6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Hi Girls I am all caught up...

I always open this thread with anticipation after a weekend.. Nat and Barb I am thinking of you both all the time.... I am sorry that it looks like AF is coming ugh!!!!

Nat those IC's are so evil honestly what total rubbish they are.....I am sorry they were playing games with you but I would likely trust the FRER I think... bah!!!

I am glad Nat that you are eager to get onto the next month... I know you have your appointment in August right? Knowing I have mine in July helps me try to stay positive a bit I think....

Barb - I hear you re: not feeling too dissapointed. I am sorry that it looks like AF is coming. I felt the same last month - I completely felt like she was coming all month long and had no expectation and then she showed and I didnt really bat an eye... Keep going with the IUI for now - thats the plan right?

I honestly want this so bad for you guys I could screammmmmmmmmmmm lol

I am finishing my antibiotics tomorrow... we have been BD'ing anyways but its not risky from what I understand because I am not even starting OPK until tomorrow and wont be O'ing until late in the week or the weekend.....

I had a bit of a hard day yesterday when it comes to this TTC stuff... I think I should stay off of google because I had myself convinced that because I left this infection untreated for so long (honestly I may have had it on and off for 1-2 years but latest bout at least 8 months) that I have Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and that I am infertile. I dont have the symptoms of it, and it is treatable if caught early enough, but I have scared myself into thinking I may have done some damage to my reproductive parts.

DH was reading about BV online and asked me if maybe this is what is causing the no pregnancy. I said I hope its the BV and that I can get pg within a few months now or so... but just when he was asking me about potential for infertility I almost started bawling and had to hold back. I would be devastated. I cant think that way.....

Sorry to vent but its hard with no where else to go

love ma ladies xx

Hey meg...glad yur back...did your show go well love ...I hope so.:hugs:

Glad the the antibiotics are working for you...I'm sorry you feel like that about the ttc...I hear you.:flower:
You know sometimes if you need a cry love let it out...I think maybe even tho you are a strong character you have a lot of pent up feelings about it not happening already...I don't blame you...you got to be strong minded for all this as its not for the flankers or faint hearted but even us fighters need to let off a bit of steam now and again love...
And if it has been the on off infection holding you back then at least you are back on the right track now...barbs is right ....I too have an overwhelming feeling its going to come for you now....a biggy is coming...I can feel it...someone's bfp is on it's way...

The pid: it can only cause a problem if it causes scaring...scaring can cause blockages and that's where it will create problems or make things harder...
Now I think that if your infections was a beasty relentless never leave you alone kind of one then it might have been a problem...but as your body has been fighting it meg I think you'll be fine love...fx....
Remember google is not our friend lol
And barbs right with your apt in July ....make sure they check this for you...
I would have thought they would have found scaring on your scan that time and they would have HAD to have told you so I think you'll be ok as they haven't mentioned it to you.but again it's defo worth mentioning everything to them and get your thorough check up...
I have a good feeling it will all come back good.:flower:

Thankyou for wanting to scream for us lol...I could scream too...at my ic's ! :rofl:
Fecking things...lol
Well I hope all is well meg and you take care ok...:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Yaye momma plus soooo glad your ok love:flower: ...them storms were terrible...
Wow no ovulation...strange...I hope it all works out for you soon....so are you expecting a longer cycle or do you think it will be the same as normall....I'm just thinking if there's no egg will the be an af?
I don't know :wacko:
Keep us updated we miss you :flower:

Take care love

:) :) :) xxx
Hey crazy where are you..:flower:
Where are you in your cycle now...?
Hope your ok :)

:) :) :) xxx
Thanks Nat and Barb for your replies I really appreciate it today. :). Means a lot to me. I think you are right Nat about me trying to be stronger sometimes. I convince myself I am ok with things taking awhile and then boom I am hot with a wall of emotion.

