6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Hey Nat!!!

Lol @ Britney Spears. You're funny. Well shit it seems like all the celebs get knocked up now and not planned. Its boy easy to see. Every time I log onto PEOPLE.COM there seems to be a pregnancy announcement :(

I hope that the 6mm reading was wrong. She said in a response back that a lining cannot go from thick to thin. So I think something screwed up.
Which brings me so much hope...I have two follicles so double the chances...& then I get nervous about the thought of twins. Gulp. My luck would so have it I'm sure lol. I would welcome it except that we just can't afford the daycare for two babies & it would just be too much.

I am taking bromine pills daily w every meal to aid in digestion & by incident it also aids in implantation. Fingers Crossed!! Took a test this evening for shits and giggles & its very positive. So testing out will take a while.

Nat when do you plan to start testing? You bought more tests right?

BTW how is Harry? What came of the bump & athsma?
Wow..sooo much happening..im sooo srry bout the not to pos goinon rt now..but like the gals said. Its good to know that u CAN get preggers..that is very good..
Barb..awsome news onnur lining..I still am prayin for ya..:)
Nat- how r u? Besides funny as ever..lol even on rough days reading ur posts makes me laugh for sure..brittney spears? Bahaha..that is hilarious how u put ur anologies..
As for me..im bk to cd 9..and nada!! My body is bk to like 28 day cycles but no ovulation?? Wat the heck..I am using my opks again staryin today..twice a day to ensure I dnt miss the surge..but so far, no cm, not BBC in the mood at all and very negative opk..not sure really what is goin on w me..im just tryin not to steess..on w cycle 5 of ttc..or 6? Lol no clue! But I have 2 1/2 wks and I will b on my way to the bahamas. Whewwww...soo ready to chill on the beach...welp..im off to bed..have a great eve everyone..u will all b in my prayers!
Hi ladies. Thanks so much for your kind words. I have no idea what I would have done if you were not here.

Just woke up and without even opening my eyes I knew she was here. And she is. In really glad it didn't drag out and it was only a 30 day cycle. CD1 for me and onward and upward

I'm going to make the best of a bad situation. It will be ok. I hope I get pregnant soon.

Question. Should I start using my OPK the same time I always do? Because of timing you should I consider this my period?

Any input is helpful I want to just get right back on the horse.

Thanks everyone. I wish this didn't happen but it could have been worse I suppose
Hi ladies. Thanks so much for your kind words. I have no idea what I would have done if you were not here.

Just woke up and without even opening my eyes I knew she was here. And she is. In really glad it didn't drag out and it was only a 30 day cycle. CD1 for me and onward and upward

I'm going to make the best of a bad situation. It will be ok. I hope I get pregnant soon.

Question. Should I start using my OPK the same time I always do? Because of timing you should I consider this my period?

Any input is helpful I want to just get right back on the horse.

Thanks everyone. I wish this didn't happen but it could have been worse I suppose
Hi meg :hugs:
I'm sorry this has happened.
I would defo go with this being like a period....I'm so glad it didn't drag it'self out and prolong the pain and disappointment.
I'm not SURE about the opks,I would carry on as normal...maybe a day earlier than usual "just in case". :thumbup:

Meg if you ever want a chat about what's happened you can PM if you like...
And barbs is right for sure...ANY pregnancy is hard to get over-even the early ones!...the moment that line appears a shift takes over us and we start to think about our future in so many different ways so to have that taken away from us and to be down about is normal and FINE....

I know you have been advised on ALOT over the past 24/48 hrs but can I say - you have to have some YOU time meg...find some self solace ...do what you like to do that makes you feel happy...yoga perhaps...go for a long run...or even a massage ...go for a dinner with a friend or even go shopping to fill that suitcase with new clothes for your holiday...or a birthday dress.somthing to make you feel special...
Either way what I'm trying to say is go with the flow....let them tears come if you feel like it-don't hold back...release that build up of pressure...
And be completely selfish for a day...you deserve it :thumbup:

And it goes without saying I'm sure...nip into the liquor store and grab yourself a great bottle of wine and have a good old glass or two this evening lol...:hugs:

I hope your ok love :hugs:

We're he if you want to chat/vent ok :thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
Hi ladies. Thanks so much for your kind words. I have no idea what I would have done if you were not here.

