6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

This week has been a tough one for me. The reasons? Other people who are pregnant.
This week alone I got my first invitation to a baby shower in August. We can't go b/c its the day before we take off for 5 days camping but it's my husband's best friend's baby so it's kinda weird. I would have done everything to make sure I could be there under different circumstances. But I don't think I can handle going to a baby shower.

The other one is one of my closest friends finds out today....pretty much as we speak if they're having a boy or girl. I always find that finding out the sex of the baby makes it more real. And I am playing the supportive friend who gives a shit where as in reality I don't really give a shit.

Here I am popping crazy lady pills all week to TRY and get pregnant & I have to deal with all these extremely fertile, happy people who can talk about nothing else than their impending bumps. That's another thing. Why is it that people LOOSE their identities the minute they're pregnant? They can't stop talking about being pregnant or about having a baby & then their baby's arrive & that's all they talk about & that's all the photos they post on FB. Perhaps this is b/c I'm sensitive to all this but really. I just want to have a normal bloody conversations that's not all about "im having a baby". Is it so much to ask of these friends? ARGH.

OK rant over.

I'm sorry. Rant away. It's what we're all here for and we need to do. I know exactly what you mean. Stupid preggo people EVERYWHERE. :hugs:

LOL yes totally that's how I feel. I am trying to rewire my brain every day to feel more happy for everyone who's pregnant than wish they'd go away :) LOL
Soooooo since I am a poas addict..... Here are yesterday and today's tests tweaked to the best of my ability!! Bahahaha now please let me know if you see a line... If it looks like an Evap.... Or nothing at all!! Like I said yesterday... I have a cookout tonight and if no line I would like to have a drink.... If yes line I will not....


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Soooooo since I am a poas addict..... Here are yesterday and today's tests tweaked to the best of my ability!! Bahahaha now please let me know if you see a line... If it looks like an Evap.... Or nothing at all!! Like I said yesterday... I have a cookout tonight and if no line I would like to have a drink.... If yes line I will not....

That looks like a start of a bfp to me! Doesn't look evap. Are the lines pink?
ERMAGERD!!!! :happydance:
Soooooo since I am a poas addict..... Here are yesterday and today's tests tweaked to the best of my ability!! Bahahaha now please let me know if you see a line... If it looks like an Evap.... Or nothing at all!! Like I said yesterday... I have a cookout tonight and if no line I would like to have a drink.... If yes line I will not....

That looks like a start of a bfp to me! Doesn't look evap. Are the lines pink?
ERMAGERD!!!! :happydance:

Hahaha I say ermagerd too!!! Lmao lmao I can't tell....I mean I tweaked the hell out of that pic!! Hahaha I am almost scared I created those damn lines!! Lol but I have been super emotional the last few days... Could be because my son had to leave though!! Eeeek...... Idk!!! I will obviously be poas in the morning again!! Bahahaha I love to see people who are strong enough to wait...I am all over here like...um.... I just CAN'T!!
HI Ladies!

I'm sorry - I've been MIA. I've been stupid busy at work & in life in general.
I have to be honest that I'll probably be a bit MIA for the next few days. We have to pack up the house this weekend & be ready by Sunday night. Monday we pick up keys & then go to the new house to clean a bit. Tuesday we move. So you probably won't have my full attention or long messages but I'll check in every day & say hello!!

Firstly Nat, I'm so sorry your mom was so insensitive. I have a feeling she didn't mean it out of being callous but the truth of it is, if you are overweight it can affect your ability to conceive. At this point if your doctor was concerned about weight, he/she would have mentioned some thing. I don't understand stones. I only understand pounds so if you're 9 pounds that's little :) LOL
Anyway my point is, you look great - I agree w/the ladies & seriously unless you were obese, this is not the right comment for anyone to make other than a doctor. I do think your mom meant well though - or at least I hope. Am I giving her too much credit? I don't know the lady.
Parents love to comment on weight & depending on your background even more so. Eastern European love to keep tabs. My mom would comment on my weight ever time I saw her. Whether it's I gained or lost & it was like 'what the fuck does this matter?'. Anyway I'm just used to it.

Meg, I'm so sorry you suffered with eating disorders. So many girls have this. It would be so nice if woman/girls just loved their bodies & not tried to be some skinny cover girl model. I have about 10lbs on me that I still haven't lost since being pregnant & then drinking too much (lol) but I'm trying not to obsess. I don't love the extra weight but that's why I started running. So I know I have to burn calories & start moving also for health reasons & to be fit, in shape & not feel sore & broken. That's the main point. Being healthy!

