6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

I'm sorry, I just needed somewhere to rant. I'm so upset. And Oh is being a typical man and wanting an easy life is just wanting to shrug it off for an easy life. She's stressed me right out and I know I need to stay calm. I hate her so much right now, I've told my oh she's last to know anything at all now, that's it.

Thankyou for explaining how I make that tea ill get some ginger with my next shop and give it a go. Is it ok to put honey or something in? x
If you told you MIL not to tell anyone, then she's really disrespectful. I'm so sorry. That really sucks. I would be really angry too!

As for Honey, you absolutely could but I'm not sure how the sugar would be on your stomach. I just drink it on its own.
OK ladies so I'm not sure what to think now.
Here are my OPK's. And one from today. It's negative :(

I'm wondering if I missed my surge yesterday???
It was almost positive, then last night it dropped to negative & today, negative.


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OK ladies so I'm not sure what to think now.
Here are my OPK's. And one from today. It's negative :(

I'm wondering if I missed my surge yesterday???
It was almost positive, then last night it dropped to negative & today, negative.

Barb I am pretty sure you surged last night - you are probably O'ing
Hey Ladies - came home & tested. Seems the tests are darker at night than earlier in the day. What do you think. Surge was yesterday??? Or not yet???
Im so confused.


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Nat. I'm thinking of you. And I don't know what's going on with you but we haven't heard from you today & I hope you're OK.
Big Hug for you! xo
Barbs, that is confusing, do you not temp along side your opk's? You would see where you ovulated better if you did both?
I guess your just gona have to relax this cycle and Bd when you want and see if you catch it.

I'm also thinking if you Nat. I've got a feeling you must of had that operation seen as we haven't heard from you. I'm hoping all is well or as well as it can be considering and I hope you feel better and can go home soon xxx
Hiya girls...well just to let you know I am now home YAYE!!!!!!!!
Didn't need that opp after all...thank gosh :)
It's been a real rollercoaster of a ride tho....they have found a heart murmur...possible kidney disease and now arthritis of the hips....wtf.....
So I've got to go to my gps ASAP and get all this sorted...I suppose its the medication I got to watch if we want another baby...we don't want anything making it any harder for us.

Soo I couldn't help myself when I got home last night lol...opk's it didn't I. Lol
Just curious as to if I have I'd or not yet...last cycle was cd 13 ....judging by my temps I haven't yet as temp is still quite low and haven't rising above the pre illness temps yet...so I'm out to watch that go up yet ( If it does)
So I know they told me I got to be carful if I was possibly pg befor scan but I'm guessing I defo wasn't what's the harm in trying after eh?
I might still be in with a chance here- I feel flipping dreadfull still lol but if there's still a chance why waist it lol...
oH can't believe my persistence he he heee
Like I said tho why waist An opportunity?
It's all looking good so far...don't think I've o'd yet...and I I'd like to think if I have missed it then at least I get a lil break this cycle when it comes to the ttw....that drives me round the flipping bend lol...

So sorry to hear about your puss cat meg-hopes she's well again soon....I hate it when my trigger is poorly...

Barbs cd 13 looked good to me...fx you caught that eggy....don't worry about bd-ing remember what they all told us when we were all 15... Be carful it only takes once :)
(Bless us for knowing it is actually wayyyyy more complicated than that eh) :)

Kay sorry to hear your sickness is still bad...glad to hear your resting up aswell tho...
Keep trying with the ginger if you can -barbs is right it does work love ((( hugs))) :)

Well ill be back later to revealed my pm opk
Hope your all well and having a great day me petals

:) :) :) xxx
Barbs, that is confusing, do you not temp along side your opk's? You would see where you ovulated better if you did both?
I guess your just gona have to relax this cycle and Bd when you want and see if you catch it.