Just woke up and without even opening my eyes I knew she was here. And she is. In really glad it didn't drag out and it was only a 30 day cycle. CD1 for me and onward and upward

I'm going to make the best of a bad situation. It will be ok. I hope I get pregnant soon.

Question. Should I start using my OPK the same time I always do? Because of timing you should I consider this my period?

Any input is helpful I want to just get right back on the horse.

Thanks everyone. I wish this didn't happen but it could have been worse I suppose
Hi meg :hugs:
I'm sorry this has happened.
I would defo go with this being like a period....I'm so glad it didn't drag it'self out and prolong the pain and disappointment.
I'm not SURE about the opks,I would carry on as normal...maybe a day earlier than usual "just in case". :thumbup:

Meg if you ever want a chat about what's happened you can PM if you like...
And barbs is right for sure...ANY pregnancy is hard to get over-even the early ones!...the moment that line appears a shift takes over us and we start to think about our future in so many different ways so to have that taken away from us and to be down about is normal and FINE....

I know you have been advised on ALOT over the past 24/48 hrs but can I say - you have to have some YOU time meg...find some self solace ...do what you like to do that makes you feel happy...yoga perhaps...go for a long run...or even a massage ...go for a dinner with a friend or even go shopping to fill that suitcase with new clothes for your holiday...or a birthday dress.somthing to make you feel special...
Either way what I'm trying to say is go with the flow....let them tears come if you feel like it-don't hold back...release that build up of pressure...
And be completely selfish for a day...you deserve it :thumbup:

And it goes without saying I'm sure...nip into the liquor store and grab yourself a great bottle of wine and have a good old glass or two this evening lol...:hugs:

I hope your ok love :hugs:

We're he if you want to chat/vent ok :thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

Thank you so much Nat. It is so true how you start to picture it all immediately. You can't help it even though you know there's a chance it won't happen.

I had a few really good cries last night so I did get a release I think. Maybe I have one more left lol not too sure.

I have lots of wine so a nice glass when I get home tonight is in order lol.

Thanks for your reply re the OPK too.

Onward and upward right? You women have been so strong through the same and worse so I have gained strength from you all

Hey Nat!!!

Lol @ Britney Spears. You're funny. Well shit it seems like all the celebs get knocked up now and not planned. Its boy easy to see. Every time I log onto PEOPLE.COM there seems to be a pregnancy announcement :(

I hope that the 6mm reading was wrong. She said in a response back that a lining cannot go from thick to thin. So I think something screwed up.
Which brings me so much hope...I have two follicles so double the chances...& then I get nervous about the thought of twins. Gulp. My luck would so have it I'm sure lol. I would welcome it except that we just can't afford the daycare for two babies & it would just be too much.

I am taking bromine pills daily w every meal to aid in digestion & by incident it also aids in implantation. Fingers Crossed!! Took a test this evening for shits and giggles & its very positive. So testing out will take a while.

Nat when do you plan to start testing? You bought more tests right?

BTW how is Harry? What came of the bump & athsma?

Hi barbs.:flower:
Ooh bromine ..so that's to help with ibs too right?...is it effective..?
And that's great that it helps with the lining too...Yaye.

You mention your hpt was very positive...have you got a 7dpo to compare to?...did you use the 20muis like you said you we going to?

Wow two bubbas...lol yeah that is a scary thought but you know things have a way of working out and I'm sure you would find a way to make it work....but yeah...two lots of everything blimey! Ouch on the pocket! Lol
As for child care fees...I feel that is sooo wrong that we all have to pay soo much for them...you think that the governments would make these options better for us as if we work/or one of us...then they would encourage the working nation not the bum sitters that wait for hand outs....
They should make life easier for the ones that actually go out to work not the ones that stay at home in bed on the Xbox or in the nightclubs pissing all the benefit money away...rah lol sorry I got abit carried away there lol...