Nothing much going on here. I am CD9 & I go in tomorrow morning for CD10 ultrasound & then every day until the final IUI. No sleeping in again for this lady. I'll update you guys tomorrow & I hope I know how many follicles have matured & how much I should anticipate for the IUI. EEK. I'm really nervous. Nervous if I have too many follicles & nervous if I only have 1.

Welcome newcomers too! I hope you guys get your bfps soon! And I'll get more acquainted once my life settles & I have a bit more time to keep up. Damn what happens when I miss half a day, never mind a whole day! LOL

Soooooo since I am a poas addict..... Here are yesterday and today's tests tweaked to the best of my ability!! Bahahaha now please let me know if you see a line... If it looks like an Evap.... Or nothing at all!! Like I said yesterday... I have a cookout tonight and if no line I would like to have a drink.... If yes line I will not....

That looks like a start of a bfp to me! Doesn't look evap. Are the lines pink?
ERMAGERD!!!! :happydance:

Hahaha I say ermagerd too!!! Lmao lmao I can't tell....I mean I tweaked the hell out of that pic!! Hahaha I am almost scared I created those damn lines!! Lol but I have been super emotional the last few days... Could be because my son had to leave though!! Eeeek...... Idk!!! I will obviously be poas in the morning again!! Bahahaha I love to see people who are strong enough to wait...I am all over here like...um.... I just CAN'T!!

If I were you, I'd test again this evening & see if the line gets darker. In addition to tomorrow morning. Can you post an untweaked version?? I'd like to see it untouched.
Yes I will!! On the Untweaked I have to stare crazy hard to see anything!! Lol and then I feel like it is just line eye!! That's a good idea.. I will test tonight before the cookout!!! ;) hahaha


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Yes I will!! On the Untweaked I have to stare crazy hard to see anything!! Lol and then I feel like it is just line eye!! That's a good idea.. I will test tonight before the cookout!!! ;) hahaha

Awe crazy crazy crazy :happydance:
I DEFIANTLY see lines!!!
I saw your tweeked ones back along and carried on reading the posts to catch up and I get to this last one and I see better lines on the UNTWEEKKED...:flower:

Barbs is right test again tonight...and again in the morning and the poas in me says again smu and again in the afternoon and maybe just one more for the hell of it ha ha ha ha haaaa...:haha:
See I told you I be your bad friend :rofl: ha haaa

Naaa I think you may have the start of your bfp here crazy ...you should defo see a progression in the next 48 hrs if it is....
Wow you preggos are dropping like flys this week lol...

Make sure you post us your tests for this evening love ,and the mornings I'm so excited for you :happydance:

:) :) :) xxx
HI Ladies!

I'm sorry - I've been MIA. I've been stupid busy at work & in life in general.
I have to be honest that I'll probably be a bit MIA for the next few days. We have to pack up the house this weekend & be ready by Sunday night. Monday we pick up keys & then go to the new house to clean a bit. Tuesday we move. So you probably won't have my full attention or long messages but I'll check in every day & say hello!!

Firstly Nat, I'm so sorry your mom was so insensitive. I have a feeling she didn't mean it out of being callous but the truth of it is, if you are overweight it can affect your ability to conceive. At this point if your doctor was concerned about weight, he/she would have mentioned some thing. I don't understand stones. I only understand pounds so if you're 9 pounds that's little :) LOL
Anyway my point is, you look great - I agree w/the ladies & seriously unless you were obese, this is not the right comment for anyone to make other than a doctor. I do think your mom meant well though - or at least I hope. Am I giving her too much credit? I don't know the lady.
Parents love to comment on weight & depending on your background even more so. Eastern European love to keep tabs. My mom would comment on my weight ever time I saw her. Whether it's I gained or lost & it was like 'what the fuck does this matter?'. Anyway I'm just used to it.

Meg, I'm so sorry you suffered with eating disorders. So many girls have this. It would be so nice if woman/girls just loved their bodies & not tried to be some skinny cover girl model. I have about 10lbs on me that I still haven't lost since being pregnant & then drinking too much (lol) but I'm trying not to obsess. I don't love the extra weight but that's why I started running. So I know I have to burn calories & start moving also for health reasons & to be fit, in shape & not feel sore & broken. That's the main point. Being healthy!

Nothing much going on here. I am CD9 & I go in tomorrow morning for CD10 ultrasound & then every day until the final IUI. No sleeping in again for this lady. I'll update you guys tomorrow & I hope I know how many follicles have matured & how much I should anticipate for the IUI. EEK. I'm really nervous. Nervous if I have too many follicles & nervous if I only have 1.

