6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Ahhhhh! These tests are just making you bonkers eh?! Crappy :(
I hope they turn real. Fingers crossed!!!
IC are pretty darn good but trying to decipher tests are not fun.
I can't wait for the day we are all in 1st trimester complaining about symptoms & laughing about how much the ttc drove us nuts!!!

Haha yeah Meg. Doom. I just don't feel it.
What can I say?
Hi ladies...I not even going to test now till I get them frers through the post...which better be tmr...
The ic's have played enough games with me and I resign...ic's 1 - natjenson Nill.
Im 14dpo and Af due Wednesday.
Got a few cramps last night and my cm is more or less dried up..thinking af is well on her way.grrrrr.lol

Hope everyone is ok today and enjoying there weekend....it's lovely here still today so I'm going out to get me some spaghetti bolognese ...mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmm!
Woohoo :happydance:

:) :) :) xxx
Hey hey. 12dpo & this mornings test is lighter than the rest.
I don't think I will be seeing a positive any time soon. :( :( :(
Don't have IC tests left either. Just one new brand and I dunno how many miu it is.
AF is due on Wed for me too btw. Bay w we will be cycle buddies, Nat!
AF is due on Wed for me too btw. Bay w we will be cycle buddies, Nat!

Hay barbs...
Awe sorry to hear the the positive isn't shown yet...but good that lines are going now :thumbup:
Yaye cycle buddies again :thumbup:
Took an opk earlier- just had to pee on smith lol
Negative of course.:haha:
I'm well over this now...just want to get this cycle over with so I can crack on with the next...it's looking VERY Unlikely I'm preggo now...booo.
Mind you my bbs are ABSOLUTLY sooo sore still and tmi falling out of my bra...lol
I think the vit b6 has certainly "done the job" in regards to progesterone ..just need eggy to fertalize and implant now tho lol.
I'm starting zink- selenium- and b complex next week...

Well I'm off for that spag Bol now yum yum....
Hope your ok barbs :flower:
:) :) :) xxx
Hey Nat thanks for the words.
I feel really disappointed & frustrated.
A year & half later, nothing.

Enjoy your day!! It's rainy here so not much going on.
Well looks like I'm really out. I had some sharp cramps while I was out running, came home & I've started spotting. Damn it. It's too early too. I don't get it :(
Well looks like I'm really out. I had some sharp cramps while I was out running, came home & I've started spotting. Damn it. It's too early too. I don't get it :(

Oh no barbs not good...I hope the spotting has stopped...(was it fresh spotting barbs...maybe it could be late IB..)
Oh this is pants.:(
Now you just take things easy love ok...get them feet up barbs.:flower:
I hope your ok.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Hey Nat. Well it's brown blood & it only lasted a tiny bit. No more cramps. But I beg it's due to the cramps I had out running. It was odd.
I would agree about IB if I weren't already 12dpo. :(
Sad face.
Btw my mother in law got me a Rovers Return ya hurt for Cori Sunday!!!! How amazin is she???? I'm where just after Gary makes a pass at Tina. Gloria forks up the money for the Rovers.
Btw my mother in law got me a Rovers Return ya hurt for Cori Sunday!!!! How amazin is she???? I'm where just after Gary makes a pass at Tina. Gloria forks up the money for the Rovers.

Ooh cori gets goooood....I won't say much but poor izzy...:(
Nuf said! Lol

So that was strange barbs with the spotting eh...:wacko:
My heart sank when I read it...so I know how you must have felt too...
You know it "could " have been IB if you implanted late...fx.

So I ended up taking a ic tonight and I got a line-pink....it came up straight away...my stomach was doing summer saults and my heart went like the clappers...soo I dipped another in the pot and it did the same! BUT by the time I got back to the 1st test the line had gone-completely.....so I watched the other test develop fully and it did the exact same thing...I was soooo gutted they did this too me....
For a brief minute I thought this was it...but it followed with the disappointment instead...
I feel like I'm out...really out...totally out-just out!
It's sucks big time doesn't it.
If I see nothing tmr on my frers (if they arrive) then that's it....! I KNOW my answer then.

