6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

My test this morning was light but totally there. I'll post a shot tomorrow once I have some thing to compare it too.

Odd thing happened half way through typing this email...I had a sudden urge to throw up. Not nausea....like I was going to throw up. I thought for sure. I went to the loo but nothing. I think I feel ok now. I had a rice cracker incase I had too much acid in my stomach but damn. This sorta thing doesn't happen to me unless I'm about to barf. Blech. I hope I'm OK :(

Barb... how many DPO are you now? Im sorry I have been missing out.. are you testing out your trigger now? You have a line? Catch me up! lol

The nausea may be a good sign - last sunday, 5 days before my BFP I was incredibly nauseaus in the morning for only a half hour. I thought it may be a good sign.

I'ts OK - you're very preoccupied & rightfully so!!!
I am 8dpo today & tested this morning. Test is positive but its light. I think it will be a while before my body rids of it. I went back to my tests from March & at 8dpo my test was WAY lighter than it is this month.
I'll post a shot tomorrow after I've had some thing to compare it to. I think having peed in the middle of the night might have affected it too? Don't know.
But I tested last night & it was way darker than this morning. But it also didn't develop well...lot of pink left over on the stick. It wasn't a 'clean' stick...if you know what I'm saying???

Well yesterday on the ride home I felt some cramps. I wasn't sure if it was just my stomach being naughty. I do have digestive issues. Could have been gas LOL. But it felt uterine. Meh...:dohh: Anyway, not thinking much of it. And today's nausea was weird. Not so much nausea as much as "I'm goign to barf!!!". I'm hungry & was hungry though. I had some rice crackers & felt better. I think it may just been me being hungry on an empty stomach.

That's about all :)
Ooo barbs...the barfing matter...that's sounds like a strong sign....I just got this niggling feelings out BOTH Them eggs....might be why you test is stronger -twice the hgc!

Barbs is there any family that could help out with child care-from home if you get me...if both them eggs have took?...an option to through out there...a friend even...a cheaper option-a babysitter? Lol
I know it's not an ideal situation when it comes to education and socialising but maybe interview a dozen people (like in the movies) and employ someone who can teach aswell as house/child sit...
I aprieciate you have probably discussed this already with DH but I thought I may point out these options just incase you hadn't lol...

I don't have full on ibs barbs...but I have days where I struggle with the loo situations lol...tmi sorry...I can be very uncomfortable on days but then it settles and I won't have problems for some months...I believe it can be stress related sometimes...

Barbs I read that pinapple can be bad in later pregancy-can bring on contrations...midwifes suggest this as a home remedy to help get things started...lol
I don't think there is anything wrong with it in first tri tho.:)

Thankyou about your kind words about Harry...I demanded to see MY docter again today ...got put back to next Thursday...flaming doctors surgery...I love my docter but the receptionists are moody tw@@ts lol
I'm thinking even if they say the lump is nothing I may ask to have it removed so it dosnt turn into anything sinister in the future......

Wow I just a lovely bolognese and garlic bread...went to future mil and she cooked us a lovely tea...she looked at me as tho I am stupid tho because I asked for a smaller portion...I had to explain about my diet but she dosnt get it lol...

You take care barbs ok...looking forward to seeing your tests too..:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Well ladies I am having symptoms...I don't like to say as it is VERY early days...I'm only 7dpo....
I have had all my symptoms my ticker is telling me to expect...the bbs being the worst so far...cramping-sore bbs-the flipping dreams lol....
But I just went to the loo and I had slight browny/pink streaks when I wiped...I hope this is IB...and not af making an early unexpected appearance!

I caved of couse and poas'd....bfn! :(
VERY early tho so I will will wait till my planed tested date now...9dpo.:)

So how is everyone today...fine I hope.:)

Back later to check in again...:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Well ladies I am having symptoms...I don't like to say as it is VERY early days...I'm only 7dpo....
I have had all my symptoms my ticker is telling me to expect...the bbs being the worst so far...cramping-sore bbs-the flipping dreams lol....
But I just went to the loo and I had slight browny/pink streaks when I wiped...I hope this is IB...and not af making an early unexpected appearance!

