6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Ladies, I just did some Maca reading & for some woman it lengthens their LP & some it shortens. Lengthening is OK - it means that if you get pregnant you'll have a good LP support. I wouldn't worry about it. XO

Good luck Momma! Keep us posted w/your tests :)

Ahhhh this is exellent news...phewwww annnnnnnd breath lol...
I did worry a little but also in the back of my mind I worked it out that longer lp means more progesterone which means ideal conditions for successfull implantation...if it happens.:thumbup:

Will be thinking about you and your iui barbs...I sooo hope it works for you and dh...
I hear you about the not missing this ...it's a loooong journey more so for you tho but it kind of emotionally draining process isn't it...

Re:3 months barbs :hugs:....it's still early days -emotionally...it's bound to still suck for you...I'm getting closer to my supposed due date and it STiLL hurts to think about but we got to just carry on love...it's a horrible thought and every so often without warning I burst into tears when I start think about the what ifs and the whys...I suppose it's hard to get on with but needs must .
I hope the pain of it all starts to get easier ASAP for you .:hugs:

:) :) :) xxx

OH thanks so much for your support!!! YOu know where I'm coming from. :hugs:
I just want to move on with my life. I want all of us to get our bfps' & be happy :) Celebrate in our joy. Support eachother through pregnancy. But I am moving on - and I'm not trying to dwell on it at all. So yay me.
I hope this IUI is going to work. I feel much more optimistic & excited doing IUI but I"m also affraid to get to excited.
You know, the second IUI I felt like it worked. I had a hard time totally convincing myself but I felt different. I didn't even drink in the TWW. Maybe 1 glass or smth because I had this feeling I may be pregnant. And I was. The first IUI I didn't feel anything. Maybe there is some intuition?!
Oh that would be sooo cool if we did all get our bfp's eh.:happydance:
Glad your able to consider moving on....in the past I have dwelled on the earlier mcs and it sucked BIG TIME...this time it hurt like mad...I think thee most hurtful mc so far but I seemed to be able to pick myself back up ....
Something told me to be strong...like the intuition I guess lol...but even tho I am being strong when I think about the whole process of it all my heart aches and I get this overwhelming feeling to fill that void inside again...
I am a Christian and I still can't help but wonder WHY?....but my faith keeps me going and I guess it wasn't meant to be...
I hate the thought of the next 9 weeks to come...no baby...I hate it I really do...
Sometimes I feel alittle anger about it too...I did everything right...and I see these people sometimes walking down the street smoking their cigarettes effing and blinding at each other,pregnant...pushing a pram with a 1yr old in it towing 4 other kids behind them yelling at them to hurry the feck up...and my heart sinks....if only they truly knew the pain inside of me...
But I guess that's there life and not mine and ladies like all of us on here would truly appreciate a bundle of joy in our arms...
The lovely Kate Middleton is showing a lovely bump now...she so tiny tho...apparently the media over here as so how managed to find out that she will be staying with her parents when the baby comes....I wonder how that's going to work out then?
Either way I wish her all the best :flower: she's lovely.
Well look at me ....my lil fingers have done a flipping marathon essay again lol
Sorry barbs...lol
Anyway....I wish you and dh all the vey best with the iui and I am sending all my thoughts and good wishes to you both...:flower:

Bring on Friday eh :happydance:

