just couldn't bear being around my pregnant friends it just cut me up so badly inside :( I'm not sure how I got through it but us women have this inbuilt strength & coping mechanism and you will be fine. We are all here to support you! (((Hugs)))

Hope everyone else is ok...sorry I've not been around its been quite stressful with millions of visitors at home and meals out everywhere plus I'm surviving on very little sleep! Ugh

Sending lots of baby dust to you all! Xx
OMG barbs I'm so sorry I've missed everything. My heart goes out to you. There is nothing I can say that will make you feel better but I'm pleased you are talking about your emotions and getting help on how to deal with others getting preg. This is something I massively struggled with and at times made myself a bit of a recluse as I just couldn't bear being around my pregnant friends it just cut me up so badly inside :( I'm not sure how I got through it but us women have this inbuilt strength & coping mechanism and you will be fine. We are all here to support you! (((Hugs)))

Hope everyone else is ok...sorry I've not been around its been quite stressful with millions of visitors at home and meals out everywhere plus I'm surviving on very little sleep! Ugh

Sending lots of baby dust to you all! Xx

So good to hear from you Nimbec! Toroally understandable that you are so busy with little Harrison!! Thanks for the wise words for Barb... she is one tough cookie
Any if you get your chart up on your iPhone/iPad screen then press the home button and the on/off button at the same time it will take a screen shot for you. Then come on here and to wire a new reply(not the quick reply bit) and there's a little paperclip on the bar along the top o the box you type in its next to a smiley face. Click that and click choose file then choose existing and select your pic then click upload and then close that window and type your message and when you send it the pic will be attached.

Thanks Petzy, good to know it doesn't sound too mental it felt abit crazy lol my LO should be starting half days at school in September so ill get some free time during school days anyway :) Id love him to have a little sibling. He told me thats he's cheeky earlier lol! I couldn't have 3 all under the age 3 I think that would send me doo-lally lol xx

Kay ...your amaizballs love...I didn't even know you could do that lol....
I've managed to do it aswell Yaye.......:)
Ill post it in a mo ok... Thankyou for teaching me that :)

:) :) :) xxx
So here it is...I'm quite confused about this...what is this dotty line thing doing whilst skipping temps??? Ummmm? I haven't a clue bob :)

:) :) :)


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Ok girls.... so good news I dont think I missed my surge... darker than yesterday for sure - what do you think :D

I will test again tonight and I assume it will be positive then or closer to.

we BD Monday night and today AM so far so thats good!


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