So do you get your bloods on Tuesday did you say?.....hang in there barbs...:flower:
This must be the hardest part for you.:hugs:....I thought about this for you earlier and althoe you have been through so much I think your incredibly strong you know...

My mum gave me her Chinese cracker yesterday...she saved it for me...I opened it and it said....
How appropriate eh.:)
I don't know why but I thought of you and meg when I opened it...
You two have been through soo much and I know I use my humour to pull us through some of it but you both are incredibly supportive and strong characters.
The cracker really made me feel kind of rejuvenated ...now excuse my scepticism but I don't normally take this sort of stuff in...like fortune tellers and psychics and all that malarkey but this one fitted ...
This has been a difficult time me lately-for us all...

I hope they tests come good for you barbs...:flower:

You take care ok.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Hello ladies well my frers turned up -eventually.negative.
Sorry to report it's a big fat no no this cycle...my frers are 10 miu aswell so I guess it would picked up something if I was at all preggers...
Well it's 15dpo and over the next 48 hrs af will be upon me....the dreaded witch is iniment !

How is everyone today?

:) :) :) xxx
Meg- how's the killer vag coming along lol?
Hope she's better now.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Hey Nat,

I have two episodes to catch up w/Cori still from the weekend. But I think it will be a while before I get really caught up to where you are saying there's lots of drama. I have ideas circulating in my head. I can't wait!

Yep I am still spotting & feeling cramps. I'm out. My test this morning, negative.
Surprisingly I feel very, very calm. I don't feel very upset & I feel OK. I don't know why.
I just want this to work eventually but I'm starting to get a bit anxious if I will actually get pregnant or if I will, will it take another year & we'll throw in the IUI towel at end of the summer? I just don't want to get to that point.

OH Nat I've had this happen to me once w/tests....two IC produced a second line like a positive. This was the fall of 2011. The lines stayed there for about what felt like 5 minutes & then totally disappeared. I am so sorry Nat :( Best thing to do is do the test & then don't come back to look at it for at least 10 minutes. Also you know my really light tests? It takes more than 5 min to fully see it. The test strip turns white slowly on the 10miu. Also I've ordered like 50 20miu tests last night LOL. And I decided to stay away from the 10miu for now because a) tests will go negative faster on a 20miu w/trigger and b) its clearer & better tests so none of this bloody squinting crap. But mostly that the trigger wont be there for as long b/c its not as sensitive.

How was the horse races? Did you guys bid on any horses???

I have my bloods Wed morning & then go from there. But if my period starts today (which it might) would be perfect b/c then I can do all my bloods Wednesday including ultrasound & get this shit over w/faster. I have a feeling I'll be doing IUI around moving time & I'd rather period came earlier so that it doesn't happen during the moving period.

I don't know if this will help me but I'm starting to think maybe I should detox a bit. Avoid the booze this month & maybe that'll increase my chances??? I will have one or two glasses of some thing here & there & defo when we go to Ottawa but you know, just very limited quantities? The month I got pregnant I think I had maybe 1 drink in the TWW. Anyway just a thought. And clean up my diet. Drink lots & lots of good clean water. I don't know. I'm getting desperate LOL

How are you doing today, Nat?

Meg where are you lady? How are you? You went back out to TO this Saturday right? I forgot what it was for - a show or smth???
Meg- how's the killer vag coming along lol?
Hope she's better now.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx

Im sooo sryy nat...I really have a good feeling for u this month. I hope af stays away and u just o ed late. As for me..no o pains and no pos opk still. Im positive I have not oed. Sooo weird. I am cd 13 today..3dp my regular o time. And nuthing. :( no cm cervix never went up and still dnt seem on its way..kinda weird but I guess knowing I dnt o will make the tww pretty easy seein I wld have no reason to test. Lol gota o to conceive. Lol
Hi Girls I am all caught up...