I'm also thinking if you Nat. I've got a feeling you must of had that operation seen as we haven't heard from you. I'm hoping all is well or as well as it can be considering and I hope you feel better and can go home soon xxx

Hey Hun,
I'm not temping - I had a MC & I hear it can mess it up or w/e. Anyway decided just to use OPK & see what happens. I think you're right though. I just need to let fate take its course. I honestly don't feel very confident this month.
I will call it 1DPO today & see what unfolds!
Hiya girls...well just to let you know I am now home YAYE!!!!!!!!
Didn't need that opp after all...thank gosh :)
It's been a real rollercoaster of a ride tho....they have found a heart murmur...possible kidney disease and now arthritis of the hips....wtf.....
So I've got to go to my gps ASAP and get all this sorted...I suppose its the medication I got to watch if we want another baby...we don't want anything making it any harder for us.

Soo I couldn't help myself when I got home last night lol...opk's it didn't I. Lol
Just curious as to if I have I'd or not yet...last cycle was cd 13 ....judging by my temps I haven't yet as temp is still quite low and haven't rising above the pre illness temps yet...so I'm out to watch that go up yet ( If it does)
So I know they told me I got to be carful if I was possibly pg befor scan but I'm guessing I defo wasn't what's the harm in trying after eh?
I might still be in with a chance here- I feel flipping dreadfull still lol but if there's still a chance why waist it lol...
oH can't believe my persistence he he heee
Like I said tho why waist An opportunity?
It's all looking good so far...don't think I've o'd yet...and I I'd like to think if I have missed it then at least I get a lil break this cycle when it comes to the ttw....that drives me round the flipping bend lol...

So sorry to hear about your puss cat meg-hopes she's well again soon....I hate it when my trigger is poorly...

Barbs cd 13 looked good to me...fx you caught that eggy....don't worry about bd-ing remember what they all told us when we were all 15... Be carful it only takes once :)
(Bless us for knowing it is actually wayyyyy more complicated than that eh) :)

Kay sorry to hear your sickness is still bad...glad to hear your resting up aswell tho...
Keep trying with the ginger if you can -barbs is right it does work love ((( hugs))) :)

Well ill be back later to revealed my pm opk
Hope your all well and having a great day me petals

:) :) :) xxx

Nat! I'm so glad you're OK & back home. It does however sound like a dreadful diagnosis. I guess you'll be going back for your kidney's to be monitored (do you need any treatments?) & your heart murmur, can they do anything for it? I have a bad heart palpitations which started two years ago. I am actually going for another round of tests next Thursday b/c it really ramped up lately. I've noticed stress really gets it going.

You certainly have a strong drive to conceive, lady! No rest for the wicked then eh? Did the doctors say you're OK to get pregnant right now?

XO :hugs:
OK Ladies, I haven't a freakin' clue what's really going on w/me. Today I have a negative OPK too so I"m going to say I"m 1DPO today. And see what the hell happens!
Hiya girls...well just to let you know I am now home YAYE!!!!!!!!
Didn't need that opp after all...thank gosh :)
It's been a real rollercoaster of a ride tho....they have found a heart murmur...possible kidney disease and now arthritis of the hips....wtf.....
So I've got to go to my gps ASAP and get all this sorted...I suppose its the medication I got to watch if we want another baby...we don't want anything making it any harder for us.

Soo I couldn't help myself when I got home last night lol...opk's it didn't I. Lol
Just curious as to if I have I'd or not yet...last cycle was cd 13 ....judging by my temps I haven't yet as temp is still quite low and haven't rising above the pre illness temps yet...so I'm out to watch that go up yet ( If it does)
So I know they told me I got to be carful if I was possibly pg befor scan but I'm guessing I defo wasn't what's the harm in trying after eh?
I might still be in with a chance here- I feel flipping dreadfull still lol but if there's still a chance why waist it lol...
oH can't believe my persistence he he heee
Like I said tho why waist An opportunity?
It's all looking good so far...don't think I've o'd yet...and I I'd like to think if I have missed it then at least I get a lil break this cycle when it comes to the ttw....that drives me round the flipping bend lol...

So sorry to hear about your puss cat meg-hopes she's well again soon....I hate it when my trigger is poorly...