My oH has just landed a GREAT job yesterday...he's starts a week Friday...
I didn't want to say yesterday what with all the sad news going on...and I felt like my news would have been in appropriate to announce...
But yeah anyway...he has landed a big job....building yatchs...the ones the celebrity's buy ....woohoo we can finally save for a wedding now maybe...
By the end of the year he will be on a great wage...and we can also move too now...we have been held back for soo long....he can't wait to leave his other job he wasn't happy there...the people there are bad influences and he just wants to be able to go to work and get on with his job and not listen to all the story's of how one of them coped this bird and that and when they are next going out on the tiles and how much weed they can smoke ugh!
Now he can get to work with the big boys lol...:wacko:

Harry - well that lump is still there and slowly getting bigger...he has an appointment again this week to get it checked AGAIN... I'm Not happy with it all...
His asthma has got ALOT better...he still has to have his little mask but not as much now...
We had a scary moment two nights ago....I had a cereal bar and he wanted to have a taste...he didn't like it so spat it out...I thought that was the end of it but it wasn't...5 mins later he started to choke...I leapt up and had to bend him over with my palm under his diaphragm and pat his back real hard...thank god he coughed it up...he's such a funny little thing lol...he turned around and looked at what flew out of his mouth and started pionting and shouting at it lol...oh boy didn't I panic tho.phew :wacko:

Did you test again this morning? Didn't get lighter or darker?:flower:

Hope your ok and well barbs you take care ok.:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
So sorry you had to go through all these ups and downs meg! All of nats suggestions were bang on. You're right about looking at the positives and being able to start this cycle fresh right away, I'd extend the opk testing a little bit just to make sure nothing wonky flies under your radar! You know you can catch the eggy so keep those positive thoughts going. But for now take some time to de-stress and give yourself some tlc. :hugs:
So sorry you had to go through all these ups and downs meg! All of nats suggestions were bang on. You're right about looking at the positives and being able to start this cycle fresh right away, I'd extend the opk testing a little bit just to make sure nothing wonky flies under your radar! You know you can catch the eggy so keep those positive thoughts going. But for now take some time to de-stress and give yourself some tlc. :hugs:

Thanks hun.... I am going to dinner with my girlfriend after work.... she is the one who also got pg last week. I told her she has to hold down the fort for us both lol... I also told her I am for sure having a drink at dinner!

I will catch that eggy real soon I hope
I'm sorry Meg. I'm glad you got your period right away though.
1in 3 pregnancies end in miscarriage. I don't know if that helps at all but it made me think how its not in likely and I wasn't special in any way. SO many woman have suffered a miscarriage.
What's so difficult is after you've been trying for SO long.

Enjoy your wine & look forward to your trip to Vegas!
Hi ladies. Thanks so much for your kind words. I have no idea what I would have done if you were not here.

Just woke up and without even opening my eyes I knew she was here. And she is. In really glad it didn't drag out and it was only a 30 day cycle. CD1 for me and onward and upward

I'm going to make the best of a bad situation. It will be ok. I hope I get pregnant soon.

Question. Should I start using my OPK the same time I always do? Because of timing you should I consider this my period?

Any input is helpful I want to just get right back on the horse.

Thanks everyone. I wish this didn't happen but it could have been worse I suppose
Hi meg :hugs:
I'm sorry this has happened.
I would defo go with this being like a period....I'm so glad it didn't drag it'self out and prolong the pain and disappointment.
I'm not SURE about the opks,I would carry on as normal...maybe a day earlier than usual "just in case". :thumbup:

Meg if you ever want a chat about what's happened you can PM if you like...
And barbs is right for sure...ANY pregnancy is hard to get over-even the early ones!...the moment that line appears a shift takes over us and we start to think about our future in so many different ways so to have that taken away from us and to be down about is normal and FINE....