I always open this thread with anticipation after a weekend.. Nat and Barb I am thinking of you both all the time.... I am sorry that it looks like AF is coming ugh!!!!

Nat those IC's are so evil honestly what total rubbish they are.....I am sorry they were playing games with you but I would likely trust the FRER I think... bah!!!

I am glad Nat that you are eager to get onto the next month... I know you have your appointment in August right? Knowing I have mine in July helps me try to stay positive a bit I think....

Barb - I hear you re: not feeling too dissapointed. I am sorry that it looks like AF is coming. I felt the same last month - I completely felt like she was coming all month long and had no expectation and then she showed and I didnt really bat an eye... Keep going with the IUI for now - thats the plan right?

I honestly want this so bad for you guys I could screammmmmmmmmmmm lol

I am finishing my antibiotics tomorrow... we have been BD'ing anyways but its not risky from what I understand because I am not even starting OPK until tomorrow and wont be O'ing until late in the week or the weekend.....

I had a bit of a hard day yesterday when it comes to this TTC stuff... I think I should stay off of google because I had myself convinced that because I left this infection untreated for so long (honestly I may have had it on and off for 1-2 years but latest bout at least 8 months) that I have Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and that I am infertile. I dont have the symptoms of it, and it is treatable if caught early enough, but I have scared myself into thinking I may have done some damage to my reproductive parts.

DH was reading about BV online and asked me if maybe this is what is causing the no pregnancy. I said I hope its the BV and that I can get pg within a few months now or so... but just when he was asking me about potential for infertility I almost started bawling and had to hold back. I would be devastated. I cant think that way.....

Sorry to vent but its hard with no where else to go

love ma ladies xx
Do you think they would have seen something on my vaginal ultrasound if I did have PID?? Because they said everything looked good.... ughhhhh
Hey Meg! Welcome back :)

I'm so sorry you're feeling terrible about the infection & what it may have done to your TTC Progress. I think what you need to do is just focus on "once I get rid of this infection, my chances of getting pregnant will improve & I will get pregnant". Because that is most likely what will happen to you.
I have heard of infections lingering on for a long time & causing infertility but I think this is scarring - some thing they can detect. This is why going to the RE in July is going to be important. Make sure they are very thorough. There is an ultrasound I did (which you should do too) where they put saline solution in your uterus to make sure the is no blockage, polytheistic fibroid & that your uterus is a good shape. And of course you're best to mention your infection.
For all you know, once the infection is cleared, you will get pregnant! I really hope you do.
Don't stress too much about the worse case scenario. That'll just drive you nuts. I have my fingers crossed for you, Meg.

And I feel the same - I just want all of us to get pregnant already. This summer, please?! :)

I think I'm going to go dry this month. No booze. Or if there is any, no more than like 1 or two per week. Like if there's a special occasion. I need to increase my chances & alcohol can decrease. I've been a bit stressed & so I've been having probably a bit more than I should. But shit the month I got pregnant w/my daughter I was plastered around the time I was pregnant LOL Like seriously. Enough of this "unexplained" crap. Thanks.
Hey Nat,

I have two episodes to catch up w/Cori still from the weekend. But I think it will be a while before I get really caught up to where you are saying there's lots of drama. I have ideas circulating in my head. I can't wait!

Yep I am still spotting & feeling cramps. I'm out. My test this morning, negative.
Surprisingly I feel very, very calm. I don't feel very upset & I feel OK. I don't know why.
I just want this to work eventually but I'm starting to get a bit anxious if I will actually get pregnant or if I will, will it take another year & we'll throw in the IUI towel at end of the summer? I just don't want to get to that point.