Barb I think I am going to take your advice and think that when the infection is gone I wil get pg. hopefully in the next few cycles. I'm going to try and be positive as I can for tr next two cycles until I see doc in July.

Nat I am sorry about Harry. What kind of bump is it? And did they give you any idea what it is? Also about the asthma, sometimes people grow out of it I hope that's the case for Harry but try to see it in the way that its a good thing you caught it and can give him the proper treatment.

Xx hugs to you both and all the ladies
Awe thankyou meg....and your right...thankyou for pointing that out to me about getting it early enough for the right treatment...I've been too consumed with worry to even think about that ....but your completely right...
All the doctor said was she "hopes " it's just a cyst ...I think that is pants that she said that as she knows I will worry now...it wasn't my usual doctor either as I KNOW She would have defo got it investigated...when it's a child it not only breaks your heart but KNOWING what it is puts your mind at ease.:(
Now I have to wait two weeks and pray REAL hard that it does go away...
I just couldn't bare it it if this is bad news.i just couldn't go on with out him.
And what was sweet about him today was he knew I was a little down about something and he gave me the biggest hug...bless his heart.

Thankyou for your well wishes meg it means alot.:hugs:

Try and keep your chin up love with the ttc...them waves of heat aren't pleasant I know...we are here for you meg.:hugs:

:) :) :) xxx
Do you think they would have seen something on my vaginal ultrasound if I did have PID?? Because they said everything looked good.... ughhhhh

Hi Petzy- hope I'm not intruding. My gf had PID and there was severe scarring that showed up on ultrasounds. She was told infertile but last fall, miracle of miracles, she conceived and carried to full term as one fallopian tube wasn't as scarred. I do remember her saying she was very scarred inside and it was apparent on ultrasounds. I highly doubt you have; damn internet is the WORST for us trying to self-diagnose and of course with always the worst. I have let a Gardnerella 'infection' go a long time untreated so I feel sometimes the same...hang in there. Finish those damn antibiotics and get back to TTC. Hope you don't mind my 2 cents! :hugs:
Hey Nat,

I know you must be worrying your mind out but I feel like I should share some insight as I'm studying for my RN exam tonight, I feel like i need to share. It's hard to diagnose lumps and bumps right off the bat but most are not serious or life threatening. Just skin related, pimple, ingrown hair, cyst what have you, even a little blackhead can accumulate more dirt etc and grow into a little mass and be easily taken care of.
If it helps anything, with the brain, anything that would manifest as an outward bump would show a lot more serious symptoms in your sons behaviour, personality, thinking or emotions, concentration etc. because there would be so much pressure on the brain to actually distort the skull. Nearly impossible unless there was major trauma.
I hope that helps a bit... All I'm trying to say is its a bump and its no different if the bump was anywhere on the body...
So please try to stay calm, you'll get your answer soon and it'll be treated promptly and dont think of what ifs about losing him.... It just broke my heart to read that and I hope my words helped rather than have you more to worry about! :hugs:
Hey Nat,

I know you must be worrying your mind out but I feel like I should share some insight as I'm studying for my RN exam tonight, I feel like i need to share. It's hard to diagnose lumps and bumps right off the bat but most are not serious or life threatening. Just skin related, pimple, ingrown hair, cyst what have you, even a little blackhead can accumulate more dirt etc and grow into a little mass and be easily taken care of.
If it helps anything, with the brain, anything that would manifest as an outward bump would show a lot more serious symptoms in your sons behaviour, personality, thinking or emotions, concentration etc. because there would be so much pressure on the brain to actually distort the skull. Nearly impossible unless there was major trauma.
I hope that helps a bit... All I'm trying to say is its a bump and its no different if the bump was anywhere on the body...
So please try to stay calm, you'll get your answer soon and it'll be treated promptly and dont think of what ifs about losing him.... It just broke my heart to read that and I hope my words helped rather than have you more to worry about! :hugs:
Oh ourflu thankyou sooo much for that...you really have put it all into perspective for me...I wish the doctor put it like that....she really wasn't helpful about it ....I mean any parent would worry but with no info to put my mind at ease was a little unbearable....
A whole weight has been lifted off my shoulders now you have said this...
I was so scared.i hope you are right and that it's probably nothing...
Thankyou thankyou thankyou sooo much....:hugs:
I hope your studying goes as well as It could love...:flower:
I think your going to be a great nurse.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
You're so very welcome! Yes sometimes as healthcare professionals our 'hope' that its something minor can just open that floodgate of 'what if its not'. It's not intentional of course, but without a bit of reassurance it can be hard to wait for answers. Hope it clears up or they get some sort of diagnosis soon! It'll all work out
Do you think they would have seen something on my vaginal ultrasound if I did have PID?? Because they said everything looked good.... ughhhhh

