6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

I got pregnant on my own before so it's possible however I don't want to wait another yr. that's why we did IUI. If this cycle is a bust then I wanna get back to IUi in May. IUI worked for us so it should work again. But it would be super nice if it worked on our own. FX

I agree Barb and I think that's the best plan. I would do the same if I was in your shoes.

I forget Barb - how old are you? If l recall we are close in age ( well we are all really I think). I've been thinking a lot about the fact that I am going to be 30 in July. I think it's amazing in that when I was 20 I wouldn't have thought in a million years I wouldn't have a baby by 30. But then again we were not ready to ttc until we did. I thought I would be ready so much sooner when I was younger. I have tried to stop obsessing about the age. It's out of my control and its not as though I am out of the norm at all. Just thinking aloud here.

It's 7am and I wish I could sleep more I only went to bed at 1. I am feeling better from this bug but the runs are not gone yet. I think I still may brave it and go shopping today.

Meeting a close friends newborn tonight for dinner. That should help eh? Lmao
Hey Hun, thanks for getting me :)

I just turned 32. I thought when I was 20, is have 3 kids by now. But life doesn't always work out as you had envisioned. I got pregnant with my daughter right before I turned 30 & thought perfect! I had thought for a few years how I would liked to get pregnant by 30. And I am now 32, no live child. Struggling to get pregnant again & be a mom before I'm 33. Nuts!

Wow, your stomach is still no good eh?! I'm sorry to hear. How was shopping?! You ought to take some Imodium.

We slept in and laid in bed for a long time. Then we went to look at a few houses, hit Milestones for dinner & watched Jurassic Park 3D!!!! Yah!!!
Just for home. I'm tired. Zzzzz
Hey Barb!

Sounds like a good relaxing weekend :) we visited a friends newborn last night. It was fine and he is an adorable baby. I think I was enjoying my wine too much to be bothered by anything. It was nice lol. Upsides right??

Laid back day today.... Lounging around the house now. Went for lunch earlier at turtle jacks.

Shopping was good yesterday I got a few things that I'm happy with. That's a great mall but the hour drive each way was tiring.

CD 20 over here and since I have no idea when I Od this month I am not paying attention whatsoever it's pretty nice lol. I'm expecting AF between Monday and Wednesday next week but likely Wednesday the 24th. And given this month I do expect it for sure.

Hope everyone else is havin a good weekend. Xx
Ok this stomach thing is getting OLD!!! It was bad all afternoon and night yesterday... just queasy and bad heartburn
and the same today... really bad heartburn and queasiness.... I need this to go away already!!
Aw Meg, I'm sorry you're still not well. You may need to go to a doctor now.
FX that you'll be better soon.

I can't stand to be around new borns now. I actually haven't been around one since my own. I am not sure how I'll handle it once my friends who are pregnant right now have their babies at the end of this year.

Well, I'm starting to OPK - & they're not positive so that's good news. And I found a little bit of EWCM when I wiped yesterday. It could be anything but I'm keeping an eye out!
Aw Meg, I'm sorry you're still not well. You may need to go to a doctor now.
FX that you'll be better soon.

I can't stand to be around new borns now. I actually haven't been around one since my own. I am not sure how I'll handle it once my friends who are pregnant right now have their babies at the end of this year.

Well, I'm starting to OPK - & they're not positive so that's good news. And I found a little bit of EWCM when I wiped yesterday. It could be anything but I'm keeping an eye out!

Hey thats good about the OPK Barb - just keep tracking them and see what happens.

Yeah we will see how the next few days go re my stomach.
Hiya girls...sooo sorry for my disappearance ...got rushed into hospital Friday tea time with poorly kidneys...very sick I am...
Still in hospital now...4days urgh! I wanna go home nowwwww!!!
Totally gutted really...messed up ttc this cycle now...I was supposed to start opk today but that's off for now....
I tried everything to try to get home today and I'm not aloud..boooooo!!! :(
I'm on meds to prevent kidney failour at the moment so things are pretty serious right now and going home isn't an option- not good and not a happy bunny :(

So glad to hear all is well for everyone...will try and get on again soon ok :)
Baby dust to you barbs and petz for this cycle abundance of the stuff everywhere for you both :)

