6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Hey Hun!

I'm getting excited for O to happen. I can't be sure it will happen but the way my OPK is going, its lining up with a regular cycle I would normal have had. I'll test again tonight - some times I get my positive later at the end of the day. But if not, then tomorrow morning for sure. I see no doubt. Hope my body's not playing tricks on me! Gotta make sure we squeeze in some BD time tonight.

You know what, I'd say wait until 11dpo. It's the most times that woman will get an actual positive & I got mine at 11dpo & when I did the math on my last pregnancy, it was probably 11dpo. If you only have that one test - just wait one more day :) TRY HARD!!! :) And don't use the dollar store test. I think I showed you that it was barely readable when all my other tests were so damn obvious!
Hey Hun!

I'm getting excited for O to happen. I can't be sure it will happen but the way my OPK is going, its lining up with a regular cycle I would normal have had. I'll test again tonight - some times I get my positive later at the end of the day. But if not, then tomorrow morning for sure. I see no doubt. Hope my body's not playing tricks on me! Gotta make sure we squeeze in some BD time tonight.

You know what, I'd say wait until 11dpo. It's the most times that woman will get an actual positive & I got mine at 11dpo & when I did the math on my last pregnancy, it was probably 11dpo. If you only have that one test - just wait one more day :) TRY HARD!!! :) And don't use the dollar store test. I think I showed you that it was barely readable when all my other tests were so damn obvious!

Barb your positive spirit is awesome. So impressed - I know this TTC stuff is so tough but you are one tough cookie - big hugs to you!!

I forget - do you get other O symptoms other than just the OPK? THat should help you confirm too! I wish I did bahhhh! (I think you mentioned you had EWCM? ) I only notice EWCM after BD sometimes when i am on my fertile days... I did this month - I hope it was CM anyways! It was totally clear and stretchy so it should have been I think...

Yeah you did show me how stupid those dollar store tests are. I will stick with better brands I think.... And yes I will try to wait until at least 11/12 DPO before I use it.
Thanks, Meg - I'm really trying. You know I realized I have major swings. I get frantic when shit's hitting the fan & can't deal with it but then a few days later I pick myself back up & feel better. I can't dwell on my MC. What can that do? It won't reverse what happened. I'm really just hoping & banking that my fertility has improved b/c of the MC & it's our chance to conceive on our own. One can only hope.

Well I was having some EWCM & this morning it was very watery - not EWCM but lots of it & very watery. Which is fertile too. For what ever reason, I'm not getting the great amounts of EWCM that I was getting for a few months past. Also, my cervix was high (still is) & really soft. It's not as soft today as it was a few days ago though. I can have all the symptoms & the positive OPK but that's not a total guarantee. But I hope it is. It's definitely lining up with when I used to Ovulate on a normal basis when I wasn't doing IUI. I really wish my clinic let me do cycle monitoring. :(

You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!
I have a bunch of IC so I will start around 10dpo b/c it's so cheap.
Hi Barbs, I'm not 100% sure where I'm up2 as not been given an EDD but from using my ovulation date according to my temps and putting them in on the websites that help you calculate I think I'm now 6 weeks today. The docs saw an empty sac at 4weeks but they expected me to be futhur than that going of my last period but I have long irregular cycles and from my dates I worked out I was 4weeks which is what stage the scan showed me at. My scan is on 1st may at 7.30am not sure what time that is where you are. I should hopefully measure at 8 weeks fingers crossed and be able to see a lil bean and heart beat, so nervous.

Re: smoking. I wouldn't mind if they weaned themselves off its when they just do it anyway and make no attempt to quit. Your right people did used to it but they had no idea what could happen and to me what could happen is too much if a risk. It cuts the baby's oxygen supply and can cause premature labour, stillbirth, low birthweight, cot death, is that really something you would risk so you could get your nicotine? Coz if I smoked I sure as hell wouldn't make my unborn baby smoke with me, I'd be a nervous wreck and be so scared for my babys health. Babies are precious and are worth so much more than having a cigarette. (When I say you, I don't mean you personally).

Your opk's are looking promising arent they, keep up with the Bd'ing, my fingers are crossed that egg and sperm meet at a good time and stick fast xx

That's a super long time to wait for another scan to see if it's a viable pregnancy. Do you have to pay for each visit & scan?
I wish you the very best. I hope you have a happy & healthy pregnancy!
And I agree w/you about smoking - totally. I don't understand people. I would never take these risks with a baby. But you know, your friend probably thinks she's invincible & nothing will go wrong.