I know you have been advised on ALOT over the past 24/48 hrs but can I say - you have to have some YOU time meg...find some self solace ...do what you like to do that makes you feel happy...yoga perhaps...go for a long run...or even a massage ...go for a dinner with a friend or even go shopping to fill that suitcase with new clothes for your holiday...or a birthday dress.somthing to make you feel special...
Either way what I'm trying to say is go with the flow....let them tears come if you feel like it-don't hold back...release that build up of pressure...
And be completely selfish for a day...you deserve it :thumbup:

And it goes without saying I'm sure...nip into the liquor store and grab yourself a great bottle of wine and have a good old glass or two this evening lol...:hugs:

I hope your ok love :hugs:

We're he if you want to chat/vent ok :thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

Well put Nat...I agree. Do something special for yourself Meg. Some kind of therapy if you will. Xoxox
I'm sorry Meg. I'm glad you got your period right away though.
1in 3 pregnancies end in miscarriage. I don't know if that helps at all but it made me think how its not in likely and I wasn't special in any way. SO many woman have suffered a miscarriage.
What's so difficult is after you've been trying for SO long.

Enjoy your wine & look forward to your trip to Vegas!

I know it sucks after seeing those two lines for the first time in nearly a year... But hey I had never seen them before so it was kind of nice....

Lets hope I see those again real soon.

I may go for some retail therapy at Mapleview tonight after dinner with my friend...
Hello ladies.

So I just went pee and faint brown streak when I wiped. Sad to say I think it's over this time.

If i start bleeding soon then it will have only been a 29 or 30 day cycle which would be best case scenario for this kind of thing i guess. Today is CD 30.

Hopefully it won't be too heavy or anything and I can just move on.

I never imagined a chemical would hurt this much but I guess when you want something you want it badly.

I'm going to see the positive in this. I think I can get preg which is good. It was early which is good. I will prob push back my specialist appt one month to give me 2 more natural cycles to try. And now that infection is gone hopefully it won't take long.

One last upside is I will get my drunk on in vegas. I will be in the 2ww then most likely so nothing too crazy but a nice buzz will be welcomed after all this crap.

Love u ladies and I will update progress soon xo

I'm so sorry Meg. I've just been trying to catch up and don't want to read any more without connecting with you first. There aren't any words that can express how I feel for you, and how I know you must feel. Although my journey has not been as long, I know what it's like to want something so badly. I am trying, as you prob are, to see the good, or the positive in this- and the fact that you DID get preg is huge. I would be over the moon for that aspect....but of course it's shadowed by fact didn't take. but this means you can! You did! It just wasn't the right time for the little bean to stick, but there's hope and that's a pretty amazing thing. Just focus on getting into this next cycle whole heartedly, maybe even have a beer out in the garden....I'm sorry I'm not good at this. :hugs: you're not alone. Family, friends, the ladies here....
Hello ladies.

So I just went pee and faint brown streak when I wiped. Sad to say I think it's over this time.

If i start bleeding soon then it will have only been a 29 or 30 day cycle which would be best case scenario for this kind of thing i guess. Today is CD 30.

Hopefully it won't be too heavy or anything and I can just move on.

I never imagined a chemical would hurt this much but I guess when you want something you want it badly.

I'm going to see the positive in this. I think I can get preg which is good. It was early which is good. I will prob push back my specialist appt one month to give me 2 more natural cycles to try. And now that infection is gone hopefully it won't take long.

One last upside is I will get my drunk on in vegas. I will be in the 2ww then most likely so nothing too crazy but a nice buzz will be welcomed after all this crap.

Love u ladies and I will update progress soon xo

I'm so sorry Meg. I've just been trying to catch up and don't want to read any more without connecting with you first. There aren't any words that can express how I feel for you, and how I know you must feel. Although my journey has not been as long, I know what it's like to want something so badly. I am trying, as you prob are, to see the good, or the positive in this- and the fact that you DID get preg is huge. I would be over the moon for that aspect....but of course it's shadowed by fact didn't take. but this means you can! You did! It just wasn't the right time for the little bean to stick, but there's hope and that's a pretty amazing thing. Just focus on getting into this next cycle whole heartedly, maybe even have a beer out in the garden....I'm sorry I'm not good at this. :hugs: you're not alone. Family, friends, the ladies here....