:) :) :) xxx
Hiya girls...sooo sorry for my disappearance ...got rushed into hospital Friday tea time with poorly kidneys...very sick I am...
Still in hospital now...4days urgh! I wanna go home nowwwww!!!
Totally gutted really...messed up ttc this cycle now...I was supposed to start opk today but that's off for now....
I tried everything to try to get home today and I'm not aloud..boooooo!!! :(
I'm on meds to prevent kidney failour at the moment so things are pretty serious right now and going home isn't an option- not good and not a happy bunny :(

So glad to hear all is well for everyone...will try and get on again soon ok :)
Baby dust to you barbs and petz for this cycle abundance of the stuff everywhere for you both :)

:) :) :) xxx

Oh god Nat - what happened! Do you have problems with your kidneys before this? That sounds very serious... You are emailing from the hospital! You should be resting doll... As hard as it sounds try not to worry about TTC right now until all this is sorted out poor thing.

Update us soon but rest and do what the doctors tell you!
OMG Nat! That sounds major! What happened to you - what's this kidney failure from?! I hope you're going to be ok!!!!!
Don't worry about TTC right now - you need to get better. I was wondering where you went off to.
Keep us posted - I'll be thinking of you! XO
Omg Nat, I hope your going to be ok. Sounds like scary stuff. Wishing you well xx

Good luck TTC this cycle ladies I've been lurking xx
how is your day going, Meg? I can't wait to get out of here.
this day is dragging for EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
Hiya girls...sooo sorry for my disappearance ...got rushed into hospital Friday tea time with poorly kidneys...very sick I am...
Still in hospital now...4days urgh! I wanna go home nowwwww!!!
Totally gutted really...messed up ttc this cycle now...I was supposed to start opk today but that's off for now....
I tried everything to try to get home today and I'm not aloud..boooooo!!! :(
I'm on meds to prevent kidney failour at the moment so things are pretty serious right now and going home isn't an option- not good and not a happy bunny :(

So glad to hear all is well for everyone...will try and get on again soon ok :)
Baby dust to you barbs and petz for this cycle abundance of the stuff everywhere for you both :)

:) :) :) xxx

Oh god Nat - what happened! Do you have problems with your kidneys before this? That sounds very serious... You are emailing from the hospital! You should be resting doll... As hard as it sounds try not to worry about TTC right now until all this is sorted out poor thing.

Update us soon but rest and do what the doctors tell you!

Awwwwe thanks girls....:flower:
Not a scooby what happend lol
One minute im going to bed all fine and dandy...althoe I did feel alittle sick and fatigued.....and the next it's morning and I'm struggling to get get thought the day without collapsing....I tried to power through it as you do thinking I had a tummy bug then next thing I know I'm in hospital with some very worried people running around me....:shrug:

So I bargained with the doctors today....I am stabilised now and I asked if can go home tmr ....at first it was a no :nope: but then I say hang on I play ball you play too yeah? :thumbup: Lol
I've got a few tests in the mrn and ALOT of water to drink and hopefully it's home I go....depending on the scans and test results...fx...:)
Apart from some pain and being pumped full of drugs I'm feeling ALOT better now...I might be able to salvage some of this cycle after all lol
Altho u gals may be right...concentrate on getting well might have to come first lol...

I have a lovely old lady opposite me...she just smiles all day long...every time time I look at her she's smiling- bless her socks ahhhh...:) I want to take her home with me and look after her :)

Well hope all is well girls hope your having a great night and hope the weather at your end is better than here...it's flipping miserable out there...I want to go and bash the weather man on the head with a very large frying pan and demand some sunshine lol

Night night all
:) :) :) xxx
Hi Barbs, I'm ok Thankyou for asking, struggling with bad fatigue I'm constantly exhausted and by 6 O clock I can't keep my eyes open. Hoping it doesn't go on for too long, feel sorry for my little boy coz I just have no energy. I also still have very sore Bbs and nausea although not actually had to be sick which is a bonus I guess. Gota force myself to eat, you don't have much appetite while nauseous. I've got no pain anymore so guessing the anti biotics worked and the back aches eased up abit not getting it as often.
I've been lurking and reading how you guys are getting on and I still will until I see your BFP's, just not wanting to go on much about me and my symptoms since I no it's hard for you guys and I totally get that coz while I was trying my friend got preg without trying and it made me feel pretty gutted. I don't know if you guys smoke but my friend does and her other half does and smokes cannibis. She hasn't quit while pregnant and she's due soon, it's something that annoys me a lot. I know it's hard to quit but surely it's something you can do for your baby's health? I find it selfish that she puts smoking before her baby. They live in a high flat too and smoke in there with the window open they seem to think that's adequate to get rid of the second hand smoke. Sorry for that rant lol it just gets on my nerves x
Nat, good luck getting out of there, it doesn't sound like they want to let you go for abit yet. I hope your results come back good. It's always easier to recover at home in your own bed isn't it? But if they want to keep you I'm sure it will be with good reason. You just do as they advise and you will be right in no time xx
Hi Girls!

