6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Dentist?! Have fun!!!!

I'd suggest you steep fresh ginger tea. It really helps with tummy issues.
Help your nausea & it's also great for bacteria. Give it a try ;)

We've been BD'ing. I'm not stopping. I don't know when I"ll catch the eggy so I want to be prepared if I do end up ovulating this month. It's very possible for my hormones to be really off & maybe the OPK's wont work. We shall see!

Are you waiting for AF or are you going to test early?!
OK I did the pee pee this afternoon - 5.30pm & it's significantly darker than this morning.
SO...I'm thinking I'm gearing up for O. My CM is watery & it's had slight stretch for 3 days. Not having the typical EWCM but still fertile mucus now! I hope I O this week! OMG!!!


  • CD13.jpg
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Well the dentist was an interesting experience. Said they wanted to do updated X-rays and then says cant do it any chance of pregnancy. So I basically said well technically there is a chance as I'm in 2ww but I said even if I was it would be so early I'm sure it wouldn't matter. She said no way and that they couldn't even do a cleaning in the first trimester. Apparently any kind of dental work in the first or third trimester is a no go. I was kind of shocked and then my dentist came in and said he couldn't do anything! I was like wow ok I did not know that. So she said basically that if AF comes she can book me in within the first two weeks of my cycle ( they seem to know their stuff) but that she would call me in two weeks because she didn't want to jinx anything lol. She was super nice but honestly I had no idea about any of this for some reason. So yeah no cleaning for me today.
OK I did the pee pee this afternoon - 5.30pm & it's significantly darker than this morning.
SO...I'm thinking I'm gearing up for O. My CM is watery & it's had slight stretch for 3 days. Not having the typical EWCM but still fertile mucus now! I hope I O this week! OMG!!!

Hey that's great news Barb!! FX yep it's looking nice and dark for sure
Hi Barbs, I'm ok Thankyou for asking, struggling with bad fatigue I'm constantly exhausted and by 6 O clock I can't keep my eyes open. Hoping it doesn't go on for too long, feel sorry for my little boy coz I just have no energy. I also still have very sore Bbs and nausea although not actually had to be sick which is a bonus I guess. Gota force myself to eat, you don't have much appetite while nauseous. I've got no pain anymore so guessing the anti biotics worked and the back aches eased up abit not getting it as often.
I've been lurking and reading how you guys are getting on and I still will until I see your BFP's, just not wanting to go on much about me and my symptoms since I no it's hard for you guys and I totally get that coz while I was trying my friend got preg without trying and it made me feel pretty gutted. I don't know if you guys smoke but my friend does and her other half does and smokes cannibis. She hasn't quit while pregnant and she's due soon, it's something that annoys me a lot. I know it's hard to quit but surely it's something you can do for your baby's health? I find it selfish that she puts smoking before her baby. They live in a high flat too and smoke in there with the window open they seem to think that's adequate to get rid of the second hand smoke. Sorry for that rant lol it just gets on my nerves x

Hey Hun,

Don't bother me to tell me your symptoms. :)
I hope it all works out for you. Looking fwd to hearing when your next scan is. How many weeks along are you now? And how many were you with your last scan?

As for the smoking- I hear ya.
Friends of ours got knocked up about 3 months after trying. They are BOTH pot heads & drank EVERY DAY. Insane. And no issues w/fertility. Oh now, why would they?!:dohh:

As for smoking cigarettes, not to defend your friend but I've heard some times doctors will recommend weaning off cigarettes if someone's really hooked. Has some thing to do w/withdrawl. But you know people smoked pregnant many decades ago & they're fine. But it does result in less than ideal weight babies. I don't think it's right. I think if the withdrawl is needed, sure. But other than that -aren't we smart enough now a days to know its' so freakin' wrong?!
Well the dentist was an interesting experience. Said they wanted to do updated X-rays and then says cant do it any chance of pregnancy. So I basically said well technically there is a chance as I'm in 2ww but I said even if I was it would be so early I'm sure it wouldn't matter. She said no way and that they couldn't even do a cleaning in the first trimester. Apparently any kind of dental work in the first or third trimester is a no go. I was kind of shocked and then my dentist came in and said he couldn't do anything! I was like wow ok I did not know that. So she said basically that if AF comes she can book me in within the first two weeks of my cycle ( they seem to know their stuff) but that she would call me in two weeks because she didn't want to jinx anything lol. She was super nice but honestly I had no idea about any of this for some reason. So yeah no cleaning for me today.