Thanks a lot Chere - I appreciate that very much. I am working hard to be positive and I hope to be preg in the next few months :)
I'm sorry Meg. I'm glad you got your period right away though.
1in 3 pregnancies end in miscarriage. I don't know if that helps at all but it made me think how its not in likely and I wasn't special in any way. SO many woman have suffered a miscarriage.
What's so difficult is after you've been trying for SO long.

Enjoy your wine & look forward to your trip to Vegas!

I know it sucks after seeing those two lines for the first time in nearly a year... But hey I had never seen them before so it was kind of nice....

Lets hope I see those again real soon.

I may go for some retail therapy at Mapleview tonight after dinner with my friend...

I am truly sorry you've had to join "the club". After being on here for pretty much two years, I've come to see so many woman who've endured miscarriages...some multiple before they had their children. And inbetween.
It's a part of life I believe. And it's a part of our bodies way of natural selection. If they embryo is not healthy enough, our bodies do the job for us. Which is pretty incredible in itself...but emotionally we don't see it this way.

I really try not to dwell on my early losses. I do have a bit of a hard time with the milestones. I have an idea of how many weeks I'd be had I not had a chemical pregnancy in March...that's tough to swallow.

You know what I couldn't believe? When I was in Ottawa last year in May of 2012, I was running around grabbing FRER's from the shops & hoping I was pregnant....I was 4 months into "trying" & I just had this moment of like "wow, a year later....I'm back in Ottawa. Still not pregnant". It was just crazy to think that!!!

Yes - retail therapy - do that! It helps me :)
I actually booked myself in to an expensive Spa downtown the weekend proceeding my MC. I needed some me time...and pampering at the utmost indulgence & it helped.
Meg I am sorry for your loss. I have had 3 miscarriages and I understand the pain and disappointment you are feeling. I have four children but I had to fight very hard to get pregnant and stay that way. I have a progesterone issue that the military docs don't seem to care about. Just keep looking forward, your baby will come. I'm a thread stalker and a POAS junkie but I had to tell you and all the other ladies to hang in there. :hugs:
Hey Nat!!!

Lol @ Britney Spears. You're funny. Well shit it seems like all the celebs get knocked up now and not planned. Its boy easy to see. Every time I log onto PEOPLE.COM there seems to be a pregnancy announcement :(

I hope that the 6mm reading was wrong. She said in a response back that a lining cannot go from thick to thin. So I think something screwed up.
Which brings me so much hope...I have two follicles so double the chances...& then I get nervous about the thought of twins. Gulp. My luck would so have it I'm sure lol. I would welcome it except that we just can't afford the daycare for two babies & it would just be too much.

I am taking bromine pills daily w every meal to aid in digestion & by incident it also aids in implantation. Fingers Crossed!! Took a test this evening for shits and giggles & its very positive. So testing out will take a while.

Nat when do you plan to start testing? You bought more tests right?

BTW how is Harry? What came of the bump & athsma?

Hi barbs.:flower:
Ooh bromine ..so that's to help with ibs too right?...is it effective..?
And that's great that it helps with the lining too...Yaye.

You mention your hpt was very positive...have you got a 7dpo to compare to?...did you use the 20muis like you said you we going to?

Wow two bubbas...lol yeah that is a scary thought but you know things have a way of working out and I'm sure you would find a way to make it work....but yeah...two lots of everything blimey! Ouch on the pocket! Lol
As for child care fees...I feel that is sooo wrong that we all have to pay soo much for them...you think that the governments would make these options better for us as if we work/or one of us...then they would encourage the working nation not the bum sitters that wait for hand outs....
They should make life easier for the ones that actually go out to work not the ones that stay at home in bed on the Xbox or in the nightclubs pissing all the benefit money away...rah lol sorry I got abit carried away there lol...

