6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Wow strawberry...no af for 2 years....so have you had ovulatry problems with that?

You mention about the spotting this morning...I wonder If that's "things" righting itself or not...

How has it been through out the day?

:) :) :) xxx

I've just had the implant removed, I didn't bleed at all while on it. I've had nothing since the small amount of brown spotting this morning except a pretty heavy watery discharge. If it was an IB how long would it take for a BFP to show on an early test?
Well they say that it can take up to 5/6 days for hgc levels to rise to a significant level after implantation...but it can sdepend on how fats they rise...slow metabolism s can cause slower levels...but then again I have read ALOT on how high your hgc is pre pg...
It can be from 0-5 in NON pregnant women...sooooo...I dunno....
Ill post alittle something I got from a friend a couple of months ago and that might make tho go alittle easier to understand love.....

Implantation could belater than you think.

If a woman implants at 8dpo, with a 'non pregnant' hCG level of 1 [Which is totally normal] it would rise as follows

8dpo - 1miu hcg
10dpo - 2miu
12dpo - 4miu
14dpo [Day AF is typically due] - 8miu
16dpo - 16miu

So this lady wouldn't finnd out until 15dpo on a very senstive 10miu pregnancy test, superdrug own or possibly asda own. Obviously if she implants LATER than 8dpo [which is normal] she will find out even later.

Now, Take a lady who implants at 8dpo, But has a'Non pregnant' hCG level of 5. Hers looks like this;

8dpo - 5miu
10dpo- 10miu - Could find out here on superdrug own, internet cheapie
12dpo - 20miu - Could find out here with freedom cheapie strip/most poundland tests and asda own]
14dpo - 40miu [day period is typically due] Most tests would pick it up here

So, This lady, Even though implantation is on the same say for both ladies, Can find out MUCH sooner. Now, If this lady were to implant at 6dpo she could potentially find out at just 8dpo. But if the first lady were to implant at 12dpo, She would find out even later, Even if they have the same cycle and OV days!

Hope this helps strawberry :flower:

:) :) :) xxx
wow, thanks...that is really helpful, i definitely have a slow metabolism. I'm hoping I'll know either way by sunday/monday, the suspense is killing me lol
Hi Gals!

YES BARB omg it is so hot I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!

Trying to motivate myself to do an hour power walk after work,.... either on treadmill or outside but it may be a bit soupy for outside.....

I am watching your progressions -its hard for me to tell too!! You are also only 9DPO so time will tell in a few days :) Ahhhhh

Nat I see a little pink on the test too - how long did it take for it to show up? sorry if you have anwered already I am trying to catch up haha.. geez you miss one morning and BAM!!! I am scared to go away in July I will miss too much lol

I wish I could have a cold beer when I get home but these antibiotics grrrr hey at least its good for the diet.. lost 2 lbs this week and I am back at my lowest so I am going to try for 5-10 lbs between now and my birthday July 15th and see how well I can do!

Hi Gals!

YES BARB omg it is so hot I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!

Trying to motivate myself to do an hour power walk after work,.... either on treadmill or outside but it may be a bit soupy for outside.....

I am watching your progressions -its hard for me to tell too!! You are also only 9DPO so time will tell in a few days :) Ahhhhh

Nat I see a little pink on the test too - how long did it take for it to show up? sorry if you have anwered already I am trying to catch up haha.. geez you miss one morning and BAM!!! I am scared to go away in July I will miss too much lol

I wish I could have a cold beer when I get home but these antibiotics grrrr hey at least its good for the diet.. lost 2 lbs this week and I am back at my lowest so I am going to try for 5-10 lbs between now and my birthday July 15th and see how well I can do!


Wow super well gel about the weather over there meg...it's lovely hear but not hot...well not hot enough anyway.lol....apparently we're in for some hot weather this weekend .yeah!