Hmmm..OK I'll tell you smth. That's the first time I've heard about cleaning. I've heard that during pregnancy it's healthy & encouraged to get your teeth cleaned. But no major dental work!!! As far as X ray - they are right.
They put a thing over your baby maker areas but I don't think they like to take the risk. When I was pregnant, I went for routine dental cleaning & it was encouraged. The last cleaning appointment I went in to, I was supposed to have fillings done & a tooth extraction. They said no b/c I'm pregnant. Come back when I'm not. I had NO idea. They freeze your gums - not like it's that crazy. Shrugs.
Meg, check this link out:


Lines up w/what my dentist said.
Meg, check this link out:


Lines up w/what my dentist said.

Yeah this recommends best time is 2nd tri which Is what my dentist said. He was adamant no cleanings though. Said 13 week mark was the milestone unless an emergency. I guess I will just go when AF shows.
Interesting! Good to know. So you can wait until or if AF comes!
How are you feeling about this cycle?!
Interesting! Good to know. So you can wait until or if AF comes!
How are you feeling about this cycle?!

I really don't know. Since I'm not sure exactly when I Od last week but it was likely around wed or so and we BD last mon wed and thurs. does that still give me a chance even if I Od on let's say tues or thurs even?

I feel like I'm out but maybe I'm being negative. I am expecting AF next Wednesday. Best case Tuesday I think. I think being sick has made me feel out
From what you just described, sounds to me like you did just fine! Hey, it only takes ONE time. Too bad I can't remind myself this :o)
But truly, you did well. All you can do now & wait....& see!!!!! FX
I'm pretty excited about my prospects this month. I'm sorta holding on hope that this MC makes me more fertile. And maybe we won't need to do IUI next month?!
I've been TTC for so long & this has been a part of my life for so well over 1 year that it is starting to feel "normal". And I don't know how I feel about that.
Even though I had a MC & I was finally pregnant - I had fears of loosign this little bean & when I did I wasn't as surprised as I had thought I would be. And I feel like I"m just doing the same thing - different month, different day....gawd I hope I get knocked up this month.
Thanks for the confidence boost Barb. It's so easy to be disheartened by this process as you know LOL. I will try to think positive.

I hope the mc boosts your chances this month too I know that I have read that a lot on here. But I know what you mean when you say but it's become a part of your normal life kind of sad isn't it? Ahhhh lol. Thank goodness We are in this together!
Hi Barbs, I'm not 100% sure where I'm up2 as not been given an EDD but from using my ovulation date according to my temps and putting them in on the websites that help you calculate I think I'm now 6 weeks today. The docs saw an empty sac at 4weeks but they expected me to be futhur than that going of my last period but I have long irregular cycles and from my dates I worked out I was 4weeks which is what stage the scan showed me at. My scan is on 1st may at 7.30am not sure what time that is where you are. I should hopefully measure at 8 weeks fingers crossed and be able to see a lil bean and heart beat, so nervous.

Re: smoking. I wouldn't mind if they weaned themselves off its when they just do it anyway and make no attempt to quit. Your right people did used to it but they had no idea what could happen and to me what could happen is too much if a risk. It cuts the baby's oxygen supply and can cause premature labour, stillbirth, low birthweight, cot death, is that really something you would risk so you could get your nicotine? Coz if I smoked I sure as hell wouldn't make my unborn baby smoke with me, I'd be a nervous wreck and be so scared for my babys health. Babies are precious and are worth so much more than having a cigarette. (When I say you, I don't mean you personally).