:) :) :) xxx

Hang in there nat. I know it has been such a struggle for u ttc..but I have faith that in the end u will have that bfp and a beautiful baby in ur arms. And yes, I dnt think a miscarriage is somethings that u ever forget. I know I lost one of the twins but I can def say the miscarriage I had in 05 was the worse. It was a later miscarriage and I often think of the lil beepin heart on the screen. The whole experience was terrible. My stepdad got me threw it. He said that there was sumthin "physically wrong w that little body and it was gods way of keepin a healthy family. He told me god wld give me my little girl as soon as tge right spirit chose me to b mommy. He believed that "spirits" picked there parents to learn watever lessons in life that needed learned. He said they wld come as god intended. So I was o.k.. I fell pregnant two wks later w a baby girl. It happened quickly that time..rest assured that when u get that perfect bfp u will have everything u expected out of a child. Then u will see that all this was truly worth it and wld be willing to do it all over again...some folks just get theirs quickly and I am truly happy for them as long as they care for there babies and r greatful..my moms mother(my grandma) gave birth(unassisted, naturally) to 4 sets of twins!! All fraternal..one died at age 7..my mother was given up for adoption and that woman was a horrible drug addict...y did god give her so many kids to b neglected?? Lessons is what I was taught. Very sad. Who knows y things happen the way they do..all I know it, there has to b a few woman in the world that choose to put there lil ones up for adoption or there wld b soo many woman that cant have babies, that wld never get the chance to b a mother.. u are a beautiful and intelligent woman and I can see that without really ever meeting u. Just hang in there at trust that everything is for a reason..im looking forward to this cycle w u girls...even if it ends in bfn...:)))
U know..I keep pushing it away as phantom symptoms but omg. Day two now and im soooo naseaus!! Lol..im sure its my brain just dnt know how to make it go away. Lol

Hey momma...wow know what that's like...brain lets you wonder off eh..lol
Try and keep mind busy...got anything you can do in your spare time?...something you like to do WHEN you get five mins...:flower:

:) :) :) xxx

Haha wenever I get a 5 min brk, this is what I do...I ck in on u ladies..excited to hear the daily posts...I wnt give up ckin til I see u two w then bfp's!!
Soooo a funny thing today...I happend to notice I got a splinter from staining the deck yesterday...but heres the real getter....it was in my butt!!! Lmao..I guess from scooting..haha
Ladies, I just did some Maca reading & for some woman it lengthens their LP & some it shortens. Lengthening is OK - it means that if you get pregnant you'll have a good LP support. I wouldn't worry about it. XO

Good luck Momma! Keep us posted w/your tests :)

Ahhhh this is exellent news...phewwww annnnnnnd breath lol...
I did worry a little but also in the back of my mind I worked it out that longer lp means more progesterone which means ideal conditions for successfull implantation...if it happens.:thumbup:

Will be thinking about you and your iui barbs...I sooo hope it works for you and dh...
I hear you about the not missing this ...it's a loooong journey more so for you tho but it kind of emotionally draining process isn't it...

Re:3 months barbs :hugs:....it's still early days -emotionally...it's bound to still suck for you...I'm getting closer to my supposed due date and it STiLL hurts to think about but we got to just carry on love...it's a horrible thought and every so often without warning I burst into tears when I start think about the what ifs and the whys...I suppose it's hard to get on with but needs must .
I hope the pain of it all starts to get easier ASAP for you .:hugs:

:) :) :) xxx

OH thanks so much for your support!!! YOu know where I'm coming from. :hugs:
I just want to move on with my life. I want all of us to get our bfps' & be happy :) Celebrate in our joy. Support eachother through pregnancy. But I am moving on - and I'm not trying to dwell on it at all. So yay me.
I hope this IUI is going to work. I feel much more optimistic & excited doing IUI but I"m also affraid to get to excited.
You know, the second IUI I felt like it worked. I had a hard time totally convincing myself but I felt different. I didn't even drink in the TWW. Maybe 1 glass or smth because I had this feeling I may be pregnant. And I was. The first IUI I didn't feel anything. Maybe there is some intuition?!
Oh that would be sooo cool if we did all get our bfp's eh.:happydance:
Glad your able to consider moving on....in the past I have dwelled on the earlier mcs and it sucked BIG TIME...this time it hurt like mad...I think thee most hurtful mc so far but I seemed to be able to pick myself back up ....
Something told me to be strong...like the intuition I guess lol...but even tho I am being strong when I think about the whole process of it all my heart aches and I get this overwhelming feeling to fill that void inside again...
I am a Christian and I still can't help but wonder WHY?....but my faith keeps me going and I guess it wasn't meant to be...
I hate the thought of the next 9 weeks to come...no baby...I hate it I really do...
Sometimes I feel alittle anger about it too...I did everything right...and I see these people sometimes walking down the street smoking their cigarettes effing and blinding at each other,pregnant...pushing a pram with a 1yr old in it towing 4 other kids behind them yelling at them to hurry the feck up...and my heart sinks....if only they truly knew the pain inside of me...
But I guess that's there life and not mine and ladies like all of us on here would truly appreciate a bundle of joy in our arms...
The lovely Kate Middleton is showing a lovely bump now...she so tiny tho...apparently the media over here as so how managed to find out that she will be staying with her parents when the baby comes....I wonder how that's going to work out then?
Either way I wish her all the best :flower: she's lovely.
Well look at me ....my lil fingers have done a flipping marathon essay again lol
Sorry barbs...lol
Anyway....I wish you and dh all the vey best with the iui and I am sending all my thoughts and good wishes to you both...:flower:

Bring on Friday eh :happydance:

:) :) :) xxx

Hang in there nat. I know it has been such a struggle for u ttc..but I have faith that in the end u will have that bfp and a beautiful baby in ur arms. And yes, I dnt think a miscarriage is somethings that u ever forget. I know I lost one of the twins but I can def say the miscarriage I had in 05 was the worse. It was a later miscarriage and I often think of the lil beepin heart on the screen. The whole experience was terrible. My stepdad got me threw it. He said that there was sumthin "physically wrong w that little body and it was gods way of keepin a healthy family. He told me god wld give me my little girl as soon as tge right spirit chose me to b mommy. He believed that "spirits" picked there parents to learn watever lessons in life that needed learned. He said they wld come as god intended. So I was o.k.. I fell pregnant two wks later w a baby girl. It happened quickly that time..rest assured that when u get that perfect bfp u will have everything u expected out of a child. Then u will see that all this was truly worth it and wld be willing to do it all over again...some folks just get theirs quickly and I am truly happy for them as long as they care for there babies and r greatful..my moms mother(my grandma) gave birth(unassisted, naturally) to 4 sets of twins!! All fraternal..one died at age 7..my mother was given up for adoption and that woman was a horrible drug addict...y did god give her so many kids to b neglected?? Lessons is what I was taught. Very sad. Who knows y things happen the way they do..all I know it, there has to b a few woman in the world that choose to put there lil ones up for adoption or there wld b soo many woman that cant have babies, that wld never get the chance to b a mother.. u are a beautiful and intelligent woman and I can see that without really ever meeting u. Just hang in there at trust that everything is for a reason..im looking forward to this cycle w u girls...even if it ends in bfn...:)))

Thankyou sooo much for your kind words momma...that was very lovely...
I just hate to see such sad faced children with hard face mothers towing them along...it hurts...
But like you say it's all mapped out and I suppose to a certain extent we have no control over what the future holds...
I just hope my path is filled with lots of love to come ...:)

You know I have met some amazing women on this thread and we all have one thing in comon...why must we all go threw this tho?....
I don't know what I would have done some days without this thread...some days it gets kind of tough...
But here we all are ...and wre sticking for our bfp's :happydance:
Bring em on I say lol....

And the splinter in your bum??. Oweeeeee lol
That will be fun getting that back out....oh well another excuse for the hubby to "help" out I say pmsl....what a funny ole picture that is in my head...very funny...
I needed a laugh aswell my throat is soooooo sore...
My glands are so swollen right now it's hard to swallow even but a smile doesn't hurt so thankyou for that lol... Well you take it easy and try not to go bum boarding again love lol :haha::dohh:

:) :) :) xxx
Ladies, I just did some Maca reading & for some woman it lengthens their LP & some it shortens. Lengthening is OK - it means that if you get pregnant you'll have a good LP support. I wouldn't worry about it. XO

Good luck Momma! Keep us posted w/your tests :)

Ahhhh this is exellent news...phewwww annnnnnnd breath lol...
I did worry a little but also in the back of my mind I worked it out that longer lp means more progesterone which means ideal conditions for successfull implantation...if it happens.:thumbup:

Will be thinking about you and your iui barbs...I sooo hope it works for you and dh...
I hear you about the not missing this ...it's a loooong journey more so for you tho but it kind of emotionally draining process isn't it...