Yeah the pink came up straight away...BUT I took another and it guess what! It fecki mg EVAPED ....lol
So it's 12dpo for me tmr...hope I get that bfn in the mrn...woohoo.:thumbup:

Sounds like your doing really well with your work outs there....I been doing yoga and light shadow boxing...soooo exhausting and funny when lo copies me ha ha...
When he starts doing that I can't take it serious and we just mess about then.
Still gets the cardio workout going tho.:)

Awe we will miss you In July...but you have a good time of it ok.:thumbup:
Have loads of fun...you deserve it.:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
Hey...mommaplus where gone love...where are you in your cycle now...you must of o'd by now yeah...
:) :) :) xxx
Hey Ladies, I dunno what's worse, the TWW or waiting from Day 1 to when it's time to really start making a baby! Sigh....lots of plans this weekend to get out and about. A hike, dinner out, lotsa BD'ing I'm told so I better 'get ready'. lol. Following y'all's stories and where you are in your cycles tho! Waiting to hear about those BFP's!
Hey Ladies, I dunno what's worse, the TWW or waiting from Day 1 to when it's time to really start making a baby! Sigh....lots of plans this weekend to get out and about. A hike, dinner out, lotsa BD'ing I'm told so I better 'get ready'. lol. Following y'all's stories and where you are in your cycles tho! Waiting to hear about those BFP's!

Yeah you go girl...catch that eggy...woohoo...:thumbup:

Yeah the lead up and the tww is kind of tough...but try not to let the anticipation get the better of you...or you'll end up like a fruit nut like me this week pmsl...
Good luck chere...have lots of fun won't you lol
Now go and make that baby lol...:happydance:

:) :) :) xxx

from cycle to cycle -we have made a few friends...
We'll prop each other up-right to the end...
Our love for our sticks-that drive us insane
They mess with our emotions..our hearts and our brains...
We somehow get through the two week wait
As we process our lines with chat and debate...
Is it and evap or is it a pink line
Come on bfp's isn't it our time...
Dare we waist a wee when we pee on them sticks
The anticipation can make us feel sick...
So come on you stickys just give us our bumps
So we can All get on with our healthy and happy 9 months....
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hey...mommaplus where gone love...where are you in your cycle now...you must of o'd by now yeah...
:) :) :) xxx

Hey nat..im doin on this end..lol busy wk and lotsa storms..as for o ing..nope nada..I starting using opks and nuthin..no o pains dry cm..cervix is medium and medium soft and no more open or closed then usual..I have o ed on cd 10-11 past 3 cycles..I will b cd 11 when I wake up but o seems no were close..no clue y or wats goin on..never have ever have an annobulatpry cycle but seems like this is wats goin on..ive never have a cycle without days of horrible o pains..sooooo weird..so im gona keep using the opk to see if I catch a surge or if I start having any cervix changes or pains..so far not looking promising..soo weird..
Nat I like your poem! Did you make it up yourself??
Words are so true. Did you test today yet??

I'm driving into work & will write more. Until then I've got my test from today & the other tests in progression. It's like my body's holding onto Ovidrel for the past 3 days. Bah!!!!


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Phone allows me to post only one photo at a time lol. I have tweaked and untweaked.


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Hi Gals!

YES BARB omg it is so hot I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!

Trying to motivate myself to do an hour power walk after work,.... either on treadmill or outside but it may be a bit soupy for outside.....

I am watching your progressions -its hard for me to tell too!! You are also only 9DPO so time will tell in a few days :) Ahhhhh

Nat I see a little pink on the test too - how long did it take for it to show up? sorry if you have anwered already I am trying to catch up haha.. geez you miss one morning and BAM!!! I am scared to go away in July I will miss too much lol

I wish I could have a cold beer when I get home but these antibiotics grrrr hey at least its good for the diet.. lost 2 lbs this week and I am back at my lowest so I am going to try for 5-10 lbs between now and my birthday July 15th and see how well I can do!


The heat was welcomed :) Going to sleep was a bit sticky but wasn't too bad. Nope, we don't have aircon but our new house does! YES!!!!

Well my tests don't look like they are budging much. Go figure. Like really, My metabolism is THIS bad?! Guh..

Yay for you & your weight loss plan. Good on ya! Since I started running I'd hope to burn some fat but I don't feel lighter & the scales didn't really budge. I'm eating the same too. I don't get it. Maybe I need to lighten up on my eating too :(
Nat, where are you?! I can't wait to hear if any of those damn evaps turned into some thing real????
Hi Gals!

YES BARB omg it is so hot I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!

Trying to motivate myself to do an hour power walk after work,.... either on treadmill or outside but it may be a bit soupy for outside.....

I am watching your progressions -its hard for me to tell too!! You are also only 9DPO so time will tell in a few days :) Ahhhhh

Nat I see a little pink on the test too - how long did it take for it to show up? sorry if you have anwered already I am trying to catch up haha.. geez you miss one morning and BAM!!! I am scared to go away in July I will miss too much lol

I wish I could have a cold beer when I get home but these antibiotics grrrr hey at least its good for the diet.. lost 2 lbs this week and I am back at my lowest so I am going to try for 5-10 lbs between now and my birthday July 15th and see how well I can do!