Your opk's are looking promising arent they, keep up with the Bd'ing, my fingers are crossed that egg and sperm meet at a good time and stick fast xx
Petzy - you did well with Bd around ovulation. The sperm stays in your system on its travels for a couple of days so all that week you will have sperm in your system so should have easily caught ovulation x
Thanks KLK! Really keeping FX for your scan on May 1st..... xx

Barb - how are those OPK progressing?

Nada going on here.. stomach feels a bit better today so thats good news I think!! lol

Is it bad I am already counting down to the weekend? Bahhh I think a fun night is what I need! Going to suggest a date night - dinner and slots at the falls haha...

Only 6DPO or so so a ways to go for me still.
Awwwwwe I'm sooooo nervous right now....waiting to hear if I need to go in for surgery ...had ct scan earlier today on kidneys and I have been worried ever since...whaaaaaaa :(

Doesn't look like I'm going to get out of here too soon yet...darn it!!!
I'm feeling pretty rotten now...the amount of drugs they pumping into me is making me feel really sick...
By the end of the day I don't even know what day it even is lol

So when I went for ct scan earlier they asked me when lmp was and I responded I'm cd 10 love...ha ha haaa....she was like " what?"
I then said oh ok lol sorry its the 6th love...
She then wnt on to tell me I can't and shouldn't get pg this month bc of radiation..like - rub it in why don't ya lol

So I'm feeling impatient and worried right now...want to go home- too sick too :(

Well fx for you petz and barbs
Hope you start to feel better soon Kay...when I felt like that with last pg....I HAD to rest as much as poss...try and do what you only CAN with lo and don't feel guilty ok...
As for the nausea try ginger nut biscuits...snack on them when u can love...avoid the ginger snaps they have way too much sugar in them and will cause opposite affect and heartburn will add to it...
Petz right- soup is good...small and often if appetite is low...pasta is VERY good for this too :)

Well can't wait to get peeling on them stickys next cycle...got a looooong time to go yet tho booooooo :(

Hope y'all having a good day :)
Ohh and thankyou for your well wishes too :)
:) :) :) xxx
Hi Barbs, I'm not 100% sure where I'm up2 as not been given an EDD but from using my ovulation date according to my temps and putting them in on the websites that help you calculate I think I'm now 6 weeks today. The docs saw an empty sac at 4weeks but they expected me to be futhur than that going of my last period but I have long irregular cycles and from my dates I worked out I was 4weeks which is what stage the scan showed me at. My scan is on 1st may at 7.30am not sure what time that is where you are. I should hopefully measure at 8 weeks fingers crossed and be able to see a lil bean and heart beat, so nervous.

Re: smoking. I wouldn't mind if they weaned themselves off its when they just do it anyway and make no attempt to quit. Your right people did used to it but they had no idea what could happen and to me what could happen is too much if a risk. It cuts the baby's oxygen supply and can cause premature labour, stillbirth, low birthweight, cot death, is that really something you would risk so you could get your nicotine? Coz if I smoked I sure as hell wouldn't make my unborn baby smoke with me, I'd be a nervous wreck and be so scared for my babys health. Babies are precious and are worth so much more than having a cigarette. (When I say you, I don't mean you personally).

Your opk's are looking promising arent they, keep up with the Bd'ing, my fingers are crossed that egg and sperm meet at a good time and stick fast xx

That's a super long time to wait for another scan to see if it's a viable pregnancy. Do you have to pay for each visit & scan?
I wish you the very best. I hope you have a happy & healthy pregnancy!
And I agree w/you about smoking - totally. I don't understand people. I would never take these risks with a baby. But you know, your friend probably thinks she's invincible & nothing will go wrong.
Thanks KLK! Really keeping FX for your scan on May 1st..... xx

Barb - how are those OPK progressing?