Re:3 months barbs :hugs:....it's still early days -emotionally...it's bound to still suck for you...I'm getting closer to my supposed due date and it STiLL hurts to think about but we got to just carry on love...it's a horrible thought and every so often without warning I burst into tears when I start think about the what ifs and the whys...I suppose it's hard to get on with but needs must .
I hope the pain of it all starts to get easier ASAP for you .:hugs:

:) :) :) xxx

OH thanks so much for your support!!! YOu know where I'm coming from. :hugs:
I just want to move on with my life. I want all of us to get our bfps' & be happy :) Celebrate in our joy. Support eachother through pregnancy. But I am moving on - and I'm not trying to dwell on it at all. So yay me.
I hope this IUI is going to work. I feel much more optimistic & excited doing IUI but I"m also affraid to get to excited.
You know, the second IUI I felt like it worked. I had a hard time totally convincing myself but I felt different. I didn't even drink in the TWW. Maybe 1 glass or smth because I had this feeling I may be pregnant. And I was. The first IUI I didn't feel anything. Maybe there is some intuition?!
Oh that would be sooo cool if we did all get our bfp's eh.:happydance:
Glad your able to consider moving on....in the past I have dwelled on the earlier mcs and it sucked BIG TIME...this time it hurt like mad...I think thee most hurtful mc so far but I seemed to be able to pick myself back up ....
Something told me to be strong...like the intuition I guess lol...but even tho I am being strong when I think about the whole process of it all my heart aches and I get this overwhelming feeling to fill that void inside again...
I am a Christian and I still can't help but wonder WHY?....but my faith keeps me going and I guess it wasn't meant to be...
I hate the thought of the next 9 weeks to come...no baby...I hate it I really do...
Sometimes I feel alittle anger about it too...I did everything right...and I see these people sometimes walking down the street smoking their cigarettes effing and blinding at each other,pregnant...pushing a pram with a 1yr old in it towing 4 other kids behind them yelling at them to hurry the feck up...and my heart sinks....if only they truly knew the pain inside of me...
But I guess that's there life and not mine and ladies like all of us on here would truly appreciate a bundle of joy in our arms...
The lovely Kate Middleton is showing a lovely bump now...she so tiny tho...apparently the media over here as so how managed to find out that she will be staying with her parents when the baby comes....I wonder how that's going to work out then?
Either way I wish her all the best :flower: she's lovely.
Well look at me ....my lil fingers have done a flipping marathon essay again lol
Sorry barbs...lol
Anyway....I wish you and dh all the vey best with the iui and I am sending all my thoughts and good wishes to you both...:flower:

Bring on Friday eh :happydance:

:) :) :) xxx

Hang in there nat. I know it has been such a struggle for u ttc..but I have faith that in the end u will have that bfp and a beautiful baby in ur arms. And yes, I dnt think a miscarriage is somethings that u ever forget. I know I lost one of the twins but I can def say the miscarriage I had in 05 was the worse. It was a later miscarriage and I often think of the lil beepin heart on the screen. The whole experience was terrible. My stepdad got me threw it. He said that there was sumthin "physically wrong w that little body and it was gods way of keepin a healthy family. He told me god wld give me my little girl as soon as tge right spirit chose me to b mommy. He believed that "spirits" picked there parents to learn watever lessons in life that needed learned. He said they wld come as god intended. So I was o.k.. I fell pregnant two wks later w a baby girl. It happened quickly that time..rest assured that when u get that perfect bfp u will have everything u expected out of a child. Then u will see that all this was truly worth it and wld be willing to do it all over again...some folks just get theirs quickly and I am truly happy for them as long as they care for there babies and r greatful..my moms mother(my grandma) gave birth(unassisted, naturally) to 4 sets of twins!! All fraternal..one died at age 7..my mother was given up for adoption and that woman was a horrible drug addict...y did god give her so many kids to b neglected?? Lessons is what I was taught. Very sad. Who knows y things happen the way they do..all I know it, there has to b a few woman in the world that choose to put there lil ones up for adoption or there wld b soo many woman that cant have babies, that wld never get the chance to b a mother.. u are a beautiful and intelligent woman and I can see that without really ever meeting u. Just hang in there at trust that everything is for a reason..im looking forward to this cycle w u girls...even if it ends in bfn...:)))