Hi Petzy- hope I'm not intruding. My gf had PID and there was severe scarring that showed up on ultrasounds. She was told infertile but last fall, miracle of miracles, she conceived and carried to full term as one fallopian tube wasn't as scarred. I do remember her saying she was very scarred inside and it was apparent on ultrasounds. I highly doubt you have; damn internet is the WORST for us trying to self-diagnose and of course with always the worst. I have let a Gardnerella 'infection' go a long time untreated so I feel sometimes the same...hang in there. Finish those damn antibiotics and get back to TTC. Hope you don't mind my 2 cents! :hugs:

Chere you are not intruding whatsoever we are all in this together I really appreciate your comment..... that makes me feel a lot better actually - I would have thought it would have shown up if I did and they said it looked great.

Thanks so much Chere..... :)
Awe thankyou meg....and your right...thankyou for pointing that out to me about getting it early enough for the right treatment...I've been too consumed with worry to even think about that ....but your completely right...
All the doctor said was she "hopes " it's just a cyst ...I think that is pants that she said that as she knows I will worry now...it wasn't my usual doctor either as I KNOW She would have defo got it investigated...when it's a child it not only breaks your heart but KNOWING what it is puts your mind at ease.:(
Now I have to wait two weeks and pray REAL hard that it does go away...
I just couldn't bare it it if this is bad news.i just couldn't go on with out him.
And what was sweet about him today was he knew I was a little down about something and he gave me the biggest hug...bless his heart.

Thankyou for your well wishes meg it means alot.:hugs:

Try and keep your chin up love with the ttc...them waves of heat aren't pleasant I know...we are here for you meg.:hugs:

:) :) :) xxx

I know its impossible as a mother but do what you can not to stress... Not good for you, Harry, OR TTC! :) I see the feedback above re being a cyst so that is likely what it is. I had a friend who had a little cyst bump on her head and it was no big deal. xoxo
Hey Nat,

I know you must be worrying your mind out but I feel like I should share some insight as I'm studying for my RN exam tonight, I feel like i need to share. It's hard to diagnose lumps and bumps right off the bat but most are not serious or life threatening. Just skin related, pimple, ingrown hair, cyst what have you, even a little blackhead can accumulate more dirt etc and grow into a little mass and be easily taken care of.
If it helps anything, with the brain, anything that would manifest as an outward bump would show a lot more serious symptoms in your sons behaviour, personality, thinking or emotions, concentration etc. because there would be so much pressure on the brain to actually distort the skull. Nearly impossible unless there was major trauma.
I hope that helps a bit... All I'm trying to say is its a bump and its no different if the bump was anywhere on the body...
So please try to stay calm, you'll get your answer soon and it'll be treated promptly and dont think of what ifs about losing him.... It just broke my heart to read that and I hope my words helped rather than have you more to worry about! :hugs:

Thanks a lot for posting that :hugs:
Ok ladies... CD10, took my last antibiotic pill this morning, and starting OPK's today. Let's see how this cycle goes!