Nada going on here.. stomach feels a bit better today so thats good news I think!! lol

Is it bad I am already counting down to the weekend? Bahhh I think a fun night is what I need! Going to suggest a date night - dinner and slots at the falls haha...

Only 6DPO or so so a ways to go for me still.

Hey Hun, that's why I'm here :) We need to support one another & snap each other out of our craziness :) lol

My OPK is near positive. Check it out! I really hope it's not a false positive & I actually am going to Ovulate. So tomorrow I should get my positive but I will test again tonight. Which would be Friday is O day & Saturday, 1dpo. Then crossing everything I've got.

YOu planning to test before AF shows her face?!

Date night is great. And important! Do it :)


  • CD14.jpg
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Awwwwwe I'm sooooo nervous right now....waiting to hear if I need to go in for surgery ...had ct scan earlier today on kidneys and I have been worried ever since...whaaaaaaa :(

Doesn't look like I'm going to get out of here too soon yet...darn it!!!
I'm feeling pretty rotten now...the amount of drugs they pumping into me is making me feel really sick...
By the end of the day I don't even know what day it even is lol

So when I went for ct scan earlier they asked me when lmp was and I responded I'm cd 10 love...ha ha haaa....she was like " what?"
I then said oh ok lol sorry its the 6th love...
She then wnt on to tell me I can't and shouldn't get pg this month bc of radiation..like - rub it in why don't ya lol

So I'm feeling impatient and worried right now...want to go home- too sick too :(

Well fx for you petz and barbs
Hope you start to feel better soon Kay...when I felt like that with last pg....I HAD to rest as much as poss...try and do what you only CAN with lo and don't feel guilty ok...
As for the nausea try ginger nut biscuits...snack on them when u can love...avoid the ginger snaps they have way too much sugar in them and will cause opposite affect and heartburn will add to it...
Petz right- soup is good...small and often if appetite is low...pasta is VERY good for this too :)

Well can't wait to get peeling on them stickys next cycle...got a looooong time to go yet tho booooooo :(

Hope y'all having a good day :)
Ohh and thankyou for your well wishes too :)
:) :) :) xxx

Oh Nat. I'm so sorry. I'm worried about you.
What are they trying to see before suggesting a possible surgery? What are they looking for?
This really sucks. I'm sure you're in good hands. Just rest. Lots & lots of rest.
XOXOX I'm sending you a massive hug & orders to get better!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks KLK! Really keeping FX for your scan on May 1st..... xx

Barb - how are those OPK progressing?

Nada going on here.. stomach feels a bit better today so thats good news I think!! lol

Is it bad I am already counting down to the weekend? Bahhh I think a fun night is what I need! Going to suggest a date night - dinner and slots at the falls haha...

Only 6DPO or so so a ways to go for me still.

Hey Hun, that's why I'm here :) We need to support one another & snap each other out of our craziness :) lol

My OPK is near positive. Check it out! I really hope it's not a false positive & I actually am going to Ovulate. So tomorrow I should get my positive but I will test again tonight. Which would be Friday is O day & Saturday, 1dpo. Then crossing everything I've got.

YOu planning to test before AF shows her face?!

Date night is great. And important! Do it :)

Hey Barb - Yeah no kidding that OPK is looking good! I would have to think you are O ing because it was lighter a few days ago. You should deffo have your positive by tomorrow latest I would think! Weeee FX - I am glad to see those sticks!!!

I am not sure if I will test but I probably will because I have a life brand test at home.. I got a two pack on sale and used one to confirm that my horrible stomach issues were not pg related.... So I guess the earliest I can test would be 10DPO on Sunday...I will see if I can wait a bit longer than that though. I really dont like to test early at all but It would be nearly impossible for me having one on hand... BAHHH its a stupid blue dye one too!!!

I have one more natural cycle after this before heading to the clinic for a once over lol so i really hope we can make it happen in April or May lol

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