Thankyou sooo much for your kind words momma...that was very lovely...
I just hate to see such sad faced children with hard face mothers towing them along...it hurts...
But like you say it's all mapped out and I suppose to a certain extent we have no control over what the future holds...
I just hope my path is filled with lots of love to come ...:)

You know I have met some amazing women on this thread and we all have one thing in comon...why must we all go threw this tho?....
I don't know what I would have done some days without this thread...some days it gets kind of tough...
But here we all are ...and wre sticking for our bfp's :happydance:
Bring em on I say lol....

And the splinter in your bum??. Oweeeeee lol
That will be fun getting that back out....oh well another excuse for the hubby to "help" out I say pmsl....what a funny ole picture that is in my head...very funny...
I needed a laugh aswell my throat is soooooo sore...
My glands are so swollen right now it's hard to swallow even but a smile doesn't hurt so thankyou for that lol... Well you take it easy and try not to go bum boarding again love lol :haha::dohh:

:) :) :) xxx

Bahaha..the first thing my husband did wen I told him was...CRACK UP LAUGHING...haha he seemed overly thrilled to have me layin face down while he had to pull the splinter outta my butt!!! Haha he was laughin the whole time..lol he so awnry at times.. as for ur thoat, u poor thing. Seems u havin a rough way. :( try having some warm ginger ale or chamomile tea w a teaspoon of honey..it may hlp sooth ur throat to get some relieve..I hope u feel better in the am!
Well it's cd9 today...yay for me lol...
Going to start opk-ing tomorow instead of Friday now...something inside telling me to aswell .
Feeling much better today...altho I'm left feeling a wee bit weak as I didn't eat much yesterday due to sore throat...
Think I'm going to up my intake.of vit c from now on...don't want to feel like that again soon lol.
Absolutely had enough of feeling so crap...it's been a month of it...kidneys-nail in foot-tonsillitis .....ha what the feck next eh.....lol
Either way I'm done with it.

About to start my work out with Kim cardashian...blah...stupid woman she does my head in....really your body looks like that woman bc Kanye pays for your surgery love....booo hiss pmsl....
Rant over lol

Well me petals...hope you is all is having a fantabulous day and the weather is good...it's over cast over here...thumbs down.
Come on sunshine where's you gone to? :)

Oh and mommaplus...too funny ...men eh? Pmsl :)
Hope it feels better today lol

:) :) :) xxx
Good morning nat and glad u r feeling better!! Yay..as for me :( I feel like crap..cld not sleep last night. Layed in bed for hrs before falling asleep then woke up every few hrs..extremely tired this morn..sick to my stomach and nastiness goin on dwn below. (Tmi warning) I woke up to a thick kinda milky cm and there was a bunch..ewww..no clue y..spent most this cycle pretty dry and when there was anything it was watery..so blaaa..im prolly gona climb back into bed later..lol
Hiya Ladies how is everyone doing today??

Not much new for me over here... I am 1DPO so I have a long wait ahead of me haha...

We have a long weekend coming up this week so I am looking forward to 3 days off! :)
Going to Toronto for one night... and plan to garden and work around the house the rest of it... hoping we can get some sun it is much needed!

Nat - You are on CD8 right? I usually start OPK on CD10 too but now that my cycles appear to be getting longer by a few days I may start on CD12 or so.... we will see how this month goes.

Barbs - whats new? When is your IUI scheduled for this cycle? I am not sure if you saw my comment a few pages back but I asked what you thought about my fertility app.. I should be smack dab in the middle of AF (day 2 or 3) when the appt is scheduled. I am wondering If I should book it for when I wont be on AF? what do you think?

Momma - I love the name Sophie - so cute :) I am not so sure about boys names but we like Erika for a girl.. is not used much anymore and my grandfather was Erik so that would be nice. We will see I dont think anyone knows until they are in the position! haha...