I caved of couse and poas'd....bfn! :(
VERY early tho so I will will wait till my planed tested date now...9dpo.:)

So how is everyone today...fine I hope.:)

Back later to check in again...:flower:

:) :) :) xxx

OMG! The browny/pinky streaks sounds promising!
Do you usually have cramps or sore boobs in your tww?
I hope this is it for you...:happydance:
Well ladies I am having symptoms...I don't like to say as it is VERY early days...I'm only 7dpo....
I have had all my symptoms my ticker is telling me to expect...the bbs being the worst so far...cramping-sore bbs-the flipping dreams lol....
But I just went to the loo and I had slight browny/pink streaks when I wiped...I hope this is IB...and not af making an early unexpected appearance!

I caved of couse and poas'd....bfn! :(
VERY early tho so I will will wait till my planed tested date now...9dpo.:)

So how is everyone today...fine I hope.:)

Back later to check in again...:flower:

:) :) :) xxx

OMG! The browny/pinky streaks sounds promising!
Do you usually have cramps or sore boobs in your tww?
I hope this is it for you...:happydance:

Looking at my chart I have had the tender bbs...the last three cycles...but it's seems to have started since taking the b6... But this time they super sore...unbearable this time in fact...and tmi but the nipples well -no words can explain lol..I should get a sign saying DO NOT TOUCH-THIS DOG MAY BITE lol...

Never had the spotting though! Having very heavy feeling and cramps going on in the uteral area all day yesterday and most of today...:wacko:
Feels like af is on her way kind of feeling...I'm trying so hard not to read into it:dohh:

I tested but bfn...of course waaaaay to early...oH went :dohh:on no nat what are you doing again...why are there tests lining up in the bathroom...lol
I had to explain I tried one of each brand that's all love ha ha...wellllllll I had to lol...

Not going to test till 9dpo now...that negative sucked earlier lol so not going to do that to myself again...:thumbup:

I just really hope that the b6 isn't creating this heavy feelings...then again I suppose that means they are doing there good work...I'm taking them for a lining boost...aid implantation...fx

:) :) :)

Oh p.s I for got to say earlier...oH is part of a work force to help build the yachts and also moving ALOT of cargo around and yard management... It's a great job...
Re:men being ass's ....yeah when we first got together he was a bit of a lad...being young and all...put I lead him to better path and a family orientated sorta guy...he still has his arrogant ways about him about work but I thank my lucky stars he actually wants to work instead of most of the lazy buggers in town these days...using any excuse to stay out of work...lol
If he gets gobby I just give him an ass whooping pmsl...
Not literally but I am good at making him see its about respecting each other .:thumbup:
It works I guess.

I'm so excited for him he was miserable in his last job...just driving his truck every day same old same old ...this job everyday is different and exciting...

Well I must dash I have a bowl of Special K just calling me lol...great another bowl ha ha...:happydance: how exciting-not ! Lol

:) :) :) xxx
Oh wow Nat that sounds promising.....do you ever spot at this point in your cycle?? Exciting! I really hope you are right and it's IB.... I never spot then so I would be excited too!

And Barb 8dpo already wow eek! I hope the trigger is gone soon but it's so hard with the IUI eh? Like when does it go from fake positive to real positive and I would have to imagine that sometimes there may not be a grace period between the two and it goes from one to the other. Freaky ! I hope the nausea is a good sign too. You both are getting so close :) I wish I was there already too lol!

Just had dinner with my close friend who fell pg last week too. It was a good date. I so hope she doesn't go through this too! I told her I won't be far behind lol. :)
Hey laydays!!!
I will respond better to your posts Nat when I get a good moment.

Meg I'm glad you are OK. Was it weird to hang out with her?
One of our friends may come over Thursday who's verynpregnant and haven't seen her since she was not pregnant. I'm nervous I will be awkward.

OK so I'm here right bow taking an unpacking break b/c I took at test afterningot home & I think its darker than fmu. Maybe its nothing. What you girls think?
I can't wait to see tomorrow morning.


  • 2013-06-25 19.44.24.jpg
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hey barb! just jumping in to say.. it looks a tad darker, but its hard for me to tell because one is dry and one isn't! can't wait for your FMU!
Hey laydays!!!
I will respond better to your posts Nat when I get a good moment.

Meg I'm glad you are OK. Was it weird to hang out with her?
One of our friends may come over Thursday who's verynpregnant and haven't seen her since she was not pregnant. I'm nervous I will be awkward.

OK so I'm here right bow taking an unpacking break b/c I took at test afterningot home & I think its darker than fmu. Maybe its nothing. What you girls think?
I can't wait to see tomorrow morning.