Barbs cd 13 looked good to me...fx you caught that eggy....don't worry about bd-ing remember what they all told us when we were all 15... Be carful it only takes once :)
(Bless us for knowing it is actually wayyyyy more complicated than that eh) :)

Kay sorry to hear your sickness is still bad...glad to hear your resting up aswell tho...
Keep trying with the ginger if you can -barbs is right it does work love ((( hugs))) :)

Well ill be back later to revealed my pm opk
Hope your all well and having a great day me petals

:) :) :) xxx

Nat! I'm so glad you're OK & back home. It does however sound like a dreadful diagnosis. I guess you'll be going back for your kidney's to be monitored (do you need any treatments?) & your heart murmur, can they do anything for it? I have a bad heart palpitations which started two years ago. I am actually going for another round of tests next Thursday b/c it really ramped up lately. I've noticed stress really gets it going.

You certainly have a strong drive to conceive, lady! No rest for the wicked then eh? Did the doctors say you're OK to get pregnant right now?

XO :hugs:

Hiya barbs.....yeah got loads of tests to do yet...with the heart thing I already new I had palpitations going....had it all my life....had a heart monitor strapped to me 3yrs ago to confirm this and it came back with a defo problem going on...my gp was going to follow this up with further investigations but I then gotpg with my son so there was no point in doing anything as pg can give false results and treatment for diagnosis can also lead to problems during pregnancy so we left it till after I had my son...however when you got a child to run around for getting to a gp is another story...not really had the time to follow up investigations since but now I suppose I have NO choice.
Got to go to my gp ASAP to get this sorted...she will probably send me for a heart fitness test first-befor anything else is done.
So Monday morning I'm seeing the gp.:(. Not looking forward to it really...I really hope I can be around for my lo future...worry and stress certainly does bring on episodes doesn't it...
Do you find it just starts for NO reason sometimes tho?
I could be with my feet up watching abit of telly quite happy...and boom it starts...it can be quite scary but I find e less I panic the more likely it will settle w/o lingering for the rest of the day or night...
Sometimes it can last all day and I HAVE to lie down...which can be a problem if I'm out and about lol.
So as for my kidneys i am on some VERY strong antibiotics and painkillers and have to drink at least 3 to 4 litters of water a day...gp will send me for more tests when I see her...more bloods again and maybe a follow up course of antibiotics might be the plan of action....I seem to have responded well to my meds so I'm hoping not really...
The only thing they said about ttc was if I already may have been pg befor ct scan incase it harms baby...but this was impossible as I was only cd 11 when I had the scan and I'm pretty sure I hadn't ovulated and even if I did there was an extremely low chance of conception as we only bd once befor I went in hospital too...
They did say that my meds and all the drugs they pumped into me might hinder our chances but I have noticed LOADS of stretchy cm the past 3 days now...
It may have ruined our chances but I guess I won't know that till end of cycle really....but if an opportunity is there I got to take it hasn't I lol
The thought of it " could have been our month this month " and we didn't do anything about it makes me peeved...so it back to business as usuall...lol
Taking it easy still but I suppose bd-ing can be alittle more fun again as I can't be swinging from the blooming lampshades for him this month...pmsl ha ha haaa

Try and keep positive barbs...altho when the cycle after my mc didn't work I got very down about it...try not to do this as you need to be positive for future cycles love....I REALLY got my fx for you and dh again this cycle ...
I'd keep on opk ing as your cycle maybe alittle longer this time...after a mc your cycle can be as long as 6 weeks...I was five and and it really played games with my head and then obviously the huge disappointment set in when af arrived...
But I had to stay strong bc getting too down about it can affect your hormone levels and that can affect your LH surges for the next cycle too...
Ooooh my mid morning opk is looking good...I'm thinking if I haven't missed it I might o on cd 16 or 17 again this month...lets see :)
Hope your ok barbs....major fx for you :)

:) :) :) xxx
Hey Nat,

Yes my Palipitations some times come on for no reason. I could be having a relaxing bath & bam it starts. But lately it's been a lot & lasting for longer & more frequent. And I've had a lot of things & stress going on so I can see why it's happening.
However, as Murphy's Law would have it, when I get the monitor my heart will be normal.That's what happened last time about 2 years ago. It's also conciquently when I got pregnant w/my daughter & my doc thinks I probably had some underlying issue & pregnancy brought this on.