Nat - wow! I really hope you are up and at em soon.. I am glad you are improving but you need to take really good care of yourself! And of course you made a friend there LOL!! Too funny...

KLK - Thank you for being considerate and I can only speak for myself of course but you talking about your symotoms does not bother me.. I am interested and like to hear about whats to come eventually! Im sorry you are having morning sickness and so tired! Seems standard for early pg but that doesnt make it fun... Get lots of rest and eat some soup for baby! lol :)

Barb - how are you doing today??

I woke up at 3am with major waves of nausea... what on earth... Today I am still sick in my stomach. its a mix of stomach cramps and nausea and it is NOT pleasant... I am still at work, etc but I wish this would go away! I have no idea what this is - just a bug I suppose taking its time to go away.....

I think I am 5DPO or so today but I could be anywhere from 4-6 I suppose. So lets stick with 5 and call it a day.
Petzy - Thankyou, Your right about it not being fun, the symptoms can make you feel just awful sometimes. I'm so grateful and happy to be pg, makes me feel bad if I complain about how ill it makes me feel. It seems like 1st may is forever away to wait and see if there's a baby and heartbeat in that little empty looking sac we saw last. I'm hoping the symptoms are a sign things are progressing.

Sorry to hear your still not very well. Seems we are abit of a bunch of demics in this group none if are having a smooth ride are we. I think you need to think about going to the doctors about your bug you might need abit of help fighting it. I'd say take a pg test but since you know your cycles well its probably not the case.
I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you this cycle. When do you test?
Petzy - Thankyou, Your right about it not being fun, the symptoms can make you feel just awful sometimes. I'm so grateful and happy to be pg, makes me feel bad if I complain about how ill it makes me feel. It seems like 1st may is forever away to wait and see if there's a baby and heartbeat in that little empty looking sac we saw last. I'm hoping the symptoms are a sign things are progressing.

Sorry to hear your still not very well. Seems we are abit of a bunch of demics in this group none if are having a smooth ride are we. I think you need to think about going to the doctors about your bug you might need abit of help fighting it. I'd say take a pg test but since you know your cycles well its probably not the case.
I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you this cycle. When do you test?

Thanks - yeah i highly doubt it is... I mean I got AF on time and I know I hear those stories about people thinking its a period when its not but there is no way that was not a period LOL... I would be blown away if it wasnt haha. I am only about 5DPO or so , expecting AF on the 24th or so - 8 days
Hi Ladies!

Nat, I hope you get better really soon. Sounds very unpleasant. As long as you're OK in the end that's what matters. Just do as the doctors say :) don't be so concerned with TTC right now - I think the best will be just making sure you're better xo

KLK, I hope that you see a heart beat - when is your u/s? The symptoms could be a good sign. Especially if it's progressing. When was it again that they looked for a heart but couldn't see anything but a sac?

Meg, this is nuts - what's going on with you? I'd be seeing my doctor now I think. Maybe you need some antibiotics or some thing?! I had a bit of a tummy bug a while back & I took some garlic pills, probiotics & ginger tea. It helped me pretty fast.
Some food for thought. HAH! :)

Well, I'm still not clear about whether or not I'm going to Ovulate this month. And if I do I suppose it'll be delayed? I have been taking OPK's since Saturday & it was very dark & slowly getting lighter. Today's test is no where near close to positive on CD13. Mind you my HCG took a while to leave my system & that's why I think my OPK is dark on Saturday. Makes sense.

Here are the three progressive or not progressive tests & then today's. I'm going to retest later. Part of that urine sample was also coffee pee - you know that's way more diluted ;) LOL


  • OPK.jpg
    20.8 KB · Views: 7
  • CD13.jpg
    9.5 KB · Views: 3
Yeah I really dont think the doc can do anything for a stomach bug I am going to wait it out for a bit longer. But if in a few days its the same I will go see the doc I think....

I am heading to the dentist in a couple hours that should be a real blast! Nothing like a good cleaning haha....

Barb your progression is interesting - I am sure you are right about the Saturday one being from HCG.... are you BD'ing or are you waiting to see how OPK's go?

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