Yeh I know, it feels forever away. Since my hcg was rising well an they saw the sac in the womb then aren't too worried and would prefer to scan me at 8weeks so they can get a better look at everything as it should be all at a good size for uktrasound then and they will be able see if there's a heart beat. I don't pay for each visit and scan. I expect most smokers during pregnancy think that way. x
I hope your doing well Nat, your last post seemed abit worrying. thinking of you xx

I feel dreadful today girls I'm really struggling with nausea it just won't go it's constantly there and it's mucking up my appetite not good :-( I just feel soooo sick.

Barbs I'm excited for you that you might be ovulating already, woohoo, good luck. xx
Hi Ladies

In the dumps today... had to take my cat to vet last night she was lethargic and throwing up. shes lost a lot of weight lately so I've been worried about her. Anyways so they kept her overnight and did bloodwork and urine but I wont know results until later today/tonight - they did find a mass in or near her bladder so its not looking too good but who knows.... trying to be realistic.

Hubby is picking her up this morning so I may run home on my lunch to go see her - we will see!
Hi Ladies

In the dumps today... had to take my cat to vet last night she was lethargic and throwing up. shes lost a lot of weight lately so I've been worried about her. Anyways so they kept her overnight and did bloodwork and urine but I wont know results until later today/tonight - they did find a mass in or near her bladder so its not looking too good but who knows.... trying to be realistic.

Hubby is picking her up this morning so I may run home on my lunch to go see her - we will see!

Aww no bless her, I hope she's ok. It's horrible when pets get poorly :-( FX'd for your kitty xx
Thanks KLK :) I'll update later but I am trying not to get my hopes up because the vet was not convincingly optimistic
I hope your doing well Nat, your last post seemed abit worrying. thinking of you xx

I feel dreadful today girls I'm really struggling with nausea it just won't go it's constantly there and it's mucking up my appetite not good :-( I just feel soooo sick.

Barbs I'm excited for you that you might be ovulating already, woohoo, good luck. xx

Hey hun,

There are meds available for the nausea. Where are you living?
In Canada we have Diclectin & in the US, they're re-releasing it but in a different name this summer.
You can sip on steeped fresh ginger tea to help with your tummy. It's difficult & I felt like the nausea wasn't like normal nausea. It was different. I had it mostly all afternoon & worse at night & it never totally eased up so I stayed on meds the whole pregnancy. Eventually I was able to cut down my dosage but I every time I went off it completely, the nausea at night would come back. Hang in there!!!

I hope your 8 week scan comes through perfect. I'm crossing my fingers for you!

I will be taking an OPK either later this morning or this afternoon & I'll post it. We've done poorly with BDing this month :( I was supposed to get some action last night but my hubby was busy & by the time he came over to me I was asleep on the couch & just out of it. So we got some action in this morning :) BUT...we're not doing a great job. And I haven't a real idea when I'll O. If my cycle isn't too screwed up then I guess I'm OK. Anyway, dread really sunk in this morning about the lack of sex :(
Aww Meg, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I hope she'll be OK. How old is she?
FX that its not as bad news as it sounds. Let us know how she gets on this morning.
Thanks Barbs, I've tried ginger nuts biscuits and I've got travel sickness bands in but nothing's helping. How do you make the fresh ginger tea? Is it yucky?
I live in the uk and I'm not sure if/what meds we can get. I'm sure they only prescribe it if you can't keep anything down though. I kinda feel sea sick that's the only way I can describe it. So I'm being lazy and on the couch watching rubbish tv. I have it worse at night normally but I'm having an extra bad day with it today and its just not easing off.

I'm sure you've not done that poorly, don't stress over it. As long as you get some spermies up there on their journey your in with a chance. Just relax about it and it will happen. xx
I hope your doing well Nat, your last post seemed abit worrying. thinking of you xx

I feel dreadful today girls I'm really struggling with nausea it just won't go it's constantly there and it's mucking up my appetite not good :-( I just feel soooo sick.

Barbs I'm excited for you that you might be ovulating already, woohoo, good luck. xx

Hey hun,

There are meds available for the nausea. Where are you living?
In Canada we have Diclectin & in the US, they're re-releasing it but in a different name this summer.
You can sip on steeped fresh ginger tea to help with your tummy. It's difficult & I felt like the nausea wasn't like normal nausea. It was different. I had it mostly all afternoon & worse at night & it never totally eased up so I stayed on meds the whole pregnancy. Eventually I was able to cut down my dosage but I every time I went off it completely, the nausea at night would come back. Hang in there!!!