I hope you still have a shot even though you're not feeling great. And it sounds scary but stay strong. Just make sure to take care of yourself!!!
You're not working, right?

OK Ladies, I haven't a freakin' clue what's really going on w/me. Today I have a negative OPK too so I"m going to say I"m 1DPO today. And see what the hell happens!

Barb - I agree - I think you should call it 1DPO today and see what the hell happens! tee hee :)
Hey Nat,

Yes my Palipitations some times come on for no reason. I could be having a relaxing bath & bam it starts. But lately it's been a lot & lasting for longer & more frequent. And I've had a lot of things & stress going on so I can see why it's happening.
However, as Murphy's Law would have it, when I get the monitor my heart will be normal.That's what happened last time about 2 years ago. It's also conciquently when I got pregnant w/my daughter & my doc thinks I probably had some underlying issue & pregnancy brought this on.

I hope you still have a shot even though you're not feeling great. And it sounds scary but stay strong. Just make sure to take care of yourself!!!
You're not working, right?


I get them too!! On and off for years - sometimes really bad - I have had all kinds of cardiac tests and nada really.....
Nat so glad you are home!!! I really hope you are on the up and up! and I would tell you to stop worrying about damn TTC this month but I know its pointless! LOL

HI Girls - sorry busy busy day

got the call from the vet and kitty is ok I think!! It ended up being her thyroid and high blood pressure... thats how she lost so much weight... she is going to start some meds tonight which should help her symptoms and make her better :)

8DPO today and nothing to report on that front LOL
Hey Nat,

Yes my Palipitations some times come on for no reason. I could be having a relaxing bath & bam it starts. But lately it's been a lot & lasting for longer & more frequent. And I've had a lot of things & stress going on so I can see why it's happening.
However, as Murphy's Law would have it, when I get the monitor my heart will be normal.That's what happened last time about 2 years ago. It's also conciquently when I got pregnant w/my daughter & my doc thinks I probably had some underlying issue & pregnancy brought this on.

I hope you still have a shot even though you're not feeling great. And it sounds scary but stay strong. Just make sure to take care of yourself!!!
You're not working, right?


Naa not working but stay at home mum...I really think that being around helps develop a good sense of family togetherness trust and closer bonding...I will be going back to work part time when he goes to nursery tho...not sure what ill do yet as I always wanted to be a TA or even one better a teacher but that will take ALOT of work at uni to get there...not only that my English is ( for lack of a better word...) SHITE lol....doubt that will get me through uni course anyway lol
Something will come along tho so that's cool....

Totally get you about the heart monitor....when I got it strapped to me I was like ...yeah this is totally not going to show anything as today of all days will be the day it doesn't happen...but it did and they caught it on the monitor ...
I would defo keep your follow ups going...palpitations need to be solved as I know how much of an issue this can cause when all your trying to do is the housework or at the supermarket...even playing with my son it gets difficult and of course there I am smiling away thinking oh shit my hearts not going to stop is it....keep smilingggggg Harry's looking at you...lol
So yeah I know how much of worry it can be when you allow yourself to think about it.

I feel like total pants tonight...it sucks really....I just want to feel well again
It's weird bc when I'm well all I wish for is to be the ONE that's looked after lol and now I am unwell I just want to go back to being the mother hen again lol...

So are you going to carry on opks barbs....?
Think meg right...it probly is 1dpo but bc of your mc -your cycle might be later I would keep opk-ing just incase :)

:) :) :) xxx
Nat so glad you are home!!! I really hope you are on the up and up! and I would tell you to stop worrying about damn TTC this month but I know its pointless! LOL


Hiya petz...thankyou for your well wishes :flower:
So glad your kitty is on the mend ...
Re: ttc.......lol....I see what you mean...I was just curious At first...I though oooooh I wonder what an opk would look like in this stage of cycle
......then that's it your in and there's no getting back out again lol.....especially as low temps and negative opk went together and I thought maybe just maybe it hasn't happened yet .....a girl gotta try I suppose lol :)

Fx for you and dh this cycle :flower:

:) :) :) xxx

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