Hey Hey! I've been MIA - busy day at work & I needed to be focused :) I've lacked it for the last long time. LOL

Nothing much new over here. Waiting for cycle monitoring - starts this Friday morning. And I anticipate IUI either Mon/Tues or Wed based on history.
As for fertility clinic. You will not have to worry about being on AF. You will not be doing any cycle monitoring that day. It will be an intake & you will have a discussion about your options & it will also be a time for your RE to get to know you. Then she/he will prescribe what to do next. Which will likely be you doing cycle monitoring (so, welcome to my early morning world) & if you guys wanted to wait a bit & do timed intercourse with them, you can. So you don't have to worry about OPK's & shit. And maybe she/he will have some other ideas before suggesting some thing like IUI. But you can also jump right into IUI if you wanted to. We had the option but decided to wait until our 1 year mark first. And then you'll likely be scheduled for a routein ultrasound to make sure everything looks good - bunch of blood work for both you & your hubby. You'll see - they'll take good care of you. And make sure you get all tests needed. And then not that cycle but the one after that, you'll start CM. Depends what day of your cycle you are when you go in on the 28th. If you can make it for Day 3, you may start right away. Don't reschedule though b/c it takes about 6 weeks for tests to all come back & work on a plan & this will also delay you doing cycle monitoring.

Thanks Barb that is helpful!
Hey Momma, you waiting for AF or going to start testing? Sorry to hear about your card :( I guess that means you have to wait?! :(

Nat, I hope you feel better soon. What a bummer - you poor thing - like you haven't had it rough enough lately being in the hospital & crap :(

Boring over here if you ask me. But you know it means I can't obsess if I'm pregnant :) LOL

Meg, congrats for being in your TWW :) WAHOOO! You'll be testing right? When are you planning to start?!

Thanks... I dont know about testing... I assume I will because I have them and I usually dont. But I hate testing at the same time lol... I think I would probably wait until at least 10DPO which would be next Thursday.
Hi Ladies... 2DPO today - long way to go haha...

Sooooooo TMI but this morning I had the biggest thickest glob of white CM I ever saw lol.... I was like WTF is that! I only noticed because there was some in the toilet after I went pee but then I checked and there was lots more. Oh the joyous things our bodies do
Good morning nat and glad u r feeling better!! Yay..as for me :( I feel like crap..cld not sleep last night. Layed in bed for hrs before falling asleep then woke up every few hrs..extremely tired this morn..sick to my stomach and nastiness goin on dwn below. (Tmi warning) I woke up to a thick kinda milky cm and there was a bunch..ewww..no clue y..spent most this cycle pretty dry and when there was anything it was watery..so blaaa..im prolly gona climb back into bed later..lol

Not to mention terrible af type cramps today. I had lots of cramping last cycle but I though it was due to stoppin the bcp..im sure thats all done outta my system seein I wasnt on them even a yr..
Ladies, I just did some Maca reading & for some woman it lengthens their LP & some it shortens. Lengthening is OK - it means that if you get pregnant you'll have a good LP support. I wouldn't worry about it. XO

Good luck Momma! Keep us posted w/your tests :)

Ahhhh this is exellent news...phewwww annnnnnnd breath lol...
I did worry a little but also in the back of my mind I worked it out that longer lp means more progesterone which means ideal conditions for successfull implantation...if it happens.:thumbup:

Will be thinking about you and your iui barbs...I sooo hope it works for you and dh...
I hear you about the not missing this ...it's a loooong journey more so for you tho but it kind of emotionally draining process isn't it...