I hope your 8 week scan comes through perfect. I'm crossing my fingers for you!

I will be taking an OPK either later this morning or this afternoon & I'll post it. We've done poorly with BDing this month :( I was supposed to get some action last night but my hubby was busy & by the time he came over to me I was asleep on the couch & just out of it. So we got some action in this morning :) BUT...we're not doing a great job. And I haven't a real idea when I'll O. If my cycle isn't too screwed up then I guess I'm OK. Anyway, dread really sunk in this morning about the lack of sex :(

That was me this month too Barb - but you know as well as I do that it only takes once and you have BD'd enough to cover yourself if you are O'ing - esp since you did it this morning......

and thanks re my kitty - we will see... she is only 11 so I had expected to have another several years with her. I am definitely a dog person and our dog died 4 years ago... she has been a unique substitute since hes been gone lol.
Thanks Barbs, I've tried ginger nuts biscuits and I've got travel sickness bands in but nothing's helping. How do you make the fresh ginger tea? Is it yucky?
I live in the uk and I'm not sure if/what meds we can get. I'm sure they only prescribe it if you can't keep anything down though. I kinda feel sea sick that's the only way I can describe it. So I'm being lazy and on the couch watching rubbish tv. I have it worse at night normally but I'm having an extra bad day with it today and its just not easing off.

I'm sure you've not done that poorly, don't stress over it. As long as you get some spermies up there on their journey your in with a chance. Just relax about it and it will happen. xx

KLK Sorry about your sick stomach.... I had a stomach flu for the last week and if I had to live with that nausea every day I would lose my mind so I cant even imagine! All you can do I suppose is rest and try different options like tea, etc... You should see what medication is available to you in the UK though because you cant go on liike this!
CD24 over here... I am doing well - not symptom spotting at all and not too focused on it. In a couple days I may be but for now its a nice break. Had some cramps today and I was like ummm I have had this a million times with no BFP so no thanks lol
Thanks Barbs, I've tried ginger nuts biscuits and I've got travel sickness bands in but nothing's helping. How do you make the fresh ginger tea? Is it yucky?
I live in the uk and I'm not sure if/what meds we can get. I'm sure they only prescribe it if you can't keep anything down though. I kinda feel sea sick that's the only way I can describe it. So I'm being lazy and on the couch watching rubbish tv. I have it worse at night normally but I'm having an extra bad day with it today and its just not easing off.

I'm sure you've not done that poorly, don't stress over it. As long as you get some spermies up there on their journey your in with a chance. Just relax about it and it will happen. xx

Are you throwing up?! The pills are made for morning sickness. I do believe there is shot versions.
Ginger tea is yummy & warm. I love it. I think for some people they may need to get used to it. It's very spicy like because it's ginger but its great. Helps a lot of stomach ailments. I have a bad tummy so I know all these natural things ;)
I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks - I'm trying to remain calm!
LOL Meg, don't symptom spot. Just take it easy :)
And you're right - I need some of my own advise eh? But shizz why I"m worried is b/c I dont really know if I'm going to O or not. I took a test last night & it was lighter than yesterday afternoon's :(
I'll take a new test soon-ish. I had to get coffee pee out of my system b/c it's too watered down.

I hope your kitty will be ok. BIG HUG XO

BTW, I'm negotiating an offer on a house right now! So I may have a house soon!!!!
Thanks Petzy, I'm glad your tummy is better, it wasn't an easy tummy bug for your body to fight off was it. It's does make me lose my mind lol it's just annoying that nothing's helping and having an energetic 3yr old running around while you feel sea sick is not helpful lol but I have to remind myself it will all be worth it in the end because fingers crossed I should have a baby :) x

Barbs - please could you send me a recipe? How to make it and quantities of whatever you use? Ill give it a go, it can't hurt can it. x
You just take some fresh ginger, slice it & steep it in hot water like tea. There's no recipe. And you make it as strong as you want by adding more or less ginger.

I took an OPK & it's negative. It's getting lighter. :( I'm not sure what to think.
I had some EWCM just now when I went to the washroom. My cervix is high up but it's firm. Not soft like it should be. It was soft a few days ago. I don't know what's going on anymore. I'm not sure I will & getting to think maybe I'm not going to ovulate.
So, we told our parents what's been going on and the MIL has opened her big gob and announced it to people. Im so p****d off! We have people phoning us now asking questions and I'm not ready for it all to be out. It was meant to be our decision when to tell ppl and now it's been taken away. URGh I just want to shout n stomp n cry :-(

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