My oH has just landed a GREAT job yesterday...he's starts a week Friday...
I didn't want to say yesterday what with all the sad news going on...and I felt like my news would have been in appropriate to announce...
But yeah anyway...he has landed a big job....building yatchs...the ones the celebrity's buy ....woohoo we can finally save for a wedding now maybe...
By the end of the year he will be on a great wage...and we can also move too now...we have been held back for soo long....he can't wait to leave his other job he wasn't happy there...the people there are bad influences and he just wants to be able to go to work and get on with his job and not listen to all the story's of how one of them coped this bird and that and when they are next going out on the tiles and how much weed they can smoke ugh!
Now he can get to work with the big boys lol...:wacko:

Harry - well that lump is still there and slowly getting bigger...he has an appointment again this week to get it checked AGAIN... I'm Not happy with it all...
His asthma has got ALOT better...he still has to have his little mask but not as much now...
We had a scary moment two nights ago....I had a cereal bar and he wanted to have a taste...he didn't like it so spat it out...I thought that was the end of it but it wasn't...5 mins later he started to choke...I leapt up and had to bend him over with my palm under his diaphragm and pat his back real hard...thank god he coughed it up...he's such a funny little thing lol...he turned around and looked at what flew out of his mouth and started pionting and shouting at it lol...oh boy didn't I panic tho.phew :wacko:

Did you test again this morning? Didn't get lighter or darker?:flower:

Hope your ok and well barbs you take care ok.:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

Bromine helps to digest food. I don't digest food well on my own & started taking digestive enzymes. I was taking papaya enzyme but decided to try Bromine which comes from Pineapple...& the bonus is that it helps with implantation. This way I will not forget to take it too. Win/Win :)
And yes I've noticed an improvement in my digestion since I started taking enzymes. Do you have this issue as well? And I have IBS yes :( And I am lactose intolerance & have food intolerances LOL. Yay me.

I don't have a 7dpo to compare too. I took a test last night for shits & giggles & its darker than this morning. Although I peed twice before I finally fell asleep & once in the middle of the night so my FMU wasn't an 8 hour pee. Oh well LOL. I will probably test when I get home today just for the sake of it. See if it got darker lol...ya OK at 8dpo :p Anyway...

OMG you're so right. You make a good point re: child care & how the government doesn't subsidize. Well in our neighboring Province, Quebec, Daycare is $7/day. Here is much like you. $1200 to $2000/month. Now imagine TWO babies. We truly wouldn't be able to afford it. We just bought a new house that costs more every month too. And just wouldn't be feasible.
I wondered if I ended up getting both eggs fertilized & had twins, what would I do? What would we do? It's a horrible thought but would we consider selective abortion...just aborting one of the embryo? I'm not joking, we wouldn't manage financially. The biggest reason besides that we own a home, etc...is that my husband pays a LOT of money to his ex for child support. If it were not for child support payments we could financially consider having two children together. But not with status quo. If it were not for paying that wretched woman, we'd be fine if we had twins. Oh well...

Congrats to your hubby! That's great news for all of you.
So is he a carpenter or something? Sounds like he's in the trades?
Lots of men in trades are pigs. I don't understand why...makes no sense. I think it's just more acceptable?

I'm glad Harry's asthma is OK but I'm sorry that the lump is still growing. I hope it's just a cyst. Does the doctor have an idea what it could be?
Awww little bugger...little kids have these choking moments. They don't know how to control their foods lol. I'm glad it wasn't bad.

My test this morning was light but totally there. I'll post a shot tomorrow once I have some thing to compare it too.

Odd thing happened half way through typing this email...I had a sudden urge to throw up. Not nausea....like I was going to throw up. I thought for sure. I went to the loo but nothing. I think I feel ok now. I had a rice cracker incase I had too much acid in my stomach but damn. This sorta thing doesn't happen to me unless I'm about to barf. Blech. I hope I'm OK :(
I'm sorry Meg. I'm glad you got your period right away though.
1in 3 pregnancies end in miscarriage. I don't know if that helps at all but it made me think how its not in likely and I wasn't special in any way. SO many woman have suffered a miscarriage.
What's so difficult is after you've been trying for SO long.