OH Nat I've had this happen to me once w/tests....two IC produced a second line like a positive. This was the fall of 2011. The lines stayed there for about what felt like 5 minutes & then totally disappeared. I am so sorry Nat :( Best thing to do is do the test & then don't come back to look at it for at least 10 minutes. Also you know my really light tests? It takes more than 5 min to fully see it. The test strip turns white slowly on the 10miu. Also I've ordered like 50 20miu tests last night LOL. And I decided to stay away from the 10miu for now because a) tests will go negative faster on a 20miu w/trigger and b) its clearer & better tests so none of this bloody squinting crap. But mostly that the trigger wont be there for as long b/c its not as sensitive.

How was the horse races? Did you guys bid on any horses???

I have my bloods Wed morning & then go from there. But if my period starts today (which it might) would be perfect b/c then I can do all my bloods Wednesday including ultrasound & get this shit over w/faster. I have a feeling I'll be doing IUI around moving time & I'd rather period came earlier so that it doesn't happen during the moving period.

I don't know if this will help me but I'm starting to think maybe I should detox a bit. Avoid the booze this month & maybe that'll increase my chances??? I will have one or two glasses of some thing here & there & defo when we go to Ottawa but you know, just very limited quantities? The month I got pregnant I think I had maybe 1 drink in the TWW. Anyway just a thought. And clean up my diet. Drink lots & lots of good clean water. I don't know. I'm getting desperate LOL

How are you doing today, Nat?

Meg where are you lady? How are you? You went back out to TO this Saturday right? I forgot what it was for - a show or smth???

Hey barbs :flower:
Sorry about the spotting love......is it still going or has the witch beset herself upon you?
I hope not.fx :hugs:
I have been feeling pretty shite today...REALLY bad heart today...had to lay down a few times...and every time I go to the bathroom I am looking for the witch as I too have been cramping for the past 24 hrs now...it feels like my insides are being squeezed...ugh!
Not nice....I am expecting a heavy one this month as the vit b6 thickens the linings (for higher success of implantation) so I expect it will be a relentless one...not excited or looking forward to that I tell thee...:wacko:

Barbs are you saying your quitting the iui after summer? Maybe meg is right and you should stick at it...I mean it's proven it WORKS for you both so maybe keep going :flower:
Obviously I see where your coming from about it being "what else is left" but I too believe it will happen for you.:hugs:

Good decision with the drinking barbs...it can't do any harm to have a glass or two during the week and I totally hear you about being sloshes when you concieved the first time...
When I think back I was doing intense work outs -running...very stressed out too...
I carried a washing machine...and cared for my step father who was in hospital for many weeks during the time I concieved...lol mad eh...
Funny how some things tend to work out barbs eh...

I hope you get what you need to happen if af is iniment With the iui this cycle...I know it must be annoying with it all going on with the move aswell...
Like moving is stressful enough ...:dohh:
Just you try to take things easy and let the men do there thang...us women are better at the organising and job designation lol
I hope it all goes smothly tho.:thumbup:

I am so glad I got my answer with the frer today...the torment has stopped now...ic's are great but that particular brand was shockingly awful to me...never again...I already got my amazon wish list ready and waiting for me to click buy on my new tests...they are wider and maybe a little more expensive but I have learned that quality IS important here...not saving the penny's lol

Awwwwe I've had a bad day today...I found a lump on harrys head last night and I laid awake all night trying to hold back the tears trying not to think the worst...
I took him straight to the doctors today to get it checked out...I was REALLY firm about getting him seen to TODAY...
I was hoping they told me it was a swollen gland or something silly but it wasn't...
I have been told that I have got to keep a close eye on him...if it gets bigger or if it starts to hurt him....or if it doesn't go away with two weeks I'm to take him straight back and they can take another look and maybe go from there...and to top it all off when she listened in to his chest she told me he has early onset of asthma...he has to have a mask 4times a day now...I feel sooo sorry for him..
I am very emotional about this today...:(
Very worrying.
I feel helpless...:(
I must be strong for him tho.:thumbup:

Well barbs I hope you get your answer ASAP too love...so you can move forward too...:hugs:
You take it easy too ok...:flower:

:) :) :) xxx

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