The heat was welcomed :) Going to sleep was a bit sticky but wasn't too bad. Nope, we don't have aircon but our new house does! YES!!!!

Well my tests don't look like they are budging much. Go figure. Like really, My metabolism is THIS bad?! Guh..

Yay for you & your weight loss plan. Good on ya! Since I started running I'd hope to burn some fat but I don't feel lighter & the scales didn't really budge. I'm eating the same too. I don't get it. Maybe I need to lighten up on my eating too :(

Hey! Omg so glad you have A/C in the new house lol you will need it in this heat... we turned ours on yesterday so its nice and chilly in the house just how I like it haha

We are opening the pool on Sunday but first we are changing it over to a salt water system so I am really hoping it will be up and running soon if the summer weathe is really starting! bahhhhh its an old pool but it does the trick!

Barb your tests almost look like evaps at this point there are so light - that would drive me nuts too though!!

I am only on CD6 over here....I will start my opk on CD 10 or 11 - tues or wednesday... which is when I am done the antibiotics too! Like I said, for some reason I have my hopes set on a BFP next cycle and not this one. We will see... wouldn't mind not being knocked up for holidays - not that I would really care of course LOL!

Yeah Barb for me it is really about the eating... it is what makes the big difference for me. When I have a goal I use the My Fitness Pal app for my Iphone and track what I eat - it works really well for me. track my exercise too.... I did the treadmill again last night and hope to tonight before heading out for dinner.

Where you at Nat? how those tests coming!
Oh how nice, a pool! And Saltwater at that. That sounds lovely!
It's nice on the really hot days. And nice for sun tanning :)

Yep you're right it looks like Evaps eh? But they're not. They are positive's but very, very light. and it looks very much similar to each other. I just hope that my tests become positive tomorrow/Saturday!!!! I don't feel anything this month. I don't feel one way or another about if I'm pregnant or not. I am totally be cynical though & I think a part of it is protective so I'm not too bummed out when my test comes back negative on Wednesday. I just think "why me & why finally now?" we've been trying for so freaking long. This IUI was perfect but now I just hope that my body has accepted it. And also I would think having had the Chemical Pregnancy it would increase my odds but some thing tells me it won't make any difference.

I will check out My Fitness Pal....I don't exercise as much as it sounds you do but I do need to put my eating in check? I don't eat horrible or anything. I just maybe need to cut the calories? But I don't eat a tonne of calories either. And I want to be able to maintain w/o changing too much. In general I eat pretty healthy I would say. Maybe need to lessen the carb snacks & have more fruit & veggies in stead. Yep. That's probably it.
So I went on my blog to see my progression tests from last IUI cycle & it went negative at 9dpo & slowly positive at 10dpo & defo positive at 11dpo. So I'm either preggo or metabolizing VERY SLOW right now. Ugh.
I have to go back to Feb & see how those tests came out too.
I just wanna know. WAAAAAAHHHH!
Nat, I hope you're OK today!!! Where are you???
I hope its not your ipad that busted b/c of your spilled tea?
MIss you :(
Nat, I hope you're OK today!!! Where are you???
I hope its not your ipad that busted b/c of your spilled tea?
MIss you :(

Wow I'm back!!!......been out my mums like alllllll day...the weather has been great so I'm alittle sad we didn't get to make the most of it...
I cleaned thier car from top to bottom for them...brand new again...Yaye.:wacko:

Sorry I been keeping you all hanging on today ....
So I tested this morning and went out...didn't take any tests with me.:thumbup:
Think they were bfns...come home and there's a shadow...not sure if there colour and it's REALLY hard to pic up on iPad....but I will post them so y'all can see what you thinks....

Ahhhh missed you too barbs....it s been quite weird going out without the iPad today...my little fingers were very board ha ha haaa....
Yeah I wrote the poem...my words....:thumbup:

I wonder how long it takes befor I see that somewhere else lol...

Try not to let them tests drive you up the wall barbs...I know it's hard tho...

Got major fx for them lines getting brighter for you.:flower:

So here's my tests...they look like bfns....in person there is something there...not sure if they are faded Evaps.....:dohh:

:) :) :) xxx


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OH MY DAYS......tweeked.....
The pink lines on middle and bottom tests came up so easy!

Omg please let this be it....I thought I was out till this.:happydance:
Lets see what tmr brings...YES!

:) :) :) xxx


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