Not allowed to have a drink until Friday but you can bet I will have a beer and celebrate then! :) (but not more than two lol....I may as well keep this sobriety thing going this cycle hey I did it for 3 months lol)
Hey crazy where are you..:flower:
Where are you in your cycle now...?
Hope your ok :)

:) :) :) xxx

Hey!!! How are you?? I have been on vacation this week!! I head home today... Can you believe they have wifi at the lake?? I think I ov while here just by cm... And hubby stayed back to work...so I won't be getting excited this cycle... Kinda sucks... But I have had a great time with the kiddos... Even though two of them are at an age where they complain more than anything. Hahaha everyone enjoy the day
Ok ladies... CD10, took my last antibiotic pill this morning, and starting OPK's today. Let's see how this cycle goes!

Not allowed to have a drink until Friday but you can bet I will have a beer and celebrate then! :) (but not more than two lol....I may as well keep this sobriety thing going this cycle hey I did it for 3 months lol)

Good luck!
Nat- not sure where my head is....about Harry. Hang in there. Stay positive for you and HIM...I've been reading all the comments this morning and they're good. Don't worry. Easier said than done. I had a massive bump on my arm as a child, mom worried herself crazy, I was about 10. It was unsightly and affected my playing cause got in the way lol, but it was a cyst. An ugly 'ol cyst. If one looks really, really hard you can see where it was ....but all was good. Maybe it's time for a new doc with a better 'bedside manner' though? not sure about UK but in Canada good, family docs are hard to come by. Makes me wish I'd chosen a different career sometimes! Hang in there
Ok ladies... CD10, took my last antibiotic pill this morning, and starting OPK's today. Let's see how this cycle goes!

Not allowed to have a drink until Friday but you can bet I will have a beer and celebrate then! :) (but not more than two lol....I may as well keep this sobriety thing going this cycle hey I did it for 3 months lol)

Good luck!

Thanks :)
Hay ladies...thankyou for all your support over the past couple of days...I feel so lucky that your all so nice about it...:hugs:
Well I took ourlilflus advice and Harry needs me to be strong and not worry so I shall just go with the flow and see how thing rides out...and fx it goes away.:thumbup:

Well 16dpo...af due tmr and I did and ic this morning....nada!
Temp dropped right on the cover line too this morning and I just did a cervix check and bam there she flaming well is....pinky cm so by the morning I will have that ugly witch to deal with lol...
At least I can crack on with the next cycle now....
Oh my this cycle just HAS to work....
I went and had my hair did today...had a little me time...much needed and I managed to de stress.... I then went and topped up on all my vitamins and added a few more to my crazy concoction ...lol
Ha ha ha every time I sneeze from now on I will be rattling lol...

Any way...
Meg glad them pills are done with love...hope your opk ing goes well...good luck with it all ok.:flower:

Crazy....glad to hear your ok aswell...good to hear you had a great vacation too...sorry you missed. Out on catching that eggy tho :(
Keep us updated wot you...

Chere....thankyou for your kind words...I got sooo scared....I imagined the worst I guess...

Barbs...how are you...has af arrived or has the spotting stopped ...hope your ok :hugs:

Well ladies I hope your all having a great evening...I'm relaxing....waiting for the RED letter day lol booooo lol

Take care all....:hugs: to everyone....:)

:) :) :) xxx
Nat so glad to see your positive spirit today :) You keep me up!!!!

Just took my first OPK for this cycle and it was as expected - light. But a tad darker than I expected. I am really curious to know if this will be a shorter cycle like usual since I am not on my Maca this month....
Nat so glad to see your positive spirit today :) You keep me up!!!!

Just took my first OPK for this cycle and it was as expected - light. But a tad darker than I expected. I am really curious to know if this will be a shorter cycle like usual since I am not on my Maca this month....

Ah that's great news meg...glad your opk seems to be going well so far...:flower:
No maca...is that bc of the antibiotics?....I worried about that during my stay in hospital so I stopped them during that time too...

Do you plan to start them again?

:) :) :) xxx

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