Hi Barb. No it wasn't weird. I am glad. She is basically my best friend and we talk every day so I am nothing but happy for her and she is very supportive. But if it wasn't someone so close I may not feel the same. We decided she will be my preg coach and tell me what I can expect lol ..... Positives right???

I hear you about your friend. I think it's important , If you can stand it, to not isolate yourself too much and maintain your friendship. Are you close with this friend?

As for your tests the second one is darker. I am excited for your post tomorrow to see any progression! Ahhh lol. Love this part (and also hate it haha)

And I agree...I don't want to alienate my friends and I've done a good job of it. She isn't a close friend per set. She's my husbands bestfriends wife.
I'm seeing a counselor to deal with all this and she says its all very normal and I just have to do what in have to do. I've been through so much and it's just difficult for me. But I'm working on it.

I just found my test from last night. Thus mornings is the lightest. Check it out! Although I realize its super early to be analyzing now. Btw my tests are so much darker at 8dpo than ever. Ugh.

I have to update my blog too...I've just not had the time.


  • 2013-06-25 21.00.47.jpg
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Ooo barbs...the barfing matter...that's sounds like a strong sign....I just got this niggling feelings out BOTH Them eggs....might be why you test is stronger -twice the hgc!

Barbs is there any family that could help out with child care-from home if you get me...if both them eggs have took?...an option to through out there...a friend even...a cheaper option-a babysitter? Lol
I know it's not an ideal situation when it comes to education and socialising but maybe interview a dozen people (like in the movies) and employ someone who can teach aswell as house/child sit...
I aprieciate you have probably discussed this already with DH but I thought I may point out these options just incase you hadn't lol...

I don't have full on ibs barbs...but I have days where I struggle with the loo situations lol...tmi sorry...I can be very uncomfortable on days but then it settles and I won't have problems for some months...I believe it can be stress related sometimes...

Barbs I read that pinapple can be bad in later pregancy-can bring on contrations...midwifes suggest this as a home remedy to help get things started...lol
I don't think there is anything wrong with it in first tri tho.:)

Thankyou about your kind words about Harry...I demanded to see MY docter again today ...got put back to next Thursday...flaming doctors surgery...I love my docter but the receptionists are moody tw@@ts lol
I'm thinking even if they say the lump is nothing I may ask to have it removed so it dosnt turn into anything sinister in the future......

Wow I just a lovely bolognese and garlic bread...went to future mil and she cooked us a lovely tea...she looked at me as tho I am stupid tho because I asked for a smaller portion...I had to explain about my diet but she dosnt get it lol...

You take care barbs ok...looking forward to seeing your tests too..:flower:

:) :) :) xxx

You really ought tonbite your tongue lady!!! No twins for me thanks!!!

And nope we don't have any help like that. We would have to use city daycare...or home daycare. Either way, it can't be twins :)

Sounds like a good plan regarding Harry. I don't blame you for wanting to remove the lump. I guess for now you need to find out first what's causing it. I hope it's uncomplicated. FX

Mmmmm your tea sounds perfect. BTW is it true tea in the UK is around 4pm? Or is it just lunch??? :)

Omg I have two weeks of Cori to catch up with and I'm not sure how I will find the time. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!

Thanks for the bromine in for. I will make sure to consult my Naturopath when the time comes.

OK ladies...off to bed with me. I will chat with you ladies tmr & I will post my test in DA morning.

Oooooh barb that test does look a little darker to me too...looking forward to your tests tmr too.:)
Barb just before your friend comes over to see you tell yourself you will be ok (and I'm sure you will be-even tho they may have NO clue how hard YOUR journey has been and how tough it has been on you)
Anyway going back ....lol.....take a moment to yourself and tell yourself it's going to be fine and breath deep a few times and try not to anticipate it too much :hugs:
She's probably really missed you too...:)

Meg...never had spotting In between af's like ever!...:). (Or maybe I have and I just didn't notice or missed it :wacko: ) ....I'm really nervous...I've thought about it and I'm hoping that it's not the b6 not messing with me....I get them dam cruel tests I had last cycle out of my system and now this....I would hate this to be another thing to mess with my mind....

I'm NOT going to think about it any further...if this is it then time will show if its not then af will show. I can't change anything by worrying.
So I have to go with the days.(ugh! MORE days! ) and see what comes...