Re:3 months barbs :hugs:....it's still early days -emotionally...it's bound to still suck for you...I'm getting closer to my supposed due date and it STiLL hurts to think about but we got to just carry on love...it's a horrible thought and every so often without warning I burst into tears when I start think about the what ifs and the whys...I suppose it's hard to get on with but needs must .
I hope the pain of it all starts to get easier ASAP for you .:hugs:

:) :) :) xxx

OH thanks so much for your support!!! YOu know where I'm coming from. :hugs:
I just want to move on with my life. I want all of us to get our bfps' & be happy :) Celebrate in our joy. Support eachother through pregnancy. But I am moving on - and I'm not trying to dwell on it at all. So yay me.
I hope this IUI is going to work. I feel much more optimistic & excited doing IUI but I"m also affraid to get to excited.
You know, the second IUI I felt like it worked. I had a hard time totally convincing myself but I felt different. I didn't even drink in the TWW. Maybe 1 glass or smth because I had this feeling I may be pregnant. And I was. The first IUI I didn't feel anything. Maybe there is some intuition?!
Oh that would be sooo cool if we did all get our bfp's eh.:happydance:
Glad your able to consider moving on....in the past I have dwelled on the earlier mcs and it sucked BIG TIME...this time it hurt like mad...I think thee most hurtful mc so far but I seemed to be able to pick myself back up ....
Something told me to be strong...like the intuition I guess lol...but even tho I am being strong when I think about the whole process of it all my heart aches and I get this overwhelming feeling to fill that void inside again...
I am a Christian and I still can't help but wonder WHY?....but my faith keeps me going and I guess it wasn't meant to be...
I hate the thought of the next 9 weeks to come...no baby...I hate it I really do...
Sometimes I feel alittle anger about it too...I did everything right...and I see these people sometimes walking down the street smoking their cigarettes effing and blinding at each other,pregnant...pushing a pram with a 1yr old in it towing 4 other kids behind them yelling at them to hurry the feck up...and my heart sinks....if only they truly knew the pain inside of me...
But I guess that's there life and not mine and ladies like all of us on here would truly appreciate a bundle of joy in our arms...
The lovely Kate Middleton is showing a lovely bump now...she so tiny tho...apparently the media over here as so how managed to find out that she will be staying with her parents when the baby comes....I wonder how that's going to work out then?
Either way I wish her all the best :flower: she's lovely.
Well look at me ....my lil fingers have done a flipping marathon essay again lol
Sorry barbs...lol
Anyway....I wish you and dh all the vey best with the iui and I am sending all my thoughts and good wishes to you both...:flower:

Bring on Friday eh :happydance:

:) :) :) xxx

Your MC was when you were much further along. Your MC is far different than mine & I think that's why I can move on. Nothing showed on the ultrasound. It was a Chemical Pregnancy. It's still painful because it could have amounted to a baby in my belly today. But I'm really not focusing my energies on it. I can't dwell on it. So I'm looking forward to next week. I hope by next week today I will have ovulated & will be preggers. I know that it may take more than this cycle of IUI but I do hope that for the sake of all I have gone through, I'll get it on the first round. I think Karma & the Universe owes that much to me.

There's so many undeserving parents & unfit ones in this world getting knocked up by getting coughed on LOL. Its some times a very cruel & unfair world we live in.
Meg, you posted very early this morning. Do you usually get up this early?! GAH!

Good luck this TWW!!! I hope you will get your bfp. Fingers crossed. And I hope you will get all your answers from the fertility clinic. How are you feeling about it?
I felt like I could deal with an issue to fix but would be hard for an unexplained infertility. Lucky us its the later, huh?! GAH...and le sigh.

I hope you will have to cancel that appointment ;) When is testing day?
Meg, you posted very early this morning. Do you usually get up this early?! GAH!

Good luck this TWW!!! I hope you will get your bfp. Fingers crossed. And I hope you will get all your answers from the fertility clinic. How are you feeling about it?
I felt like I could deal with an issue to fix but would be hard for an unexplained infertility. Lucky us its the later, huh?! GAH...and le sigh.

I hope you will have to cancel that appointment ;) When is testing day?

Testing day could be next Thursday I guess which is 10DPO haha we will see how long I last haha

I came in early today for a meeting so I had a few minutes to post haha

I wake up at 630 most days though :D

I really dont want to go to this appointment either..... I feel like pushing it back again.....
When would AF be due? On the 27th??

I would say go to the appointment & get the ball rolling. It's best for you to know now if there is some thing that needs tweaking than waiting for so much longer & finding out later & knowing you could have done some thing about it now. You know? You guys have up to 1 year before you're considered 'infertile' & your doctor would advise on seeing a Fertility Doctor but I consider this being proactive. I didn't want to wait a whole year if there was a simple solution to be had.