Enjoy your wine & look forward to your trip to Vegas!

I know it sucks after seeing those two lines for the first time in nearly a year... But hey I had never seen them before so it was kind of nice....

Lets hope I see those again real soon.

I may go for some retail therapy at Mapleview tonight after dinner with my friend...

I am truly sorry you've had to join "the club". After being on here for pretty much two years, I've come to see so many woman who've endured miscarriages...some multiple before they had their children. And inbetween.
It's a part of life I believe. And it's a part of our bodies way of natural selection. If they embryo is not healthy enough, our bodies do the job for us. Which is pretty incredible in itself...but emotionally we don't see it this way.

I really try not to dwell on my early losses. I do have a bit of a hard time with the milestones. I have an idea of how many weeks I'd be had I not had a chemical pregnancy in March...that's tough to swallow.

You know what I couldn't believe? When I was in Ottawa last year in May of 2012, I was running around grabbing FRER's from the shops & hoping I was pregnant....I was 4 months into "trying" & I just had this moment of like "wow, a year later....I'm back in Ottawa. Still not pregnant". It was just crazy to think that!!!

Yes - retail therapy - do that! It helps me :)
I actually booked myself in to an expensive Spa downtown the weekend proceeding my MC. I needed some me time...and pampering at the utmost indulgence & it helped.

I have thought about the bodies natural selection process and I agree... it probably didnt take because it shouldnt have. I just wish it should have haha... you know what i mean.. but I can see it that way and I understand.

I know what you mean about Ottawa.. it was a year ago LAST month that we stopped using any protection.. I was in Europe and I thought wow this is going to happen so soon! and here I am, over a year later... no baby, no bump. I definitely get that.

I am not a spa person - never been - but I can definitely read a book by the pool or something else relaxing too. Thanks Barb. I remember when you went to the spa and I remember you saying it helped a lot.

DH has been supportive so that is helping me a lot. We spoke this morning and he asked me how I was doing.. he keeps sayings its ok and it will happen soon and that he will (TMI) "stuff me like a pin cushion all month" LMAO..... oh men....
Meg I am sorry for your loss. I have had 3 miscarriages and I understand the pain and disappointment you are feeling. I have four children but I had to fight very hard to get pregnant and stay that way. I have a progesterone issue that the military docs don't seem to care about. Just keep looking forward, your baby will come. I'm a thread stalker and a POAS junkie but I had to tell you and all the other ladies to hang in there. :hugs:

Thank you Coley - we appreciate your thread stalking :) Come visit anytime. Your words mean a lot to me. Meg xx
My test this morning was light but totally there. I'll post a shot tomorrow once I have some thing to compare it too.

Odd thing happened half way through typing this email...I had a sudden urge to throw up. Not nausea....like I was going to throw up. I thought for sure. I went to the loo but nothing. I think I feel ok now. I had a rice cracker incase I had too much acid in my stomach but damn. This sorta thing doesn't happen to me unless I'm about to barf. Blech. I hope I'm OK :(

Barb... how many DPO are you now? Im sorry I have been missing out.. are you testing out your trigger now? You have a line? Catch me up! lol

The nausea may be a good sign - last sunday, 5 days before my BFP I was incredibly nauseaus in the morning for only a half hour. I thought it may be a good sign.
lmfao you have to love how men use their words. very romantic indeed eh?

Your hubby's right - it WILL happen. Totally will. You can get pregnant.
And I totally think you will get pregnant this year. I have a good feeling about it.

But yep, it's hard to look back a year ago to see where you were, where you thought you'd be by now, etc...

I think too when I had that very early chemical our first month - Feb 2012 - I'd have a baby by now....wtf. Life is just weird & messed up some times.
This is such a natural thing to be doing & it's so complicated eh? :(

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