Welcome newcomers too! I hope you guys get your bfps soon! And I'll get more acquainted once my life settles & I have a bit more time to keep up. Damn what happens when I miss half a day, never mind a whole day! LOL


Yaye barbs I missed you gal.:flower:
I been trying to keep things going on here for you hope you don't mind...:flower:
This is exciting the iui...I here you about being nervous...I'm glad you have something to keep your mind off things too what with the move and busy at work.
Looking forward to hear how your lil follys are progressing tmr...Yaye.:happydance:

Re:the mother!
Lol she "probably" didn't mean to hurt me but she dosnt mind pulling no punches when it comes to being brutally honest to me...
I don't think she realised the effect it would have had on me...and as for being over weight lol I think she must have had her old glasses on or something lol...
I HAVE put on a pound or two but defo not overweight .lol
Corrrr imagine I said it to her...oh crumbs my head would be rolling down the road lol...
Out of pure respect I wouldn't tho...and a little fear in me too lol :haha:

I'm just going to take my diet easy from Monday...and step up my exercise alittle and just RELAX in general...let my body "do it's thang" with the ttc...
Not only that I had a friendly telling off today...lol :dohh:
She meant well tho...:flower::thumbup::flower::thumbup::flower::thumbup:

Well barbs I'm on the edge of my seat for you love and send shed loads of positive vibes over to you...ready -~-~-~-~ CATCH ....:thumbup: lol

You take care barbs :flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Yes I will!! On the Untweaked I have to stare crazy hard to see anything!! Lol and then I feel like it is just line eye!! That's a good idea.. I will test tonight before the cookout!!! ;) hahaha

Awe crazy crazy crazy :happydance:
I DEFIANTLY see lines!!!
I saw your tweeked ones back along and carried on reading the posts to catch up and I get to this last one and I see better lines on the UNTWEEKKED...:flower:

Barbs is right test again tonight...and again in the morning and the poas in me says again smu and again in the afternoon and maybe just one more for the hell of it ha ha ha ha haaaa...:haha:
See I told you I be your bad friend :rofl: ha haaa

Naaa I think you may have the start of your bfp here crazy ...you should defo see a progression in the next 48 hrs if it is....
Wow you preggos are dropping like flys this week lol...

Make sure you post us your tests for this evening love ,and the mornings I'm so excited for you :happydance:

:) :) :) xxx

Hahaha that made me laugh out loud!!! Everytime I go to the bathroom today I want to poas!!! Hehe but my urine has looked diluted so I have held out!! You do see it on the untweaked???? Eeeeek!!! Ok... I will post this evenings pic when I take it!!!!
I posted them on a site called can you see a line and 40percent have voted Evap!! Eek... Idk
I posted them on a site called can you see a line and 40percent have voted Evap!! Eek... Idk

OHHHHH booo....well time will tell love...I really hope it's not...they look like they have colour to me so let's see eh...:flower:

In 48 hrs you will have a clearer answer...hgc doubles every couple of days so them lines should be much darker by then:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
Yup, the faint one I got before the frer was from dollarama! Lol I didn't believe it at first I took a pic too early just to 'prove' it was a bfn for the crazy bnb'ers who were bugging me to test! Then it came through, I was scrambling to find my real camera then!

1 more hour til the clinic opens... I think I might walk thru the mall for ideas on how to announce it to oh on Sunday... So many ideas lol

Maybe pick up a onesie or something that has something on it DH likes... a theme or something? Or get him a fathers day card and write in it Love (your real name lol) and baby

Oh and jeez I guess it's about time to introduce myself! My real name is Talia!
Thanks! Hahah I feel so silly not saying anything sooner, I just picked all your names up thru the thread! Ps. Did you see? Hcg was 85 :)
I have never introduced myself properly either!! My name is Ashley i am 28 and this is my family!! My hubby is 27 my kiddos are 11,10, & 2


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HI Ashley!!! Nice family :) Wow 28 & 3 kids eh? I'd never imagine lol
Yup, the faint one I got before the frer was from dollarama! Lol I didn't believe it at first I took a pic too early just to 'prove' it was a bfn for the crazy bnb'ers who were bugging me to test! Then it came through, I was scrambling to find my real camera then!

1 more hour til the clinic opens... I think I might walk thru the mall for ideas on how to announce it to oh on Sunday... So many ideas lol

Maybe pick up a onesie or something that has something on it DH likes... a theme or something? Or get him a fathers day card and write in it Love (your real name lol) and baby

Oh and jeez I guess it's about time to introduce myself! My real name is Talia!

Hi Talila :)
Yes I will!! On the Untweaked I have to stare crazy hard to see anything!! Lol and then I feel like it is just line eye!! That's a good idea.. I will test tonight before the cookout!!! ;) hahaha

Hey hun, untweaked I don't see anything. But I also notice that online when you post, the lines are lighter than in real life.

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