Wow that's damn early meeting! I can't get out of bed before 7am & even then I have trouble. Now that we're going to be moving closer to work I think I could get away with waking up around 7.30am :o) Yahoo!!!!
When would AF be due? On the 27th??

I would say go to the appointment & get the ball rolling. It's best for you to know now if there is some thing that needs tweaking than waiting for so much longer & finding out later & knowing you could have done some thing about it now. You know? You guys have up to 1 year before you're considered 'infertile' & your doctor would advise on seeing a Fertility Doctor but I consider this being proactive. I didn't want to wait a whole year if there was a simple solution to be had.

Wow that's damn early meeting! I can't get out of bed before 7am & even then I have trouble. Now that we're going to be moving closer to work I think I could get away with waking up around 7.30am :o) Yahoo!!!!

I know you are right.... I really just hope that tests come back saying things are good and then we can try naturally for awhile longer... that is my plan

I agree I shouldnt wait in case there is an issue that needs fixing. But part of me just says meh give it another 6 months. I dont know if I would regret that or not though.

And AF should be due around the 26th or so
Dam my work out was hard this afternoon....it took me all my energy to sit and whatch that pmsl...
Feel so much better for it lol
Think my eyeballs must have burnt atleast 5calrories there lol...
Oh well I will try again tormorro ...I'm ditching Kim kardashian tho...that body if hers is a kick in the flipping theath lol....think ill stick to my shadow boxing and pretend its her I'm boxing pmsl....
Naaaa she's alright ...I spose.

Well ladies this waiting game is soooo boring isn't it...can't wait to pee pee on them stickys tmr lol...
Probably have absolutely no colour in them lines tho lol...oh well ...
Hope you are all ok today...
:) :) :) xxx
Hey Meg, I totally hear what you are saying. That's why we waited. You just have to go with what you desire. As long as you're OK with waiting then when and if you do anything more aggressive is up to you. I knew I didn't want to wait longer than I had to. That's where I was at.

Nat good for you for working out! Good to keep the body healthy :)
That's why I decided to take up running & I want to do some weight baring exercises too.

OPK's tomorrow eh? YAH! Hope you get your O sooner than last month. FX

I felt like garbage today, ladies. Yesterday I felt queasy all day & today I had a major nausea fit & had the runs :( I'm just BLARGH. I wanted to go run today so I'll see how I feel when I get home. I will either go for a run or do some stuff at home with weights.

Hey Meg, I totally hear what you are saying. That's why we waited. You just have to go with what you desire. As long as you're OK with waiting then when and if you do anything more aggressive is up to you. I knew I didn't want to wait longer than I had to. That's where I was at.

Nat good for you for working out! Good to keep the body healthy :)
That's why I decided to take up running & I want to do some weight baring exercises too.

OPK's tomorrow eh? YAH! Hope you get your O sooner than last month. FX

I felt like garbage today, ladies. Yesterday I felt queasy all day & today I had a major nausea fit & had the runs :( I'm just BLARGH. I wanted to go run today so I'll see how I feel when I get home. I will either go for a run or do some stuff at home with weights.


Sorry bout the blaaa feeling but im right w ya!!! Im totally exhausted..very crabby, the dh cldnt wait to go to wrk..haha ive been sittin and fighting back the urge to throw up all day. Its awful!! I really feel like sh#@ today. Ready to go to bed. :((
Goodmornin! Feel ok so far. Crampy for sure. Cervix is high, very tightly closed and mushy! Hopin its a good sign. Nauseau hasnt kicked in to bad yet but only been up an hr. Nose is stuffy drivin me nuts but my mood is better than yesterday..yesterday was just horrible. Was biting everyones head off but wantin to cry at same time..cld have been bad pms! I just dnt ever remember having pms before..lol who knows! Heres to 9dpo and I plan on taking an hpt on saturday at 11dpo!! Cant wait to poas!! Hows everyone this mornin?? Nat? Barbs?? Meg??

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