How are you love...I am glad your dinner date with your friend went so well and how great that she is being so supportive.i love that your being optimistic with ttc...
I hope af wasn't a cow to you meg...did the cramping stop? I hope so.:hugs:
Lol ever since I suggested that bottle of wine to you earlier I have CRAVED big time a glass of wine and I NEVER drink lol...I am very tempted to go and buy one of those 1glass bottles...at the very least I could get a good nights sleep..he he...:)
And I love how your dh said about the pin cushion thing...men eh! Lol
Good that's he's being so kind and gentle about it too...supportive is good...sometimes men don't know how to deal with all this but knowing that he is keen to get started again is very good.:thumbup:

Well I know I said I wouldn't girls but I have desided I am going to start my testing tmr...wellllll what's a day eh lol...8dpo....yep yep I know it's early but I figure what If .:shrug:

I can't sleep here...I keep hearing strange noises at my front door...creeeeeepy....oH is snoring away (had quite a few digs to the ribs already ha ha )
I hate these nights when I close my eyes and a whirl wind of shite goes through my mind...
I try not to but I always end up doing it lol...

Right I'm off to act like a crazy woman and go and creep to my front door and (shite myself doing it pmsl) and try and find out wth is going on....wish me luck.....
If I don't ever return you know some bad shite went down ha ha ha....

Night night girls :hugs:

:) :) :) xxx

Edit...re: tea time....dinner!....lol.....we have lunch at 12/1 pm.....then tea time is 4/5/6/7 o clock....oH has to have his tea by 5 or he turns into a scary monster...lol
We have this "cup of tea" time here...3pm....tea and cakes so to say lol....I don't bother with the cakes...but tea well? Any time of the day its cup of tea time for me ..lol I love my tea.boooo tho I have to drink decaf and it's just not the same :( lol
Hope I cleared that up...gawsh I confuse my self :dohh:
Soo I looked at all ur tests w alterations and the middle one is the lightest!!
Morning all ...top of the mornings to ya!...:)

Ugh I'm so tired! My own fault...
Well just to clear up the creepy front door situation...it turned out to be a cat playing with his food!- a fecking slow worm of all things....poor thing .
I shewed him off but the poor worm didn't make it...:( lol

So...I'm 8dpo...tested this morning and to put it bluntly it/they are bfns ...not to fussed I knew it would be so...it's way to early lol...

Barbs how did this mornings test go. :flower:
Meg how are you today? :)
Momma have you o'd yet woman lol :)
Looking forward to you joining us again-do you plan to see your doctor if no o again this cycle?

Back soon to check in on your test barbs.:thumbup:

Hope everyone is ok and well.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Lol a cat playing w a worm....too funny!

Sorry to hear you couldn't sleep...is this normally what happens? I notice you're up very late often ;)
No wonder you're so tired! I just got up but inyook a test around 5am because I had to go solo badly....anyway, test is lighter than last night but looks the same as yesterday morning. So my fmu tests are lighter than the evevening. That's a bit odd eh?
I will posy my test after my shower!

And I agree...I don't want to alienate my friends and I've done a good job of it. She isn't a close friend per set. She's my husbands bestfriends wife.
I'm seeing a counselor to deal with all this and she says its all very normal and I just have to do what in have to do. I've been through so much and it's just difficult for me. But I'm working on it.

I just found my test from last night. Thus mornings is the lightest. Check it out! Although I realize its super early to be analyzing now. Btw my tests are so much darker at 8dpo than ever. Ugh.

I have to update my blog too...I've just not had the time.

can def. tell that the 8pm test is darker than the am test now! hope it means a positive for you!
Well now I been wrenching all morning...actually trying to be sick...
I've managed to eat but now I'm scared its going to come back up...ewww....
I'm trying to keep busy so I don't think about it.

Now if I have a symptom this bad surely I wouldn't see a bfn right?

:) :) :) xxx
I hope its clear enough. Inconclusive.... I shall keep testing. 9dpo is still really early :p


  • 2013-06-26 07.47.02.jpg
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I hope its clear enough. Inconclusive.... I shall keep testing. 9dpo is still really early :p

in my opinion your fmu today looks darker than your fmu yesterday!!! So I think that is a VERY good thing! hopefully tonights will give us a clear answer!
I hope its clear enough. Inconclusive.... I shall keep testing. 9dpo is still really early :p

Yes I see it's light again this morning....strange how it's darker at night...:wacko:
Maybe you may need to look out for the night time progressions :thumbup:
It's hard to advise on this barb...:wacko: I hope that trigger isn't messing with you.:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

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